Community > Posts By > Tatilove

Tatilove's photo
Wed 03/11/15 02:09 PM

have you or do you feel like you have outgrown your city or town....
.. Edmonton is quite large... but compared to Toronto New York our Vancouver. it is really quite small..
. it just does not hold... the excitement the alure it used to...
.... the romance for me is gone...


I understand where you're coming from. I've lived in Montreal pretty much all my life. I don't feel like I've necessarily outgrown it, but I do feel the need for a change. Because of that, I'm planning on moving to France for a while and I might stay for as long as a year. It is both exciting and scary at the same time, but it's a change I feel is necessary in my life right now.

Tatilove's photo
Wed 03/11/15 07:50 AM
@CowboyGH and Jesusmyall

Everything you've copied and pasted, I'm sure she has heard them all, but is faithful enough to God to remain in his house.

Luke 6:37
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

Romans 2:1-3
Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. FOR IN PASSING JUDGMENT ON ANOTHER YOU CONDEMN YOURSELF, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?

Tatilove's photo
Wed 03/11/15 06:31 AM
I took my dad to the mall the other day to buy some new shoes (he is 66).

We decided to grab a bite at the food court. I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him. The teenager had spiked hair in all different colors - green, red,
orange, and blue.

My dad kept staring at her. The teenager kept looking and would find my dad staring every time.

When the teenager had had enough, she sarcastically asked:
"What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?"

Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my food so that I would not
choke on his response.

In classic style he responded without batting an eyelid ....
"Got stoned once and had sex with a parrot. I was just wondering if
you might be my kid.”

Disclaimer: This is not my joke.

Tatilove's photo
Sat 02/28/15 07:37 PM
I just read your profile and you seem like an absolutely lovely person. I don't think you are unable to find a woman because of your looks. Let me explain- There are many beautiful people (based on society's standards, not mine) who are unable to find the right person too because people usually look for more than just looks. Like you mentioned on your profile, people are looking for mates with similar level of intelligence as them, with certain personality traits, certain lifestyles, etc... It's important to make sure that you are looking in the right places.

PS- A few extra pounds is not synonymous to unattractiveness. You're cute ;)

Tatilove's photo
Sat 02/28/15 07:26 PM
Come mingle in the forums. You will meet many interesting people :)

Tatilove's photo
Sat 02/28/15 06:46 PM
Hey everyone :)

I have been on this site for about 4 years (although not always active) and I must say this is the first time I have had a truly bad experience. I have already dealt with people who were clearly scammers, I've had the people who do not take no for an answer, just never to this extent.

A man wrote me a couple of days ago with a joke about how he cannot dance either, I replied politely, laughed and told him welcome to the club. He asked for my name and the VERY NEXT message he sent me, he asked if we could talk on the phone. Naturally, I said no, but politely suggested we continue talking on mingle... which seems fair. He replied with a series of insults. I was called vain, racist, dishonest, unfair, egotistical.

He got all that from the three one sentenced messages I have sent him.

I didn't at all mind that he thinks I'm unattractive, everyone's perception of beauty is different, and I would never knock someone for having an opinion... but the fact that I was told ugly dark women like me tend to go for white men is highly offensive. Mind you, although open to it, I have never dated a white man.

Anyway, I'm sure this isn't the first guy who flipped because he didn't hear what he wanted to hear, and this won't be the last one. I'm sure plenty women have experienced this. I was just venting

Tatilove's photo
Sat 02/28/15 01:23 PM

Never ask a woman if "those" are real. I'm a bit on the busty side, but the rest of my body isn't very big so I got asked that question before. Needless to say, I was offended.

I've been asked the same thing, but sometimes I think that's a excuse, when they say I'll have to have a feel to make sure their real lol laugh

With the look they get after asking that question, they wouldn't DARE to ask if they can touch to check.
I make it a point to always be nice in my everyday life, but I can quickly become an intimidating B*** if a guy doesn't watch it.

I just laugh it off and say hands off lol laugh

hehe Hands off! Club members only laugh

Tatilove's photo
Sat 02/28/15 01:19 PM

Never ask a woman if "those" are real. I'm a bit on the busty side, but the rest of my body isn't very big so I got asked that question before. Needless to say, I was offended.

hey pretty girl, I gotta question for you lmao

haha as long as it's not "are those real?"

Tatilove's photo
Sat 02/28/15 01:18 PM

Never ask a woman if "those" are real. I'm a bit on the busty side, but the rest of my body isn't very big so I got asked that question before. Needless to say, I was offended.

I've been asked the same thing, but sometimes I think that's a excuse, when they say I'll have to have a feel to make sure their real lol laugh

With the look they get after asking that question, they wouldn't DARE to ask if they can touch to check.
I make it a point to always be nice in my everyday life, but I can quickly become an intimidating B*** if a guy doesn't watch it.

Tatilove's photo
Sat 02/28/15 01:03 PM
Never ask a woman if "those" are real. I'm a bit on the busty side, but the rest of my body isn't very big so I got asked that question before. Needless to say, I was offended.

Tatilove's photo
Sat 02/28/15 01:00 PM

I've never been asked this, but one of my old friends got asked this all the time, it was because she was on some medication called seroquel, and it puts a good few stone onto most people, and this medication makes you get a sticky out belly, i also now men who have took this medication and they looked pregnant to.

I really felt for her, because it did upset her and she needed the medication.

Bless her heart! It could be worse though... im a big woman and when I was pregnant nobody knew til last month!!!! Lol!
You can't be that big, as most peoples pregnancy really starts showing about 6 months in?

Very thin women can have a good sized bump at about 4 months.
My missus had a wee bump at that stage, but by 6 months in it was huge!

Awwwww. Did you like your missus being pregnant ? Some men love it, others don't.

Did you pass out at the birth? Or did she make you stop at the top of the bed lol?
Nope, I've been at the birth of all 3 of my boys Debbie. My first son was born premature and had a heart defect also, he died a couple of minutes later. My oldest son is 23 and my youngest 2 months old. I used to talk to my youngest son through my wife's belly and now I'm paying for it, as he cries the place down if he hears my voice leave the room. Kids eh?

About youngest son- cutest thing I ever heard. Hope the two of you remain close through the years.
Sorry to hear a out your first born :(

Tatilove's photo
Sat 02/28/15 12:36 PM
I don't know how anyone can see black on this dress- I guess it's a perception thing.

What I see is a very light blue (whitish blue, really) and a color that would be either gold or camel.
I guess I'm the only one hehe

Tatilove's photo
Thu 02/26/15 09:23 PM

Snuggle**** is even better than snuggle just sayin lolrofl

Is that a thing?!

Tatilove's photo
Thu 02/26/15 08:19 PM
I just finished watching the season finale of How to get away with murder- Gosh I'm hooked on that show

Tatilove's photo
Thu 02/26/15 04:42 PM

Your text is well-organized Tatilove! I have tried adding visual breaks to the separate ideas in my profile text, but I liked your titles for separating the ideas. You have a very good profile.

Thank you :)

I don't think of a detailed profile as self-promotion but more of a way to give an idea of what kind of person you are to the people who might be interested. It also helps open a conversation. Many people who write me usually start by making a comment on my dancing or that they also prefer a night in reading a book to the club scene.

Good luck on your search

Tatilove's photo
Thu 02/26/15 04:28 PM

Tatilove's photo
Thu 02/26/15 03:39 PM

Tatilove's photo
Thu 02/26/15 03:33 PM

Tatilove's photo
Thu 02/26/15 03:31 PM
I don't just look at people's pictures. I understand that there are people from all over the world who can be very interesting to talk to, but when you write me a very basic message and when I go on your profile I see nothing interesting, and your profile states that you're 85 when you're clearly not-- I probably won't reply to you.

I can understand why some people who are on this site for dating (not everyone's here for dating) won't bother reading someone's profile if they are not attracted to them. Is it the best way to go about things? No... but some people know exactly what they are looking for and there isn nothing wrong with That.

Tatilove's photo
Thu 02/26/15 02:20 PM