Community > Posts By > Peachiepoohie

Peachiepoohie's photo
Mon 10/05/09 12:32 AM

:cry: havent been with my daughters mother in 4 months and I still have dreams that were together and its painful...

Dude...what's more disturbing is when you wake up mid-dream and you're like *actually* acting out your dream...noway

Seriously...maybe I should act like a man for a weekend or two and get this outta my system! drool pitchfork

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/02/09 04:06 AM
No sun yet here in Arizona either...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/02/09 02:35 AM

You name your vibrator BIG RED!!


Mine is named Vinny...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/02/09 02:22 AM

Do you think mingle2 could be an effective place to make you forget your nasty ex-spouse?

Those who do not know the past are doomed to repeat it...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/02/09 02:21 AM
You know...I'm a horribly slow eater. When I lost all my weight I learned the difference between mindful and mindless eating. So after seven courses I'd prolly be sleepy...and since I sleep nekkid a nap would be awfully convenient! asleep

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/02/09 02:17 AM


hahahahaha GOOD ONE!


klonopins ne1?

Klonopin is the $hit! I take 3 every night so I can sleep...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 10/01/09 09:19 PM
Moobs or an education? Do I have to choose???

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 10/01/09 09:19 PM
Not to be an a$$, but I belive the song was, "Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care..."

Which would indicate that they really did care... the song was just a front.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 10/01/09 04:30 PM
My friend Matt is totally my go-to-guy when I'm in a funk. He truly understands me (sometimes better than I understand myself) and knows exactly what I need when I'm down. I keep telling him that he should move here and live with me...that way I could have my Matt all the time...*sighs* I loves my Matt...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 10/01/09 04:26 PM
A&D Ointment... I just put some on the new ink...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Wed 09/30/09 08:11 PM
ran into someone that you knew in the past? Of all the time I've spent between JSH and Mingle I have never had that happen until tonight. The best part is I totally had a super huge crush on this guy (we worked together) and I never really had the courage to say anything back then! I love it!

Peachiepoohie's photo
Wed 09/30/09 07:43 PM

they say that beauty is skin deep....but ugly goes straight to the bone.

That's true. Ya know, for all the definitions of what qualifies as beauty...there are just as many definitions of ugly. To me, regardless of the outside apperance, ugly tends to be more a personality thing than anything else.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Wed 09/30/09 07:37 PM
It totally can be done. I just decided that I wasn't wasting anymore money buying cancer...I've got enough to deal with right now. Just stopped one day. Now that's not to say it was easy (or that I haven't cheated)...but I've done fairly good for 3 months. So, CONGRATULATIONS!

Peachiepoohie's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:04 PM here's what I find PHYSICALLY attractive about men:

1) The little "V" muscle "thingy" at the groin...

2) Chest Hair (a little belly hair is hot too...OH yeah and the treasure trail!)

3) Lips. My GAWD...full kissable lips are the bomb!

4) Eyes... they truly are the window to the soul... or lack thereof.

5) Hands...strong hands. *growls*

BUT... these are FAR more important (and sexy)

6) A sense of humor. "If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything." ~ Marilyn Monroe.

7) A quick wit. If ya know me, ya know why.

8) A gentle voice... I'm fragile sometimes.

9) Understanding... very few truly understand me

10) Compassion... it is SO hot when a guy wants to save a puppy or a pigeon...
Got 1, 4, 5, and 6-10.... I always wondered why there was a v there

And thanks to you know!

Peachiepoohie's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:00 PM
Mine is doing the same thing...and here I was so excited that someone decided to mail me... *shrugs*

Peachiepoohie's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:38 AM

ur s'posed to mix SUGAR with that lemonade packet drink mix otherwise it's BITTER!

be making faces with every sip, givin u wrinkles prematurely. and like ur mother said "keep making faces and one day ur face is gonna stick like that!".

My problem is getting all that sugar and water into that little envelope...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:35 AM

I have spent SO much of my life wondering about what males find beautiful/pretty/cute/sexy about women and what kind of woman a man wants (as I'm sure a lot of women have). This weekend I finally realized that I already have everything that a true "man" (versus a boy) finds attractive.

Several times this weekend I had men stop me to tell me how beautiful/ sexy I am. Wow. I was speechless...which rarely happens. Turns out that there's a growing concensus that confidence is a really sexy thing to a man...and once you quit worrying about what they want "in" you and just be who you are- well, they love it!

Who knew...

I really like your post!!! So much pressure comes from the constant advertizing of clothes, make-up, hairspray, soap, deoderant etc etc you name it and they have a beautiful women displaying the product. The message for many women it that they need to look like the models UGH. The models have on camera perfect make-up, hair extensions, false eyelashes etc, The models do not look like the commericals in real life I am not sure anyone does. Anyway I think this is a good post :smile: :smile: flowerforyou

Thanks Hon...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:34 AM

See? I KNEW that strutting around that nudist resort would do you good!

Darlin...looks got zero to do with it. Attitude and confidence are EVERYTHING! I do alright with the sure as hell ain't because of my is cause of the way I carry myself.

Really glad that you seen the light babydoll. Now the pressure is off and you can just be you...and be happier for it!

My I'd strut nekkid! blushing blushing You know what? I am happier now...and the pressure is off. I'm just me- love it or leave it. Shallow people still irk me rant but I know they ain't going away anytime soon.

And who told you I like being called babydoll?? HMMMM??? love

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:52 PM here's what I find PHYSICALLY attractive about men:

1) The little "V" muscle "thingy" at the groin...

2) Chest Hair (a little belly hair is hot too...OH yeah and the treasure trail!)

3) Lips. My GAWD...full kissable lips are the bomb!

4) Eyes... they truly are the window to the soul... or lack thereof.

5) Hands...strong hands. *growls*

BUT... these are FAR more important (and sexy)

6) A sense of humor. "If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything." ~ Marilyn Monroe.

7) A quick wit. If ya know me, ya know why.

8) A gentle voice... I'm fragile sometimes.

9) Understanding... very few truly understand me

10) Compassion... it is SO hot when a guy wants to save a puppy or a pigeon...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:46 PM

I went from 400lbs to (well now) 195lbs. I've been thinner, but I'm comfortable in my own skin... and like Prince said I'm a sexy muthaphucker! If other people think I'm fat, oh well...

Thats impressive. Congratulations

Thanks...I think...

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