Community > Posts By > MrBuccio

MrBuccio's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:01 AM
It may not sound nice to some people but Vick should of got more prison time than just 23 months. People like him give Pit Bulls a bad reputation. I'm a proud owner of 6 Pit Bulls and they are very gentle, loving animals. I have owned at least 15 Pit Bulls throughout my life and they have never attacked anyone. Vick deserves a lot more time in prison. At least 5 years.

MrBuccio's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:56 AM
How do you stuff away an elephant into a refrigerator? Let me give you a hint: Take away the "r" from refrigerator and the "f" from way.

MrBuccio's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:21 AM
According to the National Enquirer Michael Jackson got food poisoning. The doctor said it was the result of eating a 14 year old wiener.

MrBuccio's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:54 AM
I just saved a bundle on my auto insurance by switching over to Geico!!!! Yeah baby!!!

MrBuccio's photo
Sat 12/08/07 11:23 PM
There were 3 homosexuals and in a bizarre accident all 3 of their lovers died at the same time. After they cremated their bodies they got together to remember the good old days. "So what will you be doing with your lovers ashes?", they start asking one another. The first homo said "my man loved fishing so I'm going to spread his ashes over his favorite lake." Awww!! the other guys said. The second homo said "my man loved sky diving so I'm gonna scatter his ashes all over the sky." "Awww" was heard once again. So finally the third homo said "my man was so good in bed that I'm going to pour his ashes in a bowl of chili so that he could tear my ass up one last time"

MrBuccio's photo
Sat 12/08/07 10:49 PM
Fidel Castro died and accidentaly went to heaven. St. Peter met him at the Pearly Gates and told him that he was to cruel with his people and immediately sent him to hell. When he arrives Satan greets him and all of the demons give him a warm welcome. But Fidel notices that he forgot his luggage in heaven. "Excuse me", said Fidel, "but I must go to heaven and get my luggage back. Satan said "don't worry, I will send my demons to get them for you." When the demons reach heaven they notice that the waiting line to the Pearly Gates is way too long. So one of them says "should we wait in line or jump the fence?" The other one replied "lets just jump the fence" As soon as they jump the fence St. Peter sees them and says "Fidel has just been in hell for half an hour and we already have some refugees"

MrBuccio's photo
Sat 12/08/07 08:22 PM
Question: What did one butt cheek say to the other?

Answer: If we pull ourselves together we can stop this sh*t!!

MrBuccio's photo
Sat 12/08/07 05:50 PM
There was a stray cat that moved into this guys house about 2 weeks ago. Since this guy didn't like cats he decided to take him for a ride around midnight. He dropped him off about a mile away from his place. When the guy woke up the next morning the cat was in his living room. So he decides to put him in a box and he takes him for another ride but this time he took him 2 miles away. The same thing happened the next morning. The cat was once again in his living room. So this time he decides to decapitate the cat, put him in a black garbage bag and dumps him away 5 miles away from his house. To his surprise the cat came back the following morning with his head in its mouth.

MrBuccio's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:23 PM
There was a joke that was so bad, but so bad, that it would eat the little jokes.

MrBuccio's photo
Sat 12/08/07 03:58 PM
This young couple was to get married but they both had a very bad flaw. She had real bad breath. So one day she asked her mom, "Mom, what should I do? I don't want my future husband to know that I have karate chopping breath." It's real simple, her mother replied. Whenever he asks or tells you something just reply with a simple "mhm". Her future husband asked his dad, "Dad, what can I do so my future wife doesn't find out that I have smelly feet?" The dad said, "Very simple, just take off your socks when you are going to take a shower". The wedding day comes and they go to their honeymoon. When they wake up the following morning he notices that his left sock was missing. So he wakes her up and asks her, "Honey, have you seen my sock?" She said "no." Then he jumps out of the bed and replies, "You ate it"

MrBuccio's photo
Fri 12/07/07 06:29 PM
So people just thinks it's ok to bypass what the scriptures say in Exodus 20:1-5 and Psalms 115:1-8 just because we think it's the right thing to do? The Bible is a manual that guides us the way God wants us to live our lives in order to be happy and true followers. Lets say for example that a loved one was stabbed to death, would you carry a chain with a replica of the knife that was used around your neck? I don't think so. Read the above scriptures and then think of what I'm trying to say. The Bible also condemns homosexuality and other things that people nowaday accept. But does that mean we are correct?

MrBuccio's photo
Fri 12/07/07 05:32 PM
Why is it that so many people who claim to be true christians worship idols and images when Gods word (the Bible) is totally against it?

MrBuccio's photo
Fri 12/07/07 05:00 PM
Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate christmas, birthdays and other holidays? I have spoken to them and everything has a logical explanation based on the Bible. They don't celebrate birthdays because 2 of Gods servants were killed during birthday parties according to Genesis 40:20-22 and Matthew 14:6-10. When it comes to christmas, well, that is another story. Jesus was not born in December. According to Luke 2:8-11 the sheep herders were camping out at night with their sheep. It snows in December in Bethlehem. So how was it possible for the sheep to eat when there is no food in the snow? And besides, the only day that Jesus Christ told us to celebrate was that of his death. If you guys have any questions concerning the Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs feel free to ask them and they will explain any questions that you have with the scriptures. Instead of us saying that they are boring people we should do some research and find out why they don't celebrate all those pagan holidays.

MrBuccio's photo
Fri 12/07/07 03:27 PM
Jesus was not born in December. Besides, the only day that Jesus wanted us to remember was that of his death.

MrBuccio's photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:14 PM
Easter is definitely a Pagan Tradition, not a Holy Day.

MrBuccio's photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:09 PM
Jesus Christ is the son of the Almighty Yahweh (Jehovah) God.

MrBuccio's photo
Fri 12/07/07 10:14 AM
Juventus is the best!!! Not to mention the Italian National Team.

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