Community > Posts By > Thorb

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/08/10 08:06 AM
Edited by Thorb on Thu 07/08/10 08:06 AM
a woman drove me to drink
now if only I can find a ride home.

[by me just now]

if it ain't broke
ask for a donation

[me again]

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/08/10 08:02 AM
well ... you should actually hope you have a bunch more at that low a magnitude you don't have to worry about the big one that is coming to the West coast.

They had one close to Ottawa in Quebec that was almost that big a couple of weeks ago.

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/08/10 07:57 AM
The hard to be with other people part is telling ...

you didn't say .. hard to imagine living with someone

I vote for ... be careful you are not really falling into depression.

people are social creatures and need other people to bounce ideas off of and to feel a part of this world.

part of the hard to be with others is being selfconscious of our actions and being afraid of doing the wrong thing or saying the wrong thing ...but that is because of unfamiliarity with the social situations and can only be remidied with social interaction.

join a bowling league or something that gets you with other people.

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/08/10 07:46 AM
if its a transmittable disease ... then they should tell you before it can be transmitted ...

if all you have done is phone chat etc... not necessary.

I personally find ... 128 hours of phone chat before meeting absolutely absurd.

but that's me. Others may think it normal or its what they are looking for ...

I'm looking for face to face .. holding hands and hugs more than phone chat or emails.

You never know until you look eachother in the eyes while talking and I don't mean Video chat.

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/08/10 07:34 AM
I am going to have to say ... compassion and empathy are what give us our sense of right and wrong.

teachings guide us but until we actually feel compassion and empathy for others we tend to only react to danger of trial and error in the basic action reaction of the world.

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/08/10 07:26 AM

Well there is a heat wave going on right now and people do tend to be angrier mad when it's extremely hot outside. Road rage gets really bad in the summer.

I have to agree with that completely ... heat frustrates people and makes them feel threatened.

You can only take off so many cloths and its still hot and if you have to be working it makes people have short fuses.

Now as for other than this heatwave ... I think the ventability of the semi anonomyous internet thingie is letting peopld print out things they normally wouldn't express and this too can look like people are angrier ... but it probably releases things so might actually make them calmer in real life.

hard to say ... we need more studies on that issue.:dontknow:

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/07/10 07:18 PM
When I was a kid I wanted to be the Flash.

now I'm thinking any superpower would probably be a curse

Unless it was the power to make people replace their greed and jealousy with empathy and love.

Thorb's photo
Mon 07/05/10 02:38 PM
Edited by Thorb on Mon 07/05/10 02:41 PM

Gee. It's so nice to see people of the same mind come together to ignore reality ...

Y'all ever consider goin' all 'WWF' and doin' 'tag team' matches ... ?

It's really great to see how every point in the post EXCEPT the THUG SHAKEDOWN of a PRIVATE BUSINESS is ignored. 'S okay, tho' ... some folks just can't focus.

of a private business ... sorry bub... its not private.

its public ... and its not American ... its Multinational.

and they are not in American Waters ... they are in International waters.

and more than Half of your original Tea party gripes have to do with **** that Bush and the Repuklicans did.

so I see the anger coming from bias and prejudice and propagandized misinformation.

As for thug politics ... isn't that what all multinationals use to deal with governments everywhere ... threatening job losses and tax revenue losses with p;ullouts .

tit for tat is only fare ... I salute Obama for getting BP to cave when legally they didn't have to .

Thorb's photo
Mon 07/05/10 02:25 PM
And its primarily that ******* George Bush's and the repuklicans fault ...

basic economics tells you ... nothing the government does actually affects change for at least 1 year after the policy has been passed.

go back and study some basic economics ...

Thorb's photo
Mon 07/05/10 02:17 PM
Part of that is low College standards ...
anyone with the money can get in.

Thorb's photo
Sun 07/04/10 08:26 PM
Edited by Thorb on Sun 07/04/10 08:28 PM

You need to go to places where they play Magic The Gathering, D & D, or find a secret club of Star Wars geeks (Yes...I am an SW geek). You will find the dude you described their. :thumbsup:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

any more sales pitches
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

To want a real relationship with a man whom I love and that loves me in return? To want a man that cares about me in all ways as I will him and one that knows how and when to have fun and when to be serious? A man who works as hard as I do and plays just as fully?
Is there a man that is the one who will balance with me on the scale of this life?

well ... we want that too ... just not a guy.

Thorb's photo
Sun 07/04/10 01:27 PM
hope y'all stays happy.

Thorb's photo
Sun 07/04/10 01:05 PM
type A personality

Thorb's photo
Sun 07/04/10 12:45 PM

well I did say "ex"...

I realize online dating is going to continue to grow, but are people having luck with it?

Are you being approached by people genuinely interested in getting to know you or just those looking for a hook-up?


so he was already and ex when you met on line ... or

you met on line and now he is an ex ... not that it matters.

to the other question ... yes to both types ... no either or in most of these generalized questions.

life is not black and white

Thorb's photo
Sun 07/04/10 12:40 PM
Edited by Thorb on Sun 07/04/10 01:24 PM
do men turn women gay?

rofl rofl rofl rofl

Thorb's photo
Sun 07/04/10 12:37 PM
I think you over reacted to the texting ... and once at the races doing what you wanted to do ... you should turn that stupid phone off until you need to use it. No incoming calls.

have some fun and leave the pressure behind.

as for him .... constant texting ... he's a needy *** that you don't need.

Thorb's photo
Sun 07/04/10 08:17 AM
I'M thinking I should put some cloths on and get out of the house.

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 08:52 PM

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele on Friday declared his opposition to the Afghanistan war, saying the nine-year-old conflict was of President "Obama's choosing," and that the mission is "probably a lost cause" – prompting at least one prominent Republican to call for his resignation.

the guy is absolutely stupid .... worse than Bush.

morons... and fox news supports moronic ideas.

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 08:36 PM
Edited by Thorb on Sat 07/03/10 08:38 PM

one never knows...but I suspect that if and when we do start seeing an increase in impotency,,,it wont be the result of any ONE sexual lifestyle,,,,

Of course not ... it won't have anything to do with sexual lifestyle.

It will continue to be pollution.

as for the header ... I agree with the OP ....

there are too many people already and maybe we should be looking at how we can decrease that ... not guarantee its continuation.

That judge that said that is either in denial oris a moron.

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 08:10 PM
Edited by Thorb on Sat 07/03/10 08:11 PM
All politics ... is propaganda .... that's life.

you don't ever and never will get anything else.

bytch all you want from either side of the fence

that is propaganda too and not always helping the side you want it to.

good luck.

Obama is still a million miles better than Bush.