Community > Posts By > Thorb

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/14/10 01:09 PM

dill pickle juice is (was) a great tequila chaser....

guess that may be part of it ... not much tequila drinking up here ... mostly beerdrinker

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/14/10 01:02 PM

No grammar issues...perhaps a spelling one...traUmatic perhaps???


I hope spelling isn't traumatic for any of you. or that other g word.

well or any g words ... well or any words at all...
its nice to have a fluent feel nice vocabulary reaction to all colloquialisms etc.

I miss Guelph more than Toronto ... the easy walk to a club or pub at 10:30 and easy walk or stumble home.

the live music all over the place every week pretty much.

I don't miss Toronto lineups and parking/traffic congestion at all

I love the country with fresh air and animal sounds and space.

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/14/10 12:52 PM
Edited by Thorb on Wed 07/14/10 12:54 PM

I want a pickle.

I was thinking I'm hungry
until I read your post
now I'm thinking I could give you a pickle.

I want a REAL pickle.
as in edible.
as in previously a cucumber.
as in sliceable.

AND ... I don't like dill pickles so ...
you can have the one that came with my grilled cheese
[I knew the double entendre would get ya ... lol]

oh and I finished eating so ... I'm not hungry anymore

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/14/10 12:43 PM

I am just wondering because I got replies back and I sent emails but it does not seem to work?
How about you?

it works best if you match yourself with everyone else on the site first...


lol .... but seriously
it will only work if you limit it to a localized area you are willing to honestly travel regularly in a dating situation and with people you have similar interests with ... assuming they didn't lie about their interests.

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/14/10 12:37 PM

I think there are many fishes in the sea, and if one was not interested and she made it clear it is time to move on.

ah yea ... and that Canadian site has Plenty of them...

it really depends on the person's mental state and the sea may be big and full of fish but that fishie may only swim in circles and think its a very small pond with only a few fishies swimming by.

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/14/10 12:26 PM

Here's a simple question for both men and women. Would you go on a date with a guy or gal who is wheelchair bound due to some sort of disability?

if I did not know them beforehand ... probably not.

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/14/10 12:25 PM


However, I believe it is my right also to not want be hit on by another man. At the same time he is my friend and I wanna be nice to him, but don't want to give him any hopes (I only knew he is gay recently).

I need your help guys. Shall I confront him and tell him that I want to be friend with him, but I hate to be hit on by a man? Or shall I just ignore what he his tries? Or I am making big deal of it?

hahha...sounds like something I heard from a female friend who had a male friend/coworker...:laughing:

lol ... so true ...

in the workplace ... relationships and hitting on eachother are not good for business. Gay or Straight or Perverted ... no matter.

also ... if you are confident with your sexuality then he will know and will not hit on you because he will know it would be a waste of time and may jepordise employment and friendship

Thorb's photo
Tue 07/13/10 08:39 AM
Just the usual Canadian guy thing .... hockey then golf,
dancing too [not the usual Canadian guy thing]
now a weird one. Cutting wood.

Thorb's photo
Tue 07/13/10 08:35 AM

I want a pickle.

I was thinking I'm hungry
until I read your post
now I'm thinking I could give you a pickle.

Thorb's photo
Tue 07/13/10 08:32 AM
Edited by Thorb on Tue 07/13/10 08:33 AM

Let's start with a country that 99.999% of the people doesn't even know it exists.


actually .... Andora is not a Country .... it is a Principat
and it is in the mountains between France and Spain.

Most scammers are from Countries we do know of ... like ... Nigeria
or Canada or the USofA

Thorb's photo
Tue 07/13/10 08:29 AM

to Spicy, Sweet Chili Doritos. Someone help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!laugh

What are you addicted to? Inquiring minds want to know.bigsmile

I'm addicted to inquiring mindsfrustrated

Thorb's photo
Tue 07/13/10 08:27 AM

My daughter just told me that a persons ears were as long as there thunb!
What do you think?:laughing:

and of course everything your daughter tells you is true.laugh

Thorb's photo
Tue 07/13/10 08:25 AM

Doesn't bother me 'cause I'm the one in control of the situation. If I don't like where the conversation is heading -- disconnect and block! Men are wonderful creatures, unfortunately, there are still some Neanderthals wandering the earth.

probably the odd Cromagnon too.

Thorb's photo
Tue 07/13/10 08:20 AM
Edited by Thorb on Tue 07/13/10 08:22 AM

Well, as superior as we are, we are no different from the animals who act on instinct. The only difference is that we are concious about it, animals are just doing what nature has programmed them to do. Well, basically.

typical human ego thinking they are superior, not probrammed and seperated from nature.


humans are just a part of nature.
there is no proof of lack of conscience or lack of consciousness in nature.

when we clean a counter we kill other life forms.
where is your conscience there?
when we have to fart in a room full of people ... we do.
so does the earth ... just that stink may be a volcano.

Thorb's photo
Tue 07/13/10 07:38 AM
I like the large logitec trackball over a mouse ... less repedative strain.
its optical so less cleaning ... that is the big problem with ball mice.

slowly got used to my laptop keyboard because of it being slightly smaller in spacing of keys .. and don't like the position of the touch pad .

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/09/10 06:44 AM
I don't think you stand much of a chance of any of these cyber relationships being more than cyber chat friends.

real relationships need to grow from real contact in the real world.

If you spend too much time on the computer you are not giving your real life a big enough chance to provide that flesh and blood relationship you desire. O's and 1's into pixels just don't give you what you need.

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/09/10 06:40 AM
I feel for your delema ... the heart is a fickle thing.

I had an open marriage in the 70's .. not a big deal .. you have to decide on the open aspects though... you need to talk about how open and be totally honest in your feelings.

Yes we divorced ... but it had nothing to do with the open aspect of the marriage ... it had to do with her wanting somthing I just could not give her [abuse] . She grew up in a household with an abusive father who beat her mother and I guess felt that was what a normal marriage would be ... I could not provide her with that so she became abusive. c'est le vie.

Anyway ... in the open marriage ... we decided that details of other trysts was not what we wanted to hear ... some people want details ... you have to work these things out before and then its no big deal.

If your feelings say ... no way ... then that is how it must be.

go for the divorce.

you can always get together again if its in the cards.

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/09/10 06:26 AM
my imagination is just way too big for reading between the lines and then actually giving any creedance to the story.

its just fiction that I've imagined

Men think very differently than women and the story line between the two need to be openly talked out ... probably more than once for these thick male heads to get around the concise meanings of those female story lines.

Its not when do you quit as much as what do you do with all that time on your hands that she doesn't want to be involved in.

if it gets to where she doesn't involve herself in enough of your time to satisfy you ... then find someone else that will.
[you can tell her that that is happening but only once]

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/08/10 08:46 AM
what bell and whistles ? that is what makes the difference.

they all have wireless
they all have webcams

you can be very functional for well under 1000 bucks ..
I hope your bank isn't that small.

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/08/10 08:38 AM

Besides search engines and directories, how to you discover new websites?

tech talk shows on t.v.

radio broadcasts of interviews etc.

it really depend what you are looking for ...

personal sites are a dime a million ... these days.

I've had up to 12 sites or more on various free site providors for years.

They don't get viewed much without links in social networking sites and a lot of self promotion.

if there is little of value on them but chit chat ...
what do you expect to happen with them?

Mine were to promote my art .. but have not sold anything for me in 14 years. ... so ... I don't have big expectations of any blog.
Infact for years I refused to use this blog thing ... because I had real websites.

and they are still on google. just google "thorbart"

you need to put key words that have some uniqueness to you in your
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT .. and DESCRIPTION .... sections of your webpage header.