Community > Posts By > Thorb

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 07:52 PM
Edited by Thorb on Sat 07/03/10 07:53 PM
regulation is a necessary evil to combat the evil that arises from deregulation.

if greed and tribalism could be eliminated then reglulation would not be necessary.

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 07:45 PM

lol i live in canada and its been fine fer wemen to do that for quite some time now and i hate to be judgemental but it never turns out as good as you might like. only the ones you dont realy want to see take it all off. the ones who you do want to see prefer to tease you insted :D. furthermore iv been a guys fer many years and have yet to feel the need to take my shirt off in public forums though i supose if i was one of thoses muscle bound dudes i might, but i cant say as i need to in order to remain cool enough.

Canada has a much shorter window of opportunity for bare breastin' it than we have here in West Texas.:wink:

lol .... what is with this ... wemen thing in mingle ...
that's the second time tonight I've seen that misspelling.

not even a typo...letters are too far apart ...

anywho .... Canadian women don't bother to do it in the Summer even and yes ... it does get up to 100 degrees here now and then.

Not many do it outside of a few beaches. ... there is still the ... google effect ... minus the first "g"

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 07:04 PM

Time is spherical from the point of 'now'.

Whichever way you look from the center of your 'now' time extends away from you in the reality you see.

Time bends around the 'event horizion' of the 'singularity' that is your ability to understand at the moment where 'now' occurs.

What time is it 'now'?
its time to do something...

I've said for many years .... Time is an excuse.

developed conceptually to partition society into understandable moments of procrastination.

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 06:47 PM
hmmm ... what goes around
comes around

then there is age discrimination

short discrimination

ugly discrimination

smell discrimination

where will it stop?????frustrated

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 06:27 PM
Like I really know the names of the various fireworks I see at a major display ...

I like the complex patterns from multiple ignitions.

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 06:25 PM
well ... I'd rather be making out.:wink:

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 06:08 PM
Edited by Thorb on Sat 07/03/10 06:10 PM
vinegar and salt fries ....

up here we put our own stuff on fries ...

the best used to be Lorie's Fries from the chip bus in the Park in Napanee ... until she sold it a few years back ...

nobody has come very close since.

tasted almost as good as roasted potatoes that you cook [or your mom cooks] with Roast Beef ..

nothing beats small fresh potatoes basted with roast beef gravey.

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/02/10 09:24 PM
the rent is now due on the tent
have to repair a broken vent
oil covered lies tax our resolve
all big problems take time to solve

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/02/10 09:06 PM
I want white bread for my peanut butter and bananas.

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/02/10 08:48 PM
Edited by Thorb on Fri 07/02/10 08:51 PM
its a regular daily if not hourly activity ... Zen ...
useful in all activities

especially noticable when playing music or golf or doing artistic activities ...
often recognized in meanial tasks like cleaning or cooking or eating

I think even the people who go ... huh?? partake ...
they just don't recognize those moments so they don't consciously connect but it does not mean they do not connect.

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/02/10 08:41 PM
my selective sanity and relative health

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/02/10 08:38 PM
Well its tough to kill something that doesn't really exist

but we sure seem to be able to waste it.

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/02/10 08:36 PM
I'm not free

I'm expensive ... frustrated

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/02/10 08:21 PM
Edited by Thorb on Fri 07/02/10 08:22 PM
the speed of smell would be totally relative to the air pressure and wind currents of where you happen to be.

Farts aren't the only smells kids.

Oh and I guess ... the speed of stink ... like something sure stinks about this or that .....would depend on the whistle blowers.

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/02/10 08:18 PM
Haven't been on here long enough to start perving pics of posters or grabbing the sides of my head frustrated

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/01/10 09:51 PM
Edited by Thorb on Thu 07/01/10 09:58 PM


it really depends on the situation
the location
the event
the activity
the circumstance
etc. etc. etc.

almost sounds like you're looking for lines.

Like ... Hey, I'm new in town
Can ya give me directions to your place. [from a David Lee Roth song]


in my experience you try to make eye contact and see if you get a smile or some other encouraging sign.

then mention something about where you are and how you feel about being there ... see if anything gels ...
if not ... let it slide ... balls in her court.

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/01/10 09:46 PM
Edited by Thorb on Thu 07/01/10 09:49 PM

have been searching high and low for that right woman to come along,a woman who I can shower with how all women should be treated,with royalty.A woman should be appreciated and respected.Any man who enters a woman`s life should be honoured that he is the man whom that woman has chosen.Without women,what would this world be....would be pretty lost.

I'm thinking ... sales pitch.

showing roses
honoured to be picked

Q. what would the world be without women
A. science fiction
or ... Gay.

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/01/10 09:38 PM

The only thing positive about a defeatist attitude is...

you can say to yourself ....

I told you so .

others will say...

just another self fulfilling prophecydrinker

It's not a's more like just being disappointed and turned off by many. Or a pity? On a forum like this it might sound pessimistic but in a regular conversation in like a bar or on a party it would be completely normal to say "damn there is so much nothing out there ".

Or maybe it's just people are too insecure to discuss anything more so at the same time the whole conversation never really goes anywhere and actually both know how shallow the whole thing is, but neither of them dares to brake out of their little shell and say something more meaningful and honest?

I do understand ... but feeling its defeatist ... or non positive thinking ... kinda pessimistic ... but more falling into depression if not careful.

that is the danger ... apathy ... a big problem in society in general.

We have to stand up to the seduction of apathy to solve the rejection and disappointment of finding that happiness of being half of a couple.

Yet when we look at so many couples they are not happy ... more often complacent which has its own percentage of apathy in the mix.

Can't let the conundrum of mating get ya down ...
What's that old song ...

"If you can't be with the one you love ... love the one your with."

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/01/10 09:29 PM

im sorry but these are the only ones in the last 2 weeks..... ive had more since last sept.... ALL near my age.. that are the same way! I'm thinking dating a immature 32 yr old is the way to go at least he has some balls...pfft so discusted!

I've dated 28 years olds that don't do what you described.

It's not an age issue; it's an integrity and manners issue. winking

25 year old now 28 year old ...
and age makes no difference ... I see 16- 19 years difference.
so ...

how about a 60 or 63 year old ... same non difference.

I agree its an integrety thing ...
but also think men in their 40's have been talked about for as long as I can remember ... second childhood/mid-life crisis ... total lack of responsibility issues .

like menopause affecting women this affects men ... not all the same but hey ... its been talked about for so long ... its got to have some truth in it.

Thorb's photo
Thu 07/01/10 08:39 PM

in 1980, i was in the end of college times with some of my friends. they were all world class wrestlers, (real wrestling, not the fake sh|t) that loved to discuss theories and issues......we would all sit in a 1972, copper with a peeling white top, vega station wagon and discuss these "issues" as the windows would steam up, as it was below zero outside(tough bastards we were, still are) and some things would come to light, some wouldn't, but it was always a great time, and i always got a headache. much of this discussion was about the cold war as well, and our speculations on what would finally transpire.... but we sure had fun. the car, then dubbed by me as the "issue mobile" brought many a laughs...... i wonder what ever happened to that thing? maybe it went down a rabbit hole....

anyway, when things like this occur, i call it driving the "issue mobile" the 1972 vega station wagon.......humor at it's very best....
Hehe, that is a great anecdote. Reminds me of my days in theatre class. I like to call my opinions strongly defended, but weakly held, I can easily be convinced by convincing arguments well made, and held well.

and if I can remember similar situational antedotes .. a dubbie didn't hurt the melding of time while those moments transpired.