All love is true love or it isn't love at all.
Love is a feeling inside you. Only you can feel your love. When you love someone, all you can do is demonstrate the love you feel towards them. You can't pull the love out of you and put it in them. How effectively you demonstrate your love for someone depends as well on how your demonstration of love is received by that person. The other person also has to be willing to accept your demonstration of love. Relationships are built on that two-way demonstration of love. You can't build a loving relationship with one-sided love. Even tho love is not demonstrated in return, the love you feel is still yours. Love isn't a steady feeling either. Love, just like any emotional state, waxes and wanes with your mood. If you put too much emphasis on love you are not feeling its true range of intensity. Some people fall in love with the idea of being in love. Do yourself a favor and experience your emotions as they happen and stop worrying about it. Emotional maturity leads to emotional stability. |
Do you think it’s easy to forget?
Stuck in fantasy you used to believe was reality… My response is in two parts Personally, I also have a very good memory. I also practice memory training and work very hard to remove the illusions and my own delusions so I can see reality clearer. This came after a lifetime of stress, disappointment and depression. 1. The person you met was not planned. Before you 'met' the first time, you were not even aware there might be a connection. You knew nothing about them and never expected to meet them at all. 2. The person you met was a planned action. You have been thinking about meeting them and build your idea of their personality based on what you want and expect them to be. In the 1st scenario you see that person as they actually are. You experience them cleanly as the first time. What you do with that experience dictates how your next meeting will transpire. If you fill your memory of this new person with fantasy and expectation you are changing your view of them from who they are to who you want and expect them to be. The next time you meet them, you will either be disappointed or pleasantly surprised. If the experience is pleasant, you start building a relationship. In the 2nd scenario you meet that person with your own fantasies and expectations of who you think they are. Depending on how strong your expectation is, you may never actually see the person as they truly are. Your whole relationship is fantasy and time breaks that fantasy down as reality slowly shows. You get angry or sad because they changed, where in reality they were never who you imagined they were in the first place. People always change. They change in themselves and they change in relationships. This includes yourself. Relationships also change. Sometimes they change for the better. Sometimes they change for the worse. Sometimes they flip-flop, twist and turn like a rollercoaster. As your relationship changes it is a good idea to remember what attracted you to that person in the first place. Do this even when the relationship is going well. If you find they are no longer that person, try to determine if it is because they stopped being that person or if it was your own idea of who they were. The best time to confront them about how they have changed is during a relationship high point. People listen better when they are not in defense mode. The most important thing is to know your true self. Not the person you think you are. Not the person you want to be. Not the person you want others to think you are. The person you actually are. To do this requires personal honesty and personal integrity. You have to remove your cherished delusions about yourself. Only then can you find the person who actually aligns with you and not your fantasy of you. Call it internal wisdom. Once you know who you are and what you are, the next step is to actually be that person towards others. It can be harder than you might think but it is vital to finding the right person for you. After that, you must find the person who aligns with you naturally. The only way to do this is to see that person as they actually are. Without clouding them with your expectations of who you hope they are. Only then can you make the wisest choice which can result in a strong, lasting and loving relationship. Once that happens its just a matter of maintaining your alignment. |
There use to be a thing called YELLOW PAGES where you buy an add and for sure at least you know eventually you will get calls, boy I miss those days!
Me too! Like I was saying, you need to 'target' your ads now. Social media is probably one of the best ways to reach your targeted customers besides paying for TV placement or radio ads. Youtube also has potential because it offers company profiles and ad revenue on your videos. You can also set up webpages which offer incentives when people click on your ads. Smart phones put an end to the physical yellow pages but there are online yellow page apps which do pretty much the same thing. There are still newspapers and free circulars like pennysaver where you can buy ad space. You can join forums and online communities which favor your product. If you look around on the web I'm sure you will find many apps which you could use. |
Why does honesty lead to heartbreak
It doesn't |
Does love change over time?
Does love change over time?
In this Universe of constant change what would make you think it doesn't? |
2nd girlfriend
Go out and buy the biggest ***** you can find and place it on the night stand.
;;joking;; It all depends... Is she the 2nd or are YOU actually the 2nd? Obviously you made a poor choice for an exclusive relationship. Perhaps you just were not paying attention to the signs? Consider this: Were you more attracted to him because he was candy or because you connected with him on every level? If he strayed, take a hard look at yourself to make sure it wasn't something you did or didn't do or say before you put all the blame on him. It takes two to make a relationship and two to break it. Ask yourself if the two of you are actually communicating honestly. Do your personalities align like pieces in a puzzle or do you need to use a hammer to 'make' them fit? If you have finally realized you chose poorly, perhaps its time to end the deception and go make a better decision with another. If you are so fragile and desperate, just ignore the violation of trust and keep doing what you have been doing and enjoy your life of stress and misery. It is YOUR what you think you should do and stop trying to get other people to tell you how to live your own life. |
It’s not as bad as it seems until you realized everything you thought was real were lies
Illusion -a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses. -a deceptive appearance or impression. -a false idea or belief. Delusion -a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. -the action of deluding or the state of being deluded. Reality -the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. -the state or quality of having existence or substance. We are all taught false promises during our lives. Most of it is innocent, often perpetuated as a fact because one takes 'faith' it is accurate without checking its validity. Many people have multiple 'faces' without realizing it. Some are deceptive on purpose, to manipulate someone or gain a desire. People are built on their own impression of reality according to how they associate the reality they experience with the expectations they desire. Some people get so caught up in their own impression of reality they lose the ability to see the reality as it actually is. One must step back from expectation and look at the world as if it is the first time. Only then is it possible to 'see' the actual reality of anything. Illusion is a lie. Delusion is the lie we tell ourselves and Reality is what is actually there. Reality doesn't care. It is reality whether everybody sees it or nobody sees it. "Acceptable" and "Unacceptable" have no bearing on reality. To find the one person you desire, you must first remove your expectations that are based on your own delusions. Dismissing, making excuses for and forgiving bad behavior during the dating process gives bad results. You must 'see' the person as they actually are, naturally. This is complicated by that person's ability to be deceptive to gain their own desires. It can be difficult to separate the 'acting' personality from the 'actual' personality. Especially when some people are so practiced at their persona they stop realizing its an 'act'. Dating is a way of testing each other. Not only a test of compatibility...its more that that. Its a test period to see if that person is 'actually' they person you think they are. If you try to base your relationship decision on a series of official, formal dates you will not know that person much at all. You have to experience each other informally, unscripted and spontaneously and pay attention to the details of how they respond to the unexpected, expected and moral obscurities. The most important step when dating is not who you date but who you actually desire. Are you attracted to that person because you are actually attracted to that person as they are or as see them? Are you basing your desire on what you 'want' or what you 'need' in your life? So you even know what you need? A lot of people are deluded about love. Try to realize an illusion and a delusion is a lie. We are told/taught 'this' is what love is. 'This' is what to look for. 'This' means they love you. All that instruction is nothing more than their impression of love, to them or worse, someone else's impression of love they accepted. The only love you really need to focus on is your love. Remove your delusion of love and stop falling for the illusion of love you see in others. Love is not confusing or elusive. Its an internal feeling based on your own emotional states. Look not for those who meet someone else's criteria for love and only seek those who meet YOUR criteria for love. If you find the right one, they won't want to cheat on you. You also won't want to cheat on them. Its insanity to hurt the ones you love. |
then gets cheated on the next time. I’m beginning to think there’s something wrong with me
Make wiser choices by examining all the facts and try not to ignore the reality before you. Choose to commit only after you have examined the whole. You must see what 'is' there and not what you 'believe' or 'expect' to be there. |
How to choose the right company with results is what I'm searching for.
You need to do a bit of homework. Choose advertising strategies which align with your targeted customer base. If you are selling 'wankles' don't try to advertise on sites that focus on 'twinkles'. Find sites which focus on 'wankles' and things directly related to 'wankles'. If you choose a company to do your ads, choose a company which offers a range of market coverage which includes 'wankles'. |
To me, the 'bad' relationships teach me how to choose a 'good' relationship.
A person who learns from their mistakes grows wiser from their experiences so they do not make the same mistakes over and over. Making the same poor choices again and again is the definition of stupidity. It is also important to realize each relationship is unique and has its own set of challenges specific to the conditions of each personality. Wisdom can help you 'read' their personality to a certain degree but since everyone is unique, you must be flexible. My current relationship is stronger than my previous ones but there are still aspects which are unpredictable. How I react to the 'unpredictable' now is different than before. My gained wisdom allows me to experience a stronger relationship. I've learned to pay attention to the actions and read the situation and make better choices dealing with the tribulations of personality conflicts. It results in a greater shared trust which facilitates honesty and alignment. |
affair wit other woman
Your answer is entirely dependent on how you are defining 'normal'.
For instance... In my family it is not normal for a man to have extra-marital affairs. Divorce in my family is not normal either. You should ask yourself... What is normal for this man (or woman)? What is normal for this town or city? What is normal for this culture, religion, belief? What is normal for this society, region, country? In some countries it is normal for a man to have many concubines. In some religions it is normal for a man to have multiple wives. In some towns it is normal for high divorce rates. What is 'normal' for you may not be 'normal' for me and vice-versa. This is why it is important to make 'wise choices' when entering into a relationship. If you only 'see' what you want to 'see' and not the actual reality of that person, your relationship (or marriage) will not align with your normalcy. You are then left in a relationship which turns caustic. Choose wisely |
is it cheating?
User deactivated but the thread topic is still pertinent.
Some people who are bi choose to think of their 'bi' status as a special 'given' which permits them to be intimate with any 'bi' friends as long as they keep their hereto relationship exclusive to their current boyfriend/girlfriend or they keep their gay relationship exclusive to their established partner. They believe their 'bi' status is a free pass to having FWB. Cheating is associated with betrayal. A bf/gf exclusive relationship is thought to be exclusivity with the bf or gf and as long as they do not stray to another bf or gf, they are not cheating. In an intimate relationship it is either agreed or implied each partner will be exclusive to the other. Honesty and trust bonds the relationship. In a FWB relationship it is either agreed or implied there will be no exclusivity between the two. Physical sex is what bonds the relationship. Promiscuity does not have relationship status. A person has sex with anyone they choose without bonds. If you are in an intimate relationship with someone, whether BF/GF...BF/BF or GF/GF, any break in the bonds which established the relationship is a violation of trust. Often this betrayal is accompanied by lies and dishonesty. Someone usually gets hurt. Only thru honest communication with your partner before and during the affair can it be possible to preserve your relationship but your trust bond will certainly take a hit because you broke the exclusivity agreement which established your relationship. If you really love that person, why would you do such a thing? |
Question regarding dating
I've been disabled a lil over 14 years now.
I found someone using mingle2 a few years ago and its good. Not only do you need to be honest and realistic you need to make a wise choice. I've had dates found online which turned out to be poor choices. Try to remember the wisdom is still needed after the relationship as started. Finding someone who can tolerate my restrictions honestly was difficult in today's world. I needed to assess her tolerance before I could actually feel we had a relationship worth keeping. I've been fooled before. You gotta pay attention to their reactions and responses and 'read' the underlying personality. You have to 'teach' them what is and isn't possible with your disability. |
Upcoming Movies
Argylle (ETA 2023) post-production spy thriller
Stars:Bryce Dallas Howard, Henry Cavill, Bryan Cranston Freelance (TBA) post-production action comedy Stars: Alison Brie, Alice Eve, John Cena Snafu (ETA 2023) completed action thriller Original title: Project X-Traction Stars: Jackie Chan, John Cena, Pilou Asbæk The Channel (TBA) post-production crime action Stars: Clayne Crawford, Max Martini, Paul Rae The Janson Directive (TBA) pre-production action thriller Stars: John Cena, ? The King (TBA) in development action biography drama Stars: Dwayne Johnson, ? The Quest for Vengeance (TBA) in production revenge action Stars: Taylor Donoughue-Smith, Harry Williams, Jack Piercy Wildfire: The Legend of the Cherokee Ghost Horse (TBA) post-production family Stars: Anne Heche, Mo Brings Plenty,Adrian Paul From a Buick 8 (TBA) in development horror thriller No cast set Last Voyage of the Demeter (Expected August 11, 2023) Post-production horror mystery based on a chapter from brahm stoker's dracula novel Stars: David Dastmalchian, Aisling Franciosi, Javier Botet The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (TBA) in production no data The Little Green God of Agony (TBA) In August 2020, it was announced that Lionsgate was developing a film adaptation of Stephen King's "The Little Green God of Agony", with the script being written by Ian B. Goldberg and Richard Naing. The Long Walk (TBA) pre production survival horror Writers: Stephen King, James Vanderbilt Astro Boy (TBA) in development no data Gundam I: The Live-Action Movie (TBA) in development scifi action drama no data Harbinger (TBA) in development superhero action drama no data Impulse (TBA) in production superhero scifi action adventure Stars: Richard Norton, Will Hutchins, Steve Young Incorruptible (TBA) in development superhero fantasy no data Irredeemable (TBA) in development superhero scifi action comedy no data Mega Man (TBA) pre-production superhero scifi action adventure Writers: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman, Mattson Tomlin Miraculous (TBA) in production Ladybug and Cat Noir's origins action romcom writer: Thomas Astruc One-Punch Man (TBA) in development live-action anime action comedy no data Overwatch (TBA) in development action war no data Rebel's Run (TBA) pre-production live-action superhero action adventure writers: Vox Day, Chuck Dixon Vendetta Vette (2023) pre-production superhero action Stars: Chase Masterson, Cynthia Rothrock, Julie Chapin War Paint (ETA 2023) in production superhero action fantasy Stars: Scott Adkins, Jaime King When a Hollywood action star is murdered (Adkins), his identical twin (Adkins) takes on the likeness of his brother’s most famous character, striking fear into the hearts of his killers by seeming to return from the dead in his quest for revenge. |
I picked up 4 quarts of fresh strawberries this weekend. Letting them set to ripen a bit then I'll be topping and coring them. Gunna freeze half whole and slice half for recipes.
I also picked up some puff pastry. Never used puff pastry before. I'm thinking of attempting to make some strawberry/lemon pudding napoleons. |
I had netflix when they first came out (mailed dvd exchange). I haven't used them in over a decade.
Specifically, I can't recommenmd any movie or show on netflix but there are a lot of movies and shows you can watch online for free, without commercial breaks and with an adblocker, without ads. Many are made or distributed by netflix. I have a free forum where we use the internet to find free streams of movies and shows. We look for links and put them under the movie/show title. Recently I've been working on the Sports movies index. There are quite a few sports movies which are outstanding. Before sports, I worked on the Action movie index. We also have watchlist suggestions which are ongoing with more links being addes regularly. We have tv shows and tv show universes, movies and movie sets, discussion, hobbies, art, music, literature and games. We are still new and there is a lot to be done yet but eventually everything will interlink. will be able to find a movie linked to its related tv show, linked to the book, linked to the soundtrack, linked to the games, linked to the art. An example: Flowers in the Attic {The Dollanganger Saga} Set plus: Flowers in the Attic: The Origin (2022) - miniseries linking to V.C.Andrews' literature index (yet to be completed) |
Men on dating sites talking about their penis is so cliche.
Instead of telling women your size you might try just mentioning that you are a big man. Women who are interested in a 'big' man could find it appealing to find out. Just as not ever woman is interested in a big penis, not every man is interested in big breasts. Some of us are actually attracted to normal proportions. This goes for any body part, not just penises and breasts but butts and bellies too. Then you also have to consider the fact that as human beings age, many of us lose our tight physique. If you must tell your date you are on the large size, it should be personal and intimate, not blasted on a dating site forum or used as an attraction gimmick. |
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Fri 03/03/23 01:10 PM
82° Hi (27C)
RealFeel® 82° RealFeel Shade™ 78° Decreasing clouds and windy Max UV Index 6 High Wind WSW 16 mph Wind Gusts 36 mph Probability of Precipitation 40% Probability of Thunderstorms 24% Cloud Cover 27% Night 3/3/2023 56° Lo (13C) RealFeel® 53° Clear and cooler Wind NW 8 mph Wind Gusts 9 mph Probability of Precipitation 2% |
Women and the 1st move
Sadly, men have gotten a bad rap in trying to find someone new.
At one time in my career I was a compliance manager at a large company. Its scary how they define sexual harassment and its terrifying how men can be ruined over the chase, often very publicly. When I worked the public sector they has policy nearly as frightening concerning pursuing a date. Sexual harassment laws favor the woman. Not to say men are not sexually harassed, women get the publicity. According to the companies I've worked with, you can ask a woman out on a date once. If she says no or doesn't answer, asking her again is technically sexual harassment. Pursuing her is sexual harassment. Plus, it isn't limited to the workplace. If you catch up with her at a gas station after work and start to woo her and she isn't interested but actually says nothing to you, its still sexual harassment. Putting the legalities aside, women tend to see a man 'chasing' her as a perv. Sometimes they tell their friends about "that perv is at it again" while deep inside they're thinking "I wonder if I'll see him again today?" Its all a big game rooted from the high school mentality. The head games used in dating is childish nonsense. Its my experience, if I like someone I tell them. If they do not respond, or I get a cold shoulder...I am no longer interested. Its called honesty. Personally, I don't care who makes the 1st move. As long as its an actual, honest and purposeful move, I'll know where I stand. If its a game, I'll pass. |
Vegetarian and Vegan
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Sun 02/26/23 09:02 AM
I'm an omnivore.
While I do have canine teeth and forward facing stereoscopic vision with depth perception my ancestors started farming around 5,000 years ago because they realized fruits and berries taste good too. Primitive homo sapiens were primarily hunters. Being a hunter caused brain development because a hunter must be smarter that its prey or it starves and goes extinct. Primitive homo sapiens also relied on easy to gather fruits, berries and vegetables to supplement periods of scare game (like migrations and population density changes). In the modern world, homo sapiens in society are no longer required to hunt to maintain sustenance. In most modern societies food is gathered at stores. Hunting is mostly a choice. There are however, places where society is not modernized and hunting is still required if you want to eat. This morning I made a Ham & Cheese Omelet with mushroom and peppers along with buttered hash brown patties, coffee and 3 strawberries. I didn't hunt and clean, then butcher a pig. Nor did I slice the cooked ham. I didn't hunt or raise a chicken to harvest its eggs. I didn't chased down a cow, milk it, pasteurize the milk, churn the butter, cook and cure the cheese or even slice the cheese. I didn't forage for mushrooms or peppers. I didn't grow or harvest the strawberries or potatoes. I didn't forage, harvest, dry or grind the coffee. I bought all the ingredients at the local grocery store. When I was younger I had meat with every meal. I expended a lot of energy. Now I am older, I don't require as much protein in my diet. My body can't metabolize many meats I used to eat so I eat more plant based foods. Even now, with my restricted diet, I still eat and enjoy animal protein with my meals. I buy real butter. I like bacon. I eat cheese and drink milk. I like seafood and chicken. I can't eat pork chops but I like ham. I still like a properly prepared steak (medium with blood in the middle) I like a nice cheese burger. But I also like veggie pizza. I like a nice salad. Every sammich is better when its drug thru the garden. I like snacking on a veggie tray with veggie dip. I like mushroom steaks. I like tomatoes sliced and lightly salted with sea salt, same with cucumbers. I make wonderful summer salads including a lip-smacking cucumber salad and a pleasant pasta salad. About 14 years ago I had a bout of malnutrition. I consulted a nutritionist and read about healthy eating, finding my own healthy diet. My doctor tests my blood work for vitamin deficiencies and my levels are perfect. I use ANR Vitamin's Glossary of Nutritional Information for information on healthy eating. It lists vitamin deficiencies along with characteristics of Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants, Dietary Fibers, Herbs, Nutritional Greens, Digestive Nutrients, Amino Acids and Special Nutrients. This information is designed to help adults make informed decisions about their health and is intended to be used for general nutritional information and educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any particular medical problem or disease, or to promote any particular product. Women who are pregnant or nursing should always consult with their doctors before taking any supplements. You should always consult your health care professional for individual guidance for specific health concerns. Persons with medical conditions should seek professional medical care. Anyone may link to this page.
I'm not vegetarian and I'm not carnivorous, I'm a bit of both...I'm an omnivore. |