Community > Posts By > Tom4Uhere

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 03/15/22 10:52 AM
Something lots of people misunderstand about dating websites like this is the fact it is, by its nature, prone to all types of people.

Each of us have the ability to choose which ones we will interact with. Sadly, most of us find that number is very small.

Setting mail filters helps a lil but most of it is on us. We must separate the grain from the chaff.
We must use a bit of wisdom as well.

Sites like this are merely tools to help us find potential candidates, if it is used as a tool it can and does work.
It is always up to us to make that ultimate decision on our choices. This tool can't do that for us.

If we focus on what we don't want, we may miss the few which we might want. Allowing the negative results to cloud our minds it gets too murky to find the one we DO Want.

Its best to ignore the junk and focus only on the jewels.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 03/15/22 10:32 AM
I was just feeling guilty for posting something personal but public info about him.

If its personal it is not public.
If it is public it is not personal.

Retailiation is rooted in revenge.
Revenge is seldomly equal.
The vengeful heart often has problems finding contentment.
There are many people living with a vengeful heart.

While many people have the capacity for revenge, most have a greater capacity for forgiveness.

Few seeking romance-vengeance realize their own part in the offending conditions.

It is important to make wise choices when choosing that potential lover. Too often the signs of their nature is evident from the start but we choose to pay them no heed, instead favoring the specific qualities we think we want.

If you cuddle up to a tiger because it looks warm and fuzzy, it should be no surprise when it claws and bites you. The tiger does what the tiger does, why seek revenge on the tiger for being a tiger.
You're failure to make a wise choice is not the tiger's fault.

Forgiveness doesn't condone their offensive words or actions. It doesn't mean you want that type of person in your life anymore. It merely acknowledges your own capacity to realize you made a poor decision when selecting them to be in your life.
The next step is to gain wisdom from your experiences so your future choices better align with your needs. You forgive yourself and move on to better choices.

Too many times people seek the romantic fantasy in a partner and find misery when the reality of life gets in the way.

"Seeing" the person as they truly are means paying attention to all the details, not just the ones which fall within the fantasy.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 03/15/22 09:50 AM
In the grand scheme of reality does it really matter?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 03/07/22 06:45 AM
1971 book

While many psychology books refer to different things, terms & conditions I was told only the current definitions are accurate.

This is because psychology is fluid and adaptive.
Mainly because people and the conditions which are studied change over time as a reflection of social norms.

A book written in 1971 has more to do with the people living in the late sixties-early seventies than it does for people living in the early 2020s.

There's a difference between Intelligent and Smart.

Intelligence is the ability to gain understanding

Smart is the ability to use understanding.

You can be smart but not very intelligent and you can be intelligent and not very smart.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 03/07/22 06:19 AM
If you want to see movies about horses...

You might like Togo (about a sled dog)

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 03/03/22 04:03 PM
Here's a tip I tell people about their cars.

Always turn off all the electrical switches and let the car run for a min before you shut it off for the day. Especially in cold weather.

Starting a cold engine requires more electical amperage than normally starting a warm engine.
CCA is cold cranking amps and your battery is rated for the NORMAL cca your car needs when its new.

As batteries wear and cars wear it gets harder foir the battery when you start it. Turning off all the switches and letting it run for a lil bit puts your battery ant a full charge and when you start it the power isn't going to running all those things you left on. It goes to start the car.

Most cars have an electric fuel pump now. Most are some type of fuel injection.
When you turn your key the fuel pump has to charge the fuel lines. If you listen carefully you can hear it and hear it shut off.
Waiting for the fuel pump to finish cycling allows your car to start much easier because the engine has enough fuel for that initial rich mixture needed for a cold engine (used to be ya had ta pull the choke cable).

4whl disc brakes (screw-pin adjsted) adjust by applying the parking brake.
Rear drum brakes (cable adjusted) adjust by backing and stopping sharply.
You will get more life from your brakes if they are kept in adjustment.
As a rule of thumb, if your brake pedal is still firm but low (longer push to apply) the brakes probably need adjusted.

If you have the same size windshield wipers you can save money by replacing the driver side and moving the old driver side one to the passenger side.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 03/03/22 03:45 PM
It never fails...If I buy a ham I have to trim it to make it fit in the cooker.
I always buy the bone in ham (can't stand spiral hams) so I can freeze the bone for soups and stews.

I've found if I cut the ham trimmings thin, I can use it for bacon instead of buying that expensive processed stuff.
I love ham & eggs in the AM and those midnight ham & cheese sammiches are ta die for.

I also buy sirlion & rib roasts in doubles. One for a roast and the other to cut up for kabobs, stew meat or fajitas. Precut kabob & stew meat is insanely expensive. All ya need is a sharp knife and semi-frozen meat. Cuts like a charm.

You can save bundles when you choose to cut things yerself instead of buying the precut lazy-way stuff.

Even living single its sometimes best to buy in bulk (if you have freezer & storage room).

Doing it yerself is not always best. Sometimes you want the speed and convience prepped food gives ya. I can't bake breads worth a damn but I buy that frozen bread dough in a three pack and I have fresh bread with that homemade smell and taste whenever I want it. Just gotta follow some simple instructions.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 03/03/22 08:18 AM
I never feel lonely. There's 8 billion other people sharing this planet with me. All I gotta do is go outside and look around...people.

As for romantic/sexual companionship, It increases my creativity but also changes its nature from when I am alone.

My creativity is self-motivated and self-satisfying.
Most of it is for my own edification to make 'me' more of 'me'.
I do find I include references to her (or whoever I plan to show it to) so they can 'feel' it too.
I don't create seeking praise or adoration from others. I never publish or sell my creations and many times once completed, I will discard or forget about them.

My creativity stems from my active imagination.
My active imagination keeps me from feeling lonely.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 02/28/22 05:46 AM
I'm pretty good at collecting dust...

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 02/28/22 05:43 AM
If zombies are dead (no metabolic function) they have no body heat.
Why don't zombies freeze solid in the winter?
For that matter, vampires are also dead and create no body heat, why don't vampires freeze solid in the winter?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 02/21/22 06:44 PM

You can fall in love, yes, but you won't know whether it's real and a good match until you actually meet.
But you sure as heck can feel 'it', chemistry, connection etc. Sometimes when meeting this isn't the case at all, sometimes it is.
If possible still best to meet as soon as possible so you don't spend enormous amounts on something that turns out to be nothing.

Many things you cannot know when still apart. Scent for instance, body language, sleeping together, and so on and so forth. And also little things that seem cute at first but usually turn into big annoyances later on.

Would that be falling in love then, or would that be falling in love with the idea of falling in love?

I agree

People fall in love with lots of weird stuff and for lots of reasons.
I think the only thing that is important is what's important to the person feeling the feeling.

However, I know what love means to me and that requires personal interaction in real time...face to face, touching one another.
Its the only way to share the chemical bonds shared biologically from pheromones and galvanic skin response.
You can't get that from TCP/IP/Wireless communication.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 02/21/22 05:42 PM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Mon 02/21/22 05:45 PM
More Simple Easy Grub

Homemade Breakfast Burrito

Cut up some ham or your favorite sammich meat.

Scramble up some eggs adding the sammich meat as it cooks.

Microwave a tortilla for about 30 secs with a damp paper towel

Lay the eggs/meat in the tortilla and top with cheese

Roll the burrito tight.

How to roll/fold a burrito

Microwave again for appx 30 secs.

Homemade Breakfast Quickstarter

For each sammich:

Cook 1 egg, breaking the yoke but not scrambling - fold it to the size of an English muffin.

Toast the muffins and coat both slices with mayo.

Lay the egg on the bottom half of the muffin.

Fold a piece of sammich ham and place on top of the egg.

Top that with a piece of sammich cheese and place the top slice of the muffin on it and press it down.

Microwave for appx 30 secs.
Be careful the cheese will be hot.

Duplicate for as many sammiches as you need.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 02/21/22 01:42 PM
Variations on a Theme

Bread Crumbs

I usually start with Italian Bread crumbs in a can

To that I add specific spices to 'liven up' the taste.
I prefer low sodium (salt) or no salt spices like Mrs Dash and McCormick.

You can taylor your breading to any flavor you wish, including hot & spicy, Cajun, Caribbean Jerk or any custom combinations your taste buds prefer.

Along with that, you can use different slad dressings to expand the flavor.
Use salad dressing instead of the egg wash.
Try Italian, Zesty Italian, Creamy Italian, Ranch, Ranch With Bacon, Blue Cheese or any other dressing you enjoy.

You can also par-boil some meats in spices and sauces prior to coating them.

When my kids come to visit they always ask for my 'dry wings'
I parboil the wings to pre-cook them a bit in different spices and flavors. tHen I coat them with different sauces and bread them then air fry them crispy.
I do Hot, sweet, crack-peppered, honey and bbq.

My favorite way to eat chicken is to air fry it breaded and spiced then chilled out in the fridge.
I freaking LOVE cold chicken and I can eat it as it is or tear it apart to make sammiches or for topping salads.

Recently I bought some sweet onion dressing and I tried it on some pork ribs which turned out fantastic. Next I'm gunna try doing some chicken.

I also add dressings to meat casseroles and roasts.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 02/21/22 01:18 PM
I believe anybody mindful of the money they spend does some comparative shopping.
The problem is what there is to compare when everything is price bloated. Yes, even the 'close to sell by date' meats.

There's a cost plus store in my town.
2 years ago, it was a great place to save money because you could find low prices on name brand items with only a 10 % 'plus' at the checkout.
NOW, the off-brand generic items are listed at near name brand and the 10% 'plus' sends the final cost over what Walmart and the name brand grocery list for their name brand items. But, people think they are getting a deal because the list is slightly (pennies) cheaper than other store's name brand listings.

You go to the dollar stores and the prices for smaller quantities of off-brand items cost the same as normal quantities at the cost plus off-brand items. Which in turn actually cost more than the name brand items at branded stores or discount stores like target or walmart.

I remember the days of black & white stores and yellow box stores. Thing is, you can still find yellow box items which now cost just as much as off-brand items. There's no distinction anymore.

It makes absolutely no sense to buy lower quality to try to save a few pennies over name brand.
I now bite the bullet and buy the better quality items, at least I get better quality food for my money.

What good is a steak that tastes like its sat out on the counter too long?
What good is milk that lasts less than its sell by date and tastes terrible. What good is a can of green beans that has half a can of stems and defects? Fruit that spoils in one day, canned fruit that tastes like tin can?

Yes you can save money by shopping ads with off brand deals but 10 years ago you could save money while still buying quality food.

Makes me think of the meat in the movie Soylent Green!

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 02/17/22 08:54 AM
Which brings up the question who funded the Manhattan experiment?

The United States government under the direct influence of the president (Franklin D. Roosevelt~He had direct responsibility for establishing and funding the project)
Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory that designed the actual bombs.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 02/17/22 04:41 AM
So what does this experiment say really?
Do people follow a leader blindly?
Is a business man more reliable only because his attire?
Is a homeless persons brain drugged up and not reliable?
What person is more stressed and thus likely to jail walk?
Why didn't anybody else cross the street first?

I would like to make a comparison with the animal kingdom.

Do people follow a leader blindly?
In my opinion 'people' follow anyone they percieve to be 'better' than they are. It doesn't matter if its a leader or a friend or someone they see in a TV program. It stems from competitive jealousy people are taught from an early age.

Is a business man more reliable only because his attire?
Yes, because people are taught certain 'looks' are associated with success. Its a branch of the 'Model Syndrome". People are bombarded with brodcasted stereotypical social tropes in the media which cause them to connect certain 'looks' with wisdom. Its basically subliminal social brainwashing.

Is a homeless persons brain drugged up and not reliable?
Yes, according to the social assessment, they are.
This is because homelessness is a social 'taboo' condition which has been programmed into society to ignore or justify. Poverty is a social condition based on greed. Poverty is fast becoming prevelent throughout the world's societies. This is driven by inflation and greed coupled with shame.

What person is more stressed and thus likely to jail walk?
Jail-walking doesn't necessarily mean trouble with the law or tendency to end up in jail. It can also mean social disgrace or abandonment. Stress is prevelent in most people of society. Very few live 'care-free' lives. Modern society has caused people to self-assess based on markers ingrained to them thru media distraction. When stress reaches a level that can't be hidden, it glows for all to see. Society has learned to associate displays of stress as purposeful destruction and assigns negative values to anyone who fits that image. Stress is taboo yet widespread.

Why didn't anybody else cross the street first?
Someone did. Otherwise, nobody would.
Social trends are always started by the few.
Its likely those trends which are adopted may not even be their idea. Media plays a large part in establishing social trends in today's world.
Trendsetters often occur sporatically. In other words, its not a few people in one group which initiate trends but small groups in different areas which usually don't know and never will know each other. Its the 'Pet Rock' syndrome.

I would like to make a comparison with the animal kingdom.
While human beings are animals our social structure makes comparisons inaccurate.
Behaviors in the 'natural world' are very different than behaviors adopted in our 'unnatural world'.
Being 'civilized' changes the model severely.
To pick and choose examples to 'fit' us ignores the reality of the social differences.
Yes, sometimes our patterns reflect patterns in other species but our patterns are based on our conditions within our species and do not truly align with other species. They only seem to align.

To cross the bridge...
For other species, the decision of crossing that bridge is likely driven by food, reproduction, or safety from predators.
If what they need is available where they are, they will stay. Migrations are driven by food and/or reproduction.

Humans possess curiosity which drives their actions. Crossing the bridge 'to see what's on the other side' is justified by that curiosity.
Granted, food and reproduction are still part of our motivations but we are driven by the unsatiable need for change. "NEW" is an effective advertising method because of this need for change.
"NEW Formula" "NEW Model" "NEW Flavor"
NEWS stands for North, East, West, South but it is attractive because it associates information as "NEW Information".

Other species establish a 'territory' or 'domain' and will live their lives there without changing habitats. So much so, some species will go extinct rather than adapt or change.

Human's 'domain' is nearly the entire planet. We tend to change the habitat to fit our needs. This often destroys other species habitats. This happens because human beings are self-aware to the point they ignore the rest of the flora and fauna.
That "Bridge" is there because we want it there. We can't tolerate restrictive isolation. We need to expand and explore. We build bridges, ships and spacecraft because of that need.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 02/17/22 03:44 AM
I'm on fixed income too.
SSI made a big deal out of the 2022 adjustment for cost of living.
Thing is, that adjustment doesn't even come close to off-setting the actual inflation.

Its not just food either...everything is way up.
If I could still work it might be a different situation but I can't earn any extra income because I can't hold a job anymore.

Plus, since I did have a good career all my life, I made too much money on SSI to qualify for any programs.

I was looking for deals for groceries when I came across those ads and it made me remember back when food prices were still reasonable. Which, wasn't really that long ago.

Even utility prices are going up at a steep rate.
Its like the US economy went crazy. Everyone wants to blame Covid. Its not Covid, its Greed.

Store shelves are empty now. The aisles are full of employees filling orders with huge carts full of baskets. Every grocery store has rows of 'pick-up' parking and they are always full. The stores 'look' like they are going out of business.

I'm a dinosaur heading for extinction. The only difference is the fact I can see that extinction coming.

I don't follow politics, it makes me angry.
One thing I have noticed is the fact since Biden, the economy is out of control. There is definitely a connection.

Thing is, this is not going to get better. Cost of living is not going to decrease. This game of life we play isn't getting better.
"How about a nice game of Tic-Tac-Toe"~Wargames
Concept being; Humans complicate things that don't need to be complicated.
I managed to afford to get my GF an outfit and a figurine for Valentine's Day. I had to rob Peter to pay Paul to do it tho. I guess I don't 'really' need to eat everyday anyway.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 02/16/22 07:16 PM
I want the dinosaurs to eat the bad guys.

I want dinosaurs that eat everyone.
A lion, a tiger, a shark doesn't descriminate, why would a dinosaur?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 02/16/22 05:29 PM
As far as I'm concerned I don't need or want social instruction in plainly a horror movie.
I want a horror movie to be horrific.
It doesn't need to make statements on the human condition, enough movies already ram that stuff in ya.
Its supposed to be horrific and savage.

The book takes a much more violent approach, filling the story with much more tension and darkness than the film, as well as far more graphic depictions of the blood, violence, and gore that accompanies a dinosaur-based death.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 02/16/22 10:18 AM
I surfed across some old grocery store ads from my youth.
Imagine if you could grocery shop at the prices you paid as a young adult. Compared to the same items you buy right now.

Its weird...a potato hasn't really changed much over the years but they have increased in cost.

Check out some of these prices...WOW

Compare with today's ads


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