my new hair due
Hey!Coco;=)U look marvelousI like this style more than the prev.but then again I drees alternative,& so is alot of my music so that makes my opinion biased.Oh!Well.It Rawks!hon.Keep it spikey.
(((bear~hug))) |
Webs Of Deceit
OMG!Fantastic CCP.For he had laid such a deceitful web of lies & pain that she would one day extract her revenge upon him.Spoken through the eyes & soul of the deadly black widow.Has a feel of poetic justice to it.
Godspeed!Cybear(((bear~hug))) |
One Day
Bearifically beautiful expression here.I enjoyed it very much dear,& it exposes the depth & true feelings of your love that U hold for this other special person.Great read hon.Keep writing & posting K.Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve;=)(((bear~hug)))
For with them thoughts & words I shall persevere while I await & long so deeply for my elusive soul mate.Very powerful & beautifully written once again,MsWizard.(((bear~hug)))
"Life Compared to a Stream"
Yep!fine words indeedy Txs.Most certainly ones that should be pondered over or else ill choices or un-wise 1's are made leading to catastrophic consequences @times.Choose them wisely,but indeed LIVE.Excellent read hon.Godspeed!Cybear.((((bear~hug)))
Simply bearific;D~K~O~W.Soooooooo true.Phew!I thought I was back in psych.class there for a min.(lmao)Hey!Here comes the instructor erase that off the board quickly.;=)Godspeed!Cybear
"Walk on"
Wow!That is just simply amazing.Such heartfelt emmotions here.I luv this very much S~P.And gurl U were sitting in the shadows for awhile,I can't believe it.My goodness!I enjoyed reading this tremendously despite the underlying sorrow.Please cont.2 write & post sweetheart.ttyl/Godspeed!
Cybear aka Steve;=) |
I'm sorry
I'm saddened that this relationship did not work out hon.Them are very fine and heartfelt words,I hope this release will avoid any furthor pain sweetklp aka sweetheart.I wish U the best.((((((bear~hugs))))))
Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve;=) |
That is bearifically beautiful,S~L~M.I enjoyed them words of wisdom very much.Thx!for shareing them.I am very pleased 2 meet U & I hope U enjoy urself here @JSH.There are remarkable people here,just mix & mingle & get 2 know us K.All the rest shall fall into place.(((bear~hug))))
Godspeed!Cybear |
Wow!gurly;them are very powerful & insightful words indeed.I am very impressed sweetheart.Spoken straight from the heart and sadly learned via life's experience.Your perseverance is to be commended dear.Godspeed!Cybear.((((((bear~hugs))))));=)
)=:Death of a Poet:=(
Oh!Yeah!well check in @ the Park Ranger's office aka J.Carey.His humble abode is a mess.Serve him for messing with me & my friends.Consider the claw factor & the expertise of pillageing(lmao);=)Yay!CyK;back to my den silly humans's Geez!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{bearden}
<3~A Soulful Search~<3
Well!low and behold;do I hear the flutter of wings above me.Well I most certainly do.Lookey!it's D my overlooking angel with thee ability of flight for all eternity.No man on God's green earth shall ever be more blessed than I for having you by side with every step I take or ever will take for that matter.And likewise shall I my precious angel.I may not be granted the ability of flight but rest assured every moment you spend upon this earth be certain that Cy aka Steven is by your side.With out your friendship I would have wiltered & slowly fell by the wayside.I long for the day to hold U in real-time/real-world,& so I shall.So it is said,so it is written.Amen!And you my cherished friend forever are all of the above & whole lot more.I love U Denise aka LaMoM;=)((((((((((((((((((bear~hugs))))))))))))))))))))for all eternity.
<3~A Soulful Search~<3
I thank you very kindly S~P~S;for your compliments.I am deeply flattered and let it be known that U dear provide me with so much encouragement,
which in turn fuels my desire to continue forward with writing for otherwise sadly I wouuld lay down my feathered pen.I thank You!immensely sweetheart & I am eternally grateful.(((((((((((bear~hugs))))))))))) |
<3~A Soulful Search~<3
Treading so gently a new path before me
My shadow alongside to keep me company I shall confess loneliness is no friend Mercifully the past had came to an end Such vibrant flowers before me in bloom The bees anxious for nectar to consume Blue jays dipping providing their song Change provides hope as I stroll along May this sadness shall be laid to rest Embrace new beginning knowing it's best Yes;difficult staving off the thought The soul shadowed by pain it had bought A plea given so that I will understand By grace then once again I shall stand High above soars a bald eagle in flight A majestic creature it lends me insight This pillar of sorrow I had once built I shall reduce you to it's powdery silt Off from the wood line a fawn did appear Such rare beauty my eyes began to tear Then a wondrous curiosity I did behold I then felt such a welcome by there fold Slaying your past for then you survive The heart is healed then you are alive Simplistic as nature a choice I'll make To whither or flourish;I shall partake Thy heart is one's staff to guide along Retaining my faith so I shall be strong Meanwhile I pray my soul mate finds me So incomplete by revelation I now see My deliverance will come by Just Say Hi She will read my words thus hear me cry A new day is born for we've become one Looking down smiling shall be God's son Faithfully Written by Cybear 7/9/07 |
Red Sox suck
All my home teams Suck.however I will never relinquish hope for my beloved Boston Bruins.Die hard fan for life.Pleased to meet ya bro.
(((bear~hug)))Godspeed!Cybear ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` I'm equally pleased 2 meet U;F~P~B~N & S~H (((bear~huggies))) Godspeed!Cybear;=) |
carebear returns
Hi there, I am new too
Welcome!Snookums.You've reached the kewlest on the net.I hope U enjoy it here.There are some bearifically good people here.Just mix & mingle & get 2 know us & you're well on ur way 2 making some bearific friends.Trust me!I have many.Mass.hey;Kewl!I'm from F.R.56 miles N.of Boston.Drop me friend addy if U so desire.Also place in pic.O.K.from ur puter(even default fine)any Q's=e-mail me K.Godspeed!Cybear;=)
(((bear~hug))) |
Move on With life
Them words you have spoken Pam were so wisely stated.You possess such keen insight amd wisdom.You also have a very strong grasp on human strengh and their weakness,which allows you to see it's resulting effect whether it be positive or negative with such clear perception.You are truly a wise woman indeed Pam.Furtormore we are indeed shaped by our experiences & they are meant to teach us and makes us stronger,not to destroy us.Simply wise & beautiful.I am honored to be your friend Pam.
101st Airborne Baby Yeah!!"Death From The Sky"Until There Is Peace!Amen.
38 jumps & never had to use reserve chute.Freakin Awesome;=) |
)=:Death of a Poet:=(
I thank U beautiful ladies will all of my heart,and I value my friendship with U all more can U can all possibly imagine,for if not truly I would never be able to bear my soul such as I do before U all.U ladies deeply flatter me well beyond belief even.I am deeply humbled & I will value our friendships until God calls me home.Amen.I luv U all bearifically.Your dear friend forever & a day.Godspeed!Cybear;=)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PKH=(((((((bear~hugs))))))) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LaMom=(((((bear~hugs))))))) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S~L=(((((((bear~hugs))))))) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |