Community > Posts By > Cybear07

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Fri 07/13/07 11:46 AM
Very nice Frank.Dreams are a vital nutrient from which are inspiration is born.Without them we are so much less fulfilled leaving us much more hollow.Godspeed!Cybear.glasses :tongue:

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Fri 07/13/07 11:39 AM
Hi!Sassy aka sweetheart.All relationships are give & take,that is part of the package,everyone makes mistakes or says something thet should not of because emmotions were running high,so then that's were forgiveness takes place & of course it's been said that make-up sex is quite powerful(ooo-la-la):smile:open & steady communication is the vital key,without it the relationship is doomed most certainly.Godspeed!Cybear((bear~hug))
:tongue: flowerforyou

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Fri 07/13/07 11:31 AM
This is bearifically beautiful sweetheart,that seems 2 be one of life's perpetual Q's that we will 4 ever ponder over.We certainly wish all relationships would blossom into marriage & they would stand for all times sake,but sadly we'll have to leave that as storybook for then there's reality sadly.Nice read sassy.Godspeed!Cybear(((bear~hug)))
:tongue: flowerforyou

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Fri 07/13/07 06:41 AM
Simply bearific as usual sweetheart((((((bear~hug))))))));=)Godspeed!Cybear:tongue:flowerforyou~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{bear:tongue:den}

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Fri 07/13/07 06:37 AM
Higurly aka my cherished Poet.Great release hon.Something we desperately
need 2 do every now & again.Hang in there sweetheart,you're loved U know that.Godspeed!Cybear;=)((((((((bear~hug)))))))):tongue: flowerforyou

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Fri 07/13/07 06:29 AM
Good Morn.Txs.Sadly this describes is what so many people have suffered though in their relationship.Wishing it were not so but then there's reality.A term I've come 2 use over the years which I've heard countless times for it's an adequate description.There are 2 types of people in the world;givers & takers so if U find yourself with a taker then that is exactly what shall occur.This isn't just material possessions either for they will damage one's heart very badly & virtually leave their soul obliviated.So sad really.Excellent read gurlfriend.Godspeed!Cybear;=)
(((((((bear~hugs))))))) :tongue: flowerforyou blushing

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Fri 07/13/07 06:13 AM
Good Morn.S~L aka Sweetheart.Thank You!very much for that compliment and you truly inspire me to cont.writing.If I write about this type of subject matter it is a no-holes barred situation for this expression comes from within one's heart.This assures that the writing integrity remains intact and U are true to the reader.I am very flattered by the way dear.I hope U are feeling better hon.You've been in my prayers by the way.Take care my very dear friend.Godspeed!Cybear aka Steven;=)((((((bear~hug))))) :tongue: flowerforyou :heart:
I thank You!very kindly Frank,& I am very pleased to meet U.I hope U are enjoying JSH aka 2nd home to many.A very special place indeed.I like ur writing also by the way.Keep posting please.Godspeed!Cybear((bear~hug))
glasses :tongue: :smile:

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Fri 07/13/07 04:27 AM
My Friday evening is drawing closer to you
Such insatiable desire it is consuming me
Just thinking of your touch ignites desire
The feverish yearning has tunneled my core
I want to create atmosphere with ambiance
Lilac candles,K-Y warming mist,& Jewel CD
Sprinkle rose pedals from door to bedroom
Lights dimmed soft,with celly @ vibe mode
Choc.dip strawberries w/Principato Rosso
Excitement heightens as the hr draws near
One final check w/ a touch of cool spring
Door chime sounds tripping my heart rate
She stands there with a provocative stare
I am near shivering looking into her eyes
Angelic beauty that I've never witnessed
Wordless she drags a finger down my chest
Powerfully erotic I nearly exploded there
Closing in she then whispers into my ear
Undo her overcoat with trembling fingers
Our need & desires for each other intense
My control is slipping away then suddenly
I'm tracing her body with anxious fingers
Her overcoat falls 2 the floor gracefully
Ravishing body clothed by Victoria Secret
Control now forsaken my manhood is stone
Slowly guides me towards thee living room
Traces my erection with exploring fingers
Her penetrating stare remaining upon me
Her exquisite eyes have a peaceful effect
Kneeling on the ottoman so provocatively
I lean forward slowly lifting her upon me
I am tracing her nipples so painfully slow
She's beginning to moan and sigh so softly
I am tracing every in.of her body tenderly
She guides my hot swollen member inside her
Her warm soft tender flesh is squeezing me
I can barely stave back a scream of delight
Glow on her face as her hair glides my skin
Fondling her breasts as the rhythm increases
Licking @ her nipples awaiting sweet release
Our wanting succumbs to an explosive orgasm
She collapses against my chest now weakened
Desiring to stay embraced for all Eternity
I whisper in her ear the bedroom awaits us
She looks at me with a long seductive grin

Written by Cybear aka Naughty Bear 7/13/07{X+O}
:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: love blushing embarassed

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Thu 07/12/07 11:22 PM
Hello Morena aka Sweetheart.Wow!I haven't heard from U in awhile hon,I hope all is well.I missed you bearifically.Well I've been bearifically busy,Phew!between studying,writing my paws off and of course all the reg.real-time/real-world responsibilities.Cy has his paws full for sure.Plus I'm making some new friends on the fly,awesome people by the way.They have all the qualities of true friends.That is just simply bearific & I could not be any happier.I'm glad U liked that vid.hon. isn't that a riot?That is soooo me,that's the irony of it all.I sent a req.2 U to get U conn.@ MySpace,did U receive it?Honestly hon.the only good thing over there is the page U create,the rest is crappy-doo.My true friends are right here,always have been/always will be.Amen!Take care sweetheart.tty/Godspeed!Cybear;=)Your bearific friend,4ever.
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Thu 07/12/07 06:34 PM
Hi!S~L~M aka Sweetheart.Hopefully I can answer this Q for U.Why most certainly the water shall once again return perhaps even in a tidal wave fashion.U are in that critical phase were U ask ur self all these perplexing Q's;ex-did I do something wrong?,wasn't I good enough?etc.of course U are hon.whomever was the 1 in ur prev.relationship Obviously failed to appreciate U & see all of ur beauty.His loss/ur gain,because U will meet & have the right one that is meant 4 U aka soul mate.Been there/done that & still seeking her.Chin up my bearific friend & faith is of the essence.Embrace that strongly K.((((((((bear~hugs))))))))
:tongue: flowerforyou blushing embarassed

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Thu 07/12/07 06:12 PM
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Thu 07/12/07 05:50 PM
Awwwww!Thank You!soooo much sweetheart.I truly appreciate them words very much so.They are keeping my inner candle burning bright indeed.There lies no greater inspiration than that which is fueled by your dear friends.I am honored to write them for my friends quite frankly.I've never really considered publication yet,but my older sis keeps telling me to.I don't know though hon,I have this very powerful inner critic that looms & mocks me(lil demon)lmao.laughPerhaps I may consider it in the future,who knows anything is possible as they say.Hmmm!a published Poetic Bear,how intriguing is that?:tongue:Thx!again sweetheart,U are my bearific friend indeed.Godspeed!Cybear;=)((((((bear~hug)))))
:tongue: flowerforyou blushing

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Thu 07/12/07 05:38 PM
Awwww!this is simply bearific indeed.patti-petunia came back for another huggie,& I think she wants to compare her beautiful nails 2 my claws.K;yours have beautiful designs & color to them.Hmmm!but look at these long finely honed babies.Plus I can open an envelope with these babies without wrinkling the paper.So tell me then which ones rule?there/there don't cry sweetheart.Tears make Cy sad;=(How about a huggie?((((((((((bear~huggie))))))))))Yay!Much better now see.I'll go with ya for ur next manicure,It's a shoe(paw)in;that you'll be granted a discount.(lmao):tongue: ttyl/sweetheart~~~~~~~~~{bear:tongue:den}
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou blushing embarassed

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Thu 07/12/07 05:25 PM
Hello!S~B~F aka Snuggle-boo.:tongue:Once again your perception is straight as an arrow sweetheart.Freakin amazing gurlfriend.I really enjoyed writing this 1 hon.but Wow!4 drafts tossed on this puppy.The words were not correlating the way I intended,butPhew!it's completed & I'm happy with it.Yay!Hmmmmmm!So where's my hug?Cy lifts eyebrow.(((((((bear~hug)))))))much better now.I heard the Park Ranger aka Jim Carey is considering a bounty.Hmmm!He's lucky I left his lunch box.He's the filthy animal not me(lmao)And he needs 2 shave already that scrub muffin.(lmao)Thx!sweetheart for your inspiring words.ttyl/hon.Godspeed!
Cybear;=)(((((((((((bear~hugs)))))))))))))) :tongue: flowerforyou

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Thu 07/12/07 05:12 PM
Hi!S~L aka patti-petunia(lmao):tongue:So U like the visuals hey?Hmmm!well how's this for a visual.(cy flashes his claws)lmao.Don't be jealous.I'm bearifically happy U enjoyed this sweetheart.I tossed the draft 4 times on this 1.Phew!But I'm happy with the ending results so it's all good.A subject I care deeply about indeed,while enhanced by it's life within.I really enjoyed writing this 1.I hope all is well hon.Take care my very dear friend.ttyl/sweetheart(((((((bear~hugs))))))
Godspeed!Cybear;=) :tongue: flowerforyou blushing embarassed

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Thu 07/12/07 05:03 PM
Hi!Denise aka my gaurdian angel.I hope all is well hon.Thank You! sweetheart for your beautiful words & constant encouragemet that U provide me with.U are such a bleesing in my life dear.This particular 1 gave me a lil trouble for I had to toss the draft 4 times on this.Phew!But thank God I finally completed it & I'm happy with it.I am my own greatest critic as they say(lmao)K;prececious U thought I'd forget about my huggie,I think not.I'll get U my pretty & ur poppyseed rolls too!((((((((((bear~huggie))))))))Ummmm!much better already.I'm glad U enjoyed it swwetheart.ttyl/hon.Godspeed!Cybear;=)~~~~~~~~~{bear:tongue:den}
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Thu 07/12/07 03:21 PM
This evening creeps slowly over the land
Daylight's fading her beauty still grand
The majestic animals return home to rest
A endless cycle of their dominance quest
Their thirst is quenched and hunger gone
Cries from the meadow a new life is born
A day serving well now forming to unwind
Exhilarating innocence of a grander kind
Natural balance is not configured by man
Comprehension falls short to understand
This pale fat moon illuminating the sky
While a lonely wolf bellows yearning cry
Multitudes of crickets provide their song
Fireflies ritualistic dance all eve.long
The steady chilling air wafts by my nose
The light textured smell of a silky rose
Within the ravine there's a throaty growl
The stealthy cougar is now on it's prowl
Up ahead of this path sits a cherry tree
A Bruin stands while consuming from thee
With the steadfast hope I am now engaged
The diminishing land leaves me outraged
Unwavering faith does preserve ones hope
By a sharing mentality both species cope
A beautiful ferret walked gingerly to me
And lovingly rubbed herself against knee
Through gesture these words spoken to me
A plea of coexistence so extraordinarily
A thought of extinction such somber fate
Resolution of a balance before it's late
My vision of hope is what Cybear did see
While munching cherries beneath his tree

Worriedly written by Cybear 7/12/07
Within me lies hope forever.Amen!
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Thu 07/12/07 07:43 AM
I enjoyed the expression very much though the element of deep sadness resides within.However it is imperative for you to release so this is good indeed.I know sweetheart via e-mail whom it's in regards to.Most certainly the desire of love & want concerning your bio.will never cease for he is just that & that dear can not be altered or changed for we do not posess that ability(none of us can).However remind yourself then at these trying moments that U now have a Stepdad who loves U like he would his own bio.Daughter and that sweetheart is soooo bearific.I tip my beret to that man.Praise God!In regards to Q'ing going on most certainly U must & shall & remember the moment that relinquish hope we are doomed for we have now accepted abject faiure which is no option hon.K Chin-up & never forget U have much support via ur friends @JSH.((((bear~hugs))))
Godspeed!Cybear;=):tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing

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Thu 07/12/07 05:34 AM
Yes!indeed she is my very dear friend;S~L aka patti-petunia.In Mass 1 of our fav.cliche' is" she is all that & a bag of Doritos"(lmao)She's freakin awesome!And quite frankly I am honored 2 have her friendship & likewise equally shared feelings towards U.I look forward to knowing U more.Have a bearific day @ work & don't stress K.(((((bear~hugs))));=)Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve:tongue: flowerforyou blushing embarassed

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Thu 07/12/07 05:06 AM
Not at all my dear friend,it's not about currency whatsoever
Money=lousey,stinking currency,corrupted paper though it's sadly req.for survival.I've been watching your comments since U arrived here.U Rawk!Cy wears his heart upon his sleeve & tends 2 express himself quickly,no doubt about that certainly,but U know what my dear friends here @JSH admire that about me.U are everything that I have mentioned.Words are everything 2 me so I never toy or dabble with them,ask my friends they'll confirm this.As far as the others.Hmmmm!Yeah!sadly I can relate,I've taken my lumps here but let me tell ya that the good far outweigh the bad so the nasty lil haters can kiss my Airborne Bear a#s.How's that 4 direct my friend.Don't sweat them for they have lost a very good friend that they had the opportunity of gaining.A wise man gains while a foolish 1 throws things & people away.Take care my bearific friend,Godspeed!Cybear(((bear~hug)))
:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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