Community > Posts By > plp

plp's photo
Tue 06/26/07 06:36 PM
I have seen theater trailers of his film " Sicko" and it opens in two
days and will blow the lid off of "health care in the United States."

Health Care in the United States sucks. The insurance companies and the
drug companies are way out of hand, in making too much money and the
drug companies use free meals and incentives, for the drug companies to
push thier drugs.

I live on Social Security and Medicare and it sucks big time. Medicare
is like a watch dog.

Other members in other countries,"how does Health Care compare to the
United States?

plp's photo
Tue 06/26/07 01:56 AM
Knighless, what would you mind be on?

plp's photo
Mon 06/25/07 11:50 PM
A wife is standing naked with her husband in front of a mirror and the
wife ask's the husband:" I feel fat, old and have wrinkled skin". The
husband replies:" honey, you have perfect eyesight". He never heard the
shot coming.

plp's photo
Mon 06/25/07 11:44 PM
If you had a choice on how to be executed, how would you go? I would
take lethal injection.

plp's photo
Mon 06/25/07 08:17 PM
Kissing,Cuddling, Holding Hands and giving long body messages.

plp's photo
Mon 06/25/07 08:08 PM
"Paris Hilton" is getting out of jail and the media won't leave her
alone. My personal feelings: " She should have gotten a year in jail, no
special treatment like she did and the same goes for rest of the rich
and famous". Us common people, have the book thrown at us, yet the above
people get a slap on the hand.

plp's photo
Mon 06/25/07 07:11 PM
For it or against it? What would you like to have as your
last meal? I would have a lobster tail, steak,potato wedges, a
hamburger, cheeseburger, french fries,and a piece of pie with ice cream.
I found a website ( type in final meals) that list what the prisoner had
as his or her last meal.

The positive thing about a last meal: is no weight gain problems or
counting calories, Ha Ha.

With all of the negative things in the world, I thought a little dark
humor, here would help things.

plp's photo
Thu 06/21/07 09:22 PM
Gosh our whole state is non smoking.

plp's photo
Tue 06/19/07 10:20 PM
On your search engine, type in "Final Meals" and you can see what they

plp's photo
Tue 06/19/07 06:31 PM
Lakemen, I agree with you. OJ, Paris Hilton, all those stars who get in
trouble, with the law, should be given no special treatment, but put
into the general population.

New Subject, everyone, do you OJ really did it? After all, a jury of his
peers voted him not guilty.

plp's photo
Mon 06/18/07 11:14 PM
Gosh, I didn't think I created a monster here, but oh well.

Some upated information:

" The reason most state use Lethal Injection is that they consider the
gas chamber and the electric chair ( Alabama is the only state that
still use the electric char) cruel and unsual punnishment" Would anyone
agree to this or disagree?
Florida goofed up on two "electic chair executions and those got posted
on the web and word go out, so most states stop using it.

Here is another thought: If someone in your family was killed by a
murder, and the state asked you carry out the injection ( inject the
chemicals into that person) would you do it? I would in a second.

Keep those replies coming.

plp's photo
Mon 06/18/07 12:25 AM
Sickie, but a good one.

plp's photo
Mon 06/18/07 12:23 AM
A wife is standing naked in front of her mirror and tells her husband:"
honey, I feel fat , and have wrinkled skin, please say something nice to
me." The husband replies:" you have perfect eyesight". He never saw the
shot coming.

plp's photo
Mon 06/18/07 12:10 AM
I lost my mom to cancer and my father and the best thing you can do for
him is to encourage him to see if the cancer can be beat. Good Luck and
God Bless You.

plp's photo
Sun 06/17/07 11:37 PM
Has anyone senn any videos of acutal executions? I know the " Faces of
Death Series" show executions, but I have heard that the whole series is
fake. Anyone agree?

Good Responce. Now another question to get everyone fired up.

If you have to be executed? How would you go? Lethal, Chair, Hanging,gas
or being shot? Lethal seems to the best way to go.

I asked that if any of you lived outside the United States, does your
country have any the Death Penalty?

plp's photo
Sun 06/17/07 08:44 PM
What do you think of the Death Penalty? If you were on death row, what
would be your last meal? Mine would be.... Steak, Baked Potato, Onion
Rings, Fries, a cheeseburger ( hold the onions) a lobster tail, a cup of
hot tea and a piece of apple pie and ice cream. Guess I wouldn't have to
think about weight loss or calories. HEEEEE HEEEE. When they came for
you, would you go willing? If you live outside of the United States,
does your country have the Death Penalty and if so, what type do they
use? We use lethal injection, which is too bad , as if I had my way, I
would being back the electric chair. I would also show it on Television
to deter people from doing something bad.

plp's photo
Thu 06/14/07 09:09 PM
Try to find someone help you get mowed over, when checking out, at the
checkout counter.

plp's photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:54 PM
That is a sick one, but a good one.

plp's photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:53 PM
A man's wife is standing naked in front of the mirror and tells the
husband:" I feel fat and old and my skin is wrinkled, say something nice
to me". The husband relies:" You eyesight is perfect". He never heard
the shot coming.

plp's photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:41 PM
A lady is standing naked in front of a mirror and ask's her husband:" I
feel fat and old". The husband replies:" you have good eyesight". He
never heard the shot coming.

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