Community > Posts By > plp

plp's photo
Wed 09/19/07 10:08 PM
Correction: " Surgery".

plp's photo
Wed 09/19/07 10:07 PM
I am having surgery on my big toe to remove a tiny bone spur, from the side of it and I have met the surgeon and he has told me:" you will have concious sedation, with a local, it be over and it will take for your toe to heal. Walking is my passion and will this surger affect it? If you have had this surgery, what was your experience from the time you arrived at the surgical center, to you went home and you post pain and recovery?

plp's photo
Sat 07/21/07 09:06 PM
As Hamlet once said:" heat not a furnace, so that you singe yourself".

plp's photo
Sat 07/21/07 08:44 PM
You father was bad, as he should accept you for who you are. Heck, I am obese, diabetic, have pain, short term memory loss and live on social security and who cares what they think, as it thier loss, not yours. I am proud of where I have come. As my best friend told me: I am who I am and you can't accept me for who I am, then I don't give a rat's a**.

plp's photo
Sat 07/21/07 08:44 PM
You father was bad, as he should accept you for who you are. Heck, I am obese, diabetic, have pain, short term memory loss and live on social security and who cares what they think, as it thier loss, not yours. I am proud of where I have come. As my best friend told me: I am who I am and you can't accept me for who I am, then I don't give a rat's a**.

plp's photo
Sat 07/21/07 08:40 PM
We live in a free country and have freedom of speech, so keep those repsonces coming.

plp's photo
Sat 07/21/07 08:36 PM
So what people say. As my ex told me:" I am who I am, and I don't give a rat's a** what people think of me , for I just say what I feel. Go for it. Freedom of speach.

plp's photo
Sat 07/21/07 01:39 PM
Creations, I like the old methods of , you describe and we need to use them now.

A few more methods used in the olden was the rack , the wheel and the iron madane.

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 09:18 PM
If you had to be executed, what method would you choose? You have a choice of the : fring squard, the chir, gas, or lethal injection.

Be hold, their is good news on the horizon:" you get a final meal and you can order what you want and all you can eat and you don't have to worry about calories or weigh gain.

My meal would be Lobster/steak/french fries/onion rings/a cheese burger, hold the onions, a piece of apple pie and a hot cup of tea.

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 09:14 PM
Too much sad news and we live in a sick world.

Positive for me:" I am lucky to be alive".
Keep positive thoughts in here only.

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 09:11 PM
Coco: Holidays are the worse for me as I miss my parents. I lost a close buddy to a fatal heart attack and attended a viewing a year ago of a close friends mom and I get tired of death, but they are in a much better place. I feel sad at those times, so I feel what you are feeling.

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 09:09 PM
Coco. I feel the sameway, lost my mom in 97, father in 99 and remember our parents are in a better place now and when our time comes , we will be there with him.

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 06:34 PM
"Beer time , too much of a beer and that leads to jail time".

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 06:32 PM
Are you for it or against it? What method does your state or country use?

"The Faces Of Death Video" series show actual executions and are those tapes real or fake?

Has anyone seen a real execution?

I feel if someone is executed, it should be shown on television, as warning to others. We ae the only country that is so weak in executing criminals and look at China and they just executed an offical for selling something to a corporation and it turned out to harm people and he was tried and shot for it.

I feel our laws are two easy and we need to bring back the old days and start cleaning out all of our death houses.

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 12:11 PM
"I am who I am".

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 12:10 PM
HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION: The truth is out there and my responce is " It doesn't matter what is on the outside, or what a person is, but what is on the inside and I don't care what people would say about my lady. Sorry, can't ask my parents, as they are with the lord.

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 12:08 PM
It sucks, I and I am disabled and noone seems to like that idea.

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 11:35 AM
I have seen the film twice and I an now finding out that most of the items in his film aren't true.

I pay $ 93.00 a month for Medicare Part B, $ 133.00 for secondary insurance, and $ 12.50 for my RX plan. I also lived on a social security disability income of $ 1002.00 a month.

In his film Sicko, he shows Canada, Cuba, England and France as having a universal health care plan that is free or you pay for it, depending on the income, you make.

Also in the film he gives a web address so that Americans can merry a Canadian for Health Care?

He also shows that in France, a doctor comes to visit you and you get paid time off, a person comes to help with your child care and you live comfortable? Also that the government pays for your schooling.

If I were to move to one of those countries, except Cuba, and became a citizen, would my disability and medical be free?

I like to hear from the community members in those countries: " Does Michael Moore's film : " Sicko" show the truth about the United State Health Care System ( sucks ) vs. other countries or is this film not true?

How are Emergency Rooms and General Hospital care in your countries? In the United States, it depends on which state and city you live. If you had a choice between staying overnight, in your hospital or having same day surgery, what would do?

I live in a rural town of 1280 and we have a band aid hospital and a small medical group and the care is so crapy , I drive across the Oregon Border ( 13 miles) for better health care.

When you look at this thread, please see it if you were a disabled person getting social security and would you have it good ( not true! as I do )?

plp's photo
Fri 07/20/07 11:21 AM
Purple Cat I feel that insurance companies, the drug companies and our who medical systems sucks big winnies.

plp's photo
Thu 07/19/07 10:47 PM
A man is sentenced to death and the judge tells him: " you can have your head chopped or be tied up to a stake and set on fire?"

The man says:" I choose being set on fire, as a "Hot Steak is better then a "Cold Chop".

No A-1?