Community > Posts By > sillyatheart3

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Fri 07/31/09 01:27 PM

Today is laundry day...

Sort, wash, sort, dry, sort, fold, sort - put away.

Can somone please invent a laundry bot?

(and no I don't think a woman is a laundry bot)


I will do your laundry for you! So how about that, I do 3 loads a day, one for the childcare center i own, one for all the kitchen and bath towels, and one for my adult kids cloths, and my cloths are once a week.. LOL.... I don't need much! I'm in the house 7 days a week 24/24.......

Why my adult kids? well when you go to work, come home go to college, come home and go back to work, Well that is 3 changing.. Most jobs Require you in this town to WEAR THERE CLOTHS so they kids have to keep changing there cloths... LOL

I have one washer and a elect dryer along with a Gas Dryer? Why? because a washer only dose 30mint and a dryer dose 1hr?? don't match up when you have 3 to 7 loads..

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Fri 07/31/09 01:06 PM
YOU mentioned cheating?

Have a question? I read about this older man on a diffrent site who was married for 18teen years to his wife with cancer! she died 3 yrs ago.

Anyway, he would be with men! and yet he jusified it by saying I never cheated on my wife with a women??????

In terms that was correct! he did not but he did with a man... but in his eyes it was not even close to the same thing>

I guess cheating is looked at several ways.

When I was talking to my son this morning, he made a remark about his father, he said! Cheating is in the eyes of the beholder, if one never have intercourse then it is not cheating, and yet even a kiss from a different partner can be considered cheating for the entire marriage is based on one thing and only one thing.

YOU gave your entire self, soul, body and mind to that person so no other person should have you!

Funny we think the Vagina and the Penis is what cheating is all about?

And yet it is a lack of a emotional feeling that is missing! no wonder there are so divorces.

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Fri 07/31/09 12:56 PM

Thank you very much!

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Fri 07/31/09 12:53 PM

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You may appear as if you are one hundred percent present at work, but you're also doing a bit of daydreaming today that could go unnoticed. Although others may not realize how far away your mind is drifting, they will see that your imagination is adding richness to your overly practical ideas. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts, even if they seem unrealistic to you.
Sydney Omarr (5 August 1926 – 2 January 2003) was an American astrologer and an astrology consultant to the rich and famous. Omarr was born Sidney Kimmelman at 10:27 am, in Philadelphia, with the Sun, Mercury and Neptune all in Leo, and Libra on the Ascendant.
My Great Grandmother was born in 1886, she died at 98 / 1984 2 weeks after i laid my Daughter on her chest at 3months old. My Great Grandmother waited until my child was born so she could see her Great, Great, Grandchild.

My Grandmother as i grew up believed in Horoscope and in a shoe box she would cut out his article in the new paper every day and read it too me.

it is other then a tea pot, the last gift she gave me to always read my horoscope every day! Regardless if the bible tells you not too do this to trust God and do not look into the future. This is a closeness I have with my Great Great Grandmother.
Please Honor her by posting your Horoscope, you can go to

Have fun and Thank you!

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Fri 07/31/09 10:55 AM

guilty. its such a bummer when you meet a girl and are initially interested and then you find out she has a kid.

"oh 7z3r05, you are so mean and heartless!"

i know i know. but the reason is... im 22 years old and am looking for a girl within my age range. how many 22-23 year old girls are out having kids on purpose? i would wager not too many. this would imply that this child was initially unwanted in the first place, making this child a monumental pain in the neck rather than a holy gift from god.

more reasons:
a) kids are annoying
b) kids are expensive
4) kids take all your time
e) i am a terrible role model

i could sit here all day and write out reasons why i wouldn't date a girl with kids, and seeing how this is a conclusive paragraph i will reiterate my main points. ahem. dating a girl with kids would suck because kids are such a general hassle to begin with. that and the undue amount of stress on the young mother may cause other emotional problems as well.

although i am sure i would be singing another tune if i had a kid.

I can say this, I run a full time 7 days a week 24hrs a day and I have in Oklahoma for 9 full years...

how many 22-23 year old girls are out having kids on purpose? i would wager not too many

1700# Young girls from the ages of 16teen to 27yrs old who are single. who have baby's from the age of 2weeks old to 3 yrs old. Who's boyfriend is in jail, cheated on them with 1 to 5 other friends, who were one night stands because they wanted the child not the boy in the hot genes only his sperm!!!!.

this will also add in Fathers who's girlfriends are addicts and left the child on the door step at 2 yrs old to take care of for the rest of the child's life.

add in the Grandmothers taking care of the children 2 to 4# kids, who's daughter/son ran off with someone leaving the grandmother to take care of her child's child. P.s. The kids!
11yr old is bi-polar
8yr old is ADD
5yr old is Learning disability
3yr old is being diagnose with OCD?

As for the rest who are married that is only 3 out of a 30 that are not.

So yes my dear... Women are using men for sperm to have baby's even at the age is 18teen yrs old so they can have a baby! with out the man..... I live and hear about it every day..... Well every time a women needs a childcare giver... LOL

more reasons:
a) kids are annoying Kids are interesting
b) kids are expensive Kids are worth the money invested
4) kids take all your time Kids are never lazy! that is true
e) i am a terrible role model NO one in the world is a Terrible

role model! do you know why! because God made you Perfect! the day you were born. It is your Free will to be this way, not the way others chose for you too be. If you chose not to be a Good role model Then that is your choice!

My daughter in 1994, came to me in the 4th grade, she said mom I have no one to be my hero! I said ok, why, she said, well all the actors and actress they drink, do drugs and smoke, they lie and cheat, Do you want me do this?, I can not look up to the icons we have now adays, even they do all of this, I can not look to my teachers for they are drunk and smoke, you can smell it on them.
I can not look to my fathers family grandma or grandpa or even your parents mom.... because thy all drink and do drugs.. So then who is going to show me.. or help me be the best i can be. I need someone to look up too, to show me how to be a good person and I chose you!

Will you be my Hero! Please... ON Halloween of 1994 at 7:03pm I pored out my "BLACK VELVET", I Put out my Marbo 100's. And said YES! to my Wonderful Daughter, I will be the women you need to look up too and i will help you be the best you can be.

So to end this, My daughter has never smoked, drunk or done drugs.. which to say... this.... I became her hero someone to look up too!

Kids are the most wonderful, amazing, smartest, humans on this earth it is parents or men and women who don't ever get it!

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Fri 07/31/09 10:30 AM

Mr.Brownstone By Guns N' Rosessmokin

Great band..... Do love them.. you have good taste in music....

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Fri 07/31/09 10:29 AM

Son Of A Gun By Nirvana

Dang, I went from him after he died to Rob... ??? what was that old song.. Torn between two lovers.......

I miss him so much on some days... His music just seems to touch the soul....

did you know he had double personality's.. did you know that his inner pain was self conflicting and that he lived in despair (suicide) from the time he was only 13teen he wanted to die.. and spent years thinking of how he would do this........

Most never understood what a great artiest he was and how he touched so many people life, with his music of pain an suffering..

when they were hurting so bad inside for what ever reason, his music could bring out the happiness in one soul..

Well enough about the most loved man....

Now it is Rob that shines in my soul, he feels what i feel, he takes all my feelings and worries and expresses them on paper and all i have to do is sit back and remind myself....

I CAN NEVER HAVE HIM... hhha haa .. some things are just not to be.......... LOL

Rob Got me through a long divorce .. What would i have done with out him and Madonna??????????????

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Fri 07/31/09 10:20 AM

OK, I agree, I love Rob Thomas OOOOO MELTING>>>>>> I AM PUDDY IN YOUR HANDS...

Yes that was all capitalization.... and it deserved to be.. he is the greatest, the best,, he can tame me any day of the week..(night) oops.. sorry...

OOOOO so sweet............

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Fri 07/31/09 10:17 AM
1940's music jazz, while the little monsters.. ooops little darlings are sleeping... OK well trying to go to sleep... Dang it kids lay down..... go to sleep... LOL..

as i play on the community site... taking away my morning of arguing, bickering and well kids being kids...... NO>>>> give me that toy i had it first.... Ms. Julie... she took my toy..... I want it back.... as the little boy falls and trips over his toy he just dropped on the floor.. WAAAAAA as he runs to me to get comfort and then off he goes..... then my grandchild runs over to me I'm thirsty please water... OK.... while listening to great soft old fashion music.. helps keep the kids in tune..

What was that old saying... Music can Tame the Beast with in... God help the world if you ever take away my music... I will eat you alive.. and spit out the bones for NOT making MANKIND HAVE THE CHILDREN...........

NEXT TIME... I'm getting the Man pregers.. O wait that has already been done in "OREGON'.... LOL HAA HAA HAA..

GOOD FOR HIM............


shhhh they are fell asleep.. the key to children are soft music and Sleep....

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Fri 07/31/09 04:28 AM
6:25am and i have already been up for 2 hrs! coffee.....and my day will end at 11:00pm tonight...

Good morning world, Mingle2 thank goodness you help me get through the day with out going crazy...... Kids, kids, they will make you nuts..

but adults.. adults..they will bring you back to earth.....give you the refreshing mind state that..??????

YOUR NOT ALONE....... Thank you all so very much..........

I hope you all have the most wonderful day! And may each and everyone of you get a kiss on the cheek and a hug to start your day!

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Fri 07/31/09 04:20 AM
YOU said all of this, and yet you want women only for sex?... on your post...that is a double standard.

YOU want someone to be there for you, you want someone to share all your feelings and emotions and life together..

Then your books you are reading are words on paper but were are the actions behind the words...

come live with me, help me take care of my family, leave your home, your friends, your family, and come and move in with me and start a new family. Get a new job so you can help be part of a family since we all work together in paying the bills and stuff..

If you ever want to use that book for real life then it is sacrafising your life for the other.

It will tell you, to be the man you are to be, To do what ever the women wants you and needs you to do to make her happy, or the kids, it is a book that states one thing... Don't be self centered! Man! love your partner from head to toe, make her life happy and you will be happy, give and give and give until you die because that is when you will realize how much you have been loved from your family.

it tells the man that women will love them if they make her a bath, women will love him if he romances you, women will love you if you help with dishes, or vacuuming.

This Book is in the past, outdated for all because Humans, internet and society have changed.

We are now different. Women are the Men and Men are becoming the women in the household.

Women want men to Make the world spin, and at the same time Clean it up and on top of that they want the Man to Save the children!

While Women work, work, work, work, work. in the end..

Men still after reading this book and other books like this do not have a women in there arms because one thing.... Experience..

Some men Know how to "get along" with women and others are still reading books to find out how to get along with women!

Thats my $25900000.00 % to this topic..

if it worked I would be with a partner! Right!???????

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Fri 07/31/09 03:58 AM
German chocolate!

My grandmother made it for the first 10 yrs,
My parents bought it for the next 8 yrs.
My ex husband made it for 3 of the 26yrs
I made it in between all these years
My daughter Makes it every year! on my birthday!


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Fri 07/31/09 03:51 AM
This was fun to read, to take this early morning time passing adventure away for the next 3 hrs of my life.

I learn so much from all of you...... Thanks... and Have a great great day..... Julie

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Fri 07/31/09 03:44 AM
My Uncle who is a great man!

His wife at 21yrs old right after they got married had a child, then she developed MS only shortly after that diabeties. so for 47yrs my uncle took care of his wife.

Dose he not have the right to love physicaly a women who can not ever have sex, could you imagine laying on a person that can not move or make motion? it is a loss feeling of a soul, the person you love more then life can not love you back the way you need them to love you.

All the words and patts on the back is never going to be the same as two souls coming together to make one.

I will say this, after there 47yrs and him being with his girlfriend for 27yrs. When his wife passed away, at 67yr old he got married to his long long time girlfriend and they have been happy ever since.

They also still live in the same house as his wife that has passed away.. Yes my aunt.

I lived with a man who had Parkinson's and he could not perform, so the answer is yes, I would do with out for my love for him was faithfulness... Honer and Respect....

For better or worst in sickness and health, death do us apart.

End of my $3.00.... He did not want a women to live like this so he left to go home to were he was born to die! with out ME and MY family............ Selfishness... or a selfless deed?

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Fri 07/31/09 03:35 AM
I only wish i had time for Church, I work 7days a week and on call 24hrs a day! for kids and parents.... If I get a Sunday off I am soaking in a tub. Or running back to bed for some overtime sleep!

But God understands and he loves me for helping all the kids.....

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Fri 07/31/09 03:32 AM
I have a house full of kids and adult kids, and yet! 'I am still alone' in my 'heart and soul', no one, to wake up every morning with, but who wants to wake up at 4am, and go to bed at 11pm/ no one? to tell my dreams too?, who wants to listen to googoo and gaaa gaaa! the kids did this!, and sally took a poo in the toilet today!, but jimmy barfed on my shoes!..

Alone is a state of mind, I was born a only child, i was in a marriage that 'i was emotionally alone", no support, and today I am alone!

Other! then all of Mingle2 friends, [that deal with me], it is my only way of knowing "i am a Adult", Human!

I talk like a child, i act like a child, I think like a child but my body grew old and yet i am still a child?

Yes!, I am very lonely! maybe when my kids are finished with College and ready to start there life...

However! I will be 53yrs old when that happens....Too old to date, too fat, and too gray, toothless and hunched back...NOPE>>> I will be alone.

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Fri 07/31/09 03:21 AM
Edited by sillyatheart3 on Fri 07/31/09 03:23 AM
Then I can become the President of the United States! I have it made!


Secret... I picked Candidate C
> He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian,
> doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never
> cheated on his wife.

Oops.... I just put the state in a war zone..... sorry....

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Fri 07/31/09 03:16 AM
MY "g" Book,
My fist steps to reading
by Jane Belk Moncure
illustrated by Linda Hogag

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Fri 07/31/09 03:08 AM
Edited by sillyatheart3 on Fri 07/31/09 03:10 AM
So you mean, LOL joking only.. but funny..

since my entire life has been with kids, and i have kids everywhere coming out of my at home, in daycare ect...

that if i become immortal then i will no longer have kids.. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I want to be immortal.. that might just be fun....

A life with out kids... wow......Och... Shhhhh Don't wake up the kids with all that Yelling at me! So were do i sign...

Anybody know were True blood vampires can be found..... I need a bite taken out of i can be... immortal...


YOU can have them for FREE............. I want Quietnesssss

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Fri 07/31/09 02:56 AM
YOUR not the only one "Mister"... TRY running a daycare and putting 3 adult kids through college add in taking care of a grandchild.. And YOU are VOODO!>>>>>>>?

I can understand that most People my age are Just finally getting there Freedom. The kids are grown, out of the house and all they have to do is visit the grandchildren.. How fun...

But for some of us! Now a days [The teens that turn into adults] and go to [college] it is cheaper for them to stay home.

I pay 9k per adult kid a year/ 27k just for college.
Child care is between 6-900.00 a month
Mortgage is 1200. a month
it cost me 200.00 a week just in food
insurance is 4k a year

The reason i wrote all of that! is this [its the reason why]! We are Too expensive?, "even if we pay all of are own bills". They do not see it that way. Believe me! it is true! they only see what they have 'to contribute' if they are to live with you.

It's not Kids and parent, 'It is life style' i have found out.

Can they live your lifestyle? YOU! want them to -give up- there way of life, and come and live with you, you want them to change jobs if needed, and get a new one -near you-, you want them to start -doing chores- in the house, dishes, laundry, making beds, vacuuming. Then down the line, "could you help me with >>>>????", and could you do this for me, Little by little you bring them into the household, and the family.

YOU! all eat together, you! all go to the store together, or movies, it stops being "US" time.....The kids and family swarm you because not only are you working, taking care of your kids, family members, friends, your home and business or job, Now! you have a 'PARTNER WHO WANTS YOUR TIME' [Jealousy from the kids]! And the list goes on for ever..

I have been through it all....and my kids are grown!

Well that is my 97% of my $5.00 worth of information.

When you find a selfless person on a dating site who is willing to give up everything, to become [part of your family].... Tell me maybe they have a friend who wants a wonderful women like me.....

9yrs in waiting????????????? still waiting???????? yep still waiting...... and my kids are GROW>>>>>>>>