Community > Posts By > sillyatheart3

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Fri 08/07/09 10:05 PM
The young 22yr old girl i was talking to ; tonight she smokes she has a 1 yr old child..

she smoked before the child and 2 weeks after she found out she was pregers.. she tried to stop... OK.. all thorugh the pregnacy she kept telling me she was going to stop smoking.. it is ok she smokes out side..??? now how funny is that.. the child is in her tummy.. daaa

now the child was born and in one hand she has a cig and in the other she is breast feeding.... what a picture that is right...

the child starts walking, and now the women goes out side to smoke and she makes everyone else go out side to smoke, the funny thing is.. who is in the house with the child.... OOOO the child is on the porch eating the cig butts.... I see a problem....... barffffff puckkkk...

she only has done that a few times she said.... I cant get her to stop it is like she wants to smoke... Hmmmm OK...

How do you think i can get my child to quit trying to get my butts..

quit smoking... i said... quit smoking.... she said i smoke out side never around her.. i said.. then how dose she get your butts..

well when i am mowing the grass she is on the porch... ???

point made............. how simple would it have been to move the can of butts.. so the child dose not get the butts?????

Smoking is not for a 1yr old child. or a 40yr old man... Give it up man.. give it up.. it will be the best thing you ever do!...

YOU made this site so others can Kick your butt well here I am, Now you have me involved.....

did you really think i would pass this one up... because now you have walked on my land......

I have suffered more then you know.. if i was a good girl i got a pack of cigs.. if i was a bad girl i only got one.... if he did not get sex.. i got none..

don't you love ex husbands.... NOPE.. that is why they are ex...

The point is.. it will take away the MAN inside of you.. it will rip the heart out of you.. if you did not care then why make this thread... to get attention..


we are here to support you, we are hear to help you all you have to do is to tell your MIND>>>>> no... no.. no i do not need you to make me strong.... I am strong with out you.. you make me weak...

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Fri 08/07/09 09:52 PM
Mannerly MAN'NERLY, a. Decent in external deportment; civil; respectful; complaisant; not rude or vulgar.
What thou think'st meet and is most mannerly.
MAN'NERLY, adv. With civility; respectfully; without rudeness.
mannerly adj 1: socially correct in behavior [syn: mannerly, well- mannered}]

1 : a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation <remarks having respect to an earlier plan>
2 : an act of giving particular attention : consideration
3 a : high or special regard : esteem b : the quality or state of being esteemed c plural : expressions of respect or deference <paid our respects

What age do you think a child should be tough manners? or Respect?

If a 1yr old child is in a store and he sees a candy bar, The parent is checking out the food and trying to take care of her child who is screaming his head off... the women has no idea why.. for a 1 yrs old can not tell why the child is screaming... she only knows she has to finish the check book and pay the cashier!

the child just about falls out of the cart trying to get to the candy!

is it the mother or the child....?????

A mother is talking on the phone and the child 2 yrs old comes up to her, I'm thirsty, the child is ignored, the child says again, I am thirsty.. the mother gets mad and tells the child.. I am on the phone be quite! wait a min... but the child is still screaming I'm thirsty..

is it the mother or child.?????

The father walks in at this time he puts away his stuff the mother is still on the phone, get your child a drink I am on the phone, the father gets the child the drink?

what did the child learn????? is it the mother or the child or the father that won!

the most simplest things are the most complicated, things we as adults have forgotten as children..

if the child could have gotten the drink for herself she would not have bothers.. BOTHERED.... the next time stop and think..... could the mother have just said.. ???

excuse me a min i have to get my child a drink....??????
and then sat the child down at the table with a few crackers... and then finished her phone call...

because instead for the last 20 mints the child was throwing tantrums.....???? until his Father came home to save the day.. so now the child KNOWS... he can NEVER COUNT ON MOM.... only dad will save the day....

as simple as this might be... she just tough the child... to next time she asks the child to clean up the toys... the child will IGNORE..........

lesson learned lesson to the child..

These words i write are only a few that parents tell me that they have so much problems on.. and I am just a childcare giver, I am not god... I can not be at there ever whim.... they call me at all hours of the night even 2 or 4 am... to ask me questions...

What should i do my child is?????

I am not really sure where it all went wrong when women stop being women and men stopped being men.. but I can tell you that children are suffering.. there is no respect left.. or even manners.

Thank God my 3yr old teaches these kids who are 4 and 5 manners.. or i would have a tough time... LOL.. Good night!

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Fri 08/07/09 09:27 PM
Dang man, a cigar band should be just fine! when you have been married for 52yrs.. then you can buy her the diamond band that you paid off for the last 50yrs.

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Fri 08/07/09 09:21 PM
I have hopping bunnies in my pants!

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Fri 08/07/09 09:12 PM

question is what do they have to offer.?laugh

I can offer you sex in the morning, and when you get home before you eat and after you eat, before you go to bed, and maybe before you wake up.. how much can you take...

I will add in a few meals that i will cook, i will add in even some bubble baths, a few showers.. and maybe a hand wash down if your a really good boy to me..

I can clean your home spotless if you wish but be careful you might get whipped.. for if you dirty my floors i will have to re wash them and you will miss out on sex..

I can wash your cloths and iron them but don't tick me off or i might burn them,

I can pay all your bills but only if you bring out the gin because your going to need it after you find out how much i spend.

I can blow up balloons all day... I will not say another word.

Now that i have cleaned your home, cooked your meal, and taken care of you....

I have to run off to take care of the kids, feed the dogs, take out the trash, wash the car, run to the doctors, and the pta, the dac meetings and even take care of the strays.....

I have church on Sunday so fork out that money i have to have a new dresses... I am meeting with the preacher and i own him 2 spins..

Now that everyone is happy... I think i will take some time and spend on little o me!

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Fri 08/07/09 09:03 PM
That was a funny one.

lets see...

I want to wake up with sex if you can not provide me with this then I'm getting you fixed.
I want to have breakfast in bed, if you can not provide me with this then hire a servant
I want to have my hair and nails done, OK you have no choice for it will get done regardless if you think you are paying for it or not. or you don't get no sex
I want my dinner on a silver platter, no change that a gold platter.. wait i hate gold.. bronze platter every night while I'm in bed waiting for sex.
I want my house clean so hire a maid, NO>>> YOU cant do that you will cheat on me with her... NOPE>> i will clean my own dang home thank you and give me the money so i can buy some new shoes..
I want my house paid for, so pull it out of your...... wallet
I want to go on vacations like fishing and camping, in a RV with a TV with a maid.. O wait Minus the maid.. i forgot.. you will cheat on me with her..... OK I will clean up all my own food when were camping give me the money and that will pay for a new fishing pole.
I want a motor cycle and that it's not cheep NO! wait then who will be on the back of yours... kick that chick off and let it be me! dang I just saved you some more$$$
I want sex before i go to sleep go take a shower you stink, don't forget to wash behind the draws.... o i mean your ears.....
I want you to quit clicking the clicker while your playing with my feet....
Good night my dear... thanks for the fingernails and the sweet tender lick.....O i mean Tick........

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Fri 08/07/09 08:41 PM
1998, cig were $2.25 / $27. a carton or something, that was like $162 a month i spent just on me.. that did not count my ex... double that maybe twice.. LOl

1944 a year..... think about it... what you could do with that..

1864.8 went to drinking...

3790.8 a year!.... now that was a down payment on a house.

I was smoking my children future away, i was drinking there dreams away...

I got tired of living on the streets with kids, I got tired being homeless....

So I got some guts... and stood up for the right to live!...

My daughter and son mean the world to me and it has been so worth it all..

I never cough, i never shake, i never get sick, I did not at that time even gain weight... I went from running NOT>>>>>>>> to running 9 miles a day....

My life was great.... and even today, if i had to do it all over again, it gave me the courage that i needed to grow to be the best i could be.. regardless what others might say...

it took a few years to realize i could sit in a place that dose have smoke, but it never bothered me..

I kept telling my mind... NO>>> i will not hate.... NO>>> YOU can not control me I have the right to stop.... it is amazing how much cig have over a person, it is like a double personality... it tells you what and when to do it.. it controls your life..

you wake up the first thing you think, is I have to have this... then with in 10min you have to have another one, an after your hot refreshing shower.. you light up again """" why did you even take a shower you stink again"""".

you have to have it before you eat, during your meal, and one after your meal, you have to have it every time you get a cup of coffer or a pepsi, or drink....

you have to have it before you leave the house, when you get in the car, while driving the car.. you have to have it before you get out of the car, and then before you go in the store, when you get out of the store, when you get back in your car.... and over and over it tells you when you have to have it..

who is in charge.. a little peice of paper with a plant rolled up that you take fire...... to lite that makes you cough all day and night.. it makes huge Lugies.. that was the only cool thing....

by the time you get home you walk in the door up goes some more smoke for you light another one... off to watch tv and there you sit.. smoking one after another still having one lit.... now time to you smoke and drink.... the night ends.. with....

sex... you have a cig before it... and for some during.. LOL.. joke.. and you light another one up after... Gee wizzzz get a grip...

Now you just had one.. but you have not tech gone to sleep so you have to get up and have one more.... AWWWW gooo night..

Shhh your mind fades off....Hay..Hay... you want a cig...hay wake up.... its 3:00 i need a cig.. get up and get a cig you know you have to go pee, its time i want a cig.. wake up....

The cig wakes you up to make you go pee to only force you to light up another one... and by the time you are done... you cant go back to sleep.... so you watch tv until you have finished the last pack. as tired as you can be... it is now 5am and you have not had any fun, or any sleep.. ... get up get dressed smoke, eat, smoke, and out the door.. an smoke..


Tell this stupid cig.. go away i hate you... i want you out of my mind.. stop.. stop.. go away... I am in control...

NOW>> everyone was that not fun to read..... if that don't make you quit smoking nothing will..

the laugh for the day... Love you all julie

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Fri 08/07/09 08:10 PM
YEP again, i got a hug and kiss from my grandchild, with i love you grandma.... then my daughter just said good night.... and i have been on the phone for 3 yrs with a young mother who has a 1 yrs old child who is just beside herself.... her baby's father left her and has been sleeping around with another women, and just wrote her a letter ... that letter that said "i never loved you"... so whaaaaa cry..... and anger lays in my ears..... as the 1 yrs old is whaaaaa on the back ground.. I don't really mind, it is my job, or maybe they just know who to come too.. and she lives with her mother!...???

lol but they always come to me for advice. Anyway we just hanged up and she said I love you mom... I know your not my mom but I wish you were my mom even if i have a mom i know your my mom.. OK>... laugh..

these kids... i have not herd from her in over 5 months or so...Well i think i am done!

I love you all, so very much if anyone has not said i love you today..

then let this letter tell you that you are loved today...

Love is what God wants us to give to others... in friendship and in kindness and never greed... With all of this to know that you have friends on the internet, someone you can just run too when you have taken care of everyone else... that is a gift..

Thank you regardless if you like me or not.. or if i mess up or posts or over long letters... it is just me.. I thank you so much when i am going through this changed that i can not understand....

Thank you for just letting me talk if nothing else just letting me vent every day... it so much helps... I don't feel like i am alone in the world..

i had a friend on here but for some reason I guess i ticked her off... I don't have much time in a day, i am never alone in the house, i have kids come in and out all day, or parents, even now its 10pm and I am not alone, My grandchild is in my room so my son can have his own room, my daughter and husband are up stairs and here i am on Mingle2... with just fingers and a mind talking to you... as the phone hangs up and I am told ... Thank you I love you...

I want to tell all of you... Thank you and I love you today...

God bless you all.. Good Night

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Fri 08/07/09 07:15 PM
Stop for me Please! PLEASE!

I'm quit in 1998! I used walmart cough drops, i put them in all the astray around the house, in the car, in the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, were ever you go Keep them in your pocket and jackets ect...

Please quit for me!

My daughter is the highlight of my life an I did it for her to be her hero. I can say after all these years that if i ever had to do this again.. I would do it a million times.

So please for me.....Quit!

I went to the doctors and they ask me Julie have you ever smoked a day in your life I said yes for 18teen yrs i smoked and at the last 3 yrs i smoked 3 pck a day..

He told me, that my lungs were as clear as they can be....

it took 3 yrs after smoking and I felt like a million dollar

also, another thing, did you know that men who smoke long term up into there 50's become impotent.... believe me it is the truth!

So please quit.. it is what destroyed my family....

my ex would not even quit for his own daughter who developed asthma and his son who had bronchitis... and it caused me to also have allergy...... but he chose to keep smoking..

All i can say man is I promise it will change your life, Because i quit smoking and drinking almost 12yrs ago... I can afford a nice living, I can afford to put my kids through college...

Believe me for the money you spend on cig you can save and use it for a use that is more important..

don't ever take away.. always add

With most concern... Please Quit for me!...

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Fri 08/07/09 06:18 PM
We willie winkie

Wee willie winkie runs through the town,
upstairs and downstairs, in his nightgown:
Rappin at the window,
crying through the lock,
"Are the children in their beds?
Now it's eight o'clock."

Dose it ever end.... well not until i go to sleep! she will have music were ever she goes!

Children obey your parents in the morn, children obey your parents in the evening, for they will be pleased...

God... turn the music off and lets watch tv

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Fri 08/07/09 04:39 PM

so i had another random thought...

say you were dating somebody for about 2 of 3 months and they wanted you to get an std test before yall got down and dirty.what would be your reaction?

YOU don't want it do you! So if they want to have nookie nookie then go ahead and get one done or ask them to...

In this day and age.. it is the safest thing to do! YOU never know who your partner has been with! Words are quiet when you start a relationship, it is only after a few months or years you find out the truth.... so be save!

A lot of the girls i help lets stay this 9 out of 10 has a std! in this town.. 17yrs old to 23ys old..

They have genital warts, and herpes all because they all slept with the same boy in there school.. he did get around, and got 3 of them preggers....

so get tested.. no matter who you are...its 2009 and aids is still flying around!...

you should be tested after each of your partners, no different then a pap for your pills, and always were a sheep skin! Amen

Thank God I'm not 21?

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Fri 08/07/09 03:59 PM
Edited by sillyatheart3 on Fri 08/07/09 04:00 PM
chain...... Ok now look at the answer up side down!


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Fri 08/07/09 03:58 PM
Ok Profile.... WAS... great, very respectful, Shows your a kind person, along with considerate... it shows your not out to get...??? but your being loyal stating you have been found!

Great pic of smiles.......

Done Great... Remember, Women are easy to please, as long as you don't teeze too much.......

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Fri 08/07/09 03:32 PM
How sweet, you are a good man, to have done that.... Kootoes....!

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Fri 08/07/09 02:55 PM
Good man, I use to get flowers every day until i found out he was gay!........ LOL.....

Good man... giving flowers to a women always brightens up her day, it brings smiles to ones face an warm fuzzy feelings in her heart.. and her mind feels joy all day!

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Fri 08/07/09 02:53 PM
IN BRIEF: Of or belonging to or characteristic of this world as distinguished from heaven.

Tutor's tip: The "earthy" (coarse and unrefined) girl had no "earthly" (conceivable or possible) reason to change her personality.

how many 4 leaf clovers grow in a year?

P.s. I have the answer just in case you are wrong!

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Fri 08/07/09 02:49 PM
2nd part to the ending! My mother took her 45mm went to the boys house with a friend from the Police. She new everyone.. anyway...

She walked right up to him who was 16teen Told him to give her the pic and the tape, He laughed in her face. She walked up to his house door knocked on it his mother answered.. She said your Son disrespected my daughter while she was at your house with your sister! I want the tapes and the pictures... that he took.

His mother yelled out side.. JOHNNY! get your but in this house... as he ran to his room and pushed me down the stare.... he returned with the items..

I can say this: the next day! I was head to toe with bruises.. NO one new that at school, I would not be safe...

OUCH>> this is a real story.. remember I come from L.A. were children don't play... And the Rich get there way!

The pic were burned.

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Fri 08/07/09 02:37 PM

IN BRIEF: Of or belonging to or characteristic of this world as distinguished from heaven.

Tutor's tip: The "earthy" (coarse and unrefined) girl had no "earthly" (conceivable or possible) reason to change her personality.

I love how Man made this dictionary!

I need to be Tutored asap!

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Fri 08/07/09 02:32 PM

blowup doll

she`s lost her UMMFFFFF
THIS happens sometimes to the best of um..
If her ego has deflated, you need to possibly give her C.P.R,
orally,,,,,,,,maybe for about an hour or so....
That stands for, "Cap Personal Reblow", wink..

Find the tiny center release between her legs,(OH,SORRY,OR HIS)lol
Its very small and kind-of oval shaped-round,,,,then take your fingers and flip it out,,,then insert your mouth over the open hole and lightly blow until she starts to rise and get firm....
The more you do this the firmer she will feel,,,,,,,,,








Ego rubbed, stroked and shaded pink!

Tell me I AM THE MAN,,,,,to have thought this one up,,,,wink,
Hey,,,some things a man NEVER forgets,,,,,,lol,lol

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Fri 08/07/09 02:16 PM

does it do dishes and take out the garbage?

No...but, niether does the real thing....and at an average of $ is definitely cheaper than any of our latest ex.......

if you think I am wrong....see what the avg cost of divorce is among the troops......

I will gladly drop $6k instead of getting nickeled and dimed for decades worth of wasted time.

Excuse me! I do 3 sets of dishes every day, I cook 5 meals a day, along with 3 to 7 loads of laundry, I mop the floor, vacuum 6 times a day, and i clean up all the toys in the house! I read books, teach abc, and 123. I also patt your back to go to sleep and kiss you on the forhead and say good night sweet dreams.

I wash your hands and face and sometimes your feet, I sing songs to you and watch tv with you on my lap.

I even give you treats if your real real good and have done a good deed.

I will teach you manners, respect and empathy before the day is out.

the only thing i as is this... Don't piss in my face! And yes I do take out the diapers at the end of the day!

O my cost $14.50 for 10hour day pay!

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