Community > Posts By > sillyatheart3

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Sat 08/01/09 01:43 PM
NOPE>>>> my house is filled of Adult kids.. but my Roof got fixed, my grass got mowed, the laundry got put away, the kitchen got cleaned.. all while i play on mingle2 to get away...

even coffee was made and brought to me! I am not alone when i have people on the community post that are so interesting..

Now the moment i get free time alone... I have a phone call to make... it is way over due..

P.s. my son woke up in his room today, and then said good morning.. What a wonderful.... feeling that was.........

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Sat 08/01/09 01:39 PM
2yrs. I did myself a favor and Mourned! it was the best thing i ever did. It allowed me to not only Forgive, but to let go! I can't stay it healed the soul but it refreshed my mind enough to allow myself to accept there is a future in the proses i do not understand by God dose!

In the proses, I wait for when i jumped it drowned me, so i was tough to wait, listen and learn so i will be ready when it is time.

I still believe that God brings a person into are life for a reason, it is to teach us something about oneself, so we can get ready for the real thing.

we might have one or a several but what ever the reason is for each one leaving it is a reason that we had to see the truth in oneself.

for each one that asked to return knowing that it did not work out the first time so why try again? to only give it one more chance to have it end again.

to mourn and then open up your life learn again from why it did not work out.

Now that I have been taught, I myself must put the actions in the directions that it needs to be, so to wait has never been my strong point but to seek and find and not be weak.

I have the right to love, to be loved and to accept love anyway i chose to do so and I as a person know i am "Love" in my own soul. Now it is and has been again Gods role to chose who he might find on this earth that would best fit my heart and mind.

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Sat 08/01/09 12:49 PM


I know you have tools, duct tape, and some TLC......

So if your Broken Toy is Broken then fix it... and here is some support behind you..

YOU can hand me the wrench, the duct tape and give me the Glass of water... while i am fixing the broken Toy since this is what I do all day..... well at least 3 times a week..

then I give TLC to the person that broke the toy...

so if you broke your Toy,,,, then Here is some TLC

flowerforyou flowers smooched smooched smooched biggrin biggrin biggrin :thumbsup:

don't you feel loved know... and by the way.... That glass of water was just so refreshing thank you so much for offering it too me while i work so hard on fixing the broken toy...

I wish you smiles and hugs and hope the next time your toys are broken just call me.... I will be there....

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Sat 08/01/09 12:39 PM

I hope couse all that I get is just ******** enough of the drama I don't care what your boyfriend or husband did to you It's time for a new start So Come on Ladies it's time to find real love

??? Why do women talk about thee husbands and past lovers?

1. Women talk to women and tell all there life experiences too,
2. Women write in Diary and tell there daily life adventures
3. Women also go to support groups, or on life forms to help each other to solve problems, help with information's they do not understand.

Last of lease, We are not complaining, we are expressing oneself, giving a part of are life, self to others to get to know us.

When you meet a person, thy ask you about your life, your past and who you are as a person, they want to know your out look on life and HOW YOU CAME TO BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE... in this proses it took Experience from your childhood, your friendships, relationships. marriages and divorces, it took your skills from mother hood to understand what life is. or is not.

So to concluded this. A pretty face, a nice profile is not what the person is like in there life, But to read and hear about ones life, is to show you were have have come, and now were they are at.

Women! Lady's! Mothers! and Frogs! Tell your story's because one of these wonderful, amazing, random people on this site will connect with you and at the end of the day, they will have connected on a deep deep level that you could not have found with out expressing your views, your feelings and emotions... So what one might call Badge or "drama"... might as well be the best thing that ever happened to you...

I myself will continue to tell my life story! for i lived it, learned from it and am proud of it. and in the proses of this..

I have met the most amazing people on these community posts that if i had not, i would not have understood them or related to them.

here is my $9.73cents today....... I can except some change back criticism is always a refreshing soul eye opener!

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Sat 08/01/09 12:25 PM

It's Time for All the REAL LADIES to Show themSELF'S THE Time Has Come So Bring on The Real Ladies


Did you know there are also Women, and Mothers who are Lady's?

Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have the compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give.


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Sat 08/01/09 11:50 AM

1. Deviating from the proper or expected course.
2. Deviating from what is normal; untrue to type.

Definition: not being normal
Antonyms: normal, same, true

Deviating from the usual or normal course, location, or action.

Sometimes we do things we are not normally set forth to do! I went into a post or topic i had no idea what I got myself into! but found it to be so invigorating that in the end Normal, same and true! was what one needs to grow in there spirit.

The unknown do we ever open the door!

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Sat 08/01/09 11:33 AM

They operate on a quantum level via electrical activity, and other quantum phenomena
Macro molecules and electrical signals . . . quantum?

Can you be precise and explain what quantum effects are necessary for the human brain to function?

Therefore what a baseball might do after it is hit by a bat is totally irrelevant to the topic of "free will".
Not if your above assertion is incorrect.

Maybe its time to get specific . . .

Please describe to me the exact process in the brain.

PS Abra, the poeple discussing in that thread are some of the top professionals in the world working on this problem, and the problem of consciousness in AI, I certainly would not poo poo anything in that thread.

The devil is in the details, and I have seen no specific details to back up your assertions.

That was a nice thread yes... But top professionals?

In the 5 pages I read... 1 professor. 1 Post-grad. 1 graduate and 5 students.... oh and something called a 'muse'...?

These are our 'top' professionals...?

Other then the fancier words and a 'proper' use of scientific jargon they sounded much like us...

i.e. Where is my tail... There it is! Ooops it went left... No thats your tail... bigsmile

Just like on here.

I say my good bye's! I thank you all for teaching me something I have never ever known about, I have been so intrigued with the words that only "Happiness" has come out of my day! Intelligent and pure simple minded people are the same the only different is this..

the computer! and a simple penile that was used in the 1700's to form a idea that is still being debated about after all these Centuries

I bid my farewell! For tomorrow is another day to learn something new!

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Sat 08/01/09 10:37 AM
The 20th century rise of computation and cognitive science cast consciousness—mind, the mental—as a computational processing of discrete (e.g. digitized) information. Regarding ‘the physical,’ advances in string theory, quantum field theory, quantum geometry and other approaches attempt to account for the fine structure of the physical world differently, but are all based on discrete quantized units of information. Wheeler (1994), Smolin (2001), Lloyd (2008) and others have suggested in various ways that information is fundamental to the nature of reality, and that in some sense the universe is composed of interactive information processing—that the universe is, in essence, a computer.

If this is true then are minds would be transforming to information but the problem is this.

Are minds do intake a lot of information however a computer can hold information as well.

If the computer breaks? there is only left a mind to fix the computer so to teach are minds to be all they can be with out the use of society's on going (material world) forcing us to have Free will in doing as we please, in influencing us to believe we have the "will" and yet we do not use it!

There for if ""will is free" then humans and only humans need to learn more to improve there Body, Mind and Soul.

When all else Fails then Mankind will also!

In this prosses, we have made a society that is unable to care for themself, who are always sick and who have no mentale exchange in converstation to be able to make rash judgments!

then I even question my self as a women/child and mother! I think I know how to raise children but i have been shown that if Free will dose exsist and if Bateson (1970), Bohm (1986), Wheeler (1994) and Chalmers (1996)a) psycho/experiential/mental, and b) physical/material aspects.

What is the connection between them?

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Sat 08/01/09 09:54 AM
Wouldn't it make far more sense for me to demand that someone else, who believes that such a distinct line can be drawn, to demonstrate precisely where they think it should be drawn?

Draw that line and then I'll suggest why I feel that line doesn't hold water.

Until then, how could I possibly show that no such line exists?

You'll have to show me a line that can be addressed first. I'm absolutely certain that you would find it impossible to draw any such line. Wherever you draw a line, I'll show why that line doesn't hold. That's all I can offer.

So if there is only a solution each time, but there is no Question? How to solve the solution then the solution can not be answered, for there was no question? in the first place! to even discuss "why or why not" it "may or may not" be the answer to the question to solve!

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Sat 08/01/09 09:43 AM
The question then becomes far more complexed.

Are people genuinely responsible for the diseases they contract, and physical situations they get themselves into?

That's a question I have yet come to grips with myself. Although I'm tending toward the answer that they are indeed responsible for everything ultimately. I have my own reasons for coming to this conclusion which I won't go into here.

YES>>>>Are people genuinely responsible for the diseases they contract!

We live in a society of environment bad health, we chose to destroy or own selfish body's knowing that we can control this.

in the state that one chooses to smoke, or drink ect. but knows it will cause damage to ones body and shorten there life span knowing that this is better then being alive on this planet and dealing with work, wife's/husband/kids. ect. It is ones choice.

Why! We do this to make others feel sorry for us, we do this to harm oneself so we will go to ??? or God in the end but faster. We do this out of society that gives a reward system for being good.

if a child cleans there room we get a cookie
if a adult goes to work he brings home a paycheck

if a child stays home sick thy get pampered, given treats, and watches tv. they are being REWARD FOR BEING SICK.
if a adult calls in sick to work he is getting reward he gets "sick time pay' for being sick, are society teaches us to be sick so we can and will take advantage of this.

Are society allows us to stay home and do nothing get a paycheck for being sick, and yet on the other side.
A person works 117hrs a week to better themselves, to give back to society, to help the world for a Profit!

One has been programed to be sick which from infant to adult knows nothing other then how... HOW TO BE SICK!

The other has been taught intelligent, to strive to have his mind flourish with knowledge and in this proses they are never sick! They don't make time to be sick????? Point made!

physical situations they get themselves into? YES! We chose To believe the doctors meds, pills, decisions are correct and will make us better.

Example, ON who might get Sumac poising will rush to the hospital and get treatment with medicine and walk away with a $185.00 bills and it will be over in 3 days.

but the other person who has faith there own choice, chose to not be treated and suffers for 7 weeks knowing that God will heal them!
They do however use over the counter drugs and items to help heal!

the out come in this is the same They did not believe there own judgment or decisions that the body will heal itself.

Mind, body and soul as one not 3 different.

society teaches us that, are Mind is uncontrollable, are Body is Controllable and are Soul is a choice. if this is true then we would not have a Free will... for we can not make decisions for oneself but we have others make them for us.

YOU are the most interesting person i have ever met in my entire life Sir Abracadabra!

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Sat 08/01/09 09:09 AM

wux's point:
Therefore there is no such thing as a free will, whether the universe is completely organized, causal, or completely disorganized and uncaused. The third possibility (mixed caused and unrestrictedly originated events) and the fourth possibility (nothing exists) are shown to be impossible -- the third, as shown above, the foruth, by Descartes' "cogito ergo sum".

Well said... But, perhaps, it is wrong to discuss a free will in Absolute terms:
after all, there are many degrees of a free will -- since it really is a relative matter. Consequently, it might be propper to discuss only the degree of a free will -- in that respect it might be clearer what the term means... * * *

Obviously, there ain't no such thing as a Free -- especially when paired with "will". But, to a certain degree, the will might be "free" -- within a strictly defined set of conditioms...

By all means, as you prefer. I would just like to submit a fine-tuning to your proposal: Let's change the term of "degrees of free will" to "impressions of free will happening" or "sentient evidence of free will" or "psycho-experiential evidence of free will". With that change in place I could really go along.

Would you agree to this change in your proposal?

Can conscious experience—feelings, phenomenal qualia, our ‘inner life’—be accommodated within present-day science?

Those who believe it can (e.g. proponents of physicalism, reductionism, materialism, functionalism, computationalism) see conscious experience as an emergent property of complex computation in networks of brain neurons. In these approaches consciousness is viewed as a higher order effect emerging from lower level, non-conscious entities.

Others believe consciousness cannot be accommodated within present day or future science. Cartesian dualists see consciousness and physical matter as separate and irreconcilable. A modern version of dualism is ‘mysterianism,’ or cognitive closure, which suggests that consciousness exists within science but cannot be understood by conscious beings, and we should stop worrying about it.

I am smart enough to look information UP>>>> lol

Now this is a site! I would rather learn this stuff then.. Dose your girl have a bootie?

so thank you... for letting me educate myself.

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Sat 08/01/09 08:55 AM

Sat 08/01/09 01:33 AM


Seems like a wrong assumption may lead to the wrong conclusion -- for instance:
What is free choice? Is that choice where there is no conditions placed on the choice? Where conditions are what hamper freedom? Choice without what? Free from what? Saying determinism DOES NOT ANSWER the question. That is called a negative definition and does not tell you what something is, it tells you what something is not.

Not necessarily, even a negative definition is precise enough for an answer...
The result of an equation -- "2+2=" -- is defined as
NOT 1,
NOT 2,
NOT 3,
NOT 5 or anything above...

Clearly, such a Negative definition DOES indicate what something IS! ! ! (zero is excluded cuz the sum of the positive numbers must be greater then zero)

The set of natural numbers is infinite, try this one 25^50*15^25, now use a negative definitions to resolve this answer before you die of old age? Not going to happen without a super computer.

If only free will was as easy as 2+2, then we could all brush off our hands and be done with it regardless of positive or negative definitions.

My statements stands negative definitions tell you what something is not, not what something is, even with a neg def, you must then use analysis to reach a conclusion, it provides very little information for your analysis and in a large set its near on useless.

Please for give me for butting in..

So then free will, is this:

Before we are born we have no will, we are not free because we have not become 1+ we are still 0-/ Until we are born out of a woman only then do we become 1 but it depends if we are a 1+ or a 1-, I see no readon to place a Negitive on a human that has no understanding of life or numbers! so we will make the infant a 1+,

Now that the child has grown and seen much the 1+ is starting to come to a 1- for the fact that Social states and Physics are now chaning this child into what society choses and by the time the child is 18 the child is a - negitive for learining only bad behaviors, in life.

so then Free is the choice of ones soul, and Choice is the aspect that one can be a Positive or a Negitive in ones Free life!

so if I am a Negivtive person and only see negive at 47- then how would one become a +positive at 47+.

If i was to take my choice and choose to be Positive for the rest of my life and never say anything Negitive then i would be no dought a + in this factor! Right?

Then it is the freedome of choice that i chose this.

so if a serial killer was born a + and became a - then it was his free will to kill, to be negitive.

So if we are of Quantum Mechanics then are time frain on this earth is one thing!

We have been put on this earth, or make of this earth to be free and make are own choices.

any yet other country's humans are not free they are controlled they have no freedom no will but the existence of a body with out a soul.

Then why is only one nation Free when other nations are controlled,
Dang it I lost my train of thought,, I am so sorry.... I am trying so bare with me.

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Sat 08/01/09 08:39 AM

I think this is the problem that a lot of people have with Quantum Mechanics.

They have their own informal ideas of what words like 'randomness' might mean, and so when Quantum Mechanics says that something is 'random' they think it means whatever intuitive idea they have concerning that word.

But Quantum Mechanics is using the term in a mathmatical sense only.

Quantum Mechanics is saying that quantum events are truly random in a mathematical sense. Not necessarily in someone's personal intuitive idea of what they think 'random' should mean.

Quantum Mechanics is a mathematical theory and it holds within those formal definitions.

Whether it holds with respect to the whims of how certain individuals might personally think of specific concepts in terms of their own intuition is anyone's guess because Quantum Mechanics says nothing about people's personal intuition.

It's a mathematical theory and it stands true based on the formal mathematical meanings of the terms it uses.

I could listen to you talk all day, your words are honey to my mind! and that is a complement! From this women!

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Sat 08/01/09 08:36 AM

Qauntum indeterminism is not acausal, therefore not truly random.

You're just denying the accepted formal meanings of these words.

Quantum indeterminism is indeed acausal. Just as the outcome of a toss of dice is acausal.

The fact that the dice have 'form' does not equate to the 'cause' of any particular roll.

Tossing dice is considered to be a "truly random' act mathematically speaking. In fact, the probability curves of tossing dice over many rolls can be predicted only because it's a truly random act. If it wasn't truly random the probability formulas wouldn't work.

If you want to say that the over-all probability distributes are restricted, then no one would argue with that. This is indeed the case. Yet that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that each individual quantum event is indeed truly random.

You're must mincing words in ways that don't fit the formal definitions of those words as they are used within the sciences and mathematics.

It's simply incorrect to say that quantum events aren't 'truly random'. That's simply not true based on what these words mean within the formalism.

You must have a phobia to 'randomness' to go to such extremes as to deny the very meanings of these formal terms.

You're probably confusing it with complete chaos. In fact, I'm sure you are based on what you say,...

If I poured water from a glass and it suddenly began to boil in mid-air while simultaneously taking a path towards another, then I could not be held responsible for the outcome. There was no way to know about that outcome, which would be purely random.

That wouldn't merely be "random", that would be random "chaos"

If you drop a coin and it can only land in one of two positions but you can't predetermine which of those two positions it's going to land in, then that coin toss is 'truly random'.

It wouldn't need to do something absurd like trun into a butterfly and fly away in order to be considered to be 'truly random'.

If all it ever does is land heads or tails, and nothing else, but those two states are unpredictable, then it's 'truly random'.

You're insistence that other possibilities must be present for something to be 'truly random' is simply incorrect by the formal accepted meaning of 'randomness'.

You're demanding definitions for 'randomness' that simply don't exist. You're making up your own semantics.

I know i am interrupting and I am sorry but I am so fascinated with the words..

Because you explained it in a way that I personally could relate to this subject. I can also start to understand! Please bare with me on this site, I so want to understand the though proses so if anything, I can change my oneself!

I only ask for you all to teach me and help me a simple women understand in a different light.

Books, theory, anything to help me start from the beginning so i can catch up and see my own personal growth. That is all i ask!

Thank you!

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Sat 08/01/09 08:18 AM

Abra have you had a chance to read that thread over at the JREF? I think it right up your ally.

I did read some of it.

I have so many comments and concerns that I decided it wouldn't be worth bringing them up. I'd be better off just writing a book. laugh

In the OP of that thread it is stated:

"Some think nature's indeterminism only exists at the level of quarks and electrons. But Searle says this is wrong. Indeterminism goes all the way from quarks to baseballs."

Personally I see no need for indeterminism to exist on the macro level. It simply isn't required. Creation begins at the quantum level, not the macro level.

This is especially true with respect to human thinking. Our brains don't operate on a macro scale. We may think of brains as being macro objects, but they don't operate on a macro level. They operate on a quantum level via electrical activity, and other quantum phenomena

Therefore what a baseball might do after it is hit by a bat is totally irrelevant to the topic of "free will". What's relavent to free will is the conscious process of the entity who swung the bat.

The indeterminism of the universe arises from the quantum level, and that would include the cerebral processes of all beings that have organic neural nets. But it would also include other natural processes that gave rise to the very evolution and existence of bilogical neural nets.

To now look at a baseball and ask if it's behavior is 'indeterminant' is to entirely miss the point, IMHO.

Indeterminism is the basis of creation, and the thinking process of biological neural nets. In fact, this would also be true of manmade neural nets as well. When mankind prefects the construction of "artificial" or manmade neural nets (which they are already building), they very well may create a conscious sentient mind that has it's own free will.

I expect that they most certainly will do this. I only hope that they recognize the free will sentience of the being they create.

But they probably won't. Mankind as a whole tends to be quite arrogant about things like that, unfortunately.

I already have a very solid working understanding of QM as well as the macro world. I'm totally comfortable with how free will and conscious sentience can exist in this world.

I try to share my understanding with other people, but all they want to do is argue about it. I have no desire to argue about it. I'm quite content with my own understanding of things. It makes perfect sense to me. I have no fear of randomness. From my point of view it's the greatest gift we could have ever been bestowed with. Why people find it so repugnant is beyond me.

I so enjoyed reading this.... And I do understand... My focus on a subject is scattered! I am trying have rational thinking as intelligent would be but being with children every day for the last 27yrs. I have found that I have no adult skills, so I attempted to walk were I do not belong but to give it a effort!

As a mother seeing the world in a child's eyes, not in adult eyes! I think, speak and act as a child. NOT a adult.

thank you for being so honest and showing me were I if anything need to look at and try again..Thank you very much for not shagging me..... the the wall..... I am grateful to you all... I gave it my best effort....

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Sat 08/01/09 08:09 AM
Good morning, I was awoken at 2:20am from my son telling me, Hay mom just wanted you to know I am home for the night, the alarm went off and i did not want you to worry! How sweet.....

I'm fine..

To only wake up to the sound of chattering grandchild... Grandma get up out of bed......LOL... at 8am.....

AWWW and i almost got to sleep in....... shoot......

Dang kids were is my Coffee... O by the way... kids... Don't buy Coffee this week, I am quitting........... my Cholesterol Levels are 213 a little high....

Well, off to Mingle2 To start my day! Hope everyone has the most wonderful day..... thanks....

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 08:04 AM

And it doesn't help the fact that I'm a helpful soul. Last night as everyones getting ready for bed at camp this big strapping young guy from iowa pulls in and starts taking his kawasaki vulcan cruiser bike apart in the campground- because he heard a clunking noise and found a U joint clip. That is the first time I ever took a motorcycle apart in a campground. We pulled the pipes, rear wheel, jackshaft, and swingarm out of the bike. Then pulled the driveshaft, centered the U joints, put the clip back in, and then reassembled it all in 4 hours- midnite. Then I went to bed. Now I'm late in packing my gear. I only have 2 hours to rapid city airport. But it will seem like an eternity.

What a big heart!

I was suppose to go a few years ago! but God stopped me from going, the person that did go, Lets say this person now has a Rod in his Leg! the bike slipped and took this person with it. The bike is no longer do to they can never ride again! after 47yrs having there OL' Blue is done with..

but Good people like you helped this person and saved there life! So you could have prevented this person for seriously hurting themselves.

Hat's off to you for having such a wonderful king and loving heart that you took your 4hrs that could have spent packing and gave that to your Mankind biker who needed you more then a folded rolled up underwater, socks, and toothbrush.

YOUR a Gift from Heave to all Bikers... I thank you if no one ever dose.........

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Sat 08/01/09 07:55 AM

I was always lead to believe that African scammers were unable to use Mingle.
As I have had yet ANOTHER one try their luck with me today, I'm just hoping that the mods are aware of these people. grumble

I have been here for almost a month and i have never had anyone approach me or send me improper information?

don't be too harsh on these people, some of the best ones are on this site.. They are great... When I needed friends the most they were here for me.......... Thanks..

Just delete them and report them let Mingle2 deal with them.. YOU can also block the user! go to your filter page and you might have settings that are causing this problem.... dont let out side mail inside!

have a great day...

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 07:27 AM
Dang girl if I did not feel old I do now!

IN MY GENERATION: This is not a joke, We in California had a Dunce hat.. it looked like a cone..... and if you the child blurted out in class you were to sit on a stool in front of the class with this hat on your head!... lets say... I have had my days with this.... and it was only Kindergarten! Catholic school.

My mother after 6 months took me out of the class.. after the next treatment...

I did not learn my spelling words.... so my hands were placed on the desk and with a ruler... it was whipped... OUCH>>>> Gee my generation was strict.....

Last of least, we the class did not turn in are home world 3rd grade then we all, did not get to go out for recess!

I could go on but i wont... the last time i was in the princibule office I was 18teen years old.. HM>>> could it of started in KG???? we will never know!!!!!ohwell slaphead :angel: waving

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Sat 08/01/09 07:19 AM
1. Make up a word!
2. spell the word you made up
3. Then Check Googles to see what word comes up?
4. copy the goggles word and definition

hackenporsche ? German word
Means : A Cary on Luggage with wheels

Well that was fun!

What word can you make up?? Try goggling it and tell us the response!

I'm creative today! lolthink

1 2 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16