Community > Posts By > sillyatheart3

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Fri 07/24/09 10:48 AM
Edited by sillyatheart3 on Fri 07/24/09 10:53 AM
Joline Jewels,

My daughter was supose to have this name but my husband at the time hated it... so instead she was Called Anna Marie

and my son's name was to be Stingray but the nurses said he would be called stinky Ray... so we called him Tony.. LOL

but my grandchils name is the coolest ever..

Ariella Corelie Bell........ only 3 in the world.... lol.. I know i looked it up.. haa haa haa...

But my all time fav...

is Julie Ann....

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Fri 07/24/09 04:46 AM

Table tennis?
Curling? ( isn't his just another version of Boccie?)
Racing? (Note, Not foot or cycle, I mean any MOTORIZED racing)

And secondly Would professional "Wrestlers" be considered athletes even though they state that they are not in a sport but in the entertainment business?

Golf? hit the ball in one hole?
Table tennis? slap that ball?
Billiards? stick that thing were?
POKER?!? Lay them strait!
Boccie? Keep on Roll'n Roll'n
Curling? Pump it baby cakes....
Racing? Faster, faster your all most home!
Duck, Duck, goose?

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Fri 07/24/09 04:38 AM
I would go back to the moment my parents had sex.. and slap the **** out of them....put a cork in that thing..... LOL....

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Fri 07/24/09 04:31 AM

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Fri 07/24/09 04:30 AM
1. never open your mouth
2. close your eyes
3. cram marshmallows in your ears
4. don't piss on your shoes
5. wipe your butt with there washcloth
6. Don't -wipe your butt with there washcloth
7. depress them to the max so they will leave you the heck alone
8. never, ever, no matter what, on this earth tell the truth!
9. chose not to make friends..

Add to this list! have fun...

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Fri 07/24/09 04:25 AM
Im 47yrs old, and have a house filled of kids 19m,2#-21m, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 yr old.. ( i run a daycare).

And you think you feel old?... I feel like I'm 60.. Wait! I only wish i was 60, so i don't have to chase kids, i can just take my cane and trip them. Pee my panties and be sent to my room were i can be spoiled, pampered, and feed. AAAWWWWW I am so looking forward to getting old...

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Fri 07/24/09 03:53 AM
so then go to Oklahoma, or another state you can add them.. on your profile...

I am new so i have been sprucing up my sites.... and trying to have some fun with them...

get involved... start topics... people only want to add commits and that is all be smart asss sss and they have fun...

example... stupid questions..

what color underwear do you have on?

What is your last movie you saw?

was your child a nerd, sports freek or a sissy?


just make stuff up.. and then check back every few days..

that's all fokes....

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Fri 07/24/09 03:45 AM
Dhs runs most laws in the state, they believe in there bi laws that spanking children is harmful to there growth. They believe that you can 're direct' your child to a better understanding.

are you for spanking or re directing your child.

Were you spanked as a child or talked too.

I have never had a spanking in my life.......... from my parents! NO JOKING>>> they did not believe in it...

Out come, I spend my life feeling as i was never loved! When all the other children, got chores, and allowance, spankings.

I got what ever i wanted, Go to your room.. OK GREAT! I can watch colored tv, turn on the radio, play games, call my girlfriends and with in 20mints i am walking out the house to go and play.

While all the other kids are grounded for 2 weeks.. who suffered.. ME, I had no one to play with.. Haa haa ha

Yes! I had children, YES i spanked them and YES they love me so much and respect me.

NO! I hated my parents, and i did not respect them not until I turned 28yrs old... Now I know the Truth....

they were beaten with belts........ OOOPPSSSS>>>>>

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Fri 07/24/09 03:38 AM
Bonding with a child, When I gave birth to my daughter, the nurses gave her to her father at just a few seconds old, I never got my daughter for almost 2 hrs.

For the next 3 months of her life, her father diapered, bathed and cared for, all i was; was a cow to feed her. Even though I got to hold her.. HE wanted ever second and stayed home on unemployment so he could be with her.


by 3yrs old he was de-tatched from her I will never know what happend! Work, money, Work, money everything for the family nothing for him...??? i guess..

When his son came, in the hospital I got my son the moment he came out! however for the next 3 weeks again my husband took full care of his son. But again work, money, work, money everything for the family nothing for him.. now was double trouble..??? I guess... by the time he was 2 yrs old he just stopped...

I would hold my kids for hours on hours when they were infants, I would always be there for them no matter what.

OUTCOME! They have not seen there father in over 5 yrs.

IT is the parent that stick it out, who is there for them, Who no matter what they say or do is willing to be there regardless if thy achieve or fail.

Unconditional love is my name: I live it everyday not only with my kids but with other parents kids who have to work.

Who am I: I am a Childcare giver!.. It is the time spent with the child that counts.. with fun and love and discipline.

unconditional love is to teach a child right from wrong they thrive on it and with out discipline they feel they were never loved.

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Fri 07/24/09 03:22 AM

Any feedback on what I can maybe add or subtract from my profile would be great, thanks!

P.S. HOME TOWN: Redondo, Hermosa, Torrance, Palos Verties (I miss)!

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Fri 07/24/09 03:18 AM

Any feedback on what I can maybe add or subtract from my profile would be great, thanks!

Thank you! Why because since i have moved to Oklahoma I started to think just maybe it is me....

and today after reading your profile.. I NOW know it is not me...

I so miss California, were dreams come... COME TRUE. BECAUSE WE MAKE THEM HAPPEN. Were we can play and run and enjoy are day.

YOU have a wonderful site and it shows how POSITIVE I USE TO BE... PAST TENSE... OKLAHOMA HAS MADE ME A VERY BITTER WOMEN...



Thank you so very much you will never know how much i enjoyed reading your profile..


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Fri 07/24/09 03:10 AM

have fun..... molest a mushroom

is that what you ment?

No thanks there filled of maggots.

never put a mushroom in a jar or you will have a classroom filled of icky maggots all over the room.

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Fri 07/24/09 03:10 AM

have fun..... molest a mushroom

is that what you meant?

No thanks there filled of maggots.

never put a mushroom in a jar or you will have a classroom filled of icky maggots all over the room.

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Fri 07/24/09 03:06 AM
after 9 yrs, you give up hope, you stop carring and you just get use to being alone.

My mother found her soulmate at 42yrs old
my 1/2 sister found hers soulmate at 45yrs old



This sucks why go through life alone all because people can be happy with the person they chose to be, instead they find every fault with them, they find out thee not the person they thought you were???? what...

I guess it goes back to the 70's pictures... Half the fruit is a sour bitter grapefruit the other half is a onion?

you get what you get, be happy with your choices it could have been worse at least you at the time found something you liked in that person.

the eyes, the legs, the personality. OR if your a deep person the heart of kindness and the intelligent.

I will be alone for ever if i listen to my horoscope.

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Thu 07/23/09 07:00 PM

My brother and I used to love battleship!!

Oohh I used to cheat!! LOL

my family still plays this today... I lose... on this one.. Assuming what Ya right.. I lose YOU sunk my Battle ship.. dang it..

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Thu 07/23/09 11:40 AM
Every day of my life.

I am from the west coast, California! Were we went hiking, camping, fishing, we ran on the beaches and went surfing. We took bikes rides for 7 hrs for fun. We took drives to other city's and goofed around or found a cool place for dinner.

The out look on children is to take care of them to adore them to praise them, give them what ever they want. To help them archive a higher goal in life and you the parent sacrifice yourself, your jobs and career your life for them to achieve. We put are kids first. NO matter what even through are marriages.. Kids come first.

I moved to a place I do not understand and 9 yrs later I still do not fit in.

I hate bars i do not drink, OK enough said...

I can't ride a horse, Ok enough said...

I hate country music.. Sorry but true.. it is so depressing.. I am so depressed in this state, all that happiness i possessed has been sucked dry out of me... there is nothing left.. drained....

no one is happy in this town, or state...

I would go home if i could, but i cant i still have 3 yrs more to go.

I came here to Oklahoma because my News paper told me that it was the best College in the united states for my children choice of careers... so i gave them 12yrs of my life... to do this..

I have been miserable ever since...and I don't see this changing any time in the near future..

i have tried to date: but they just don't get how important a family is.. or the responsibility that i take on so my adult kids can do this...

I thought this would be the best family country setting, small towns, less stress, lots of family time... Wrong... I was so wrong.

they are board out of there skin's. they are angry and mean to the kids. I know I take care of all there kids 7 days a week 24yrs a day for them and they treat there kids like they are nothing. they beat, and hit and abuse them. I cry every night in my soul for these kids..

I know it happens all over the place but Gee don't these people just want happy family's....???


I just have not found the right, group to fit into.... and that is my fault not the states, not the people, not the town... I just need to try harder...


Thank you.. I love these post's.. I could not figure out why i was so unhappy... and now.. with this one thread.....

I feel like the truth has been realized from my inner soul.. I am angry.... I am frustrated.. and it is one hundred percent me..

I am doing this to myself after all... Thank you... This needs to change.....

what was that old saying... if you cant beet them Join them.... well may be there is a second situation..

make your own group........ or club... so they can complain about you.>>>>>>>> Haaaaaa haaa haa.....

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Thu 07/23/09 11:24 AM
NO!, I am not friends with my ex, or my ex's... NOPE! I "new them" when. and "now I don't" want to know them!. {ONCE WAS ENOUGH}.

If thy would quit trying to come back and just get the point "WHEN IT IS OVER IT IS OVER"...

I think friendship makes a difference, if they were your friend or your sexual fantasy. That makes a huge differences.

ONE likes the other.

The other was only for pleasure.. That never lasts....

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Thu 07/23/09 11:17 AM
I love reading these posts/ topic's. They are not only fun but I feel like i am not the only person in the world going through this.

If I was to praise myself that would be a dishonorpitchfork rant explode mad devil because PEOPLE here is the REAL Truth no one is seeing..

The wonderful amazing Bible....

We are told not too... DO NOT PRAISE YOURSELF ONLY GOD!..


Most think others down talk themselves but at the same time we are only humans. We might do a lot of good, and help others, we are there for everyone that needs help but the real problem (in my world only) is..

There is no one to praise me, or tell me how much they love me, or how wonderful of a job i have done today, and yet i worked my butt off for 3 strait days taking care of the persons problems or children ect.. and not a thank you, not a word of kindness instead i get my butt chewed out because I helped.

So what do we learn, if we help then we are the enemy, if we do not help then we are disrespectful, we are useless.

Were is the middle ground. I use to be so conceited, I use to praise my self and my gains in life someone had to do it and it might have been me, I am the one that did all the work to make it happen... But when we do this... we get told horrible things, then others start becoming jealous and they hate to be around you.

So if a person is non....verbal about themselves and praise everyone else around them then God is happy, and thy The person you are praising feels great about themselves..

just note you don't do this to get a reward or to be praised in return. you do this because you don't need to be praised for you know in your soul that you just did Gods work for him..

Jesus never asked anyone to hate him but everyone did only a few saw the realness inside of him. Even today We curse Jesus for all are problems and yet all he wants to do is love and help us and take away are pain and suffering. NOT once did he ever say..

I am perfect so do what I say and you will live a happy life. NO instead he said. Give away everything you have, and follow me. everyone will hate you, they will turn you away, and refuse you, you will go through hard times but when the master calls he will take that all way...

so humans are to be down spoken so in the book of lambs we will be praises.

I need to be conceited again.. I am so depressing.... LOL..I wonder what would really happen if i did start to talk great about myself. I think i will do that again... like in the 7th grade when i was Perfect... everyone loved me! and thought I was crazy... LOL

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Thu 07/23/09 10:47 AM
I only wish I could see my father just one more time in my life, I would hug him so tight. I would kiss his cheek and tell him over an over how much I love him, I would love to go out to dinner with my father just one more time...

Let her have all the hugs she can get for some day there are no more. And Moms hugs are not the same! I love my mom but I have not seen her in 9 yrs so all i get are internet hugs and phone kisses.flowerforyou :heart: tears smooched smooched flowers waving

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Thu 07/23/09 10:27 AM
Girl, this is the best advice I can give you.

1. YOU did nothing wrong. It was Gods will, he has to End things so he can have you open 5 more doors.

What most do not understand, even I, is that The person that is guilty gets rewarded, and the person that is not guilty suffers.. The question is why. the person who is guilty will never feel sorry for you even if you want them too.

YOU can not get revenge, you can not hate, you can not wish.

Because in the end it is wasted time of pain an suffering you caused your body to wallow in self pity asking your self Why??? Why??? why??

2. MOURN>>>> YOU must first do this.. It took me 3 yrs to morn because my husband no longer wanted his family. HE had a women on the side for 12yrs all together out of 26yrs. So the Mourning you are going to do is not for HIM>>>>> it is for YOUR Feelings and emotions for your HEART AND SOUL... YOU did everything you could have done... leave it as that.

3. I moved to another state, I left my family, friends, my career. everything... and I regret it every day of my life. I have never fit into this Oklahoma world. it is not me, it is not for me and I am nothing like them. I do not think or act or re act like they think i should... So if you love your home.. DON'T MOVE....... DON'T RUN AWAY LIKE I DID.. IT IS NOT WORTH IT....

4. Now! that you have finished hating, and feeling you could have done something.. NO you could not have.. again IT is Gods will because the other person did not respect you.. SO GOD TOOK THEM OUT OF YOUR LIFE, TO SAVE YOU... BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU THAT MUCH. So let him do his job..... bringing you a much better person.

5. The moment we tell are self's... in a relationship. Gee I hate it when (????) dose that it really bugs me... or when they say! That dang women all she dose is clean and clean it drives me nuts, i know it is her job but gee quit cleaning. That is when God comes in and changes that situation.. So be careful what you say and what words you use.. it might change your life. or theirs.

6. Go do all the things you have always wanted to do... Don't be afraid.. and I am the Queen of this one... I love to run, i love to jog. i love to exercise but I punished my self.. .. Even I am still struggling with this.... YOU have the right to Reward your self. YOU have the right to be Happy... something i am only learning at 47yrs old.. I have the right to be first in line, or to want to go to the movies, or dinner.. but if you don't do it .. it will never happen...

Be assertive.. and you will get through all of this..

Please note this is advice i have been going through this year and even now.. so it is not just words, it is actions i have had to take to heal myself.