Community > Posts By > sillyatheart3

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Fri 07/31/09 07:18 PM

Call it random or call it divine intervention and pre-destination...whatever you call it:

I once read something along the lines of "God knows all possible outcomes."

Regardless of a particular faith outlook or lack thereof, that satisfied the debate between pre-destination and free will in my mind. There is some blend of both that we can't comprehend.

For whatever it's worth...

God knows all possible outcomes

Good one..

Ok OUTCOMES>>>>>>>

The man and women were born, God did that a child was born, God created this, The man and women divorced, Ok God not happy but it happened, The child grows up unhappy, God understands this! even new it was going to happen...

the Father re marries and the mother dose not, OK God knows? The grows up to be a ??? Singer Ok God set this in place new it was going to be the out come.

The Father dies of lung cancer! again God Knows this.
The mother has a broken heart and dies shortly after...
The child is left alone....

Now if it was Gods choice and he new this was all going to happen, then were was the "Free Will" in any of this.

THE FREE WILL WAS THE 'DIVORCE'.. it set the path it broke the bond and the marriage.

If the man and women did not divorce what is to say that either of them would have survived? Nothing but Faith that they would have lived a long and happy life. and how did it affect the child what would her life have been life if the Free will was never implicated?

Would she still of been a singer?? only God has that answer?

so to say "free will" is a choice, or a action "Random choice is not done by will". or "Is that choice where there is no conditions placed on the choice"!

We have to think then of this.

God has a destiny for everyone in the world, all humans, and creatures in the sea and on land / sky! We make no decisions because he dose it all for us.? Then we have no Free will at all because we are in the image of God and that would mean one thing.??

God has freewill over us! He makes us believe we have freewill by saying we are in the image of God! and when he gave his only son to us and his son died for us giving us the CHOICE TO BE GOOD OR BAD that became the freewill...

Freewill.. is for two things... Decisions! We as humans have a mind to decide regardless of God what we want out of are life, we can change it at anytime, place or notion! We can do what ever we want to do on this earth and if God dose not like it he takes us!

So Free will will and always has been Gods choice! NOT yours or mine!

instead of the old saying..."THE DEVIAL MADE ME DO IT".... it should have been.. "God set forth and Told me to do it! So i did it!"

hope that was not too deep for you all..... Pastor Julie

P.s. I never spell the devials name right i will never give him power over me! LOL Mankind dose that enough!

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Fri 07/31/09 06:58 PM
The question of "free will" is whether, and in what sense, rational agents exercise "control over their actions" and "decisions".
Addressing this question requires understanding the relationship between "freedom and cause", and "determining whether the laws of nature are causally deterministic".

What everyone has said is wonderful, I have so enjoyed reading it.. it was my Free Will to take the time an educate myself on this subject.

Because i raise children I see it in a different light!

If i watch a Infant, the infants free will is not there, for it is the mother's choice to decide when the child, eats, drinks and sleeps, even when the infant is crying, the mother dose not understand fully what her child's needs are.....

If i watch a toddler, The Toddler, makes many decisions for themselves and also for others,.. This is my toy as they walk up and take it out of a child's hands but not understanding that the child will start crying if they do this. OR if they do not get the toy they want they will turn around and BITE!...??? but again, not understanding? What the cause and affect will be on the outcome

If i take a child 3-5 again? most can not understand the choices they will make they are programed, in a routine of what to do every day!. Thy know only what the parent teaches them, what the TV shows them, what the Radio tells them, and what others in society dose as they watch the out come and try's the same thing and yet gets there butts whipped for doing it... NOT.. free will....

Now when you take a 6 to 9yr old.. thy have understanding, they have the ability to recolonize right from wrong. but even at this age they only go on what there parents tell them, or the teachers? again TV and the Radio? Family members are now staring to become important and opinions are formed! but again.. NO Free will!

10 to 17yr old... OK... We only think thy are capable to make a decision, take care of themselves and know right from wrong.. but are they just doing this because we have disciplined them and threaten them, are they doing this because..... there friends do it.... so they want to look cool and not be judge by there piers... in school..??? is this Free will... NO>>>>>>>> it is however... adolescents....... time to show off.. time to do what others do!

18yr old to ????? lets take 25yrs old.. Free will or just learning what life is about, trial and error...??? could it be Free will???

example. I got a job? Free will they chose to get this job
I got a car, again, Choices...

So is Choices Free Will, YES>.. Did God make us get the car... NO.. did God have us planed as a child before we were ever born he new that we were going to buy that red Chevy.... NO>>>>> What God did do for us is this... HE allowed us to LIVE>>>> on this earth, He allowed us to learn from are parents, or family, or strangers. ect.. long list... to chose to want.... that red Chevy, We chose after talking to people and watching the tv and radio that this red chevy would be the best car for us.... Did God create the Red chey...

NOPE>>>> but he did do one thing... he put the Idea out in the world so someone would create the motor vehicle so one day we all could drive cars... Because God created Man who has a mind. We are able to chose what we want out of life, Regardless if it is a simple things as : I want a yellow flower, or I want to pick a yellow flower and for some, I am going to grow yellow flowers.

For women Free will is if we want to be married, if we want to have a family, If we want to work and have a career.

For men Free will is if we want to be married, if we want to have a family, if we want to work and have a career...

But it is not God at anytime that Choose this for us...

If today I chose to shut down my childcare center and start a relationship with a person on this site... Did God have me do this??? did god bring me the person so i can start a relationship with them, did god make it possible that i would not have to worry about my career, or money or my children well being.

the answer is this?.... How much faith dose one have! if you believe or said yes to this.. then you believe that God is everything! in the world.

If you said no! then you believe you have Free will over what you chose to do with your life.

How simple is that...

Gee Men are so COMPLICATED.... LOL.... HAA HAA HAA..

i have freewill, to be the best mother i can for my kids and if that means I will be alone by myself because no one wants to help me in my life journey then it is my choice that i chose to be alone, not Gods.... He gave me the chance to love, but i chose my kids over my husband. I felt my kids future was more important then being homeless all the time and being selfish.

Free will is for everyone!

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Fri 07/31/09 06:26 PM

5 dogs I live with , karma, peaches,ruby,chow det, and saddie all sleeping while im hangin out on minglesmile2

OOOOOO Peaches,,,, my little peaches, she was a pekineses i had her when i was only 14teen she was my second dog i had ever had... I so loved her....... Awwwwww... I haven't thought of her in years....

And Ruby was the most amazing strong willed women I had ever met in my life..... GREAT Names for your dogs.........

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Fri 07/31/09 06:23 PM


I have one sick 14 year old with tonsillitis, one sick 12 year old with the beginnings of the cold we had, and an exit stage left from the 'house of lurgy' scared 20 year old and a 48 year old... chickens!laugh

I am so sorry, all last week in the childcare center, i had a 19m, 2-21m old, a 3, 4, 5yr old all sick with some virus, that pretty eye thingy, and that Sunday my daughter 25 got strep, and my son in law well they doc gave him med and told him NOT TO TAKE THEM! Figure that one out....LOL... for sinuses...

Me! Well, My immune system is like.... great...

but my heart goes out for you..

I wish you a better weekend, I wish you a better weekend, with lots of sun shine, an happy healthy kids.
I wish you a happy day!

Hope that helps.... Flowers..and lots of Jello!

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Fri 07/31/09 06:18 PM

I have a house full of kids and adult kids, and yet! 'I am still alone' in my 'heart and soul', no one, to wake up every morning with, but who wants to wake up at 4am, and go to bed at 11pm/ no one? to tell my dreams too?, who wants to listen to googoo and gaaa gaaa! the kids did this!, and sally took a poo in the toilet today!, but jimmy barfed on my shoes!..

Alone is a state of mind, I was born a only child, i was in a marriage that 'i was emotionally alone", no support, and today I am alone!

Other! then all of Mingle2 friends, [that deal with me], it is my only way of knowing "i am a Adult", Human!

I talk like a child, i act like a child, I think like a child but my body grew old and yet i am still a child?

Yes!, I am very lonely! maybe when my kids are finished with College and ready to start there life...

However! I will be 53yrs old when that happens....Too old to date, too fat, and too gray, toothless and hunched back...NOPE>>> I will be alone.

I hear you won't be....EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink: laugh

Thanks for the support and encourament!...

my mother was 42 when she found her soul mate
my 1.2 sister was like 44 and she found her soul mate

OK I am 47...???? hello....... What the heck happend to the numbers..

2,4,7????? 8???? 9????? 103????? lol

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Fri 07/31/09 06:13 PM

I have a house full of kids and adult kids, and yet! 'I am still alone' in my 'heart and soul', no one, to wake up every morning with, but who wants to wake up at 4am, and go to bed at 11pm/ no one? to tell my dreams too?, who wants to listen to googoo and gaaa gaaa! the kids did this!, and sally took a poo in the toilet today!, but jimmy barfed on my shoes!..

Alone is a state of mind, I was born a only child, i was in a marriage that 'i was emotionally alone", no support, and today I am alone!

Other! then all of Mingle2 friends, [that deal with me], it is my only way of knowing "i am a Adult", Human!

I talk like a child, i act like a child, I think like a child but my body grew old and yet i am still a child?

Yes!, I am very lonely! maybe when my kids are finished with College and ready to start there life...

However! I will be 53yrs old when that happens....Too old to date, too fat, and too gray, toothless and hunched back...NOPE>>> I will be alone.

Hey what kind of crap talk is that.
You know, if half of us lived close enough to the other half, some of us lonely people would not be so lonely.

I know how you feel, I do it everyday in a two story house.
I'm getting ready to sell it and downsize, no since in keeping it, I'm gonna be alone forever too. whoa

Buy the house next to my house, and I will live with you for ever.. its a 2 bedroom and you will enough room for your kids, and if they ever decide to go to college they can come to OSU! it is only a few min away... I have dedicated 12yrs to my kids..... YOU could do the same....

and We can raise my grandchild and yours to come....I take gambles all the time....... I don't gamble but I never look a gifted horse in the face I give him a carrot and sugar cubes...

I am a family women... Kids are my life...???? think about it and get back to me...........

P.s you someone to take you the way you are.. But are you willing to do the same????

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Fri 07/31/09 05:55 PM

Dang silly! I think you may need glasses Honey!

I just perved your profile....You are HAWT! I can definitely see the Pocahontas reference...The high cheek bones are beautiful.

Sexiest Model? You GOTTA be referring to my cousin!

Joanna Krupa

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Fri 07/31/09 05:39 PM

You guys are making this complicated.

Spend $2.78 on a 75' roll of Saran wrap...and a roll of scotch tape.

BAM! you got disposable loin clothes for at least a month.

Hey....indians wore loin clothes for thousands of years and no one batted an eye.....yet I walk into the grocery store and all Hell breaks loose. I tell them.."trying to cut down on laundry."

The "cheap" excuse don't fly with me pacific baby! hehehehehe

Krupa - Voted Sexiest Top Model In The World

Hmmm now i know were you got that name from....

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Fri 07/31/09 05:37 PM

You guys are making this complicated.

Spend $2.78 on a 75' roll of Saran wrap...and a roll of scotch tape.

BAM! you got disposable loin clothes for at least a month.

Hey....Indians wore loin clothes for thousands of years and no one batted an eye.....yet I walk into the grocery store and all Hell breaks loose. I tell them.."trying to cut down on laundry."

The "cheap" excuse don't fly with me pacific baby! hehehehehe



Dose it count i was called Pocahontas up until i was 31yrs old...

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Fri 07/31/09 05:30 PM
When my kids were younger they did do all there chores and laundry, dishes, ect..

But now that they are working full time jobs, and going to college full time, have a child, and helping pay the mortgage and bills. And I get to stay home run a childcare business in the house so i can be with my grandchild...

I am the one that dose 75% of all the house work! and laundry is one of these jobs.... even though on Sunday my Son in law brings down his 6 hamper bags sorted and is responsible and starts it.. there are a lot of times i end up having to finish it... on Monday and Tuesday. along with all of my stuff.. I don't mind believe me!

I do all i can to help these kids.... I have spent years teaching them how to run a house, they take full responsibility for everything in the home, bills, maintaining the house and cars.. ect...

So i am very proud of them and they are only 25,24,23yrs old.. My kids are great......

and my grandchild 3yrs old she has a lot of chores... she folds and puts away her own laundry.. to help us all.. lol...

LOl she is the owner of the childcare and runs it.. Well in her eyes.. at least... haa haa..

and all the kids in my center dose the laundry with me... so most of the time the 5 and 4 yr old help fold...

So I will do everyone laundry.. just send it air express... $1.50 per item and I will be rich............ and keep the kids happy and busy.. lol

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Fri 07/31/09 05:05 PM

Warming the toilet seat before you go
Making sure you have enough quilted toilet paper.
Lifting the toilet seat.
Warming the bed for you before you get in, failing that, allowing you to warm your feet on her back.

All them have made the list!

Scratching my itches
removal of belly button fluff
Bite my toe nails down to size

:YOU WIN!.... THIS ONE IS THE BEST............

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Fri 07/31/09 05:04 PM
Pulling the dingleberrys off my dogs butt.
Shaving and flea and tick my dogs
picking up dead frogs off the walk way and putting them on my shelf.
O and turtles! thank you.
Picking off all those bugs off my freshly growing garden "Squash beetles. Thank you... Today not tomorrow....

Could you also paint the out side of my house, fix the leak in the roof, and on top of that wash my car, fix the broken drive way and replace the cement for me!

And if she could run over to my house and do it for a friend that would be great..

Keep this women................ O shitttt.. This women Must be me!

Dang, I really never needed anyone after all......

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Fri 07/31/09 02:26 PM
Edited by sillyatheart3 on Fri 07/31/09 02:27 PM

laugh Okay I figured Lisa deserves a fair shake too. What jobs should DAN be doing?

A foot massages! But I will let you have the first hour and a half i will take the next... and I know a few more on here that need there feeties done..........

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Fri 07/31/09 02:21 PM

Where are the newbies :angry:

i feel like pimp slapping someone pitchfork

YOU slap me and i will sick my Frogs on you and they will I promise you they will eat all your fly's in your house so you will stop swatting all the newbies on this site!!!!!! we are just starting to figure this stuff out......... and I think i have got it....... be a smart "ask me no more question behind the refrigerator".... just have fun.....

The cutest thing just happen, so my grandchild granddaughter just said, Grandma Julie i have to go to the restaurant, right here.... to take a piss......... omg......... that was so funny......

you mean Restroom no those are at the restaurant!

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Fri 07/31/09 02:10 PM
If you are a Workaholic and you work your Booties off..

Let's compete against each other... Who dose the Most work in a day...

God! someone Please!.. Tell me! That there is someone! That passes my schedule???? PLEASE>>>>> or i am going to throw my self down my stairs and place frogs all over my body then... Scream...........

please remember that... This is my life! of 6 yrs and this was a easy year!..........

4am up for the day
4:20 kids start to come in,
7am my kids get up ,
8am my adult kids leave for full time work and college
8:20 my next set of kids come in.
9am centers breakfast
9:20 play time......
10:30 lunches started kids cleaning up
11:00 lunch.. 11:20 clean up put kids down for naps..
11:20 clean up on my side.. kitchen, dinning room ect
12. my time to eat..
12:20.. laundry....
1:15 pm kids wake up.
1:35 kids snack, clean up
2:00 first set of kids ready to leave
2:20 Gone...
3:00 next snack time
3:20 clean up kids play
4:40 get kids ready to go home. clean house,
5:10 Gone kids gone.
5:20 get dinner ready for my adult kids
5:45 my son in law comes home for dinner. with is daughter ? wife varied
6:30 he leaves and my Daughter comes home for dinner
or 7:30 ----- clean house, take out trash, clean up kitchen, vacuum, straiten toys for the next day./
8pm give my grandchild a bath/shower if mom is not home yet..
9pm when my daughter gets home I get to take my shower, While my daughter gets her daughter ready for bed and asleep.
10pm my son in law comes home,....

We all relax// by watching a DVD on tv... until ??
Then they go up stairs... Tim sits down and dose his homework... as Anna finishes her work, laundry, ect...... cleaning the bathrooms.. ect....

As i fall to the bed and have already fell asleep watching tv...

Now ???? are you tired or what... this is my life it has been my life for 6 1/2 yrs. and i still have 2 more years to go... and then it will be time for a new change....

the kids will be out of college, and my grandchild will be starting Kindergarten, and I will get at least........ the mornings to myself... from 8 to 12.. when kg gets out.....

Hope you Feel as if your not alone....... Women POWER>>>>>>

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Fri 07/31/09 02:03 PM

i have been so busy ...jury duty ... i have no time for me i have to be there at 8 am 5 or so come home cook for the kid's go over my man house till 2 am or so then start all over it's been like that all week

If this makes you feel any better your not alone!

please remember that... This is my life!

4am up for the day
4:20 kids start to come in,
7am my kids get up ,
8am my adult kids leave for full time work and college
8:20 my next set of kids come in.
9am centers breakfast
9:20 play time......
10:30 lunches started kids cleaning up
11:00 lunch.. 11:20 clean up put kids down for naps..
11:20 clean up on my side.. kitchen, dinning room ect
12. my time to eat..
12:20.. laundry....
1:15 pm kids wake up.
1:35 kids snack, clean up
2:00 first set of kids ready to leave
2:20 Gone...
3:00 next snack time
3:20 clean up kids play
4:40 get kids ready to go home. clean house,
5:10 Gone kids gone.
5:20 get dinner ready for my adult kids
5:45 my son in law comes home for dinner. with is daughter ? wife varied
6:30 he leaves and my Daughter comes home for dinner
or 7:30 ----- clean house, take out trash, clean up kitchen, vacuum, straiten toys for the next day./
8pm give my grandchild a bath/shower if mom is not home yet..
9pm when my daughter gets home I get to take my shower, While my daughter gets her daughter ready for bed and asleep.
10pm my son in law comes home,....

We all relax// by watching a DVD on tv... until ??
Then they go up stairs... Tim sits down and dose his homework... as Anna finishes her work, laundry, ect...... cleaning the bathrooms.. ect....

As i fall to the bed and have already fell asleep watching tv...

Now ???? are you tired or what... this is my life it has been my life for 6 1/2 yrs. and i still have 2 more years to go... and then it will be time for a new change....

the kids will be out of college, and my grandchild will be starting Kindergarten, and I will get at least........ the mornings to myself... from 8 to 12.. when kg gets out.....

Hope you Feel as if your not alone....... Women POWER>>>>>>

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Fri 07/31/09 01:52 PM
If your Gods Joke to women, Then I am Gods Joke to Mankind!devil devil devil devil devil devil explode explode explode explode explode flowerforyou flowers oops think slaphead :angel:

I can tell you this when God made me he 'BROKE THE MOLD" Then put me up on his Mantal to remind him! I will never do that breed again!oops slaphead scared what

Then he made Bunny Rabbits, Awwww such pretty bunnies... I love bunnies....... pretty bunnies...offtopic

O sorry!


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Fri 07/31/09 01:48 PM
I'm working on it..... lol I need some frogs, dogs and pizza! its Friday i know i can talk my kids into one of these.......

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Fri 07/31/09 01:45 PM
I have had so much fun on this community post, i think i am starting to understand......

just have fun... quit all the serious ****.. and just relax.....

the world is not going to end.....

lol... lighten up Julie.... lol

anyway... it is too laugh..... so that is good...

I have been so hard on everyone, trying to tell them about my life and what i have gone through, that NO one cares... Well they do! but that is not it... They like me for me, not because of what i have or what i am going through but "non of that matters".. as "one person said"..

your here like the rest of us! because you need a way out of your life.. and this is it!.. [so learn to make friends] an quit worrying bout the world and your kids... lol There right!...

time to goof off and have some fun...

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Fri 07/31/09 01:36 PM

Can somone please invent a laundry bot?

Is the washer and dryer not doing all the hard work for you already?

You are doing too much sorting, or worrying about the sorting too much anyway. Laundry is easy...step 1 - put clothes in machine. Step 2 - take clothes out of machine. Easy.

But, but, Dan! You can't just throw sheets together with towels because then you get little pills all over your sheets. And if you wash your delicate undies with throw rugs then your underthings will take on a trampy look. You don't want that!
I'm going to try txsgal's idea. Sounds reasonable.

OK I'm a freak!
Blues are blues
Reds are Reds and never put in with anything other then pinks an oranges, purples.
Blacks and grays
Browns and Tans yellows and nothing more or less! you hear!
Greens can be with browns if a light load!

only Wash on Cold for nothing will fade and everything will last much longer!

Whites are whites. If you put in Reds you get your Buttssss kicked in my home.............. God help you!!!!!!!!
Whites are to be washed and soaked to get out the smell and sweat! never hot water it will turn your cloths yellow..... and bleach my butt... no way.. why eat your cloths? soak them! no itching, no rashes.... LOL

and i am trying this new thing, it lasts 2 months you put it in the dryer on the side wall.....???? So far... the first load... IT STINKS... GLAD I DID THE KIDS CLOTHS FIRST..... lol