Community > Posts By > Rasmus916

Rasmus916's photo
Fri 09/11/09 06:43 AM

lol oopsey laugh

EDIT: Can't blame a guy for forgetting, trust me, i'll do it many more times before the day is over.

here, this will help

Am I missing a guide or something on how do do all those types of things? like linking movies, or showing pics or something like that?

Rasmus916's photo
Fri 09/11/09 06:31 AM
Edited by Rasmus916 on Fri 09/11/09 06:32 AM
lol oopsey laugh

EDIT: Can't blame a guy for forgetting, trust me, i'll do it many more times before the day is over.

Rasmus916's photo
Fri 09/11/09 06:22 AM
I won't put a spoiler of any sorts, but I will say this...


Honestly, it sounds so cliche, but I loved and hated this guy both during the movie and after.

(Fair warning, its about an hour and a half long)

Rasmus916's photo
Fri 09/04/09 06:12 AM
Edited by Rasmus916 on Fri 09/04/09 06:12 AM

I learned that all of that stuff can cause disharmony in relationships, trouble with the law, vomitting, health issues, making an "A" out of yourself, trouble with your job, lost days & nights. But, don't let me drag you down.flowerforyou
...And waking up in the strangest places.spock

Or dress in strange clothing, and stand in strange poses, and publish them to public domain social networking sites.........surprised


waving smitten

Okay jess, now what is so strange about jeans and a very old metallica T shirt? Besides I wasn't on Irish, I was drinking Captain Morgan, Bacardi 151, and Tecate that night.

laugh :tongue: :banana: drinks

Rasmus916's photo
Fri 09/04/09 06:05 AM
Edited by Rasmus916 on Fri 09/04/09 06:07 AM
In all honesty, I can see faults on every person's side who was able to make a conscious decision. Now people may not agree with my opinion, people may, lets find out. :tongue:

On the man, I personally would have stepped between him and the child as he was saying he would shut my kid up. At which point I would have explained to him, if he gets close enough to smell my child pass gas, he would have to deal with me.

On the woman, my only question is this, okay, I can almost understand how he got the first slap off, but don't "hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn?" Shouldn't this mother have gone ape**** the second the first hand was on the two year old?

On the child's side, according to my parents, at the age of two, I FULLY understood the phrase. "If you want something to cry about, I can give you something to cry about." At which point I knew it was time to be quiet. I cannot honestly validate my parents word, but I am not going to call them liars.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not faulting this child at all, just stating what I have been told in my past.

This whole situtation just personally urks me out too much. I mean when I was a kid, I got the living hell beat out of me by my neighbors, then my parents, and after I was able to sit again, I got the whole thing done over again by my other neighbors, and it was alright. I was raised to believe it takes a village to raise a child. The mother not having a backbone to defend a completley helpless 2 year old, well, I am going to keep my fat mouth shut on that one before I get my panties all bunched up.

At which point, I just realized I am rambling, I do hope I did not anger anyone. Either way, my two cents on this topic is about as valuable as a mismatched sock with a huge hole where the toes go as I do not have any kids. :P

Rasmus916's photo
Thu 09/03/09 02:49 PM
awe man, I think I found my dessert to go with that chicken sammich KFC is releasing.


Rasmus916's photo
Thu 09/03/09 05:18 AM
Amen to that brother, I work for the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union.


Rasmus916's photo
Thu 09/03/09 04:13 AM
There is this place not far from where I live, they have this sauce you need to sign a legal waver to have, I forget the name of the business off hand but it was "the name of their business" 's atomic sauce.

I am a hot sauce fan, so I origionally tried the hot they can legally serve, and after laughing I went straight for their hottest.

Rasmus916's photo
Tue 09/01/09 01:44 AM
Edited by Rasmus916 on Tue 09/01/09 01:46 AM
Just posting a random thought in my head, let me know what you think. Fair warning, this might be a little long, and filled with grammar and spelling errors, but I have always been bad with words, I am better at speaking through my guitar's. Read on, it will (hopefully) make sence.

I play my bass guitar at the church I go to every Sunday. Lately it has come across my attention that the band (usually) listens to me more than the music director, (which is besides the point, but I am just trying to paint a picture here.:tongue: )

As we get our music we are going to be playing that upcoming Sunday, I notice that the piano player usually knows these songs by name as some if not alot of them are played on the christian raido station alot I would guess.

Me personally I have never heard most of these songs, and I end up learning about 4-6 new songs a week. Sometimes I bring my acoustic guitar to play the song how I think it should be played, but I always make it a point to avoid hearing the radio edit version of the song. Every time I do hear the radio edit version of the song, I feel as if when I am on stage worshiping God as I know how. I end up feeling like I am only imitating someone else and the music isn't coming from me and my heart.

Usually by the time I am done, I get many compliments, but I usually try to avoid them as to not let my head get big (well, too much bigger XD)

Some have told me I should stop trying to put on a show, but I am honestly not trying to put on a show, espically for other people, I am up there using a gift God gave me to give back to him.

Am I over thinking this? Am I going about this the right way? I mean, God gave me the gift of music, I will not lie on that one, which is why on Sunday worship I give god everything I have to offer, all my effort goes into playing my little heart out.

EDIT: just fixing the few spelling and grammar errors I did find.

Rasmus916's photo
Tue 09/01/09 01:27 AM
Honestly I haven't even heard of it.

Rasmus916's photo
Tue 09/01/09 12:59 AM
Edited by Rasmus916 on Tue 09/01/09 01:00 AM
Thank you both of you!

LOL kat, the first pic is the good ol Captain Morgan pose, and yes I had a few shots of Captain Morgan in me that night :P

I know the pics are a little dark, but well, :P more will become added as soon as I get some more of me.

EDIT: amazing what grammar mistakes you find you did after you post your reply. :P

Rasmus916's photo
Tue 09/01/09 12:30 AM
Well, the first time I asked for my profile to be rated, I didn't even get a reply which made me think I was perfect :tongue: pitchfork

Second time I did get cut down to size, but well, here is attempt #3 with all advice taken.

Please be honest, and any and all constructive critizm is always more than welcome.

Rasmus916's photo
Mon 08/31/09 11:55 PM

It isn't the full bit of the stand up, but its still halarious IMHO

Rasmus916's photo
Mon 08/31/09 10:54 PM
Edited by Rasmus916 on Mon 08/31/09 10:54 PM
I :heart: musician chicks, espically the ones who get into that "zone" and can speak clearer through a guitar than speaking through thier own mouth

EDIT: or drummer chicks, *drool*

Rasmus916's photo
Mon 08/31/09 10:51 PM
Just PT and clean duty? And you are complaining?

Rasmus916's photo
Mon 08/31/09 10:47 PM

Ummm how come two aren't wearing any bikini bottoms? noway

I think they are, I think they are just covered up

Rasmus916's photo
Mon 08/31/09 10:45 PM
Honestly if I did have my choice, I would want to be glued to a M.O.A.B and dropped somewhere with a cowboy hat glued to my other hand. This way the last thing I see is the blur of all the colors as I go out in a good ol fashioned blaze of glory.


Rasmus916's photo
Mon 08/31/09 10:41 PM

John Edwards and i would love it if i could find the right man thats missing in my lifelaugh

We know, we saw this the other day...originality people, some things do grow old...unlike serial killers, who are always gems no matter what.smokin

Serial killers and vampires...only they can love you love love love

Serial killers, vampires, AND Willie Nelson

Rasmus916's photo
Mon 08/31/09 10:39 PM
If they were doing what I think they were doing, I would probably laugh at them uncontrollably to hopefully teach them a lesson on doing that around other people, then promptly leave when I feel like I have completley demoralized them. But meh, I am in an evil mood today, ask me when I am in a good mood and drunk XD

Rasmus916's photo
Mon 08/31/09 10:35 PM
Edited by Rasmus916 on Mon 08/31/09 10:35 PM
EDIT: Double Post

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