Community > Posts By > daniel48706
what would you have done?
lol, I know my fear was my mother handing me the phone and telling me she would dial the police or cps whomever I wanted to talk to, but I had to survive until they arrived lol.
I put the fear of Mom into my kid early on...and have never regreted it..she is 16 now and still no mouthing off...BRAVO..more people should do this..but they are scared of bein reported for child abuse. Were was that fear when my mom would bust our butts w/a wooden paddle she had from college? ![]() |
Contempt of court
the hardest lessons are the best learned yes they are. But for something like this, I would seriously like to see this happen: 6-12 months for the breaking and entering. 6 months for the assault. during those 12-18 months he is shackled to ten other inmates and forced to do hard manual labor, whether it is digging ditches, SHOVELING (not plowing or blowing) community parking lots, etc etc etc. He would get paid a stipend (minimal) for the hard labor which would go into an account for him to use towards his commisary priviledges for personal hygiene supplies and what not, as well as to pay off his fine for the contempt of court. Hopefully he would have enough saved over when he got out to go tawrds the deposit on an apartment, and hold him over till he found a job. And yes definitely give the boy counseling while he is in there, so that when he gets out he is WILLING to get an apartment, and find a job. |
only one week left to live would entail one huge party to celebrate the life I've lived.. my daughter would have the final 48 hours all to herself.. maybe disneyland..maybe the hawaii trip.. but I would want to be with her at the end. my family matters but my chilren matter most.. to tell them all the things I wanted to say.. A good movie that brought this thought home for me was "Step-mom" with Julia roberts/susan serandon. Check it out! ![]() yes that is an excellent movie, and very much on topic. I had a hard time watching it once I realized sarandon's condition in the movie. |
Contempt of court
I also believ in the idea of shackling jail birds ankles together in a long line, and make them dig ditches, clean roads, and other community service. He can pay his contempt of court charge with hard labor.
Contempt of court
I did not say to leave him out of jail for the b and e issue. By all means jail his young happy (and cute I am sure with such a baby face as he has) butt for 6 months to a year for the B and E. But the contempt of court charge should be monetary. And I agree counseling while he is in jail.
While I agree with the contempt of court charges, my personal opinion is he should have been fined a monetary fine instead of going to jail. Now all the tax payers have to pay for his food, housing, clothing (so to speak). He is not going to have to worry about utility bills over the winter. By the time he gets out, winter will be over and it will be nice and warm outside again. No, sending him to jail for 6 months for being rude and disrespectful is not the answer. I think say, a 750 dollar fine, would go a long ways to getting him to at least watch his mouth and language (sign language included lol). Do you know how many houses he'd have to rob to come up with $750? At least people's property will be safe for an extra 6 months. However, I do think something is terribly wrong with this boy. I think he'd better served if he got counceling while imprisoned. |
Contempt of court
While I agree with the contempt of court charges, my personal opinion is he should have been fined a monetary fine instead of going to jail. Now all the tax payers have to pay for his food, housing, clothing (so to speak). He is not going to have to worry about utility bills over the winter. By the time he gets out, winter will be over and it will be nice and warm outside again.
No, sending him to jail for 6 months for being rude and disrespectful is not the answer. I think say, a 750 dollar fine, would go a long ways to getting him to at least watch his mouth and language (sign language included lol). |
I would gopick my best friend up whether she wanted to be picked up or not lol, and spend the entire time with her and my boys. Of course, my best friend also knows that I want to marry her lol, so that is kinda redundant there
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Jingle Bells Already?????
Yes, it's way too early. I've noticed it's been like that for a while. It's like, where'd Thanksgiving go? Love Christmas ![]() I love thanksgiving the best, myself and am very sad to see it get ignored like this. |
Jingle Bells Already?????
As sad as I am to agree with you on this, you took the words right out from under my finger tips. The sad truth is, retail stores have been barely holding things in until the first of November for many years now, and that only because so many years ago they TRIED doing christmas in october and got a resounding "boooooo" fromt eh public. I can remember nothing going up in the stores until the first day after thanksgiving (black Friday). But I have not seen them wait until black Friday now, in close to a decade if not longer. they always pretty much skip over Thanksgiving.not sure why but it always seems they do Yup, but it's not just Christmas. Granted, people start seeing Christmas decorations, sales, etc., beginning in AUGUST already (completely passing over Labor Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving), but you see other holidays throughout the year totally overlooked as well. I can promise you, as soon as Christmas is over, you will immediately start seeing items for Valentine's Day. Then, it goes right into Fourth Of July, with only the most cursory of obligatory nods to St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and Memorial Day. And on and on and on. It all boils down to how commercial the holiday in question has become, and how much money retailers stand to make from said holiday. Bottom line, it's all about the Almighty Dollar, and retailers will try their damndest to suck every dollar they possibly can out of the public. They could care less about the significance of the holiday. All they care about is how much more money they can put into their company. |
The other day I spoke to a philosophy student who assumed I would be unfamiliar with the the "Allegory of the Cave", and also with "The Lottery". This reminded me that my high school English class read, analyzed, discussed, and wrote papers on both of those. I think thats how it should be done. Call it interdisciplinary, if you like. We also had a semester of English class that was focused on literary works from various religions around the world. I see no need for a specific 'philosophy' class in public school, but would like to see more English classes (and history classes) bring in more philosophy. I got a taste of in in "classical western Lit" which I had in high school, because as we read different classical works of the Western Society, we compared the lifestyles and opinions expessed in those novels to today's way of thinking, both in the United States and what we perceived in the world as a whole. So, yes I could agree with you if this was done in all schools (not necesarily a western lit class lol, but definitely a literature class of some sort). And I also agree that it would work great if History was approached philosophically, which we did NOT have the luxury of. Our History teacher stood up at his podium and lectured for 55 minutes every day. Homework was done out of the book with no reference to it in class, and tests were made from both homework and lectures. Now, I could see it if say when we studied the United States Civil War, we also discussed WHY people were choosing the sides they chose, and why the believed so strongly. That is all a part of History as well, but it isn't taught in schools sadly. And if our kids grow up learning what happened, but not WHY it happened, then they are not going to learn the real lessons behind everything that ahs happened. |
I still fail to see how anyone can think of this as a freedom of religion issue, which it is not{. It is a political issue, pure and simple.
His pin stated "one nation under God". Yes it may have had the Christian cross on it, but that does not make it a religious symbol. This pin was designed for the sole purpose of showing support of the idea that there is nothing wrong with having our students (and others) say the words "one nation under God" int he pledge of allegiance; and while I agree with the fact that there is nothing wrong with that phrase being in the pledge, the company DOES have the right to keep all political beliefs from being shown while on the clock. This is because politic beliefs are so strong, that the company CAN suffer major financial losses due to one persons political belief offending a group of people. For example, I think we all would agree, no matter our own personal opinion on the issue, that if a company had an employee that had a pin or shirt that advertised abortion rights, the company could come under serious boycott and possibly even physical attacks from the strength of belief some people have towards this issue. However, the only legal way an employer could stop an employee from wearing such an article of attire would be to say no political attire period, otherwise he would be discriminating against others political beliefs. So, I must say again, this does not appear to me as an anti-Christian, or anti-religion issue. It is purely political all the way around, and HD was more than justified in enforcing it's dress code policy in this case. |
A private company can not fire a person "legally" for wearing a religious symbol as that is a form of persecution. However, wearing a pin that says "one nation under God" is not a religious statement it is a political statement. And ocmpanies DO have the right to ban politics from company grounds.
If you have ever been to a Walmart I highly doubt this pin offended any consumer that shops there. I would be very distressed if a company told me I could not wear a pieice of jewelry containing a Christian cross. It looks like things are headed that way. The assumption here is that the offended people, the fact is it was against company policy. Also, it was not only his wearing the pin to Home Depot, he began bringing other religious artifacts. *edit You would be distressed if the company that employs you told you not to wear a religious jewelry piece, you'd have choices; 1 - stop wearing the piece 2 - wear the piece under your clothing or where it was not readily visible 3 - find another job I truly don't see a problem. |
If you have ever been to a Walmart I highly doubt this pin offended any consumer that shops there. I would be very distressed if a company told me I could not wear a pieice of jewelry containing a Christian cross. It looks like things are headed that way. This had nothign to do with Christianity. It was not a symbol of the Christian cross, it was a politcal symbol over the debates on removing the line from govenmant and/or schools. |
This thread is barely two weeks cold, and you go and bring it back up as if it is a brand new thread never been discussed. Takl about subversive and manipulative.
For those of you who are interested, this thread started originally on the 11th of October, 2009 (at least as far as I am aware). The comments and posts in it did not go the way that willing would have liked them to (which is to say, people were smart enough to figure out that a lot of what was being said was false and misleading at best), so it appears the op has decided to wait a couple weeks for pepole to forget about it, andthen repost it anew. The link to the original thread is as follows: |
I have been telling these very same things, or close enough to it to be the same thing, to the lady of my dreams for almost three years now and she STILL doesn't believe me lol. She has outright accused me of having been droppedd on my head as a baby too many times as a result, so yes it will take a LONG time of repeating them for her to believe you lol
1. How lucky I am to have you 2. Yes, with all my heart 3. No, not at all 4. No, she's not in your league 5. Go into celibate mourning Practise the answers until they are reflexive and problems will be averted It would take many of these responses for a woman to believe that you were really telling the truth... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What would you choose?
Let's see I already lost my carreer in security in order to be with my son who needs me at home with him, and before that I lost my job with walmart in order to be home and take care of my wife, so I would definitely have to say I would choose love over career any day.
nope Here ya go hun: I love you Peladac ![]() Now you can say you have been told your loved ![]() |
Yes I have had one date form here. Yes only one, and that one date took me the better part of three years. But you wanna know something? With that one date, I have found the woman that I love and hope to some day marry. I have found the lady who I have named as the beneficiary and guardian of my children should anything happen to me.
I have known her now for almost four years, had one "date" with her, and I am one of the happiest men alive. Even though we are nothing more than friends at this point. My kids have talked with her on the phone and internet, though they have yet to meet her in person; I hope to remedy that issue before next year, or shortly there after.They both love her dearly, and the youngest one, who has sever behavioral problems, listens to her more than he does to me, lol (good thing for him; I would rather my kids ignored me and listened to another adult). So yes, I can testify that you can meet people off this site and make it work. Good Luck, and keep looking, you will find her someday! |
2000 pages
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Please Tell Me
considering my tv is in the fellowship hall of my church right now, I would have to say there's dust on it. I don't know about yours though. Some people keep knick knacks, or photo's on their tv. With us getting into the holidays, maybe you have some decorations on the edges?