Topic: Contempt of court
Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:44 AM

kinda a dumbass I think

An Illinois man found out the hard way that giving a judge the middle finger while being sworn in isn't nice — and won't go unpunished.

Kane Kellett, 24, landed in jail for six months after he raised his right hand, middle finger extended, before Judge G. Martin Zopp in McHenry County Court, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Tuesday.

The Crystal Lake man was there Saturday on home-invasion charges. Since his nonverbal "outburst," he is now serving half a year for contempt of court, according to McHenry County State's Attorney Louis Bianchi.

In the original case, Kellett is accused of breaking into the house of an acquaintance and attempting to hit him over the head with a flashlight, the Sun-Times said.

Kellett was surly from the start, according to the state's attorney.

"When they brought him out of the lockup he looked very unhappy. He was looking down all the time," Bianchi said. "The judge asked him 'Sir, do you have an attorney?' and he said 'F—- no.' "

Zopp ignored that comment but after the middle-finger incident, Assistant State's Attorney Patrick Kenneally asked that the defendant be held in criminal contempt of court.

Zopp agreed, handing down the six-month sentence.

"I'm hoping that this sends a message to all those who appear before our judges here that they must show some respect for the court and the court system," Bianchi said.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:46 AM
dumbazz slaphead
rebel with a cause I his mind anyway.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:54 AM

dumbazz slaphead
rebel with a cause I his mind anyway.

don't you mean...rebel without a clue???? oh wait..that is what they call me laugh

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:57 AM

His future is so bright he needs welding goggles

silly's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:58 AM
Edited by silly on Tue 11/03/09 08:59 AM
another dumbass,jerk.well he'll have time to think about y he was there in the first place.frustrated grumble

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:17 AM
yeah. 6 months will really help him.

that's stupid.

obviously there's a problem here that incarceration won't rehabilitate.

he's just going to be more of a dick when he gets out now.

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:21 AM

yeah. 6 months will really help him.

that's stupid.

obviously there's a problem here that incarceration won't rehabilitate.

he's just going to be more of a dick when he gets out now.

Maybe his cell mate will give him a tin cup the says "Worlds best bottom" on it

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:42 AM
While I agree with the contempt of court charges, my personal opinion is he should have been fined a monetary fine instead of going to jail. Now all the tax payers have to pay for his food, housing, clothing (so to speak). He is not going to have to worry about utility bills over the winter. By the time he gets out, winter will be over and it will be nice and warm outside again.

No, sending him to jail for 6 months for being rude and disrespectful is not the answer. I think say, a 750 dollar fine, would go a long ways to getting him to at least watch his mouth and language (sign language included lol).

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:52 AM

While I agree with the contempt of court charges, my personal opinion is he should have been fined a monetary fine instead of going to jail. Now all the tax payers have to pay for his food, housing, clothing (so to speak). He is not going to have to worry about utility bills over the winter. By the time he gets out, winter will be over and it will be nice and warm outside again.

No, sending him to jail for 6 months for being rude and disrespectful is not the answer. I think say, a 750 dollar fine, would go a long ways to getting him to at least watch his mouth and language (sign language included lol).

Do you know how many houses he'd have to rob to come up with $750?
At least people's property will be safe for an extra 6 months.
However, I do think something is terribly wrong with this boy. I think he'd better served if he got counceling while imprisoned.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:56 AM
I did not say to leave him out of jail for the b and e issue. By all means jail his young happy (and cute I am sure with such a baby face as he has) butt for 6 months to a year for the B and E. But the contempt of court charge should be monetary. And I agree counseling while he is in jail.

While I agree with the contempt of court charges, my personal opinion is he should have been fined a monetary fine instead of going to jail. Now all the tax payers have to pay for his food, housing, clothing (so to speak). He is not going to have to worry about utility bills over the winter. By the time he gets out, winter will be over and it will be nice and warm outside again.

No, sending him to jail for 6 months for being rude and disrespectful is not the answer. I think say, a 750 dollar fine, would go a long ways to getting him to at least watch his mouth and language (sign language included lol).

Do you know how many houses he'd have to rob to come up with $750?
At least people's property will be safe for an extra 6 months.
However, I do think something is terribly wrong with this boy. I think he'd better served if he got counceling while imprisoned.

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:56 AM
yeah he would prolly just not pay the $750 and then they would have to go get him on a failure to appear

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:58 AM
I also believ in the idea of shackling jail birds ankles together in a long line, and make them dig ditches, clean roads, and other community service. He can pay his contempt of court charge with hard labor.

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 10:00 AM

yeah he would prolly just not pay the $750 and then they would have to go get him on a failure to appear

and try to rob another house or hit someone else.

Serves the moron right. Entitlement society at it's best and he just found out you are not entitled to tell a a judge f u and flip him off.

Judge shoulda said after the sentence "here's your sign"laugh

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 11/03/09 10:01 AM
the hardest lessons are the best learned

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 10:05 AM
That's exactly right quietman, let's hope he will learn his lesson.whoa

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/03/09 10:10 AM

the hardest lessons are the best learned

yes they are.

But for something like this, I would seriously like to see this happen:

6-12 months for the breaking and entering. 6 months for the assault.

during those 12-18 months he is shackled to ten other inmates and forced to do hard manual labor, whether it is digging ditches, SHOVELING (not plowing or blowing) community parking lots, etc etc etc.

He would get paid a stipend (minimal) for the hard labor which would go into an account for him to use towards his commisary priviledges for personal hygiene supplies and what not, as well as to pay off his fine for the contempt of court. Hopefully he would have enough saved over when he got out to go tawrds the deposit on an apartment, and hold him over till he found a job.

And yes definitely give the boy counseling while he is in there, so that when he gets out he is WILLING to get an apartment, and find a job.