Community > Posts By > daniel48706

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 10:33 PM
how do you figure you would be a slave to the military? You get out of highschool you go to college, get a degree and work as a productive citizen, instead of sitting on the side of the road begging for tax free money, if you do not like the idea of going into the military, or if you feel the military is not the right choice for you. You are not losing your choice to stay out of the military in any way whatsoever.

this is one of my biggest points that I can not emphasize enough. If you do not want one thing to happen, then choose the option that prevents it from happening. How hard is that to understand?

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 10:26 PM

The major problem I see in the posted suggestion is that school is not FREE, and as it stands, not very affordable either. For young people to be forced to put themselves in that debt is not beneficial to them or their future. The other assumption made here is because people go to school they will have jobs,,plenty of college educated folks on unemployment right now. Though I agree school and military are good options for young people, I dont think they should be forced to limit themselves to only two options.

As far as the school not being free, this would replace the current GI Bill that so many soldiers end up losing out on being able to use when they get out of service. No longer would they get a gi bill to use towards education, they get the education while they are in service.

Oh you are referring to colleges and universities, I'm sorry. I was just getting ready to head to bed lol when I saw people started responding finally. But to answer that issue, no they are not free and they are not cheap. Neither is education through the military. With civilian education, you have access to plenty of grants and scholarships and even student loans in order to go to college (assuming that your parents or family can not help). You earn these services by studying hard, and passing your classes in order to get a job and benefit the community afterwards. With the military avenue, you pay for your education with your service in the military. So no, in the end neither one is free, OR cheap.

As far as there being no jobs for graduates right now, if this were implemented, then there would be a lot more jobs available (using our current market) for the graduate, because so many people would be in the military. And the military is also a "job" so to speak, though I hate to term it as such.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 10:19 PM
As I have tried to say before and you so passionately refuse to listen, with this suggestion, you are not FORCED TO GO INTO THE MILITARY AGAINST YOUR WILL. You have a choice. The military is just one of those choices, and if you refuse to be a productive member of society then you need to leave the country. I do NOT believe in handouts for nothing, and I do not believe in letting people stand there and say "well its not right that I have to do this just because I didn't do this".
Life is all about choices. Make one.

Who is going to pay for this continued education, the military? So if these loser dropouts go in the military they can get their education, if not they don't. Simple enough..except not everyone wants to be in the military, just a minor detail. Where are you getting these stats that all these dropouts end up on welfare..I don't understand your thinking on this at all.

Are you a recruiter for the Army...??

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 10:15 PM
Ok one question. If militaries do not exist for social engineering, what do you call it when one army goes in and completely invades, controls and replaces the existing government of another country, if not SOCIAL ENGINEERING?

smile2 Militaries do not exist for social engineeringsmile2

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 10:13 PM
lol, this is an old issue for me, that I have brouhgt up before. I got blasted in a couple other threas concerning education and military both and promised Iwould repost this, so people would be able to see how things fit together in my beliefs.

Do you stay up and think about things to discuss or does it come naturallyflowerforyou

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 09:34 PM
ok everybody, I posted that new discussion that he op asked to have up, and I have been promising to post. Have at it!

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 09:29 PM
ok folks, I promised a couple different times now that I would repost my opinion on some of the more major changes I believe should be implemented, at least in partiality, as a whole. They all inter-relate so this may be a tad long. I do ask,if you are going to respond, please read all the way through, so that you can SEE how they all inter-relate and not go on with a bashing feast because you don't like one part.

The best place to start is with high school graduation / dropouts. It is my firm belief that when you graduate high school, you should have to make the very simple choice of continuing on with school through at least your associates degree, or going into the military (and yes this includes females as well).

I believe this should be a mandatory choice for many reasons. First, this will almost eliminate all the politicians from keeping their own children out of the military, thus they may well start thinking harder and longer before agreeing to action overseas. Second, it will help decrease the unemployment rate, and give everybody a chance to be a productive member of society, to the best of their extent. There are many more reasons as you will see upon reading further.

I believe also, that high school drop outs should be given one chance to return to high school and finish and go on, or be drafted into the military. Yes some drop outs continue on to start their own business, and are very succesfull., however most of them do not do this. They end up in dead end jobs (if they are lucky enough to find someone to hire them and keep them on), or on welfare; sometimes they end up doing both.

Now if you continue on with school instead of going into the military, you will need to keep a certain grade point average or you will end up in the military. Those of you who have read this far will see immediately the one flaw with this idea, which is the same flaw they had back in the 60's and 70's; Highly known persons will simply pay to have their children make the grade. All I can say to this is it comes downt o the schools making sure they police themselves, and keep the highest morals and standards among their staff.

Ok, now with that being said, we move on to what happens when you go into the military. If you note, I have so far referred to it as the military, and not the Army, or the Marines, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard. This is because I don't feel we should have the "separate branches" per say. The separate specialties yes. We need every single specialty that each branch currently brings into service; but it should all be under one umbrella so to speak. One military, with one ranking system. There is no longer a reserves, or national guard either; or rather not as they are today.

Now, when you go in, it doesn't matter why you went in (unless you already have an associates degree, then you skip this first part), you are now in the "National Guard" part of the service. You do not train one weekend per month and one month out of the year any more. You now train every single weekend and two months, one in the summer and one in the winter, and during the week you go to school. yes that's right, you did not find a way out of continuing your education. You simply do it through the military now.

This continues for two years, during which time you actively train in your job specialty, and do not deploy under any circumstances, except inside your state in the case of a declared state emergency. Once you have finished these tow years of military service one of two things will happen; one, you will go active duty for two years, and after that you can choose to leave if you want. Or two, if your grades were high enough during the first two years, you have the choice to do two more years of schooling through the military, and thus get your bachelors degree. The only difference now is that during your third and forth year you are in what is currently known as the reserves. You still continue training every weekend and two months out of the year. BUT, if something truly horrendous happens overseas, you CAN be brought out of school long enough to respond to this threat; then you come back home and continue on with your education until you ahve your third and fourth years completed.

Once you have finished your bachelors you now get the same choice everyone else got after their associates, except you now have four years active duty to serve, instead of two (one year of active for each year of schooling you receive); And those select few whose grades are high enough will then be offered Officer Candidate school. You do four more years of service, completing your masters degree in your chosen field, along with all the rigorous training of officer school. Finally after you are done with this, you have 8 years of active service to perform, as an officer, before you can get out.

By doing all of this, you give every single person going into the military basic education through an associates degree, which if nothing else will help them figure out what they want to do in life. Those that continue on through the military schooling will of course get further education benefits. Also anybody who has served in the military can tell you there is nothing worse than an officer who has no field experience whatsoever; by using this process, every single officer will have field experience by the time they take command.

There are many other changes I want to see be enacted, but for now I will stop here, cause I am sure I have angered a lot of people (I can think of several right now lol), who will say it is not right to take a persons choice of going into the military away from them. However, the only thing I am going to say to that statement is nothing is being taken away, except the right to be a lazy, unproductive citizen who does nothing except live off the system. We live in the best country in the world (forgive me please, those of you who are in a different country but I AM a tad biased here lol), and we need to start growing up as a Nation, and acting like we are the best. We need to get all the criminals off our streets, and all the people who are in prison and shouldn't be, out of prison. We need to start providing for our family and friends, neighbors and elders; we need to be ABLE to provide for ourselves.

By enforcing people to make this decision, we will clean up our streets. We will get those who shouldn't be in prison, out of prison. And best of all we WILL be able to start providing for ourselves again.

If you, as a citizen, do not want to serve in the military, then simply continue on with your education for two more years, and then go out into the workforce prepared and ready to be a proud member of society.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 08:49 PM
ok, I promised in a couple other threads to repost changes I believe should happen in the country, and I am now working on writing it all now. So please watch over the next couple hours or even into tomorrow for it to be posted.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 08:26 PM

Toilet plungers clear those pretty quickly without the pipe wrench.
Most of the time anyway.

Not this time lol, i tried it first. I finally got it cleaned out about half an hour ago. Found over 2 cups of rice, skin off of meat, etc etc etc. My son is going to just love his Saturday afternoon this week :smile: I have to get some bondo and reseal a thin leak in the trap when I get paid Saturday, then he is going to be starting to scrape the old paint in the fellowship hall of my church in preparation of my painting the walls.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 08:12 PM
Thank You! I have been trying to get more discussions going on the positive side of President Obama's leadership, and have gotten so tired and disgusted with people just bashing him completely and unequivocally. And as you said there is so much more to be talked about and resolved. If we, as a nation, stand up and put our heads together (everyone must brush their teeth first though I don't want any morning breath in my face thank you kindly) we can fix every single problem we are facing, and we can do so peacefully in the end.

Almost every single post in this forum is all about Obama and either how bad of a president he is, what he's doing wrong or what he isn't doing right.

Jesus, the president is sworn in and as long as your an "American" you're going to have live with it.

How about some of the other MORE IMPORTANT issues that are going on around here that people can actually change?

How about, for example....schools are now teaching kindergartners what drugs and alcohol are? How about any local city issues going on? Uhm...what about the cows being treated unlawfully, visiously and hate on by Land'O'Lake employees?

What about natural resources and national parks that are being destroyed to build more roads, buildings, used for it's gas?

Is there anything in this world that is better or worth talking about than Obama?

Just a suggestion....Say what you want.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 04:03 PM
Wouldnt you know it? Just when my night is looking up (kids bed times are an hour away), I find out my oldest son rinsed and jammed solid food particles etc. down the kitchen sink instead of scraping them into the garbage before washing them. I am now sitting here waiting to hear back from a friend on whether or not they have a pipe wrench I can borrow, because the clog is, I hope anyway, in the elbow.


daniel48706's photo
Tue 09/29/09 03:35 AM
first what difference does it make if more women are employed than men? Absolutely none.

Second, even if it did make a difference, what does anything you just posted have to do with more women being employed than men? Again absolutely nothing. You post smells kinda funny to me; I sure hope I am wrong about it.

If you think about it, the "jobs" as "jobs are long gone.

There is no manufacturing to speak about, no factories or large employers since everything is "made in china".

what you got today are secretarial , managerial and service jobs, but now due to the falling economy, they barely hire, and not to mention, they are very limited how many they need. they also require college degree, and even if you got a college degree, your chances (in this economy) to get hired is as good as winning the lottery.

This is also a reason why more women are still employed than men.

daniel48706's photo
Mon 09/28/09 12:48 PM
This is something you and I can come together on in agreement then.

Some might think I am anti-Mexican. I am Anti-Illegal Immigrant and totally amazed our Law Enforcers can blatantly disregard any Law they wish.

A truth about me and I don't get personal often.

My last wife is Mexican. She don't speak a lick of english. She is a legal resident. Has been for over 25 years.
She and I can't live together ande wev'e been seperated for a few years.
Her mother, my Mother-in-Law, who I adore, is dying of Pancreatic Cancer. She don't speak no english either.laugh
I moved here to be her rock and help her through the dying stages.
I also do the paper filings, translations, taxiing, and other hospice type stuff.
I don't have to stay at the house. I have my own. That gives me the time I need to recharge and get away from the dying.

My motives for advocating enforcing the Immigration Laws and raiding bussiness who hire them, is for the side of Americans and the Legal Immigrant.

daniel48706's photo
Mon 09/28/09 12:47 PM
Exactly. Control the flow of money from the greedy and self-interested corporations, and you will see all the illegals flowing out of the country as the only reason they are even here is for the money.

Go after the millions of corporations hiring these illegals, and watch the people get jobs and the economy improve.

daniel48706's photo
Mon 09/28/09 10:40 AM
again it boils down to attitude of the adult who didn't go for the job, and in many cases of fast food resteraunts, it is the case of the employer being known to hire teens over adults. And I am sorry whoever I upset with that statement, I have seen it happen way too many times (and no not to myself).

A lot of our young adults have been raised with the attitude you mentioned a moment ago, expecting to have everything handed to them immediately. They do not want to start at the bottom and work their way up. Their families have all this money and all this prestige so they feel they should automatically have it also.

And as I mentioned in earlier posts, if the teen is working because he is helping to support his (or her) family, that is an entire different case. I worked full time in high school in order to pay for me and my brothers school supplies, and clothing for school, and anything left over went towards groceries and bills. I also had the temerity to stay in school no matter what and finish through.

Generally speaking Teenagers do not have a need to be in the work force. They need to go home and open up the jobs for the adults who have families to care for.

I can understand this way of thinking but don't agree with it.

Who is to say, who should work, where they should work, and if they should work?

As for opening jobs for the adults, here's just my view, there was a job opening this teeanger got it, why should he have to relinquish it? The adult obviously didn't go for it.

daniel48706's photo
Mon 09/28/09 10:35 AM
well put Fran

Obama hates American workers.laugh slaphead

Tell me what Hussein has done to get the Illegals deported and Americans into those jobs??


Never fails, get rid of the illegals, the illegals this, the illegals that, I find it amusing. Illegals do the jobs that others dont want to do.

Stop being self righteous
stop waiting for things to get handed to you
stop thinking you are entitled
stop thinking because want it you should have it

Stop the B.S., make yourself marketable, stop sitting idly and whine about this person taking your job, making up excuses about McDonalds not hiring, about not being able to GET experience... Be responsible people... stop blaming others...

Here's a hint, enforce the laws of the big corporations, the companies that hire these illegals, you are so fond of. But wait why??? After all these are Americans living the great dream of free enterprise... laugh

daniel48706's photo
Mon 09/28/09 10:33 AM
They did the same when I was in High School, and I know THEn it was the teachers UNIONS that caused the trouble and caused it to be blocked.

All I have read so far is the above linked story concerning it, which leaves President Obamas belies and wants fairly fast to spout out a lot of rhetorical mumbo jumbo, and polls.

However, I DO agree that summer vacation for school kids needs to be lessened considerably. I do NOT agree that the school DAY needs to be lengthened any more than it already is. Give the kids the same number of hours in school that they already have, but break up the two and three month summer vacations over the school year. there are four marking periods to a year, currently; if we kept with the four marking period standard, just extended their length by a couple weeks, and gave the kids a one week vacation after each marking period, they would retain a helluva lot more knowledge, and they would have more chances to visit family throughout the year. In regards to summer events, they would still have time to go camping, and whatever. They do not NEED 2 and 3 months vacation.

They talked of making summer vacation two weeks when I was a kid. I don't remember why it did not happen then but obviously someone has a problem with it.

Could it be the cost rise for the schools?

daniel48706's photo
Mon 09/28/09 10:27 AM
Generally speaking Teenagers do not have a need to be in the work force. They need to go home and open up the jobs for the adults who have families to care for.

52% unemployment...a combination of adults taking any job they can find, and of course the minimum wage...which Republicans know...actually hurts...the very segment of society it's created to benefit...the young skulls full of

The unemployment rate in August was 9.7%.

it's 52% amongst teens...the actual true unemployment is 16.5%...if you count those who have exhausted there unemployment benefits and are no longer searching for work...

daniel48706's photo
Mon 09/28/09 10:25 AM
Thank you winx

Obama hates American workers.laugh slaphead

Tell me what Hussein has done to get the Illegals deported and Americans into those jobs??

I already told you - Saddam Hussein is dead.

daniel48706's photo
Mon 09/28/09 10:25 AM
Thisis the quote I was looking for. This ops attitude, and a lot of other so-called adults int his forum, doesnot help anything at all and does nothing except to incite confusion, disagreement, and allt he way down to dissension.

We are all adults here so let's grow up and STOP the blasted name calling. Otherwise you will get absolutely NO sympathy from me or any other reasonable American citizen cause you cant even act with the respect that you demand to be given to yourself.

Obama hates American workers.laugh slaphead

Tell me what Hussein has done to get the Illegals deported and Americans into those jobs??

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