Community > Posts By > daniel48706

daniel48706's photo
Wed 10/28/09 05:44 AM
I'll tell ya hwat Thomas, I receive the 68 minutes a month free service,and if it had not been for that service provided to me, there's a couple of times that my children and I would have been in very serious danger due to the fact that I can not afford to keep a landline.

I agree basic essentials come first, thats why I normally do not have a landline; I put my minimum income towards rent, electricity and gas first (electricity before gas due to the fact I receive HEAP so can figure that assistance into my budget).

I receive about 675 per month, and at this point the only way that is going to increase, is if I can finally get the courts to increase my ex-wifes child support from 6% of her income to the state mandated 25%.

out of 675, 400 of it goes to rent right off the top. 75 -85 goes to electricity every month. that's 485 right there. another 100 goes to oil (instead of gas) for my furnace, there is 585. This leaves me with about one hundred dollars, which goes for basic taxeable groceries, transportation back and forth to the store and medical appointments, copays on medicine, and right now internet/landline as I have a few dollars extra per month more than I did 6 months ago.

So, you tell me that this service is not a neccessity for ANY family or individual in this day and age.

daniel48706's photo
Wed 10/28/09 05:29 AM
No one stood and said anything? You need to wake up and smell the coffee as the majority of America not only stood up and said something, they whole-heartedly agreed with going into Iraq in the first place. THEN when things didnt turn out fairy tale perfect, some people and politicians started trying to claim they never supported it int he first place, and domino effect whoosh half the country has forgotten it supported the call to arms against Saddam Hussein in the first place.

I sure wish Obama would do something about all the deaths lately in Afghanistan, I believe in all or nothing.:thumbsup:

This wouldn't be a problem if the previous president didn't make the massive mistake of going to Iraq and spreading troop levels too thin in Afghanistan. We should have just been in Afghanistan in the first place, Iraq should have never been apart of the conflict, the conflict in Afghanistan could very well be over had this country just focused on that conflict instead of pulling the majority of the troops out of the Afghan vilages and pushing them into Iraq.

Failure on the people, failure on the government, this failure is more than skin deep. It is in fact the domino effect, no one stood and said anything, Bush pressed on with his agenda, and now we complain about it...foolish at best.

daniel48706's photo
Wed 10/28/09 05:24 AM

My son is a freshman and we have never had anything like this done? Every single teacher knew he was ADHD but I guess we never really needed anything special so they never really worried about it! I am assuming that this is for students that need special things or need a tutor, am I wrong? If question is why didn't my son ever got evaluated? And if he is doing good in school should I even say anything about this? Actually both of my boys were/are honor students so maybe this isn't something for me? Help!!!

If your child is doing that well in school with ADHD you don't need an IEP. My son has one, but he is severely delayed in all areas of his development. Typically an IEP is set in place if putting a child in a mainstream class setting will totally disrupt the other students and hinder everyone's learning. My son can never be mainstreamed, he is in special education classes and has to have that almost one on one instruction as well as all of his therapists - Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy, Music therapy, Vision therapy and a behavioral specialist.

My youngest is getting closer and closer to that point himself. He currently has to have a behavioral specialist, speech therapy (he reverts to baby talk and/or monosyllabic sounds), metotional therapist, he can not be placed in daycare as he flips out, and he is close to being removed from the school bus as he is a constant disruption and a distraction to the bus driver with his inability to sit still (and I dont mean the normal fidgiting) and get Long with the other kids.

daniel48706's photo
Mon 10/26/09 10:53 PM

Come, now. This is childish. Noone OWES you anything. You EARN it. You want kids, save up the money and pay for it yourself. If this mindset is prevalent, it's no WONDER the government thinks it needs to raise us like little children. sad frustrated

Hey Heavenly boy! We finally agree! Here's my take...Mother wants a baby she should have the baby and stay home and raise the baby. Not a nanny or daycare center. Husband(remember those?) should make enough money to provide for Mother and baby. No government control or help.

I agree with you overall. The only change I would suggest is that you not require the mother to stay home and the father to work. What if the mother had the higher paying job? That was teh basis for me and my ex-wife when our first-born was born. She was inthe army active duty and I was working part time minimium wage. We decided together that she would stay in the army, andI would stay home taking care of our son as that provided us with far more financial options as well as an adequate health plan.

I am not embearassed to say that I, a man, chose to be a homemaker and child raiser. It allowed my children to have one parent home at all times.

Now the only problem with this scenario is the fact that most families can not AFFORD to keep one parent home with the children. What do we do about that problem?

daniel48706's photo
Mon 10/26/09 10:34 PM
Why did your classmates or anyone other than your teacher(s), counselor(s), advocate(s) or parents even know it was going on? And even if it did get out, it is still the schools responsibility to provide you with a hassle free environment. And trust me schools are starting to buckle down recently about that because judges are starting to fine the schools as accomplices when it can be proven the school knew of harassment or bullying among the students and simply ignored it.

You want a what? Seems like kids need a lot. What is reality is some kids need a little extra help in learning. Basiclly that is what and Indivicual Eduction Plan is.

Guranteed by a law #94-124 it means that if your child needs help to get and "Equal, most approriate, and least restrictive" education from the public school system. The school has to provide it free to the child and their family once a child is identified as not making appropriate progress and assessed, at the school districts expense, in an agreed upon plan between educators, parents, and significant others. Those others can be Grand-parents, step-parents, lawyers, pediatricians, mentors, clergy, child care providers, transportation agents, state child services personael, adults with similiar disabilities, and your child where appropriate. I strongly suggest getting a trained advocate to help you through the process. Then the baloney and "I Can'ts" tend to be avoided.

Parents have to request it in writing and agree to testing and evaluations but the clock starts on the day the rquest is submitted and has to be acted on in 45 days.

Parents have many rights. Like what, why, and how their child will be tested. They can be present, should be given written results, and the results can be challenged. Generally you have to pay for that but there are state funded specialists to advocate for your child and help you fully understand the process and the results.

I recommend includeing such advocates early on in the process.

A great deal of information is provided at government expense to you as a parent. Custodial and non-custodial parents have a right to be fully vested in this process. Much of the free information is well written, illustrated, and similiar infor mation is made at age approriate level for your child. If English is not your first language all information includeing forms must be translated so you are making informed consent. If reading is not your thing more and more of this information is available on tape or DVD. There are also great Parent/professional training conferences you can attend and learn from peer parents and consumers who have been useing this law for 30+ years.

Usually evaluations will be a combination of written, verbal, and observatons. Kids rarely mind some even find them fun. The important thing is EVERYONE keep in mind it is not PASS or FAIL but assessing how you child learns and if they are age appropriate and help them get there. If not doing as much as is possible to help them. Again this is the schools responsibility and there are federal funds to cover the costs so don't let them tell you they don't have the money.

The kinds of helps a child may get are extra supervision, tutors, adapted materials, counseling, and even adapted learning environments, rest breaks,or special diets. While the school will not provide medication they can be required to administer it in the most appropriate time or way.

This help applies to all learning environments from the classroom, to the playground, to the school lunchroom, or any school sponsored activitiy.

One of the biggest tasks of and IEP is to assure your child is not being discriminated against and is mainstreamed rather than segregated to get this help.

Each time a special needs child enters school, even preschool, or a new school this IEP can be developed and implimented especially if there is any diagnosis or reasonable knowledge that the child will need such individual care.

Any questions feel free to ask for a local referral. All school districts in the USA have resources. It is true they will sometimes stonewall parents so if you need independent assistance ask.

Good luck. Hope this is helpful. It really is easier than it sounds. Once written these plans can be updated and adapted as needed. If you feel the plan is not working you are entitled to appeal the process.

I had one of these done, it singled me out as the stupid kid in the class and made my life a living hell until i graduated high school.

Who ever invented these should be shot...

I am now a very successful, smart, happy Microsoft Administrator, for Banks and Insurance companies, I keep your money and Identity safe.

Thank GOD these tests did not follow me to my career, or i would be flipping burgers for 5 bucks an hour..

daniel48706's photo
Mon 10/26/09 04:57 AM
My youngest and I were introduced to IEP's last year. At first I thought it was great, he was finally getting the assistance he needs, things will still be tough, but finally I have someone willing to work with him. Boy was I wrong. The school introduced me to it simply because I had already, unknowingly, initiated it myself by demanding he be tested and observed when I registered him. And don't get me wrong, I wasn't rude or anything, I just didn't accept no for an answer lol. I explained what we had already been through and done or not done, what was currently being done through his doctor, and made sure they knew I was not going to accept his being ignored.
Well, i was in for a big awakening by the end of the year. I was never once allowed to see his test results in writing, only informed of them over the phone; and I take responsibility in not thinking to ask for them in writing. His teacher NEVER provided me with any regular letters concerning his behavior and attention during class.
I started getting suspicious when his report cards were not matching up with what I was seeing from him myself, and so going through his doctor, I did not notify the school when he was gonna be off his medication (due to insurance issues), waiting to see how long it took them to contact me. I ended up contacting them two weeks afterwards, when he came home telling me that he had been able to watch tv all day. Come to find out, his teacher had been keeping him in the back of the class so to speak, pretty much the entire year. Never once did she write to me or call me; I take that back. She called ONCE and that was cause he got hurt on the playground. I had specifically asked for her to fill out the connors report for him five times that year, his doctor demanded it twice. I finally received it from the school the last week he was in that school, three weeks before the end of the year.

This year, he is in a different district and everything and I am already starting to have an issue concerning the connors report. I sent in a copy as the doctor asked me to get one (which I expected, it is a yearly thing lol). The school sent it home not filled out claiming they needed a doctors request in order to fill it out, which is nothing but pure nonsense. So now, I am working on that issue.
What makes me real nervous with this school too, is it is an older school building (everythign i up to code no worries there) is that it has an old padded room for troubled kids, back from when they were placed in such rooms instead of dealt with, and the principle made sure to let me know that it was there if needed, as if i woudl find that reassuring.

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 11:24 PM
Edited by daniel48706 on Sun 10/25/09 11:25 PM

Let me start by saying I am not gonna change my mind on what I did, and I will do it again lol. I am simply curious to others responses.

While at church this afternoon, I was talking to a friend of my family. She turned to my oldest son (9) when he came downstairs after being told to stay upstairs with another friend, and asked him why he disobeyed his father about staying upstairs. He looked her square in the eye, and told her "cause I wanted to so don't ask me again". Automatically I just reached up and cuffed him along the back of the head, not hard, but enough to catch his attention (I hit flys harder than I cuffed him lol), and told him to watch his mouth and manners, and to not ever let me catch him talking to an adult like that again. That was the end of it, he apologized t her on his own immediately afterwards, and kept a civil tongue in his mouth the rest of the time we were visiting, even interacting a bit himself.

What would you have done?

Bravo,,,, straight from the Madea book of how not to raise a spoiled, mouthy, know it all, disrespectful child. That scene played in our church several times growing up and noone batted an eye. If you have a balance of positive reinforcement along with swift discipline,,, ur gonna have a fine boy:)

WHAT?! You mean I have to have positive reinforcement as well? Well I guess I could always fall back on the ole reliable board reinforced to his butt in a way positive to make him squeal :grin:

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 11:06 PM

theres been a long arguement about this, but seriously, who would win?! ninja or pirate?

current day pirates or pre-firearm pirates? if it is current day (and I dont mean naval ships or the such, just hand guns, etc) then I woudl have to say the pirates because ninjas do not use firearms at all ;-)

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 11:03 PM
yes I did, and as I said I would not change the fact. If it had been me that did that at nine, I woulda lost teeth. As it is, I didn't even smack him as hard as I do when we are wrestling around on the floor.

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 11:00 PM
Fran I think I love you. I can not tell you how much I needed that laugh this morning (currently 2am lol)

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 10:42 PM
oh gawd that was hilarious!!!!

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 10:31 PM

Well when ya get a bunch of teens together

And you talk with them

Not down to them

The conversation is really great

I learn a lot from them!!!

And that cute little monkey is gonna have one sore little butt in the morning!!:heart:
drinks It burns a little but I got one helluva buzzdrinks

What scares me the most mirror, is I can not tell if you are joking or if your serious rofl

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 10:22 PM
Let me start by saying I am not gonna change my mind on what I did, and I will do it again lol. I am simply curious to others responses.

While at church this afternoon, I was talking to a friend of my family. She turned to my oldest son (9) when he came downstairs after being told to stay upstairs with another friend, and asked him why he disobeyed his father about staying upstairs. He looked her square in the eye, and told her "cause I wanted to so don't ask me again". Automatically I just reached up and cuffed him along the back of the head, not hard, but enough to catch his attention (I hit flys harder than I cuffed him lol), and told him to watch his mouth and manners, and to not ever let me catch him talking to an adult like that again. That was the end of it, he apologized t her on his own immediately afterwards, and kept a civil tongue in his mouth the rest of the time we were visiting, even interacting a bit himself.

What would you have done?

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 10:13 PM

Back in the day a blew the speakers out in my van, cranking up the Eric Clapton, Doobie Brothers, etc.

The sound systems are a bit better these days, kids be crankin' what they like, just like I did.drinker

hat is true; however, thankfully, laws have been passed over the past few years that prohibit the playing of certain types of rap, classically known as gangsta rap, in pubic where anyone can hear it. I am referring to cd's that have been rated NCR17 and above, of course, due to language, content, and connotation behind the words used. Depending on where you are at, you can receive something as little as a ticket for playing these cd's where anyone can hear them (that includes by raising the volume up so it can be heard outside of your home or car) all the way up to being arrested on the spot fort he contribution to the delinquency of a minor. And if you don't believe me, ask the guy who slipped in a public park and rolled down a hill yelling f&^% SH*& and several other choice words the entire way with about fifteen or twenty kids nearby.

My point here is, call it what you will, but respect everyone elses right to NOT listen to it just as you have the right to listen to it. Cause more and more people are getting to the same point I have been at and ARE calling the police and filing charges when they hear this kind of thing. Again, this time ask a former neighbor of mine. I asked her five times to turn her stereo down or use headphones so that me and my children did nto have to listen to her cd which was going on about women being gang banged and how they were nothing but b!thces and hoes, etc. I finally called the cops and filed a formal complaint about it as I did not want my children listening to that crap. When the cops came over and told her to turn the volume down or use headphones she refused and they arrested her on the spot. She spent the weekend in lock up waiting for the judge to arrive Monday morning, and got fined something like 250 dollars. And before anyone tries going off on me, remember I did nothing illegal, nothing immoral or anything wrong at all. I started out trying to handle it civilly and after 5 failed attempts I exercised my legal rights and called the police to ask them to intervene.

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 12:45 PM
What you described is a textbook example of discrimination allowance. Majority rules, so go somewhere else. That is utter nonsense and stinks like last weeks milk container left in the sun! A PUBLIC school does not have the right to tell a girl she can not wear suits and tuxes if she wants to; and the reverse is true as well. The school does not have the right to tell a boy he can nto wear a dress or skirt.
And by the very letter of the definition, you can not legally cause another person to feel uncomfortable simply because you do nto agree with them. They have as much legal right to being comfortable and expresing themself (without harming others) as you do.

I wonder if a gay guy wanted to dress up as a girl for the photo (skirt, bras, a wig, lipstick, fake nails and so on)

Would that be allowed?

No, it probably wouldn't "be allowed". A tux isn't gender specific (in my mind). Many women have worn them over the decades in movies and in other media. They're like a fancy pant suit for crying out loud. IT shouldn't matter if she is gay or just looks like a boy- though I don't see it- as I used to cross dress I can usually tell. IT IS HER PICTURE. She's not dressing disrespectfully. It's not some tacky short skirt with no underpants thing.
She's not harming anyone. A year book is of the life of the students. If she "looks and dresses" like a boy all the time then shouldn't she get to in the senior class photos? This is a mountain out of a mole hill situation. And the people making it a problem is likely the adults who think they are mature and open minded. Whereas the students probably don't give an honest damn how she appears in the photos so long as they recognize her. She should have the right to dress as she likes.

Though, personally I don't think it's a big deal to wear a dress one day. I even like them in the summer. I had to wear one for my parents wedding (it was too long and I almost biffed it going up a set of stairs). This particular girl might look silly if she did put a dress on with that hair cut...

Ok, what if a guy wants to dress up decently as a woman? Is that possible?

why is it ok for a woman to wear man clothes but it's not ok for a man to wear woman's clothes?

Why is only man's clothes are not gender specific and why woman's dress is women only?

I don't think people get quite as bent out of shape when a girl dresses in boys clothes, but there seems to be a knee jerk reaction to boys dressing as girls. I say who cares. If he has the nerve to do it let him, all this classmates will still know who he is.

If the kids don't care why should we. Why must we we get all insecure and uptight about it. If we want the freedom to be who we are, we shouldn't be trying to control what others choose to be, if it harms no one.

Ultimately it's all about control, what's expected of a female and what's expected of a male. Heaven forbid someone have the courage to be who they feel they are.

It all comes down to rules and regulations and what is accepted as decency.

I think the solution isn't in letting everyone to do whatever, but having clear outlines of what is accepted and having schools with variations of how loose or tight the rules are. Essentially, the schools follow what is widely accepted and supported and what isn't. If 99% of the girls want to dress up as girls, then lesbians and bisexuals have to face that cold harsh reality, that they are minority, and majority dictates how and what.

Now if there are schools out, where regulations are much less looser, then why not go there for those who have special requests?

Having the choice, that if you feel uncomfortable in a school, due to feeling like the rules are too much , then go to another school with less school regulations.

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 12:32 PM
yep. Fourty five minutes, first period of the day (except those of us who elected to do a zero period lol). Went something like this: 7am final bell rings and a minute later the daily announcements started; 7:10 Teacher starts calling out attendance (unless you had assigned seats, then she just looked quickly through the room t see what seats weren't filled in). 7:15 teacher starts joining in on conversations of what is going on, and the rest of the class is pure social talk.

Pure waste of time in my eyes.


Homeroom was a waste of time, wasn't it?laugh It was all about taking attendance and waiting for the bell to ring.

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 12:22 PM
first off , sites like youtube, mingle (yes I named us), yahoo, they are all privately owned when it is all broken down t obasics, and because of this, the owners of the site have the legal right to regualte what they allow ont he site, even if you do nto agree with that regulation. Has nothign ot do with free speach.

Second, in most cases, not all but most, when something IS removed form sites like youtube, yahoo etc. it is because it has been decided t be either bad for business in one way or another, or unethical to allow the possibility of a minor to see it.

Oh no, RULES!!! how will we and the internet survive? (rolls eyes)

There is not any information as to what the regulation will involve but people hear the word and all hell breaks loose. Interesting. The Fcc regulates the airwaves and we still have as much crap as ever on the idiot box. Im sure it wont affect what crap will be on the internet.

Actually what I see is a bigger crackdown on free speech over the web coming. Like for example, how often do you see a site like youtube remove content that is not for copyright related reasons? It happens more often then you may think. I'd be very worried about something like this, because the more free speech is taken away, the less control we have in getting messages out there, and the more control the mainstream media has in just what is shown and what is hidden.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:47 PM
Very well put. Get rid of study hall and homeroom. Both are wasted class hours during the day, in regards to having time with yuor teacher(s) and learning what you need to be in school in order to learn. You can do your studying and homework at home, hence the title homework!

We're only talking about one class, right?

yep. so what class gets cut to make room for this one class? don't know of many school districts that are not increasing class sizes, cutting school year and other fiscal measures to continue to fund the ciriculum they now have. and the cutting is far from done. so where do the philosophy teachers and classrooms and available hours come from? and rarely has there been more oportunities for people without college degrees in the techonoly world than have existed in the last twenty years, especially when compared to degrees in philosophy.

They could cut a study hall class.

A philosophy class isn't about a career choice in philosophy unless one wants to be a philosophy professor.

A philosophy class does teach thinking skills and thinking outside of the box. Each class - math, art, etc., stimulate different parts of the brain. I think that the more a child learns about different areas of life the better. I think it would be great for kids to learn about Socrates, Aristotle, and Descrates.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:37 PM
Edited by daniel48706 on Thu 10/22/09 09:38 PM
I eat less chili devil

daniel48706's photo
Thu 10/22/09 04:31 AM
nothing but absolute nonsense and typical fox style rubbish. I am surprised CNN got involved to be honest.

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