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Topic: The disease of Addiction.
Winx's photo
Wed 01/16/08 05:54 PM

I am going through this right now. My brother is an alcoholic and I moved him from San Diego in October. This last Monday his landlady called the police as he was so drunk and out of control. I tried to get him to go to detox and into a 12-step.....and he said no....And as anyone who has gone through this knows.....It has to be a decision the addict makes...you cannot make it for them. Now this is Wednesday and He is in a hotel drunk. I finally went over their and told him...ok I see you have made your choice....and left.

I will not have anything to do with him...as hard as that is.....

I found my father dead on his living room rug.....so drunk he had fallen on a lamp and bled out.....and died.

My sister died at 18 in an accident, where she to was drunk. And my mom at 50.....so this is something I am not only very familiar with....but also have broken the cycle as far as my family by the grace of God.....

My heart goes out to you feralatlady. I can't imagine the pain that you have felt. Addiction is a family disease.

There are several stages of addiction. Your brother is very much in the stage of denial. His disease is at a place where that is all he can see.

Please take care of yourself and never forget ...you didn't cause it, you can't control it, and you can't cure it.

You sound like a great sister. Hopefully, sooner than later, you can be there to support him through his recovery.

Winx's photo
Wed 01/16/08 05:58 PM

im very proud of you and continue in your journey. i am an addict. i have been clean 15 years and still live one day at a time.


livelife68's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:04 PM
Friend of Bill W. Anyone ever needs to talk email me.

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:18 PM
Shalom Jonlaw.

yahweh does things in his timing. You or we do not know that Yahweh allowed what happened to you for a greater good. It sounds you found it in your heart to help others.. it reminds me of Romans 8:28

Rom 8:28-30

28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

May Your Work Continue To Glorify Yahweh....Blessings..Miles


Thank you so much you are right anything good God is doing it and you sound alot like what I believe in I would love to talk to you about that if I may

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:22 PM
Friend of Bill W. Anyone ever needs to talk email me.

Thank-you and I am another friend of Bill. W. There is this common bond that I can not explain. I am glad you are here my friend.

tomie's photo
Wed 01/16/08 07:01 PM
Just want you guys to know you're doing a great job..keep up the good work. My prayers are with you all.
Funches kinda hit on something..other demons there and that's about as far as I'll agree with him on anything.lol There are other issues that lead to co-dependancy like past hurts, loss or death of loved ones, failed relationships, or the way we were brought up. Looking for the root cause can be just as painful and that's where we need the strength of GOD to help us through. Yea, we can choose to quit but the strength comes from GOD who dwells in us.
You guys are covered in prayer & I admire each & every one of you. Feralcatlady...you go girl!!!!
T:tongue: mie

Winx's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:14 PM
Edited by Winx on Wed 01/16/08 08:17 PM

Have you ever been addicted to anything funches?

to eating food and drinking water in order to live

Once again funches you speak about something you know nothing of.......As much as I wish it were true that people could just say.....hey I am not going to be an addict today....it just doesn't work like that...Just as it doesn't work that they wake up in the morning and say, "Hey beautiful day I think I will become an addict."

you just said yourself that you can't help anyone unless they make the decision to stop ...no matter how much you warn people that something is addictive they may make the decision to do it anyway ...I notice in here that people always saying you have free choice well use it and make the choice to stop ..


An addiction usually develops over time. So it's easy not to notice at first. But as the problem grows, the chances of losing everything important multiplies.

No one plans to be addicted and no plans to lose his or her family, friends, job, health, and self-respect - but it can happen. No one plans to die from it - but it can happen.

Totage's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:24 PM

Hi: I would like to talk about addiction be it alcoholic ao drugs.

I myself grew up in a aloholic home and by the age of 2 I was hospitalized because of a skipping rope beating from my mother who was a alcoholic,she died by the age of 58.

I stuck the first needle in my arm at age 15 and became alcoholic by the age of 19. I continued to do drugs and alcohol off and on til about a little over 2 months ago and this time I really want to continue with my sobriety.

The book says "that probably no human power could have relieved my alcoholism but God could and would if He were sought.

This is why for me there is a God because I have seen many miracles along the way. I ended up getting my social work degree and have worked in detox and before that I volunteered there cleaning rooms and socializing with other drunks.

So I would like to hear from anyone who wishes to post something with your views on this subject.


I've lived through three ODs (obviously :tongue:)

I have friends and family members that are addicts, several have ODed and have passed away.

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:34 PM

Hi: I would like to talk about addiction be it alcoholic ao drugs.

I myself grew up in a aloholic home and by the age of 2 I was hospitalized because of a skipping rope beating from my mother who was a alcoholic,she died by the age of 58.

I stuck the first needle in my arm at age 15 and became alcoholic by the age of 19. I continued to do drugs and alcohol off and on til about a little over 2 months ago and this time I really want to continue with my sobriety.

The book says "that probably no human power could have relieved my alcoholism but God could and would if He were sought.

This is why for me there is a God because I have seen many miracles along the way. I ended up getting my social work degree and have worked in detox and before that I volunteered there cleaning rooms and socializing with other drunks.

So I would like to hear from anyone who wishes to post something with your views on this subject.


I've lived through three ODs (obviously :tongue:)

I have friends and family members that are addicts, several have ODed and have passed away.


Thanks for posting on this subject and I admire your honesty. Anytime your ready to quit feel free to e-mail me and just talk I care man.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Wed 01/16/08 10:37 PM
Good thread, jonlaw. I'm glad you started it. flowerforyou

Big ol honkin hug, feral (quick b'fore the aliens spot us again)

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:05 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Wed 01/16/08 11:06 PM
Hi jonlaw.

Formally possessed myself. Still an addict; just not active.
Twenty plus years. First alcohol...then pot....then meth...coke....then alcohol...then back again...over and over and over again.

I have been clean for many years now. I do not count the years, because it became something that made me think about it too much. Since I quit thinking about the months and years; I had an easier time of it.

Not everyone can do what I do; but I can drink wine without wanting to do it again the next day. I partake very rarely. But, if I were to drink hard liquor, I would be in trouble.

Then I would be right back out there doing all of it all over again.

Stay healthy man. Never try and do it alone. I was very fortunate to have a firm support system in place.

I also helped counsel and held meetings in my own home for quite some time. Then worked very hard at getting a house for our meetings which grew beyond my expectations. Took meetings to prisons, halfway houses, treatment centers, and traveled all over the tri state area taking people with me. It was a blast.


holland01's photo
Thu 01/17/08 02:46 AM
im addicted to masturbation
and sex
and alcohol
and girls
and it would probably be best to name sex again

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:48 AM
im addicted to masturbation
and sex
and alcohol
and girls
and it would probably be best to name sex again

Welcome my friend. Now that you have admitted your problem I hope you are willing to do something about it. Remember when we stop using we have to stop using, people,places, and things.

I notice you are a soldier and you have good qualities. I wish you all the best and help is here if you want it.

Hope to hear from you again. happy

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:55 AM
Good thread, jonlaw. I'm glad you started it. flowerforyou

Big ol honkin hug, feral (quick b'fore the aliens spot us again)

Thank-you I admire the people s honesty and I do hope we can keep this going it might be the thing that keeps a person clean and sober one more day. I hope you have a wonderful day and hope to hear from you again.:smile:

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:01 AM
Hi jonlaw.

Formally possessed myself. Still an addict; just not active.
Twenty plus years. First alcohol...then pot....then meth...coke....then alcohol...then back again...over and over and over again.

I have been clean for many years now. I do not count the years, because it became something that made me think about it too much. Since I quit thinking about the months and years; I had an easier time of it.

Not everyone can do what I do; but I can drink wine without wanting to do it again the next day. I partake very rarely. But, if I were to drink hard liquor, I would be in trouble.

Then I would be right back out there doing all of it all over again.

Stay healthy man. Never try and do it alone. I was very fortunate to have a firm support system in place.

I also helped counsel and held meetings in my own home for quite some time. Then worked very hard at getting a house for our meetings which grew beyond my expectations. Took meetings to prisons, halfway houses, treatment centers, and traveled all over the tri state area taking people with me. It was a blast.


Thank-you so much for sharing your story it means alot to me and its nice to see someone else helping others. Yes I remember the meth and coke lost it all a few times. It like the people on this thread that help me also just by sharing their stories and hopes. Again thank-you so much for sharing it has made my day so far.

( A brother in recovery):smile:

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:03 AM
Working on my 25th year of being clean and sober but all I got is today. But what a beautiful day. It is so much restful to go to sleep and wake up than to pass out and come to. Got to go to a great meeting in Harrison, Arkansas called the AWOL group. We have new NA meetings springing up all over Arkansas thanks to Drug Court.

tomie's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:22 AM
Hey Holland,
You've taken the first step to recovery; admission. GOOD for you. Do you want to be well? Email me & we can talk. I practice Life Coaching. Give it some thought. I'll be there for you or anyone else.
T:tongue: mie

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:23 AM
Working on my 25th year of being clean and sober but all I got is today. But what a beautiful day. It is so much restful to go to sleep and wake up than to pass out and come to. Got to go to a great meeting in Harrison, Arkansas called the AWOL group. We have new NA meetings springing up all over Arkansas thanks to Drug Court.

Hi my friend yes you are so right we only have today and what a wonderful day it is.Thank you for stopping by to share a little of yourself. Hope you have a wonderful day it seems you are off to a good start. Hope to see you soon.

Your brother in Recovery. :smile:

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:32 AM
Hey Holland,
You've taken the first step to recovery; admission. GOOD for you. Do you want to be well? Email me & we can talk. I practice Life Coaching. Give it some thought. I'll be there for you or anyone else.
T:tongue: mie

Hi Tomie nice to see you again my friend. Hope you are having a good day. Thank-you so much for offering your time. Its wonderful to see people helping people its people like you that make this world just a little better place to live.

Take Care and please keep returninghappy

no photo
Thu 01/17/08 07:11 AM

Funches kinda hit on something..other demons there and that's about as far as I'll agree with him on anything.lol

come on tomie...you only agreed with me because I said they had Demons in them ..but I didn't mean real Demons I meant the fake Demons ...like past memories

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