Topic: Do You Have The Right To Believe
Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 08:59 AM

Numbers 33:50-52

4For the Egyptians buried all their firstborn, which the LORD had smitten among them: upon their gods also the LORD executed judgments.

Keep in mind these verses are from the old covenant/testament. These people eg., the egyptians were doing wrong, they were worshipping false Gods, doing immoral things, ect. This is a judgement, not just cold blooded murder eg., old covenant where we were judged on Earth by our peers.

Not going through all the verses you provided at this moment. But have roughly read over the verses and they have the same concept. And again these verses you provided are from the old covenant. Of course the old covenant times is going to look more blood/gory or "evil". For people were judged on Earth and is only explaining their judgement. And a righteous judgement is not the same thing as cold blooded murder, a judgement does not deduce someone/something to being "evil" or anythiing besides righteous for Jesus' judgement is righteous.

No insult to you, but what is happening here in what you're doing is taking verses out of context.

1. It's no insult to me. He made the "statement" you asked for where it said this. Those are the only places, I know of, where God tells "Moses" to "kill".

2. Outside of what you mentioned, Moses was sent there for one purpose. FREE his people. Your analysis leads to a few issues:

A. The Egyptians knew nothing of "God", nor who Moses even was until he came before them and "demanded" they stopped worshiping their "false" Gods which, also at the time, they knew no other "God". Or so I'm under the impression.

B. God, himself, murdered their first born children. Is it truly deemed "judgment" to massacre the innocent infants merely to prove a point? o.O Hardly seems "righteous".

C. Moses actions afterwards were, or so he stated, "God's WORD", and they went on to massacre ALL the males, even included male toddlers.

D. God stated, in one of said verses, "Do what I tell you less you suffer their fate."

This goes back to the Garden.

Is it truly righteous to deal a punishment to someone that knows not they are sinning in such a way that, inevitably, leads to their own demise?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 09:12 AM
See, Cowboy.

It's like this.

"You are quick to find what is seemingly negative aspects about the actions of God but fail to find the reasons why?

Who were the Canaanites, Midianites, Amorites, and Egyptians and what did they do in order to recieve the judgement of Death by the hands of Moses and the nation of Israel?

Is it really wrong for the Creator of the heavens and the earth to Judge who has a right to live and die? Do not the human governments and their judges justifiably execute citizens who continually break their most critical laws? Will right minded people fret about the execution of someone such as Osama Bin Laden because of the actions of such a person? No.

The land of Canaan became saturated with detestable practices of idolatry, immorality, and bloodshed. The Canaanite religion was extraordinarily base and degraded, their “sacred poles” evidently being phallic symbols, and many of the rites at their “high places” involving gross sexual excesses and depravity. (Ex 23:24; 34:12, 13; Nu 33:52; De 7:5) Incest, sodomy, and bestiality were part of ‘the way of the land of Canaan’ that made the land unclean and for which error it was due to “vomit its inhabitants out.” (Le 18:2-25)

The Midianites manifested hostility toward the Israelites. They cooperated with the Moabites in hiring the prophet Balaam to curse Israel. (Nu 22:4-7) When this failed, the Midianites and Moabites, at Balaam’s advice, cunningly used their women to induce thousands of Israelite males to become involved in sexual immorality and idolatry in connection with Baal of Peor. (A FALSE GOD) (Nu 25:1-9, 14-18; 31:15, 16; 1Co 10:8; Re 2:14) Thereafter the Israelites, in obedience to divine command, took vengeance upon Midian. Less than three centuries later, the Midianites had recovered from this blow sufficiently to be able to oppress the Israelites for seven years.

The Amorites do appear to have been the principal or dominant tribe in Canaan at the time of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt. (Compare De 1:6-8, 19-21, 27; Jos 24:15, 18; Jg 6:10.) If this is so, then it would be understandable that, at times, other subordinate and related tribes should be referred to under the name of the dominant tribe of the Amorites.

Egypt was an ultrareligious land, rife with polytheism. Every city and town had its own local deity, bearing the title “Lord of the City.” A list found in the tomb of Thutmose III contains the names of some 740 gods. (Ex 12:12) By means of God’s deliverance through Moses, the nation of Israel was freed from “the house of slaves” and “the iron furnace,” as Egypt continued to be called by Bible writers. (Ex 13:3; De 4:20; Jer 11:4; Mic 6:4) Forty years later Israel began the conquest of Canaan.

Each of these nations stood in oppostition to the true God Jehovah and violated many of his most important laws such as the law to not worship any false Gods. In Jehovah's eyes, these nations were deserving of death because of their disobedience. Such nations showed no sign of change or repentance even after nations close by received their judgement.

All these nations were a threat to Gods chosen nation the Israelites and he simply eliminated those threats much like we expect the governmental authorities to eliminate the threat of criminals.

Psalm 9:7,8 " 7 As for Jehovah, he will sit to time indefinite,
Firmly establishing his throne for judgment itself.
8 And he himself will judge the productive land in righteousness;
He will judicially try national groups in uprightness.

Hopefully you see that God is a righteous judge who was the right to do so. If a person is upright and lives according to the commandments of God, he has nothing to fear."


CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/07/12 09:26 AM

See, Cowboy.

It's like this.

"You are quick to find what is seemingly negative aspects about the actions of God but fail to find the reasons why?

Who were the Canaanites, Midianites, Amorites, and Egyptians and what did they do in order to recieve the judgement of Death by the hands of Moses and the nation of Israel?

Is it really wrong for the Creator of the heavens and the earth to Judge who has a right to live and die? Do not the human governments and their judges justifiably execute citizens who continually break their most critical laws? Will right minded people fret about the execution of someone such as Osama Bin Laden because of the actions of such a person? No.

The land of Canaan became saturated with detestable practices of idolatry, immorality, and bloodshed. The Canaanite religion was extraordinarily base and degraded, their “sacred poles” evidently being phallic symbols, and many of the rites at their “high places” involving gross sexual excesses and depravity. (Ex 23:24; 34:12, 13; Nu 33:52; De 7:5) Incest, sodomy, and bestiality were part of ‘the way of the land of Canaan’ that made the land unclean and for which error it was due to “vomit its inhabitants out.” (Le 18:2-25)

The Midianites manifested hostility toward the Israelites. They cooperated with the Moabites in hiring the prophet Balaam to curse Israel. (Nu 22:4-7) When this failed, the Midianites and Moabites, at Balaam’s advice, cunningly used their women to induce thousands of Israelite males to become involved in sexual immorality and idolatry in connection with Baal of Peor. (A FALSE GOD) (Nu 25:1-9, 14-18; 31:15, 16; 1Co 10:8; Re 2:14) Thereafter the Israelites, in obedience to divine command, took vengeance upon Midian. Less than three centuries later, the Midianites had recovered from this blow sufficiently to be able to oppress the Israelites for seven years.

The Amorites do appear to have been the principal or dominant tribe in Canaan at the time of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt. (Compare De 1:6-8, 19-21, 27; Jos 24:15, 18; Jg 6:10.) If this is so, then it would be understandable that, at times, other subordinate and related tribes should be referred to under the name of the dominant tribe of the Amorites.

Egypt was an ultrareligious land, rife with polytheism. Every city and town had its own local deity, bearing the title “Lord of the City.” A list found in the tomb of Thutmose III contains the names of some 740 gods. (Ex 12:12) By means of God’s deliverance through Moses, the nation of Israel was freed from “the house of slaves” and “the iron furnace,” as Egypt continued to be called by Bible writers. (Ex 13:3; De 4:20; Jer 11:4; Mic 6:4) Forty years later Israel began the conquest of Canaan.

Each of these nations stood in oppostition to the true God Jehovah and violated many of his most important laws such as the law to not worship any false Gods. In Jehovah's eyes, these nations were deserving of death because of their disobedience. Such nations showed no sign of change or repentance even after nations close by received their judgement.

All these nations were a threat to Gods chosen nation the Israelites and he simply eliminated those threats much like we expect the governmental authorities to eliminate the threat of criminals.

Psalm 9:7,8 " 7 As for Jehovah, he will sit to time indefinite,
Firmly establishing his throne for judgment itself.
8 And he himself will judge the productive land in righteousness;
He will judicially try national groups in uprightness.

Hopefully you see that God is a righteous judge who was the right to do so. If a person is upright and lives according to the commandments of God, he has nothing to fear."


Who were the Canaanites, Midianites, Amorites, and Egyptians and what did they do in order to recieve the judgement of Death by the hands of Moses and the nation of Israel?

Don't know the full extent of it right off the top of my head, but here's one reason the Egyptians were in the wrong and one of the things they were being judged on.

Numbers 33:50-52

4For the Egyptians buried all their firstborn, which the LORD had smitten among them: upon their gods also the LORD executed judgments

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/07/12 09:28 AM

See, Cowboy.

It's like this.

"You are quick to find what is seemingly negative aspects about the actions of God but fail to find the reasons why?

Who were the Canaanites, Midianites, Amorites, and Egyptians and what did they do in order to recieve the judgement of Death by the hands of Moses and the nation of Israel?

Is it really wrong for the Creator of the heavens and the earth to Judge who has a right to live and die? Do not the human governments and their judges justifiably execute citizens who continually break their most critical laws? Will right minded people fret about the execution of someone such as Osama Bin Laden because of the actions of such a person? No.

The land of Canaan became saturated with detestable practices of idolatry, immorality, and bloodshed. The Canaanite religion was extraordinarily base and degraded, their “sacred poles” evidently being phallic symbols, and many of the rites at their “high places” involving gross sexual excesses and depravity. (Ex 23:24; 34:12, 13; Nu 33:52; De 7:5) Incest, sodomy, and bestiality were part of ‘the way of the land of Canaan’ that made the land unclean and for which error it was due to “vomit its inhabitants out.” (Le 18:2-25)

The Midianites manifested hostility toward the Israelites. They cooperated with the Moabites in hiring the prophet Balaam to curse Israel. (Nu 22:4-7) When this failed, the Midianites and Moabites, at Balaam’s advice, cunningly used their women to induce thousands of Israelite males to become involved in sexual immorality and idolatry in connection with Baal of Peor. (A FALSE GOD) (Nu 25:1-9, 14-18; 31:15, 16; 1Co 10:8; Re 2:14) Thereafter the Israelites, in obedience to divine command, took vengeance upon Midian. Less than three centuries later, the Midianites had recovered from this blow sufficiently to be able to oppress the Israelites for seven years.

The Amorites do appear to have been the principal or dominant tribe in Canaan at the time of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt. (Compare De 1:6-8, 19-21, 27; Jos 24:15, 18; Jg 6:10.) If this is so, then it would be understandable that, at times, other subordinate and related tribes should be referred to under the name of the dominant tribe of the Amorites.

Egypt was an ultrareligious land, rife with polytheism. Every city and town had its own local deity, bearing the title “Lord of the City.” A list found in the tomb of Thutmose III contains the names of some 740 gods. (Ex 12:12) By means of God’s deliverance through Moses, the nation of Israel was freed from “the house of slaves” and “the iron furnace,” as Egypt continued to be called by Bible writers. (Ex 13:3; De 4:20; Jer 11:4; Mic 6:4) Forty years later Israel began the conquest of Canaan.

Each of these nations stood in oppostition to the true God Jehovah and violated many of his most important laws such as the law to not worship any false Gods. In Jehovah's eyes, these nations were deserving of death because of their disobedience. Such nations showed no sign of change or repentance even after nations close by received their judgement.

All these nations were a threat to Gods chosen nation the Israelites and he simply eliminated those threats much like we expect the governmental authorities to eliminate the threat of criminals.

Psalm 9:7,8 " 7 As for Jehovah, he will sit to time indefinite,
Firmly establishing his throne for judgment itself.
8 And he himself will judge the productive land in righteousness;
He will judicially try national groups in uprightness.

Hopefully you see that God is a righteous judge who was the right to do so. If a person is upright and lives according to the commandments of God, he has nothing to fear."


All these nations were a threat to Gods chosen nation the Israelites and he simply eliminated those threats much like we expect the governmental authorities to eliminate the threat of criminals.

They were no "threat" in particular. They were not doing as they were suppose to, they were judged with the verdict our judge seen fit. They were sacrificing babies, worshipping false Gods, and much more. Again, they were judged.

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 09:43 AM

See, Cowboy.

It's like this.

"You are quick to find what is seemingly negative aspects about the actions of God but fail to find the reasons why?

Who were the Canaanites, Midianites, Amorites, and Egyptians and what did they do in order to recieve the judgement of Death by the hands of Moses and the nation of Israel?

Is it really wrong for the Creator of the heavens and the earth to Judge who has a right to live and die? Do not the human governments and their judges justifiably execute citizens who continually break their most critical laws? Will right minded people fret about the execution of someone such as Osama Bin Laden because of the actions of such a person? No.

The land of Canaan became saturated with detestable practices of idolatry, immorality, and bloodshed. The Canaanite religion was extraordinarily base and degraded, their “sacred poles” evidently being phallic symbols, and many of the rites at their “high places” involving gross sexual excesses and depravity. (Ex 23:24; 34:12, 13; Nu 33:52; De 7:5) Incest, sodomy, and bestiality were part of ‘the way of the land of Canaan’ that made the land unclean and for which error it was due to “vomit its inhabitants out.” (Le 18:2-25)

The Midianites manifested hostility toward the Israelites. They cooperated with the Moabites in hiring the prophet Balaam to curse Israel. (Nu 22:4-7) When this failed, the Midianites and Moabites, at Balaam’s advice, cunningly used their women to induce thousands of Israelite males to become involved in sexual immorality and idolatry in connection with Baal of Peor. (A FALSE GOD) (Nu 25:1-9, 14-18; 31:15, 16; 1Co 10:8; Re 2:14) Thereafter the Israelites, in obedience to divine command, took vengeance upon Midian. Less than three centuries later, the Midianites had recovered from this blow sufficiently to be able to oppress the Israelites for seven years.

The Amorites do appear to have been the principal or dominant tribe in Canaan at the time of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt. (Compare De 1:6-8, 19-21, 27; Jos 24:15, 18; Jg 6:10.) If this is so, then it would be understandable that, at times, other subordinate and related tribes should be referred to under the name of the dominant tribe of the Amorites.

Egypt was an ultrareligious land, rife with polytheism. Every city and town had its own local deity, bearing the title “Lord of the City.” A list found in the tomb of Thutmose III contains the names of some 740 gods. (Ex 12:12) By means of God’s deliverance through Moses, the nation of Israel was freed from “the house of slaves” and “the iron furnace,” as Egypt continued to be called by Bible writers. (Ex 13:3; De 4:20; Jer 11:4; Mic 6:4) Forty years later Israel began the conquest of Canaan.

Each of these nations stood in oppostition to the true God Jehovah and violated many of his most important laws such as the law to not worship any false Gods. In Jehovah's eyes, these nations were deserving of death because of their disobedience. Such nations showed no sign of change or repentance even after nations close by received their judgement.

All these nations were a threat to Gods chosen nation the Israelites and he simply eliminated those threats much like we expect the governmental authorities to eliminate the threat of criminals.

Psalm 9:7,8 " 7 As for Jehovah, he will sit to time indefinite,
Firmly establishing his throne for judgment itself.
8 And he himself will judge the productive land in righteousness;
He will judicially try national groups in uprightness.

Hopefully you see that God is a righteous judge who was the right to do so. If a person is upright and lives according to the commandments of God, he has nothing to fear."


All these nations were a threat to Gods chosen nation the Israelites and he simply eliminated those threats much like we expect the governmental authorities to eliminate the threat of criminals.

They were no "threat" in particular. They were not doing as they were suppose to, they were judged with the verdict our judge seen fit. They were sacrificing babies, worshipping false Gods, and much more. Again, they were judged.

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children. threat..? Really?

How so?

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/07/12 09:47 AM

See, Cowboy.

It's like this.

"You are quick to find what is seemingly negative aspects about the actions of God but fail to find the reasons why?

Who were the Canaanites, Midianites, Amorites, and Egyptians and what did they do in order to recieve the judgement of Death by the hands of Moses and the nation of Israel?

Is it really wrong for the Creator of the heavens and the earth to Judge who has a right to live and die? Do not the human governments and their judges justifiably execute citizens who continually break their most critical laws? Will right minded people fret about the execution of someone such as Osama Bin Laden because of the actions of such a person? No.

The land of Canaan became saturated with detestable practices of idolatry, immorality, and bloodshed. The Canaanite religion was extraordinarily base and degraded, their “sacred poles” evidently being phallic symbols, and many of the rites at their “high places” involving gross sexual excesses and depravity. (Ex 23:24; 34:12, 13; Nu 33:52; De 7:5) Incest, sodomy, and bestiality were part of ‘the way of the land of Canaan’ that made the land unclean and for which error it was due to “vomit its inhabitants out.” (Le 18:2-25)

The Midianites manifested hostility toward the Israelites. They cooperated with the Moabites in hiring the prophet Balaam to curse Israel. (Nu 22:4-7) When this failed, the Midianites and Moabites, at Balaam’s advice, cunningly used their women to induce thousands of Israelite males to become involved in sexual immorality and idolatry in connection with Baal of Peor. (A FALSE GOD) (Nu 25:1-9, 14-18; 31:15, 16; 1Co 10:8; Re 2:14) Thereafter the Israelites, in obedience to divine command, took vengeance upon Midian. Less than three centuries later, the Midianites had recovered from this blow sufficiently to be able to oppress the Israelites for seven years.

The Amorites do appear to have been the principal or dominant tribe in Canaan at the time of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt. (Compare De 1:6-8, 19-21, 27; Jos 24:15, 18; Jg 6:10.) If this is so, then it would be understandable that, at times, other subordinate and related tribes should be referred to under the name of the dominant tribe of the Amorites.

Egypt was an ultrareligious land, rife with polytheism. Every city and town had its own local deity, bearing the title “Lord of the City.” A list found in the tomb of Thutmose III contains the names of some 740 gods. (Ex 12:12) By means of God’s deliverance through Moses, the nation of Israel was freed from “the house of slaves” and “the iron furnace,” as Egypt continued to be called by Bible writers. (Ex 13:3; De 4:20; Jer 11:4; Mic 6:4) Forty years later Israel began the conquest of Canaan.

Each of these nations stood in oppostition to the true God Jehovah and violated many of his most important laws such as the law to not worship any false Gods. In Jehovah's eyes, these nations were deserving of death because of their disobedience. Such nations showed no sign of change or repentance even after nations close by received their judgement.

All these nations were a threat to Gods chosen nation the Israelites and he simply eliminated those threats much like we expect the governmental authorities to eliminate the threat of criminals.

Psalm 9:7,8 " 7 As for Jehovah, he will sit to time indefinite,
Firmly establishing his throne for judgment itself.
8 And he himself will judge the productive land in righteousness;
He will judicially try national groups in uprightness.

Hopefully you see that God is a righteous judge who was the right to do so. If a person is upright and lives according to the commandments of God, he has nothing to fear."


All these nations were a threat to Gods chosen nation the Israelites and he simply eliminated those threats much like we expect the governmental authorities to eliminate the threat of criminals.

They were no "threat" in particular. They were not doing as they were suppose to, they were judged with the verdict our judge seen fit. They were sacrificing babies, worshipping false Gods, and much more. Again, they were judged.

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children. threat..? Really?

How so?

A judgement is not a threat.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 09:51 AM
Now you flipped it.

You said, "They were no threat".

Then you say, "A judgement isn't a threat".

So, which do you speak of?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 09:52 AM
Now you flipped it.

You said, "They were no threat".

Then you say, "A judgement isn't a threat".

So, which do you speak of?

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/07/12 10:07 AM

Now you flipped it.

You said, "They were no threat".

Then you say, "A judgement isn't a threat".

So, which do you speak of?

Sorry I missunderstood your statement of a "threat".

No they were no threat. God has no threats. He has nothing to loose or gain. God today weather I sin or not is the same tomorrow no matter what anyone of us do. This world is not about God gaining anything. It is a chance for us to gain, which then yeah in the long run God is gaining, he would be gaining a relationship. But all in all God's blessings for us is for just that, us, not him.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 10:09 AM

Now you flipped it.

You said, "They were no threat".

Then you say, "A judgement isn't a threat".

So, which do you speak of?

Sorry I missunderstood your statement of a "threat".

No they were no threat. God has no threats. He has nothing to loose or gain. God today weather I sin or not is the same tomorrow no matter what anyone of us do. This world is not about God gaining anything. It is a chance for us to gain, which then yeah in the long run God is gaining, he would be gaining a relationship. But all in all God's blessings for us is for just that, us, not him.

I never stated they were a threat to "God".
Unless somewhere I stated God lived in Israel? o.o


CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/07/12 10:10 AM

Now you flipped it.

You said, "They were no threat".

Then you say, "A judgement isn't a threat".

So, which do you speak of?

Sorry I missunderstood your statement of a "threat".

No they were no threat. God has no threats. He has nothing to loose or gain. God today weather I sin or not is the same tomorrow no matter what anyone of us do. This world is not about God gaining anything. It is a chance for us to gain, which then yeah in the long run God is gaining, he would be gaining a relationship. But all in all God's blessings for us is for just that, us, not him.

When God says things such as "The only reward for sin is death". That is not a threat, it is purely enlightenment of the outcome of certain actions. Would not be a righteous judgement if we were not informed of the possible outcome. Regardless if one believes it or not is irrelevant, God still has informed us.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/07/12 10:11 AM

Now you flipped it.

You said, "They were no threat".

Then you say, "A judgement isn't a threat".

So, which do you speak of?

Sorry I missunderstood your statement of a "threat".

No they were no threat. God has no threats. He has nothing to loose or gain. God today weather I sin or not is the same tomorrow no matter what anyone of us do. This world is not about God gaining anything. It is a chance for us to gain, which then yeah in the long run God is gaining, he would be gaining a relationship. But all in all God's blessings for us is for just that, us, not him.

I never stated they were a threat to "God".
Unless somewhere I stated God lived in Israel? o.o


Then please elaborate on your statement of a threat. God isn't threatening us and now you say you weren't infering God had a threat. So what form of threat and to whom are you refering to?

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 10:54 AM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/07/12 11:18 AM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is.

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 12:18 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/07/12 12:45 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

No, these judges are not judging on an eternal level. Merely a temporary judgement. Which is obviously ok, because God has told us to obey man's law. So if God tells us to obey man's law, one would have to accept the punishment for not doing as such, thus God would allow the temporary judgement of someone.

Try to stay on topic Funches. Please don't talk about two different things trying to intermingle the two, can get confusing that way.

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 02:38 PM
Edited by chocolina on Wed 03/07/12 02:40 PM

CowboyGH still waiting for your answer here :

AdventureBeggins said:
If a man break into my house with intent to murder my child or woman...

I will kill him if I must to stop him.

There is most definately a different meaning in the words murder and kill.

Or would you consider what I did 'murder' and so punish me?

CoyboyGH said:

Would be murder.

CowboyGH said :
No, a judgement is not murder. If a judgement was murder, there would be no such thing as the death penalty. For if a judge sentenced someone to death, the judge and the executioner(s) would then also have to be sentenced with murder.

Then the father killing his child by his judgement will be innocent , based on your claim ???

CowboyGH said:

Well you just said "father" killing his "child" as a judgement. So I assumed you were referring to Jesus and his father.

Nope .. try 3rd time


Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 02:43 PM

Now you flipped it.

You said, "They were no threat".

Then you say, "A judgement isn't a threat".

So, which do you speak of?

Sorry I missunderstood your statement of a "threat".

No they were no threat. God has no threats. He has nothing to loose or gain. God today weather I sin or not is the same tomorrow no matter what anyone of us do. This world is not about God gaining anything. It is a chance for us to gain, which then yeah in the long run God is gaining, he would be gaining a relationship. But all in all God's blessings for us is for just that, us, not him.

I never stated they were a threat to "God".
Unless somewhere I stated God lived in Israel? o.o


Then please elaborate on your statement of a threat. God isn't threatening us and now you say you weren't infering God had a threat. So what form of threat and to whom are you refering to?

These people were a threat to the people of Israel.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/07/12 02:44 PM

Now you flipped it.

You said, "They were no threat".

Then you say, "A judgement isn't a threat".

So, which do you speak of?

Sorry I missunderstood your statement of a "threat".

No they were no threat. God has no threats. He has nothing to loose or gain. God today weather I sin or not is the same tomorrow no matter what anyone of us do. This world is not about God gaining anything. It is a chance for us to gain, which then yeah in the long run God is gaining, he would be gaining a relationship. But all in all God's blessings for us is for just that, us, not him.

I never stated they were a threat to "God".
Unless somewhere I stated God lived in Israel? o.o


Then please elaborate on your statement of a threat. God isn't threatening us and now you say you weren't infering God had a threat. So what form of threat and to whom are you refering to?

These people were a threat to the people of Israel.

How so? How did you get that idea?

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 03:16 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

No, these judges are not judging on an eternal level. Merely a temporary judgement. Which is obviously ok, because God has told us to obey man's law. So if God tells us to obey man's law, one would have to accept the punishment for not doing as such, thus God would allow the temporary judgement of someone.

Try to stay on topic Funches. Please don't talk about two different things trying to intermingle the two, can get confusing that way. mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged