Community > Posts By > Sin_and_Sorrow
Btw, is it just me or somethin sounds fishy? Mike gettin banned without any possible reason. It was only temporary eh? I'm alive and what not.. |
| love....
![]() ![]() :) |
Recovery from religion...
..yet another misperception..
*sigh* |
"Meant For Me"
![]() ![]() I'm missing you Fer-Fer. D: |
"Boy and Girl"
Mike, your write would make sumptuous beautiful tear jerking wedding vows...I love that you are in love..Awesome.. ![]() :) |
Simply Cynical
Obviously, not you.. but common place. Obviously not me what? said you don't have a "negative mind frame". Therefore, the example excludes you? |
Where is everyone? The question should be where is Douglass? We all are here. Douglass is fixing his laptop lol I'm back beautiful. <3 Miss me? ..and, what'd I miss? o.O |
Famous phrases of horror
"Do you need a band-aid?"
..I hate this one and glad no one's ever said it to me. "Hey, just calling to let you know. I'm dating your cousin and have been for a few weeks now. He thought it best I tell you." ..What a *****! I would've murdered her.. |
then take responsibility for it
He has, nor does anyone, have that obligation nor responsibility. We covered this like 50 pages ago..'ve been proven wrong. Get over it. Later. |
Recovery from religion...
I do not agree with organized Religion because people tell you what to think and do. I do believe God exist because the Universe is simply to complex to have happened by accident. I do believe in evolution, but I can not get past the big bang happening for no apparent reason. Something never comes from nothing. For any chemical reaction you have to combine at least one element with another of a different kind or have an element over a period of time to excite a reaction because of decay. I can not prove it scientifically because of limited knowledge and experience in this study. My belief that God initiated the big bang is based off faith. It is a possible solution to why and how it happened. For if God is are creator by bringing together the elements to initiate the Big Bang, how magnificent is God to have created all of this! My life and your life were not an accident. Each morning is a miracle, because anything can happen to anyone at any time and any place. That is a great question, which I do not definitely know. Something had to continually exist with out a definable beginning and end. An example of this is a circle. So there is an existence of a system that is defined has having this infinite characteristic. Since it is possible, their could be an indescribable force that was before the big bang and will be after the Universe is no more. This force is often referred to as God. DNA. I bet you we are just a small genetic strand in a larger being. That's why the universe is so large. That's why we believe the "Big Bang" created everything. Molecules in something far larger than ourselves. |
Recovery from religion...
I'm really glad you said this, because the Bible itself proves you totally wrong. First off it states obviously that God is love right? Ok, well then what is the Biblical definition of love? We find out in 1st Corinthians 13:4-8 It reads: "Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; [a]bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails" Now, in order for God to be love, and given there is a Biblical definition of what love is it stands to reason God would have to fulfill all those things to be love right? Well let's see if He does by looking at a few qualities here..... Love is not jealous: For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God." —Deuteronomy 4:24 MISQUOTED Love is not provoked: They have roused my jealousy by worshiping things that are not God; they have provoked my anger with their useless idols. Now I will rouse their jealousy through people who are not even a people; I will provoke their anger through the foolish Gentiles. Deutronomy 32:21 MISQUOTED Love is kind: "When they came to the threshing floor of Kidon, Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the ark, because the oxen stumbled. The LORD’s anger burned against Uzzah, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God. " 1 Chronicles 13:9-10 MISQUOTED And perhaps the most important one of never fails. Let me repeat that love NEVER fails. Therefore, if God is love and love can't fail, if even one person is not saved, God fails. So this is a HUGE fail. THAT PERSON CHOSE NOT TO BE SAVED So the only conclusion one can draw if you compare the Biblical God to its' very own definition of what love is, is that this God ISN'T, because it fails to meet any of the criteria laid out for what love is. IT MEETS ALL YOU MISQUOTE, SUCH WILL BE ALL YOU SEE. You are being the person who tells the mute to tell the deaf guy that his wife is blind. |
Recovery from religion...
If you call love FORCING someone to do something on penalty of death, you need to re-familiarize yourself with the definition of the word. That is flat abuse! If any parent did that to their kids they'd lose custody of them in a hurry and rightly so, yet for God it's somehow ok? God gets a pass! BULL! It's truly sad, we expect less of God than we do of ourselves. Still don't get it.. "penalty of death" doesn't exist! You Are ALREADY DEAD! Geezus man. You speak of common sense but you have NONE. He has no influence upon you until AFTER DEATH! And no, parent would be prosecuted for it, because no "court" can see "spirit justice", I can't even grasp your knowledge on this. |
Recovery from religion...
Yes Man wrote the Bible, and that's EXACTLY why it's not the word of God. Yes, cause that's the simpleton logic. Prove God wrote the damn thing then. Show me ABSOLUTE proof God wrote the Bible. I'm thinking I'll be waiting a damn long time for that cause you can't. You've changed man, I'm disheartened to see the stance you have taken. I don't know what got into your head, but logic and good sense is alluding you now. LOL I never said He did. Your stance on this is totally perplexing. You just don't see your own hypocrisy its whats actually hilarious right now. My logic is/has been here. Good sense, if that's what you're using glad I don't have it. *shrug* Think what you want, but putting words into my mouth does not show your "exceeding" intelligence. |
Recovery from religion...
It's common sense, not that you would know much about that anymore apparently. Is anyone thinking in their right mind if they are told, "do as I say, or I will hurt you". Hell no! It's a tactic used for obedience, free will it cannot be, because they are being forced to choose one option if they want to be spared punishment. It does not work. Yes. Because I do it. You do it. Fear exists. Yet we do as we please. There's your common sense. You are not "forced" into anything. Free will is but choices. Choices always have repercussions. That is life. That is free will. Both where free will run rampant. |
Recovery from religion...
Course you do, it's all you allow yourself to see, you won't open yourself to the idea that this being may not be what you think, because it clashes with the image you have of it. People do that all the time, staying with what they know out of comfort, instead of actually looking at other ideas that would change them and their world. I have and still think, somewhat, the same. You, nor anyone, has convinced me otherwise outside "ignorance" to act like your "belief" exceeds anyone else's because the same proclamation as the religious: "My eyes are open." Oh and remember this, I may have said it before, but I'll say it again now. WHO are we being saved from? GOD! If God is supposed to be love, why would we need to be saved from it??? Love would not harm, kill, torture, or demand ANYTHING. The Bible God fails on all counts! Being saved from? Ourselves and a supposed guy with horns. His minions, and the damnation that comes with it. Love does harm. Love does kill. Love does torture. Which proves, you are blinded by your own ego. History, man, has proven ALL these words false you "proclaim". Love demands more than ANY other emotion. Man fails on all accounts, not God. Again blame the right villain. You are not. So you're going to tell me that God is love, and yet in the same breath tell me that without Christ's sacrifice we wouldn't be loved anymore and sentenced to total death?? The idea of a loving being acting in such way is insulting, and totally contradictory to what love is supposed to be. Ergo, God would not do it. No, exact opposite of what was said. God is love. Man led to man's corruption and sin. Christ came to remove judgment so we may know him for what he was meant to be, a figment of love, not "war". Yet, it's not okay for God, but we can do it daily? Everywhere, everyday? Please. |
"Boy and Girl"
Sin_and_Sorrow... like the romance,reality and more... teasingbrunette Thank you :) Still don't remember me, eh Brunette? :P |
"Boy and Girl"
Aww:) Beautiful!! Thank you. :) |
According to the Quran, Jesus performed no said miracles it was "Allah" who performed them through him.
Again, null and void defense. It's blatantly obvious where he stands on that one, eh? |
lol. Probably i gave a bad example. I admit my defeat. . Honesty is about being truthful. . . But trust me at times its not the best policy as THEY say. . . Agreed. lol Despite what perfect Debbie believes. :P Awe, I was teasing Debster. :P |