Topic: Do You Have The Right To Believe
Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 03:37 PM mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

..but what "law"?

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/07/12 03:51 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

No, these judges are not judging on an eternal level. Merely a temporary judgement. Which is obviously ok, because God has told us to obey man's law. So if God tells us to obey man's law, one would have to accept the punishment for not doing as such, thus God would allow the temporary judgement of someone.

Try to stay on topic Funches. Please don't talk about two different things trying to intermingle the two, can get confusing that way. mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

He did not break one law. Jesus was fulfilling the old covenant/law and give us a new. He did not one sin nor did he break any law(s).

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:05 PM mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

..but what "law"?

proclaiming himself Messiah/King he broke Jewish law

proclaiming to be King and telling people not to pay taxes is breaking Roman law

Jesus did commit these crimes ..he was guilty as sin (no pun intended)

which is why Pilate place "King of The Jews" on his cross

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:06 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 03/07/12 04:56 PM

Matthew 26:3-4 tells us that “the chief priests, and

the scribes, and the elders of the people, assembled together to

the palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas. And they

consulted so that they might take Jesus by guile and kill Him.” The

Jewish leaders demanded of the Romans that Jesus be put to death

(Matthew 27:22-25). They couldn’t continue to allow Him to work

signs and wonders because it threatened their position and place in

the religious society they dominated (John 11:47-50), so “they

plotted to put Him to death” (John 11:53).


The ROMANS were the ones who ACTUALLY CRICIFIED Jesus (Matthew 27:27-

37). Crucifixion was a ROMAN method of execution, authorized and

carried out by the ROMANS under the AUTHORITY of Pontius Pilate,

the Roman governor who senteneced Jesus ( although he found no guile

in Jesus}....but even so ,

it was NOT the jewish people who crucified Jesus.... but the

ROMAN SOLDIERS WHO DROVE THE NAILS into His hands and feet....and


PIERCED HIS SIDE (Matthew 27:27-35).


ULTIMATELY, and perhaps somewhat amazingly, IT WAS GOD HIMSELF

Who put Jesus to death. This was the greatest act of divine justice

ever carried out, done in “the determined purpose and foreknowledge

of God” (Acts 2:23) and for the highest purpose. Jesus’ death on

the cross SECURED THE SALVATION of countless millions and provided

the only way God could forgive sin without compromising His holiness

and perfect righteousness. Christ’s death was GOD'S PERFECT PLAN

for the eternal redemption of His own. Far from being a victory for

Satan, as some have suggested, or an unnecessary tragedy, it was

the most gracious act of God’s goodness and mercy, the ultimate

expression of the Father’s Love for sinners. GOD PUT JESUS TO

DEATH FOR OUR SIN so that we could LIVE in sinless righteousness

before Him, a righteousness only possible because of the cross. “He

MADE HIM WHO KNEW NO SIN to be sin FOR us, that we might become the

righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

So we who have come to Christ in faith are guilty of His blood, shed

on the cross for us. He died to pay the penalty for our sins (Romans

5:8; 6:23). In the movie "The Passion of the Christ," the director,

Mel Gibson, was the one whose hands you see actually driving the

nails through Christ's hands. He did it that way to remind himself,

and everyone else, that it was OUR sins that nailed Jesus to the



Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:08 PM mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

..but what "law"?

proclaiming himself Messiah/King he broke Jewish law

proclaiming to be King and telling people not to pay taxes is breaking Roman law

Jesus did commit these crimes ..he was guilty as sin (no pun intended)

which is why Pilate place "King of The Jews" on his cross

Jewish Law is preceding, at aid time, by God's law.No sin.

Jesus wasn't a Roman.

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:08 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

No, these judges are not judging on an eternal level. Merely a temporary judgement. Which is obviously ok, because God has told us to obey man's law. So if God tells us to obey man's law, one would have to accept the punishment for not doing as such, thus God would allow the temporary judgement of someone.

Try to stay on topic Funches. Please don't talk about two different things trying to intermingle the two, can get confusing that way. mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

He did not break one law. Jesus was fulfilling the old covenant/law and give us a new. He did not one sin nor did he break any law(s).

Rome is the Judge if Jesus broke any laws.....not you

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:09 PM mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

..but what "law"?

proclaiming himself Messiah/King he broke Jewish law

proclaiming to be King and telling people not to pay taxes is breaking Roman law

Jesus did commit these crimes ..he was guilty as sin (no pun intended)

which is why Pilate place "King of The Jews" on his cross

Jewish Law is preceding, at aid time, by God's law.No sin.

Jesus wasn't a Roman.

The Jew were also under Roman Law...that is why they took Jesus to Pilate

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:10 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

No, these judges are not judging on an eternal level. Merely a temporary judgement. Which is obviously ok, because God has told us to obey man's law. So if God tells us to obey man's law, one would have to accept the punishment for not doing as such, thus God would allow the temporary judgement of someone.

Try to stay on topic Funches. Please don't talk about two different things trying to intermingle the two, can get confusing that way. mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

He did not break one law. Jesus was fulfilling the old covenant/law and give us a new. He did not one sin nor did he break any law(s).

Rome is the Judge if Jesus broke any laws.....not you

Rome wasn't the supreme law,over man or otherwise.

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:13 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

No, these judges are not judging on an eternal level. Merely a temporary judgement. Which is obviously ok, because God has told us to obey man's law. So if God tells us to obey man's law, one would have to accept the punishment for not doing as such, thus God would allow the temporary judgement of someone.

Try to stay on topic Funches. Please don't talk about two different things trying to intermingle the two, can get confusing that way. mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

He did not break one law. Jesus was fulfilling the old covenant/law and give us a new. He did not one sin nor did he break any law(s).

Rome is the Judge if Jesus broke any laws.....not you

Rome wasn't the supreme law,over man or otherwise.

Ceasar was God....

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:19 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

No, these judges are not judging on an eternal level. Merely a temporary judgement. Which is obviously ok, because God has told us to obey man's law. So if God tells us to obey man's law, one would have to accept the punishment for not doing as such, thus God would allow the temporary judgement of someone.

Try to stay on topic Funches. Please don't talk about two different things trying to intermingle the two, can get confusing that way. mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

He did not break one law. Jesus was fulfilling the old covenant/law and give us a new. He did not one sin nor did he break any law(s).

Rome is the Judge if Jesus broke any laws.....not you

Rome wasn't the supreme law,over man or otherwise.

Ceasar was God....

In his own mind, true.

However, historically, according to Roman history as well.

Caesar didNOT forbid the Jews from continuing their worship.
Some Romans even ridiculed his lenient behavior ad handling with them.

Again, he broke no law.

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:25 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

No, these judges are not judging on an eternal level. Merely a temporary judgement. Which is obviously ok, because God has told us to obey man's law. So if God tells us to obey man's law, one would have to accept the punishment for not doing as such, thus God would allow the temporary judgement of someone.

Try to stay on topic Funches. Please don't talk about two different things trying to intermingle the two, can get confusing that way. mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

He did not break one law. Jesus was fulfilling the old covenant/law and give us a new. He did not one sin nor did he break any law(s).

Rome is the Judge if Jesus broke any laws.....not you

Rome wasn't the supreme law,over man or otherwise.

Ceasar was God....

In his own mind, true.

However, historically, according to Roman history as well.

Caesar didNOT forbid the Jews from continuing their worship.
Some Romans even ridiculed his lenient behavior ad handling with them.

Again, he broke no law.

well Rome judged that he did...

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:26 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

No, these judges are not judging on an eternal level. Merely a temporary judgement. Which is obviously ok, because God has told us to obey man's law. So if God tells us to obey man's law, one would have to accept the punishment for not doing as such, thus God would allow the temporary judgement of someone.

Try to stay on topic Funches. Please don't talk about two different things trying to intermingle the two, can get confusing that way. mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

He did not break one law. Jesus was fulfilling the old covenant/law and give us a new. He did not one sin nor did he break any law(s).

Rome is the Judge if Jesus broke any laws.....not you

Rome wasn't the supreme law,over man or otherwise.

Ceasar was God....

In his own mind, true.

However, historically, according to Roman history as well.

Caesar didNOT forbid the Jews from continuing their worship.
Some Romans even ridiculed his lenient behavior ad handling with them.

Again, he broke no law.

well Rome judged that he did...

No, they "invented" crime(s).
At the same, Jesus "played" the part, nothing more nothing less.

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:29 PM

God rewards his obedient children and punishes the disobedient children.

so Jesus does punish gives turn the other cheek a whole new meaning

How do it give it a new meaning? Jesus is our judge, that is why we are to turn the other cheek, because we are not the judge again Jesus is. that would mean that all the Christian Judges in the USA and around the World are going against the teachings of Jesus when they judge and are actually doing the work of Satan

No, these judges are not judging on an eternal level. Merely a temporary judgement. Which is obviously ok, because God has told us to obey man's law. So if God tells us to obey man's law, one would have to accept the punishment for not doing as such, thus God would allow the temporary judgement of someone.

Try to stay on topic Funches. Please don't talk about two different things trying to intermingle the two, can get confusing that way. mean like you did with the holy spirit and the holy ghost when you tried to insist they were two seperate entities? ....

but anyway my point is if Jesus gave the people the right to judge the law...then they had the right to judge Jesus and that is why he was crucified...he didn't die for sins...he died because he broke the law and was Judged

He did not break one law. Jesus was fulfilling the old covenant/law and give us a new. He did not one sin nor did he break any law(s).

Rome is the Judge if Jesus broke any laws.....not you

Rome wasn't the supreme law,over man or otherwise.

Ceasar was God....

In his own mind, true.

However, historically, according to Roman history as well.

Caesar didNOT forbid the Jews from continuing their worship.
Some Romans even ridiculed his lenient behavior ad handling with them.

Again, he broke no law.

well Rome judged that he did...

No, they "invented" crime(s).
At the same, Jesus "played" the part, nothing more nothing less.

doesn't matter..Rome Judge him to be guilty ....even the Apostles knew this which is why none tried to defend him

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:31 PM

doesn't matter..Rome Judge him to be guilty ....even the Apostles knew this which is why none tried to defend him



Peter took his sword and sliced a guard's ear off.

Jesus scolded him for doing so.

The swords were not meant to be used to defend.
They were to LET IT HAPPEN.


no photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:35 PM

doesn't matter..Rome Judge him to be guilty ....even the Apostles knew this which is why none tried to defend him



Peter took his sword and sliced a guard's ear off.

Jesus scolded him for doing so.

The swords were not meant to be used to defend.
They were to LET IT HAPPEN.


read wasn't a Roman Guard...

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:39 PM

doesn't matter..Rome Judge him to be guilty ....even the Apostles knew this which is why none tried to defend him



Peter took his sword and sliced a guard's ear off.

Jesus scolded him for doing so.

The swords were not meant to be used to defend.
They were to LET IT HAPPEN.


read wasn't a Roman Guard...

As you say, doesn't matter.

They were told, ordered if you will NOT to interfere.

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:46 PM

doesn't matter..Rome Judge him to be guilty ....even the Apostles knew this which is why none tried to defend him



Peter took his sword and sliced a guard's ear off.

Jesus scolded him for doing so.

The swords were not meant to be used to defend.
They were to LET IT HAPPEN.


read wasn't a Roman Guard...

As you say, doesn't matter.

They were told, ordered if you will NOT to interfere.

because Rome would have wipe their apse off the map ....

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:49 PM

because Rome would have wipe their apse off the map ....

Irrelevant and an opinion.

Jesus ordered his disciples to buy swords. Why?


He WANTED the Romans to believe the false accusations to be true.
He wanted the appearance to be portrayed as if he was, in fact, a threat.

If this didn't take place, this false perception, he wouldn't have been arrested. Period.

It was all how he had planned it to be, how he wanted it to be, and how it had to have been. Period.

He broke no crime.
He committed no sin.

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:51 PM

because Rome would have wipe their apse off the map ....

Irrelevant and an opinion.

Jesus ordered his disciples to buy swords. Why?


He WANTED the Romans to believe the false accusations to be true.
He wanted the appearance to be portrayed as if he was, in fact, a threat.

If this didn't take place, this false perception, he wouldn't have been arrested. Period.

It was all how he had planned it to be, how he wanted it to be, and how it had to have been. Period.

He broke no crime.
He committed no sin.

Rome judged otherwise

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 04:53 PM

because Rome would have wipe their apse off the map ....

Irrelevant and an opinion.

Jesus ordered his disciples to buy swords. Why?


He WANTED the Romans to believe the false accusations to be true.
He wanted the appearance to be portrayed as if he was, in fact, a threat.

If this didn't take place, this false perception, he wouldn't have been arrested. Period.

It was all how he had planned it to be, how he wanted it to be, and how it had to have been. Period.

He broke no crime.
He committed no sin.

Rome judged otherwise

No, they judged as Jesus wanted/prophecized.

He broke no law, he "faked" it.

Is this a hard concept for you?