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Topic: Faith versus Fear
msharmony's photo
Mon 03/21/11 11:51 AM

What I would like to know, is how anyone can possibly believe that God would ask humans to slaughter other humans.

If this God is so all powerful, there would be no need for it. (He could raise his hand and take their souls.

By asking people to kill without mercy, you de-humanize them and desensitize them. If you don't believe me, ask anyone who has had to kill others in wartime.

This is no way to spread love in the world.

my human heart cannot fathom how to dispense true justice where our souls are concerned.

why did the offspring of adam and eve have to suffer for what was done in the beginning by SOMEONE else

how could a father see their son tortured and murdered by others and have the power to end them all and spare them instead, not only sparing them but giving them an option to be spared ETERNALLY

these are examples , in my opinion, of how he is HIGHER than I am and how his responsbilities are beyond any I could comprehend completely or carry out being a human who knows only how to appreciate the value of flesh the way humans do and not how to evaluate the soul as God must do

I hope I am given the opportunity to discover the answer to those questions. The only rationale I have is of the mortal type which would see the need for EXAMPLE and JUSTICE. If the crimes being committed are slaughter and murder, than it would be a JUST sentence to be slaughtered in return.

You still don't get that I am talking about killing babies. But it is not the children I pity, it is the human beings who were asked to do it without mercy. They are the ones I pity, for they have been dehumanized. The dead are just dead. Their pain is gone. The living must live and remember how they murdered others.

It is the ones who have done the crime that I pity more than the dead. To have to live with that the rest of their lives. Anyone with any moral compass would either be haunted or dehumanized.

I do get it. You are talking about taking the mortal life of children whom we view to be 'innocents'. The human being asked to do such a thing may possibly not view the situation as you do. But someone who has the responsibility over the SOULS of others,(not just their mortal life) may not prioritize that mortal life the same way mortals do.

Someone who is concerned with the soul might indoctrinate another who could relate to that concern enough to not feel haunted at all. Because you believe the dead are just dead than taking a life would be understandably haunting to you under ANY circumstance. I do not believe the dead are just dead, but instead that they might return to their fathers house. Likewise, If Joseph and Moses believed, upon hearing Gods instruction, it would not be taxing upon them to
1) take away the soul cancer which was spreading in the geographic area chosen to be the example of Gods word
2) end the overtaking of Gods word by a culture of beastiality ,homosexuality, adultery, incest, child sacrifice, idol worship,,,etc,,
3) give those souls(children) the chance to still return home to their father instead of growing up into the same cancer their culture was indoctrinating them too and losing their souls

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 03/21/11 11:51 AM

LOL, you got me all wrong Abra. I'm not a salesman trying to sell anything. I'm here to have discussion. Not to convert anyone, not to change anyone's mind. Just discussing different people's view on spirituality. That is all, just peaceful discussion on different views of life.


If your mind is already firm and made up, and you are not trying to convert anyone or "spread the word" then what is the reason for discussion?

Spread the word yes. Just as you are here to spread the word of your beliefs, just as Abra is here to spread the word of his beliefs, just as MsHarmony is here to spread the word of her beliefs, just as anyone else that discusses in this forum is here to spread the word of their beliefs. No one is "preaching". Just merely discussing/spreading the word of their beliefs.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:13 PM

LOL, you got me all wrong Abra. I'm not a salesman trying to sell anything. I'm here to have discussion. Not to convert anyone, not to change anyone's mind. Just discussing different people's view on spirituality. That is all, just peaceful discussion on different views of life.


If your mind is already firm and made up, and you are not trying to convert anyone or "spread the word" then what is the reason for discussion?

He has already openly confessed on several occasions that he is a "servant of the Lord" and he is "Spreading the word of God" in the hopes of helping people be 'saved'.

He has also stated clearly that he has no interest at all in 'different views of God' outside of the Biblical view that Jesus is the Christ and the only begotten son of the God of Abraham which he refers to as "Our Father".

Dragoness's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:15 PM

To me, the Bible is the greatest book ever written. It is a handbook on how to live your life. What I do is read a piece of scripture, and read it, and read it, until it talks back to me. Until the message in those words resonates within me.

Here is an example: What is the opposite of faith?


A person cannot have both faith and fear. So, if you have faith, you cannot have fear. And, if you have fear, you do not have faith. To lose your fear, you simply need to get faith.

In fact, fear is faith in the negative. You believe that something will go wrong, and, sooner or later, it will. Faith is believing in the positive. You believe that something will go right, and sooner or later, it will.

If you read the Bible, you hear, time and time again, Jesus saying,” Do not be afraid. Have faith.” That is because Jesus knew that a person who is filled with fear has no room for faith. So, first, you make a conscious decision to eliminate fear in your life. Then, in the pit that remains, you fill it with faith.

Unfortunately, today, people have turned from faith, and if a person turns from faith, there is nothing left, but fear. To reiterate, a person either has faith or fear. There is no other option.

And so, people reek of fear. They are afraid. Afraid of losing their jobs. Afraid to take risks. Afraid to do anything that makes them extraordinary, and so, instead, they amble through life, being all-too ordinary, until they die.

If that’s you, you can stop this. Simply make the choice to kill your fears. Just as a gardener uproots weeds, fear is a weed that chokes your heart and prevents you from being who you are meant to be. Eliminate your fears, and you begin your walk to being extraordinary.

There were some very imaginative authors in the bible stories granted. But faith is the result of fear. If people had never had a fear of what they did not know which included why people die and what happens in death there would probably be no religions at all ever. There would be no need unless you wanted to control people without them knowing it. In that case if you make them fear the invisible guy in the sky they will follow what you tell them is his wishes.

Makes you think about what they old guys of old really thought about huh?

Not necessarily true. I know from personal experience that the "religion" has nothing to do with finding God. I found God at an early age. Not cause of my parents, not cause of my friends, not cause of my surroundings. I was touched deeply by God our father without any other outside sources. God opened my eyes. God asked me to read the bible to learn more of what I could do to be obedient. But the bible itself was not the source of this journey. So I read some of the bible. Not out of fear, not out of worry, not out of anything of such. I read the bible out of obedience to what I was called to do. I did it to find more answers to the many questions that linger around in this world.

And so by your post you reinforced what I said. The fear of the unknown drove man to create the religions and your search for answers/unknown brought you to one.

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:23 PM
FAITH a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b
(1) : fidelity to one's promises
(2) : sincerity of intentions

2a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust

3: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs <the Protestant faith>

FEAR 1a : an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger b (1) : an instance of this emotion (2) : a state marked by this emotion

2: anxious concern : solicitude

3: profound reverence and awe especially toward God

4: reason for alarm : danger

there can be reverence toward and trust in God, but there need not be any anxiety, or reason for alarm

I personally fear God in the manner of definition 3, not in the anxious and alarmed manner that others insist must be my motivation as a christian.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:25 PM

LOL, you got me all wrong Abra. I'm not a salesman trying to sell anything. I'm here to have discussion. Not to convert anyone, not to change anyone's mind. Just discussing different people's view on spirituality. That is all, just peaceful discussion on different views of life.


If your mind is already firm and made up, and you are not trying to convert anyone or "spread the word" then what is the reason for discussion?

He has already openly confessed on several occasions that he is a "servant of the Lord" and he is "Spreading the word of God" in the hopes of helping people be 'saved'.

He has also stated clearly that he has no interest at all in 'different views of God' outside of the Biblical view that Jesus is the Christ and the only begotten son of the God of Abraham which he refers to as "Our Father".

First off I could never help anyone be saved. That is purely between them and Jesus. Secondly I never said I had absolutely no interest in other beliefs. I find it fascinating to learn of other's beliefs, and possibly have CIVIL discussion on the differences of our beliefs.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:26 PM
I agree with Cowboy here. I, too, find it fascinating to learn of others' beliefs, and possibly have CIVIL discussion on the differences of our beliefs. That's really why I post what I do, so that we can speak openly and respectfully.

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:31 PM

I agree with Cowboy here. I, too, find it fascinating to learn of others' beliefs, and possibly have CIVIL discussion on the differences of our beliefs. That's really why I post what I do, so that we can speak openly and respectfully.

you seem to be very lighthearted in your discussionflowerforyou

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:43 PM
Msharmony, I am lighthearted in a lot of my discussions, but make no mistake. I am a soldier of Christ. I'm here to help others find the path so they can be saved.

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:45 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 03/21/11 12:46 PM

Msharmony, I am lighthearted in a lot of my discussions, but make no mistake. I am a soldier of Christ. I'm here to help others find the path so they can be saved.

I get that too, although you might need to rethink your women in the kitchen philosophy,,,lol

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 01:15 PM
"I get that too, although you might need to rethink your women in the kitchen philosophy,,,lol"

I might have to rethink that.


Dragoness's photo
Mon 03/21/11 01:18 PM

Msharmony, I am lighthearted in a lot of my discussions, but make no mistake. I am a soldier of Christ. I'm here to help others find the path so they can be saved.

Attempted saving on those like me ends badly. Just for your information.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 02:19 PM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Mon 03/21/11 02:20 PM
Dragoness, no worries. We will not give up on you.

Think about it. In less than one week, by me speaking with Jeanniebean, she is now reading the Bible. Again, God gets the glory, not me. I am simply thankful to be a conduit to Christ.

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/21/11 02:21 PM

Dragoness, no worries. We will not give up on you.

Think about it. In less than one week, by me speaking with Jeanniebean, she is now reading the Bible. Again, God gets the glory, not me. I am simply thankful to be a conduit to Christ.

oh man, ur a glutton for punishment,,,lol

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 02:21 PM

Dragoness, no worries. We will not give up on you.

Think about it. In less than one week, by me speaking with Jeanniebean, she is now reading the Bible. Again, God gets the glory, not me. I am simply thankful to be a conduit to Christ.

That is a lie. I am not reading the Bible. You lied. I read it in the past.

Today, its a waste of time.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 02:35 PM
Jeanniebean, why do you no longer read the Bible? You say it is because it is a waste of time. Do you mean that you used to waste time? Or was it that back then, you needed the Bible or felt it to be valuable?

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 02:36 PM

Jeanniebean, why do you no longer read the Bible? You say it is because it is a waste of time. Do you mean that you used to waste time? Or was it that back then, you needed the Bible or felt it to be valuable?

Yes I used to waste a lot of time. laugh

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 02:42 PM
As a Christian, we are called to work diligently and efficiently. Maybe you weren't taught how to read it properly. If you would like, I would be glad to be your teacher in this area.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 02:51 PM

As a Christian, we are called to work diligently and efficiently. Maybe you weren't taught how to read it properly. If you would like, I would be glad to be your teacher in this area.

I already know how to read.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 02:52 PM
Jeanniebean writes:

"I already know how to read."

It's nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe you weren't taught properly.

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