Topic: Faith versus Fear
Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/22/11 07:37 PM

Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker.

Have you ever actually stopped and thought about how detrimental that sort of idea is to one's psyche? What good loving parent tells their child that? None that I know. Yet if God does, it's ok? You ought to listen to yourself sometimes, maybe then you'd see how insane you sound.

Yes, it just sounds over the top. Purely insane rambling. It does not make sense to a logical thinking person.

It is insane because the people who say these things can't come close to defining or describing God, except to say that he is the creator.

I'm not even a true atheist and that makes no sense to me....

And what or who gives both of you the authority to judge what is "insane"???

Surely it can't be anything "logical"....

Who gives you the authority? A book? Please.

I haven't called anyone insane, now have I?

No but you judge who is right and wrong by the thing.

Show me one instance where I've done that.

The way you argue against those who speak against it, says everything.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 03/22/11 07:39 PM
Nowhere did Jesus instruct anyone to go around insulting people for holding different beliefs and/or views. whoa

On the contrary, here's something that Jesus DID SAY:

"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

So these Christian proselytizers who claim to be spreading the word of Jesus may someday be shocked and horrified when Jesus professes unto them, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity".

Jesus also said:

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Well, clearly these Christian proselytizers who go around insulting people for refusing to embrace their religious views have no good fruit to offer. All they have are thorns and thistles.

Their very own doctrine warns us against falling for such false prophets.

Jeanniebean has shared with me her visions of a universal cosmic consciousness that responds to emotion and feelings of gratitude.

All I ever sense from Jeanniebean is pure unadulterated love and truly profound wisdom.

Therefore she necessarily must be a good tree that bringeth forth good fruit as Jesus tells us.

Like Jesus says in his own words, by their fruits ye shall know them.

So Jesus has told me precisely how I can recognize a good tree like Jeanniebean.

And he has also warned me to steer clear of these false Christian proselytizers who have only thorns and thistles to offer. He will deal with them in his own good time.

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 07:42 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 03/22/11 07:44 PM

Yes, Peter_Pan69 has not judged anyone right or wrong that I have seen, nor has he called anyone insane.

Don't confuse one Christian with another. They are not all the same.
They are individuals. The will support each other, but they are not all fanatics.

Sanity itself is relative to what is deemed normal by a society. I make comparisons according to reasonable people I know, all the way to zealots who are fanatics. Not all Christians are totally insane. Some are simply playing along and pretending to believe the really insane things just to fit in.

That is my opinion.

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 07:45 PM

Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker.

Have you ever actually stopped and thought about how detrimental that sort of idea is to one's psyche? What good loving parent tells their child that? None that I know. Yet if God does, it's ok? You ought to listen to yourself sometimes, maybe then you'd see how insane you sound.

Yes, it just sounds over the top. Purely insane rambling. It does not make sense to a logical thinking person.

It is insane because the people who say these things can't come close to defining or describing God, except to say that he is the creator.

I'm not even a true atheist and that makes no sense to me....

And what or who gives both of you the authority to judge what is "insane"???

Surely it can't be anything "logical"....

Who gives you the authority? A book? Please.

I haven't called anyone insane, now have I?

No but you judge who is right and wrong by the thing.

Show me one instance where I've done that.

The way you argue against those who speak against it, says everything.

You can't be serious???

I argue against misinformation, bigotry, bullies, lies, hatred and hypocrisy.

Calling Cerise insane puts you in the "bully" category...

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 07:48 PM
Edited by CeriseRose on Tue 03/22/11 07:52 PM

Self-righteous, I am not. I don't claim to be a better person...

only better off...reason being: I have a sure foundation which some have ARROGANTLY rejected .

Looks like some people can dish it out, but can't take it.

There's plenty evidence that you don't know what the Bible means.

You don't have to actually "claim" to be a better person to come off appearing as if you think you are a better or wiser person.

And this doesn't apply to you?

Using scripture out of context to imply that someone is a "fool" or to insult someone: is that what the Bible is for?

"fool" "foolish" - if the shoe doesn't fit don't wear it!

As for "rejecting your "sure foundation" I have no reason to reject anything unless it is shoved in my face.

I entered the forum after reading what yourself and others were shoving.

I'm very happy for you that you think you are "better off" but to be quite honest, I don't really care about that, but I will take your word for it.


As for dishing it out and taking it, I don't know what you are referring to. But if you want to dish something out, just don't shout using caps or bold type or I won't bother to read it, it makes me go cross eyed.

I'll make a note of it,
not to use caps for the sake of your eyes,
the facts may become misconstrued
if looked upon with crossed eyes.

I am willing to discuss anything about the topic and if you want to post scripture from the Bible, I will then answer you by posting scripture from some of my favorite books. Maybe even the Urantia book.

Yeah, right!

No thanks!!!

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:01 PM

Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker.

Have you ever actually stopped and thought about how detrimental that sort of idea is to one's psyche? What good loving parent tells their child that? None that I know. Yet if God does, it's ok? You ought to listen to yourself sometimes, maybe then you'd see how insane you sound.

Yes, it just sounds over the top. Purely insane rambling. It does not make sense to a logical thinking person.

It is insane because the people who say these things can't come close to defining or describing God, except to say that he is the creator.

I'm not even a true atheist and that makes no sense to me....

And what or who gives both of you the authority to judge what is "insane"???

Surely it can't be anything "logical"....

Who gives you the authority? A book? Please.

I haven't called anyone insane, now have I?

No but you judge who is right and wrong by the thing.

Show me one instance where I've done that.

The way you argue against those who speak against it, says everything.

You can't be serious???

I argue against misinformation, bigotry, bullies, lies, hatred and hypocrisy.

Calling Cerise insane puts you in the "bully" category...

I called it as I saw it, whether she realizes it or not, when you make claims like that that defy logic, you do sound insane. You may think you are fine, but you're not thinking for yourself.

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:05 PM
Okay then, if you don't cut and past scripture in our discussions I won't either.

You don't have to actually "claim" to be a better person to come off appearing as if you think you are a better or wiser person.

And this doesn't apply to you?

Only if you wish to apply it. I am aware of my wisdom, but I don't know the extent of yours.

I entered the forum after reading what yourself and others were shoving.

But we were not shoving it at you. You entered by choice. Nobody was actually addressing you.


no photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:06 PM

Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker.

Have you ever actually stopped and thought about how detrimental that sort of idea is to one's psyche? What good loving parent tells their child that? None that I know. Yet if God does, it's ok? You ought to listen to yourself sometimes, maybe then you'd see how insane you sound.

Yes, it just sounds over the top. Purely insane rambling. It does not make sense to a logical thinking person.

It is insane because the people who say these things can't come close to defining or describing God, except to say that he is the creator.

I'm not even a true atheist and that makes no sense to me....

And what or who gives both of you the authority to judge what is "insane"???

Surely it can't be anything "logical"....

Who gives you the authority? A book? Please.

I haven't called anyone insane, now have I?

No but you judge who is right and wrong by the thing.

Show me one instance where I've done that.

The way you argue against those who speak against it, says everything.

You can't be serious???

I argue against misinformation, bigotry, bullies, lies, hatred and hypocrisy.

Calling Cerise insane puts you in the "bully" category...

I called it as I saw it, whether she realizes it or not, when you make claims like that that defy logic, you do sound insane. You may think you are fine, but you're not thinking for yourself.

So now who's judging and condeming others because they don't believe the same things???

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:07 PM

Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker.

Have you ever actually stopped and thought about how detrimental that sort of idea is to one's psyche? What good loving parent tells their child that? None that I know. Yet if God does, it's ok? You ought to listen to yourself sometimes, maybe then you'd see how insane you sound.

Yes, it just sounds over the top. Purely insane rambling. It does not make sense to a logical thinking person.

It is insane because the people who say these things can't come close to defining or describing God, except to say that he is the creator.

I'm not even a true atheist and that makes no sense to me....

And what or who gives both of you the authority to judge what is "insane"???

Surely it can't be anything "logical"....

Who gives you the authority? A book? Please.

I haven't called anyone insane, now have I?

No but you judge who is right and wrong by the thing.

Show me one instance where I've done that.

The way you argue against those who speak against it, says everything.

You can't be serious???

I argue against misinformation, bigotry, bullies, lies, hatred and hypocrisy.

Calling Cerise insane puts you in the "bully" category...

I called it as I saw it, whether she realizes it or not, when you make claims like that that defy logic, you do sound insane. You may think you are fine, but you're not thinking for yourself.

So now who's judging and condeming others because they don't believe the same things???

You can believe it all you want, but doesn't mean it's right, and doesn't mean I can't think it's nuts. Cause I think it is.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:12 PM

I am willing to discuss anything about the topic and if you want to post scripture from the Bible, I will then answer you by posting scripture from some of my favorite books. Maybe even the Urantia book.


Yeah, right!

No thanks!!!

Well, if you're not interested in having scripture from other people's books being shoved in your face, then why shove your scripture in theirs?

Have you not heard the saying:

And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:25 PM

Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker.

Have you ever actually stopped and thought about how detrimental that sort of idea is to one's psyche? What good loving parent tells their child that? None that I know. Yet if God does, it's ok? You ought to listen to yourself sometimes, maybe then you'd see how insane you sound.

Yes, it just sounds over the top. Purely insane rambling. It does not make sense to a logical thinking person.

It is insane because the people who say these things can't come close to defining or describing God, except to say that he is the creator.

I'm not even a true atheist and that makes no sense to me....

And what or who gives both of you the authority to judge what is "insane"???

Surely it can't be anything "logical"....

Who gives you the authority? A book? Please.

I haven't called anyone insane, now have I?

No but you judge who is right and wrong by the thing.

Show me one instance where I've done that.

The way you argue against those who speak against it, says everything.

You can't be serious???

I argue against misinformation, bigotry, bullies, lies, hatred and hypocrisy.

Calling Cerise insane puts you in the "bully" category...

I called it as I saw it, whether she realizes it or not, when you make claims like that that defy logic, you do sound insane. You may think you are fine, but you're not thinking for yourself.

So now who's judging and condeming others because they don't believe the same things???

You can believe it all you want, but doesn't mean it's right, and doesn't mean I can't think it's nuts. Cause I think it is.

Believe what? That you're a bully? I've already stated that much.

Or did you mean this statement: "Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker."?

IMO, the only person who could think that statement was "nuts", is a pure Atheist.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:29 PM

Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker.

Have you ever actually stopped and thought about how detrimental that sort of idea is to one's psyche? What good loving parent tells their child that? None that I know. Yet if God does, it's ok? You ought to listen to yourself sometimes, maybe then you'd see how insane you sound.

Yes, it just sounds over the top. Purely insane rambling. It does not make sense to a logical thinking person.

It is insane because the people who say these things can't come close to defining or describing God, except to say that he is the creator.

I'm not even a true atheist and that makes no sense to me....

And what or who gives both of you the authority to judge what is "insane"???

Surely it can't be anything "logical"....

Who gives you the authority? A book? Please.

I haven't called anyone insane, now have I?

No but you judge who is right and wrong by the thing.

Show me one instance where I've done that.

The way you argue against those who speak against it, says everything.

You can't be serious???

I argue against misinformation, bigotry, bullies, lies, hatred and hypocrisy.

Calling Cerise insane puts you in the "bully" category...

I called it as I saw it, whether she realizes it or not, when you make claims like that that defy logic, you do sound insane. You may think you are fine, but you're not thinking for yourself.

So now who's judging and condeming others because they don't believe the same things???

You can believe it all you want, but doesn't mean it's right, and doesn't mean I can't think it's nuts. Cause I think it is.

Believe what? That you're a bully? I've already stated that much.

Or did you mean this statement: "Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker."?

IMO, the only person who could think that statement was "nuts", is a pure Atheist.

Which right there is a judgment. Just because I don't believe in your idea of who God is, or your book that claims to be God's word, doesn't mean I don't believe in God. If you wanna say I believe in the wrong God so be it, but I'm no atheist.

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:35 PM

Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker.

Have you ever actually stopped and thought about how detrimental that sort of idea is to one's psyche? What good loving parent tells their child that? None that I know. Yet if God does, it's ok? You ought to listen to yourself sometimes, maybe then you'd see how insane you sound.

Yes, it just sounds over the top. Purely insane rambling. It does not make sense to a logical thinking person.

It is insane because the people who say these things can't come close to defining or describing God, except to say that he is the creator.

I'm not even a true atheist and that makes no sense to me....

And what or who gives both of you the authority to judge what is "insane"???

Surely it can't be anything "logical"....

Who gives you the authority? A book? Please.

I haven't called anyone insane, now have I?

No but you judge who is right and wrong by the thing.

Show me one instance where I've done that.

The way you argue against those who speak against it, says everything.

You can't be serious???

I argue against misinformation, bigotry, bullies, lies, hatred and hypocrisy.

Calling Cerise insane puts you in the "bully" category...

I called it as I saw it, whether she realizes it or not, when you make claims like that that defy logic, you do sound insane. You may think you are fine, but you're not thinking for yourself.

So now who's judging and condeming others because they don't believe the same things???

You can believe it all you want, but doesn't mean it's right, and doesn't mean I can't think it's nuts. Cause I think it is.

Believe what? That you're a bully? I've already stated that much.

Or did you mean this statement: "Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker."?

IMO, the only person who could think that statement was "nuts", is a pure Atheist.

Which right there is a judgment. Just because I don't believe in your idea of who God is, or your book that claims to be God's word, doesn't mean I don't believe in God. If you wanna say I believe in the wrong God so be it, but I'm no atheist.

First of all, I've never judged you for your beliefs. Nor is it "my book", nor does it ever claim itelf to be "God's word".

If you have evidence to the contrary, show me. Or else stop insinuating you know my thoughts and beliefs.

Now for that "offending" statement that you think is insane...

First, do you have proof that it was written by or said by God?
Second, if you believe in creationism, where would you be without your creator? Powerless? Non-existent?

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:39 PM

Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker.

Have you ever actually stopped and thought about how detrimental that sort of idea is to one's psyche? What good loving parent tells their child that? None that I know. Yet if God does, it's ok? You ought to listen to yourself sometimes, maybe then you'd see how insane you sound.

Yes, it just sounds over the top. Purely insane rambling. It does not make sense to a logical thinking person.

It is insane because the people who say these things can't come close to defining or describing God, except to say that he is the creator.

I'm not even a true atheist and that makes no sense to me....

And what or who gives both of you the authority to judge what is "insane"???

Surely it can't be anything "logical"....

Who gives you the authority? A book? Please.

I haven't called anyone insane, now have I?

No but you judge who is right and wrong by the thing.

Show me one instance where I've done that.

The way you argue against those who speak against it, says everything.

You can't be serious???

I argue against misinformation, bigotry, bullies, lies, hatred and hypocrisy.

Calling Cerise insane puts you in the "bully" category...

I called it as I saw it, whether she realizes it or not, when you make claims like that that defy logic, you do sound insane. You may think you are fine, but you're not thinking for yourself.

So now who's judging and condeming others because they don't believe the same things???

You can believe it all you want, but doesn't mean it's right, and doesn't mean I can't think it's nuts. Cause I think it is.

Believe what? That you're a bully? I've already stated that much.

Or did you mean this statement: "Man is powerless without Almighty God, his Maker."?

IMO, the only person who could think that statement was "nuts", is a pure Atheist.

Which right there is a judgment. Just because I don't believe in your idea of who God is, or your book that claims to be God's word, doesn't mean I don't believe in God. If you wanna say I believe in the wrong God so be it, but I'm no atheist.

First of all, I've never judged you for your beliefs. Nor is it "my book", nor does it ever claim itelf to be "God's word".

If you have evidence to the contrary, show me. Or else stop insinuating you know my thoughts and beliefs.

Now for that "offending" statement that you think is insane...

First, do you have proof that it was written by or said by God?
Second, if you believe in creationism, where would you be without your creator? Powerless? Non-existent?

I'd ask you the same question.

I believe God needs us as much as we need Him. We complete the paradox, this whole universe would not exist as it is without us. So in that sense we need each other to make it all work. And I also believe we have a lot more power than we are told we have, far from powerless or worthless apart from God.

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:42 PM

I'd ask you the same question.

I believe God needs us as much as we need Him. We complete the paradox, this whole universe would not exist as it is without us. So in that sense we need each other to make it all work. And I also believe we have a lot more power than we are told we have, far from powerless or worthless apart from God.

I'd be powerless and non-existent for sure without my creator.

Will you answer the question now and appear just as insane as I do?

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:43 PM
Second, if you believe in creationism, where would you be without your creator? Powerless? Non-existent?

If we were created, then without a creator we would not exist.
But since we do exist, and if we were created, the the creator has finished his work.

That does not mean we are powerless.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:45 PM


I'd ask you the same question.

I believe God needs us as much as we need Him. We complete the paradox, this whole universe would not exist as it is without us. So in that sense we need each other to make it all work. And I also believe we have a lot more power than we are told we have, far from powerless or worthless apart from God.

I'd be powerless and non-existent for sure without my creator.

Will you answer the question now and appear just as insane as I do?

I already did, I'm not gonna keep going back and forth like this. This is your belief, not mine.

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:47 PM


I'd ask you the same question.

I believe God needs us as much as we need Him. We complete the paradox, this whole universe would not exist as it is without us. So in that sense we need each other to make it all work. And I also believe we have a lot more power than we are told we have, far from powerless or worthless apart from God.

I'd be powerless and non-existent for sure without my creator.

Will you answer the question now and appear just as insane as I do?

I already did, I'm not gonna keep going back and forth like this. This is your belief, not mine.

Now you're just avoiding the issue...

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:50 PM


I'd ask you the same question.

I believe God needs us as much as we need Him. We complete the paradox, this whole universe would not exist as it is without us. So in that sense we need each other to make it all work. And I also believe we have a lot more power than we are told we have, far from powerless or worthless apart from God.

I'd be powerless and non-existent for sure without my creator.

Will you answer the question now and appear just as insane as I do?

I already did, I'm not gonna keep going back and forth like this. This is your belief, not mine.

Now you're just avoiding the issue...

No, I'm not. The onus is on YOU to prove these things right, not on me.

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:55 PM


I'd ask you the same question.

I believe God needs us as much as we need Him. We complete the paradox, this whole universe would not exist as it is without us. So in that sense we need each other to make it all work. And I also believe we have a lot more power than we are told we have, far from powerless or worthless apart from God.

I'd be powerless and non-existent for sure without my creator.

Will you answer the question now and appear just as insane as I do?

I already did, I'm not gonna keep going back and forth like this. This is your belief, not mine.

Now you're just avoiding the issue...

No, I'm not. The onus is on YOU to prove these things right, not on me.

lol, I have nothing to prove except your hypocrisy.

You changed the question from "without" to "apart from". You never answered the question posed to you, you skirted it so as not to appear insane.

And STOP telling me and others what my beliefs are, you're no better than those at whom you are angry towards.