Topic: You Get What you Are.....More on Law of Attraction | |
She'll be back again one day. I deactivate, erase friends of lists, reactivate, change my picture and profile a thousand times a month and add friends on the list again. lol Just admit it, we are all nutcases one way or another. ![]() I feel bad. I think I was too hard on her. But I thought she could take it. I confess that calling her a Fire and Brimstone Preacher was pretty low. ![]() I'm sure you're right John. She just wants to share the joy of her beliefs. Now I feel bad that I was too hard on her. ![]() I am sure she will be back one day. Things will work out again. ![]() It was just a heated discussion with different opinions that resorted onto name calling or unneccessary wordings. ![]() Maybe she just needed a break. This mingle network isn't doing justice to alot of people ![]() It can be addictive and tantalizing. I have been trying to quite for over a year now ![]() |
It is addicting, and I'm kind of at a lost to understand why I keep coming back to it.
![]() I just got a video course on mathematics and it's pretty cool, I should be deeply involved with that instead. Well, actually I'm planting flower gardens outside too, and I need to get back to that. I wish I could deactivate. I don't have the POWER to attract the deactivation Faery to my profile. ![]() Instead I'll just stay here and whine because I can't stop posting. ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 04/28/09 12:39 PM
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Tue 04/28/09 12:46 PM
Yo see you both are making fun of her!
![]() Would you be surprised Lee if she did come back? and James you have the POWER to deactivate if you want to. it is your desire not to do it ![]() The Laws of Attraction as mysterious and illogical it may seem may have some truth to it afterall ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 04/28/09 12:58 PM
Yo see you both are making fun of her! ![]() Would you be surprised Lee if she did come back? and James you have the POWER to deactivate if you want to. it is your desire not to do it ![]() The Laws of Attraction as mysterious and illogical it may seem may have some truth to it afterall ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 04/28/09 01:00 PM
Yo see you both are making fun of her! ![]() Would you be surprised Lee if she did come back? and James you have the POWER to deactivate if you want to. it is your desire not to do it ![]() The Laws of Attraction as mysterious and illogical it may seem may have some truth to it afterall ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I know you are friends with her and James. She will be back ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 04/28/09 02:26 PM
I know that in the present tense we are, do and have the things that we have consistently held in our minds. These tings may manifest either positive or negative depending on our motives, emotions, etc.What I do not understand fully are the laws of attraction. There is a saying that opposites attract and there is the expression that like attracts like.How can they both be true statements without being paridoxal? You look from your photo like you know a thing or two about a thing or to.I would welcome an exchange of ideas or some more of your wisdom. ![]() There is absolutely no evidence that thoughts effect anything outside the body that houses the brain doing the thinking. So lets get some evidence then we can pick this conversation back up, otherwise the only other avenue I see available to this topic is one of psychology. |
<----believer in the Law of Attraction and major JB Fan. Just for the record.
<----believer in the Law of Attraction and major JB Fan. Just for the record. Ruth, I tend to believe in a 'Law of Attraction' too, but not the hardcore way that JB presents it. I think she's goes way overboard in this idea that we are totally responsible for anything we fail to manifest, and for every single thing that becomes manifest in our life. That just doesn't line up with reality, nor does it even make sense to believe in such a thing. This would imply that if two people are placed in competition with each other where one MUST LOSE then whoever loses is at fault for having lost. I realize that she insists that she doesn't speak in terms of "fault". But that's not the way she continually presents it. She is constantly chastising people for not being willing to take responsiblilty for what manifests in their life. Anytime someone says, "Well I did the best that I could do but it just wasn't good enough", she refuses to accept that. She demands that they were responsible for attracting the outcome. And she also demands that it was entirely a matter of psychic mindset. I agree with MUCH of what she talks about in terms of motivational energy. And I also agree that a positive mindset is important in life and does indeed make a difference. But not to the point where it justifies belittling people as "not being responsible for their actions" whenever they claim that something happens to them that was beyond their control. I don't believe that there is anything in the "Law of Attraction" that claims that nothing is beyond our control. And she even often agrees with me on that point!. But then when I say, "Ok then somethings that happen in my life are beyond my control, she starts right back up again with this crap about having the mindset of a powerless victim and not taking responsibility for what happens to me. She's just impossible. And she's being inconsistent. I believe that we can indeed attract things to us. And even in magickal ways that appearently do work on a psychic realm. I have absolutely no problem at all with those concepts. But when she starts up with this crap that we are responsible for having attracted everything in our lives. I just don't see how that can be possible. That would deny the free will of other people. Two people in a competition cannot both win. One MUST LOSE. Therefore they cannot BOTH be able to apply the Law of Attraction simultaneously without conflict. So I have no problem at all with a supposed "Law of Attraction" in some sense. But when it is used as an excuse to chastise people people who have had unfortunate things happen to them I feel that it's gone too far. It can't be that much of an absolute. And I've given the reason. The reason is simple. We SHARE this universe with other people who also have free will! We can't all have our desires come true without crashing into the desires of other people. Not only that, but I don't believe it's true in general either. If we get hit by a natural disaster I don't believe that we drew that to ourselves. I don't see where the "Law of Attraction" needs to be that radical. Personally I just feel that she has an incorrect view of the Law of Attraction. And if she got this from books then those authors have an incorrect view of it. She keeps telling me to buy a $10 book, but what's the point to that? Why should I accept the words of that author either? Just because she read it in a $10 book doesn't make it true. I used to actually SUPPORT the idea of the "Law of Attraction" until I met Jeannie! I absolutely do not support HER interpretation of it. I personally feel that her view is way radical. And if she's getting this from books then I feel those authors are way radical. I think, like all other philosophies, there must be authors of the Law of Attraction who even disagree with each other on the details! In fact, I know for a fact that there are because I've read various points of view on the Law of Attraction. Everyone does not take this hardline approach. This is almost like Christianity where eveyone has a different interpretation of the Bible. I don't believe that everyone who writes on the the "Law of Attraction" is in complete agreement with all other authors on the subject. In fact, if that were true, that would be an extremely rare thing. When did you ever see a case where everyone agrees precisely on something like that? I'm SURE that there must be authors that write on the "Law of Attraction" and present it as follows: Yes, we can control out lives to some degree via positive thoughts, actions, and visulizations, but that doens't automatially mean that we create all of reality via that method all the time! It doesn't need to be all or nothing. There are ways to approach these things without denying the free will actions of others, or the random actions of natural disasters. The world can indeed work via a combination of "Laws of Attraction" along with "Law of Random Chance" and the "Law of Sharing a World with other FREE WILL Beings". I don's see what is wrong with accepting these OTHER FACTORS. Why deny them? That's what I don't understand. There's no need to deny these other elments of reality in order to make the "Law of Attraction" available as ONE POSSIBLE TOOL. Yet this is the hardline stance that JB often takes. I don't see why she can't back off, and just say, "Sure there may be other possible explantions besides the explanations given by the authors that I've read on this topic". What's wrong with that? That's all I'm really asking. Why does it need to be precisely the way she demands or not at all? It seems to me that what she demands just doesn't fit in with the concept of eveyrone having individual free will. Something got to GIVE. |
I actually SUPPORT the idea of a 'Law of Attraction' in a mystical magickal sense as I have learned it. In fact, I have supported it in the past in this way.
But there's no way I'm going to get behind Jeanniebean's hardline approach to turn it into something that demands that anyone who isn't using it is responsible for everything that happens to them. I don't see anything positive in that negative approach at all. That just creates unnecessary negativity. And for what purpose? ![]() |
I know that in the present tense we are, do and have the things that we have consistently held in our minds. These tings may manifest either positive or negative depending on our motives, emotions, etc.What I do not understand fully are the laws of attraction. There is a saying that opposites attract and there is the expression that like attracts like.How can they both be true statements without being paridoxal? You look from your photo like you know a thing or two about a thing or to.I would welcome an exchange of ideas or some more of your wisdom. ![]() There is absolutely no evidence that thoughts effect anything outside the body that houses the brain doing the thinking. So lets get some evidence then we can pick this conversation back up, otherwise the only other avenue I see available to this topic is one of psychology. I agree. Positive thinking is great and effective for personal motivation, but it's effect end at the psychological level. |
ummmmmm excuse me! I know I am ugly and unpleasant to talk to, but what is the reply to this post that I am reposting again. Everyone just skipped right over it like it didn't exist! Darling, I am sorry for skipping over your post, but it has nothing to do with your appearance... Frankly, YOU HAVE A BAD BREATH! ! ! ********************* |
I agree. Positive thinking is great and effective for personal motivation, but it's effect end at the psychological level. Well, I would be even willing to go futher than that. I see no reason not to believe in psychic power. Modern science most certainly has not ruled out psychic power. Just because it hasn't been able to detect it or prove it most certainly doesn't disprove it or suggest in any way that it can't be possible in this universe. So what's wrong with the following? A Reasonable "Law of Attraction" In this unviverse there are many laws of nature in action. Clearly there is a law of gravity. But gravity can also be overcome in many ways. One way is to use the principle of aerodynamics and defy gravity by the act of flying through air. I might add that we also defy gravity when we swim in water and defy sinking. So bouyancy is another way to defy the LAW of gravity. Another method is the rocket and acceleration. Still another method is to simply find a place in space where the effects of gravity of surrounding bodies cancel out. So even though there is a Law of Gravity, it doesn't determine EVERYTHING. And there are other laws in affect that can overcome it. (i.e. Bouyancy, aerodynamics, acceleration, etc). Well, why not the same thing for a "Law of Attraction"? Why not say, Yes, a "Psychic Law of Attraction" does indeed exist. But it's not the SOLE DRIVING LAW of Reality. There are also other laws in affect. There are laws of randomness. There are laws of force of will of other beings who share this world, etc. So now you have a "Psychic Law of Attraction" that is available to explain things like magick and psychic phenomenon. We can make use of this law in positive ways. (and potentially negative ways too if it's genuinely an unbiased law). In other words, evil people could use it to manifest or attract evil things. After all, gravity doesn't object if you want to use it to drop a rock on your enemy, or push someone off a cliff. Gravity can be used for good or evil too. It's just an unbiased law of the universe. However, the point is that there is absolutely no reason to deny random events in order to claim that there is a "Law of Attraction" available. There's no reason to claim that just becasue a "Law of Attraction" is available this automatically means that we attract everything to us that happens to us. Moreover, this "Law of Attraction" may be superceded by other laws, just like gravity is! Gravity can only pull a rock down to the surface of the earth. Then the atomic forces of the ground take over and prevent the rock from sinking through the earth to it's core. Well, why couldn't randomness do the same thing with a "Law of Attraction". Just because some "Law of Attraction" is available in this unvierse doesn't demand that another law of randomness can't also simultaneously exist. The "Law of Attraction" does not need to be an absolute that overrides all other possiblities. This is really where I disagree with Jeannie (and any authors she may have read who hold that extreme view). I'm willing to accept the existence of a "Law of Attraction" to a point where is is compatible with the rest of reality. But I see no reason to insist that it goes beyond compatibility. And I see absolutely no reason to use it as a device to tell people that they are responsible for everything that happens to them. That assumes that randomness cannot be in play in this unviverse. But where's the evidence for that? ![]() That's the extremism that I disagree with. Evidence suggest that randomness does indeed occur in this universe. To deny that seems to me to be futile. |
I agree. Positive thinking is great and effective for personal motivation, but it's effect end at the psychological level. Well, I would be even willing to go futher than that. I see no reason not to believe in psychic power. Modern science most certainly has not ruled out psychic power. Just because it hasn't been able to detect it or prove it most certainly doesn't disprove it or suggest in any way that it can't be possible in this universe. So what's wrong with the following? A Reasonable "Law of Attraction" In this unviverse there are many laws of nature in action. Clearly there is a law of gravity. But gravity can also be overcome in many ways. One way is to use the principle of aerodynamics and defy gravity by the act of flying through air. I might add that we also defy gravity when we swim in water and defy sinking. So bouyancy is another way to defy the LAW of gravity. Another method is the rocket and acceleration. Still another method is to simply find a place in space where the effects of gravity of surrounding bodies cancel out. So even though there is a Law of Gravity, it doesn't determine EVERYTHING. And there are other laws in affect that can overcome it. (i.e. Bouyancy, aerodynamics, acceleration, etc). Well, why not the same thing for a "Law of Attraction"? Why not say, Yes, a "Psychic Law of Attraction" does indeed exist. But it's not the SOLE DRIVING LAW of Reality. There are also other laws in affect. There are laws of randomness. There are laws of force of will of other beings who share this world, etc. So now you have a "Psychic Law of Attraction" that is available to explain things like magick and psychic phenomenon. We can make use of this law in positive ways. (and potentially negative ways too if it's genuinely an unbiased law). In other words, evil people could use it to manifest or attract evil things. After all, gravity doesn't object if you want to use it to drop a rock on your enemy, or push someone off a cliff. Gravity can be used for good or evil too. It's just an unbiased law of the universe. However, the point is that there is absolutely no reason to deny random events in order to claim that there is a "Law of Attraction" available. There's no reason to claim that just becasue a "Law of Attraction" is available this automatically means that we attract everything to us that happens to us. Moreover, this "Law of Attraction" may be superceded by other laws, just like gravity is! Gravity can only pull a rock down to the surface of the earth. Then the atomic forces of the ground take over and prevent the rock from sinking through the earth to it's core. Well, why couldn't randomness do the same thing with a "Law of Attraction". Just because some "Law of Attraction" is available in this unvierse doesn't demand that another law of randomness can't also simultaneously exist. The "Law of Attraction" does not need to be an absolute that overrides all other possiblities. This is really where I disagree with Jeannie (and any authors she may have read who hold that extreme view). I'm willing to accept the existence of a "Law of Attraction" to a point where is is compatible with the rest of reality. But I see no reason to insist that it goes beyond compatibility. And I see absolutely no reason to use it as a device to tell people that they are responsible for everything that happens to them. That assumes that randomness cannot be in play in this unviverse. But where's the evidence for that? ![]() That's the extremism that I disagree with. Evidence suggest that randomness does indeed occur in this universe. To deny that seems to me to be futile. I don't see how you can say that just because scientific research has shown no examples of psychic phenomenons does disprove their existence. It is not one of those things where with more advanced science we may be able to prove it's existence. It isn't in hiding somewhere, it is simply that no one who claims to have psychic abilities has been able to prove it. The burden is on them to prove it. Are you also trying equate the lay of gravity with the law of attraction? I can accept that you may see some person spiritual proof of some form of the law of attraction, but it can't be reasonably equated with science. |
********* AN EXCELLENT suggestion, Jeanie: ************ should do what ever you can to FEEL GOOD OR FEEL BETTER.
FYI this is what "sex magic" is all about. The visualization is done during the point of orgasm and that is the highest feel-good energy some people can muster. * * * All men should should take a note: WHEN YOU ARRIVE FOR A JOB INTERVIEW, ALWAYS ASK THE FRONT-DESK SECRETARY -- in case your wife or partner is busy -- TO GIVE YOU A QUICK BLOW JOB!!! (during which, you should concentrate on nothing else but your your interview performance) * * * * * * * * * * IBYP, Jeanie, just thinking of the visualization you mentioned... LOL |
********* AN EXCELLENT suggestion, Jeanie: ************ should do what ever you can to FEEL GOOD OR FEEL BETTER.
FYI this is what "sex magic" is all about. The visualization is done during the point of orgasm and that is the highest feel-good energy some people can muster. * * * All men should should take a note: WHEN YOU ARRIVE FOR A JOB INTERVIEW, ALWAYS ASK THE FRONT-DESK SECRETARY -- in case your wife or partner is busy -- TO GIVE YOU A QUICK BLOW JOB!!! (during which, you should concentrate on nothing else but your your interview performance) * * * * * * * * * * IBYP, Jeanie, just thinking of the visualization you mentioned... LOL What timely advice; I have an interview tomorrow. And to think I have been wondering why I still haven't found a job. Now I know, it is ;ack of a pre-interview bj that has been holding me back. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
SWEETCHEEKS, darling, you're absolutely right:
I think a person with stinking thinking sends out that vibe. If you are happy and confident that vibe is there also. We are how we think.
... Sometimes, Im even afraid of turning my PC on -- for the fear of the stinch thats gonna come out from the screen (thats why I keep the gas-mask close by)! LOL |
********* AN EXCELLENT suggestion, Jeanie: ************ should do what ever you can to FEEL GOOD OR FEEL BETTER.
FYI this is what "sex magic" is all about. The visualization is done during the point of orgasm and that is the highest feel-good energy some people can muster. * * * All men should should take a note: WHEN YOU ARRIVE FOR A JOB INTERVIEW, ALWAYS ASK THE FRONT-DESK SECRETARY -- in case your wife or partner is busy -- TO GIVE YOU A QUICK BLOW JOB!!! (during which, you should concentrate on nothing else but your your interview performance) * * * * * * * * * * IBYP, Jeanie, just thinking of the visualization you mentioned... LOL What timely advice; I have an interview tomorrow. And to think I have been wondering why I still haven't found a job. Now I know, it is ;ack of a pre-interview bj that has been holding me back. ![]() ![]() ![]() Listen in case the secretary turnds out to be an Ugly Old bat, tell her to take her penties off so you can use 'em to cover her disgusting face with... |
Alrighty then...
![]() You are still single... right? ![]() |
The turn of events here reminds me of things needed to be said, but were not...
I want to say that deliberately addressing the author rather then the content of the author's writing substantially increases the possibility for someone getting offended in some way. It must be known that if one holds their thoughts so dear, so tightly, that their entire existence revolves around this belief structure, then it is hard not to take personal offense. The mirror is a difficult place to gaze into if the reflection releases unconscious elements which are impervious to self-detection. As long as one looks out into the world through the worldly fingerprint that it places upon each of us, it will remain incorruptible. ![]() |