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Topic: You Get What you Are.....More on Law of Attraction
ThomasJB's photo
Tue 04/28/09 11:11 PM

********* AN EXCELLENT suggestion, Jeanie: ************
...you should do what ever you can to FEEL GOOD OR FEEL BETTER.
FYI this is what "sex magic" is all about. The visualization is done during the point of orgasm and that is the highest feel-good energy some people can muster.

* * * All men should should take a note:
WHEN YOU ARRIVE FOR A JOB INTERVIEW, ALWAYS ASK THE FRONT-DESK SECRETARY -- in case your wife or partner is busy -- TO GIVE YOU A QUICK BLOW JOB!!! (during which, you should concentrate on nothing else but your your interview performance) * * * * * * * * * *

IBYP, Jeanie, just thinking of the visualization you mentioned... LOL

What timely advice; I have an interview tomorrow. And to think I have been wondering why I still haven't found a job. Now I know, it is ;ack of a pre-interview bj that has been holding me back. rofl :banana: drinker
Listen in case the secretary turnds out to be an Ugly Old bat, tell her to take her penties off so you can use 'em to cover her disgusting face with...

I have a better idea. Print your resume on a brown paper sack. That way it serve double duty and maybe the hiring manger will be impressed with your ingenuity. rofl

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/28/09 11:57 PM
Edited by creativesoul on Wed 04/29/09 12:23 AM
Purposefully repeating because of a page change...

The turn of events here reminds me of things needed to be said, but were not...

I want to say that deliberately addressing the author rather then the content of the author's writing substantially increases the possibility for someone getting offended in some way. It must be known that if one holds their thoughts so dear, so tightly, that their entire existence revolves around this belief structure, then it is hard not to take personal offense.

The mirror is a difficult place to gaze into if the reflection releases unconscious elements which are impervious to self-detection.

As long as one looks out into the world through the worldly fingerprint that it places upon each of us, it will remain incorruptible.

It is when one makes wrongful assumptions about another's person that they, themselves, will get offended by the same. Is it a matter of not knowing our own way of being and/or thinking, and consequently recognizing our own self-defined flaws in another?

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:52 AM

I actually SUPPORT the idea of a 'Law of Attraction' in a mystical magickal sense as I have learned it. In fact, I have supported it in the past in this way.

But there's no way I'm going to get behind Jeanniebean's hardline approach to turn it into something that demands that anyone who isn't using it is responsible for everything that happens to them.

I don't see anything positive in that negative approach at all.

That just creates unnecessary negativity.

And for what purpose? huh

I'm using this quote because it's shorter, but I'm responding to all of what you said, James. I agree with you on this completely. I believe the Law of Attraction to be the explanation behind magic. But, I do not believe it is the only power/force working in our lives. The Law of Attraction is powerful energy and, with some time and effort, can be used to make some powerful changes in one's life for the better.

I believe it is in effect all the time as well. Not to the extent that it causes everything that happens in one's life. But, there are a lot of people using it everyday in a very negative way. I see negative people who are stuck in a cycle of negative thinking and they draw more of what they don't want. We all know the people who go around complaining about not having what they want or always having bad luck. Interestingly, they never seem to break out of this and their situation never improves. On the opposite side there are people who are generally very optimistic and they draw good things to themselves.

But, bottom line is that I do believe that there are other "forces" in effect that cause things to happen to us. Mother Nature, God, cycles, etc. Much of life is just hard. We wouldn't grow and evolve as human beings if it weren't.

And, all that is just my opinion.

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 06:08 AM

ummmmmm excuse me! I know I am ugly and unpleasant to talk to, but what is the reply to this post that I am reposting again. Everyone just skipped right over it like it didn't exist!

Darling, I am sorry for skipping over your post, but it has nothing to do with your appearance... Frankly,

Love it! That made me laughlaugh

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 06:22 AM
Why is it called the law of attraction?

Wouldn't it be better if we call it the Law of Energy perhaps?

I mean we are talking about energy right?

Like good force and bad force from Star Wars

Or good energy and bad energy in all the other guru books that explains it in their writings?

While everyone is wondering if such a thing exists, I wonder why the title. lollaugh

I feel like Joey from the tv series Friends sometimeslaugh

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/29/09 07:53 AM

I actually SUPPORT the idea of a 'Law of Attraction' in a mystical magickal sense as I have learned it. In fact, I have supported it in the past in this way.

But there's no way I'm going to get behind Jeanniebean's hardline approach to turn it into something that demands that anyone who isn't using it is responsible for everything that happens to them.

I don't see anything positive in that negative approach at all.

That just creates unnecessary negativity.

And for what purpose? huh

I'm using this quote because it's shorter, but I'm responding to all of what you said, James. I agree with you on this completely. I believe the Law of Attraction to be the explanation behind magic. But, I do not believe it is the only power/force working in our lives. The Law of Attraction is powerful energy and, with some time and effort, can be used to make some powerful changes in one's life for the better.

I believe it is in effect all the time as well. Not to the extent that it causes everything that happens in one's life. But, there are a lot of people using it everyday in a very negative way. I see negative people who are stuck in a cycle of negative thinking and they draw more of what they don't want. We all know the people who go around complaining about not having what they want or always having bad luck. Interestingly, they never seem to break out of this and their situation never improves. On the opposite side there are people who are generally very optimistic and they draw good things to themselves.

But, bottom line is that I do believe that there are other "forces" in effect that cause things to happen to us. Mother Nature, God, cycles, etc. Much of life is just hard. We wouldn't grow and evolve as human beings if it weren't.

And, all that is just my opinion.

Well, I can get behind this 100%. :thumbsup:

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:17 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 04/29/09 09:22 AM

Why is it called the law of attraction?

Wouldn't it be better if we call it the Law of Energy perhaps?

I mean we are talking about energy right?

Like good force and bad force from Star Wars

Or good energy and bad energy in all the other guru books that explains it in their writings?

While everyone is wondering if such a thing exists, I wonder why the title. lollaugh

I feel like Joey from the tv series Friends sometimeslaugh
Energy is the ability to do work. So no we are not talking about energy in any physical sense.

You know what was interesting. I found a study where a large group of people sat around in peaceful settings like parks ect and meditated about positive things, then they mapped the local area's rate of violent offense.

Guess what . . . . nothing significant occurred in the rate of violent offenses in the region, the city, or the state.

I am of mind that this phenomena is a processes of self motivation exclusively.

Your ideas effect your behavior. Your behavior effects other peoples ideas if this is the extant of your beliefs, then cool.

If you think you have some kind of connection to the force, and your jedi mind tricks can change reality, effect causes, and cause effects then I think its time for some good old fashioned counseling.

creativesoul's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:35 AM
It is written as a set of motivational ideas, which if practiced, can help get through the 'hard times'. Integrity and determination are key. Those things can be fostered in part with some with confidence in whatever... no matter of the accuracy regarding content...

The results from experience and life are what they are, even if cause is wrongfully placed. The danger in thinking lies in the notion of complete self-causation. Should someone happen to attribute a 'good' result, whatever that may be, to a misguided set of events and or personality traits, then they may believe that it was the true cause. Later when the same determinants no longer produce that effect one is left wondering what they did wrong, because they were led to believe that they had done something 'right' before....

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:41 AM

Why is it called the law of attraction?

Wouldn't it be better if we call it the Law of Energy perhaps?

I mean we are talking about energy right?

Like good force and bad force from Star Wars

Or good energy and bad energy in all the other guru books that explains it in their writings?

While everyone is wondering if such a thing exists, I wonder why the title. lollaugh

I feel like Joey from the tv series Friends sometimeslaugh
Energy is the ability to do work. So no we are not talking about energy in any physical sense.

You know what was interesting. I found a study where a large group of people sat around in peaceful settings like parks ect and meditated about positive things, then they mapped the local area's rate of violent offense.

Guess what . . . . nothing significant occurred in the rate of violent offenses in the region, the city, or the state.

I am of mind that this phenomena is a processes of self motivation exclusively.

Your ideas effect your behavior. Your behavior effects other peoples ideas if this is the extant of your beliefs, then cool.

If you think you have some kind of connection to the force, and your jedi mind tricks can change reality, effect causes, and cause effects then I think its time for some good old fashioned counseling.

I think people are just fascinated in general with the supernatural. If they can't possess them then they just want to see it.

I must admit that I enjoy it for entertainment purposes. Afterall, it is nice to get away from reality once in awhile.

but in the end I am sure everyone has an opinion about this law of energy,oops, I mean law of attraction that everyone so highly praises.

As for me the only law of attraction I see lately are the ladies on the beaches with their cute little g string bikinis.laugh

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 02:54 PM

Why is it called the law of attraction?

Wouldn't it be better if we call it the Law of Energy perhaps?

I mean we are talking about energy right?

Like good force and bad force from Star Wars

Or good energy and bad energy in all the other guru books that explains it in their writings?

While everyone is wondering if such a thing exists, I wonder why the title. lollaugh

I feel like Joey from the tv series Friends sometimeslaugh
Energy is the ability to do work. So no we are not talking about energy in any physical sense.

You know what was interesting. I found a study where a large group of people sat around in peaceful settings like parks ect and meditated about positive things, then they mapped the local area's rate of violent offense.

Guess what . . . . nothing significant occurred in the rate of violent offenses in the region, the city, or the state.

I am of mind that this phenomena is a processes of self motivation exclusively.

Your ideas effect your behavior. Your behavior effects other peoples ideas if this is the extant of your beliefs, then cool.

If you think you have some kind of connection to the force, and your jedi mind tricks can change reality, effect causes, and cause effects then I think its time for some good old fashioned counseling.

I think people are just fascinated in general with the supernatural. If they can't possess them then they just want to see it.

I must admit that I enjoy it for entertainment purposes. Afterall, it is nice to get away from reality once in awhile.

but in the end I am sure everyone has an opinion about this law of energy,oops, I mean law of attraction that everyone so highly praises.

As for me the only law of attraction I see lately are the ladies on the beaches with their cute little g string bikinis.laugh
I agree!

I enjoy fantasy, fiction, sci fi, all of it. But to be successful in learning science I have had to learn how to come to a objective definition of things and energy is misused all to often.

To me it depends what you want out of something, real knowledge, or just entertainment . . .

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/29/09 04:12 PM
bigsmile 'You are infinitely more powerful than you ever imagined.' bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/29/09 04:43 PM
Bushidobillyclub wrote:

I enjoy fantasy, fiction, sci fi, all of it. But to be successful in learning science I have had to learn how to come to a objective definition of things and energy is misused all to often.

To me it depends what you want out of something, real knowledge, or just entertainment . . .

I would have to disagree with you on this one Jeremy.

You say:

Energy is the ability to do work. So no we are not talking about energy in any physical sense.

That's merely one convenient mathematical definition that makes calculations easy.

Where do you get off claiming that energy is not physical?

It most certainly is. It's as least as phsyical as any other property of this unviverse.

To begin with it's a conserved quantity. It's not just an arbitary abstract esoteric definition for calculating work.

Energy is a real and genuine property of this universe. In fact, have you forgotten about E=mc²?

And the fact that energy and matter are completely interchangeable?

Energy is a very real substance that is conserved.

It's not just some arbitarty abstract mathematical concept for calculating work.

That's merely one mathematical relationship.

In fact, if you pay very close attention to any process where work is being done you can actually follow the energy. The thing that is doing the work loses energy and will therefore lose motion or heat because of this. It needs to give up the energy that it puts into the 'work'.

And whatever it did work on will pick up that energy in the form of motion or heat, or whatever.

To say that we aren't talking about something 'physical' would be scientifically incorrect.

Energy is a conserved quantity that is measurable. It moves from place to place and can always be accounded for.

It's every bit as "phsyical" as matter is. It's completely conserved and you can keep track of it. ENERGY is PHYSICAL!

That's why physicists study it. bigsmile

Do you think they just made up the idea for fun?

Energy can be measured and kept track of and even converted into mass or vice versa. Energy is affected by the warping of spacetime. Energy can cause the warping of space time. And enegy is always conserved. You can't just make up arbitrary esoteric amounts of it for fun.

Also, you can even use it for the purpose of having sex!

Tell me it's not real!

Can you even imagine having sex without energy?

Energy's not real? whoa

You're so silly.

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 05:18 PM
Some say energy cannot be understood completely.

How much truth this holds is for each to decide.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/29/09 06:07 PM

Some say energy cannot be understood completely.

How much truth this holds is for each to decide.

I guess that all depends on what you mean by "understood".

Physics has described the behavior of energy in every possible detail. And we can be sure of this because energy is a convserved quantity.

In other words, it never runs off to do something behind our back. laugh

It's always conserved. We can always explain what it's doing at every moment.

In fact, that brings up a very interesting point.

According to modern physics, they've recently discovered something they call "Dark Energy". This is something entirely new that is not the same as the "energy" that we've been normally working with.

In fact, since the energy that we've been working with has always been conserved, it would seem to me that it would not be possible for standard energy to change into dark energy and vice versa.

The reason simply being that if it did then energy would have appeared to not be conserved because we have no way of directly detecting Dark Energy yet via experimental devices.

So the very label "Dark Energy" may be a bit misleading. It may be a whole different animal from the concept of "energy".

This is rather interesting. I never really thought of this before, but dark energy is not something that we can measure or detect directly. Yet if it was interchangeable with regular energy that would make regular energy appear to not be conserved.

The reason simply being that if regular energy became dark energy it would appear to disappear in normal experiments, yet that never happens because energy is always conserved.


Owl have to write some letters to some physicists now and inquire about this. laugh

Does anyone know if dark energy and regular energy are interchangeable?

That's a really interesting question John!

You're a really deep thinker! bigsmile

Thanks! waving

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 06:27 PM
Edited by smiless on Wed 04/29/09 06:33 PM

Some say energy cannot be understood completely.

How much truth this holds is for each to decide.

I guess that all depends on what you mean by "understood".

Physics has described the behavior of energy in every possible detail. And we can be sure of this because energy is a convserved quantity.

In other words, it never runs off to do something behind our back. laugh

It's always conserved. We can always explain what it's doing at every moment.

In fact, that brings up a very interesting point.

According to modern physics, they've recently discovered something they call "Dark Energy". This is something entirely new that is not the same as the "energy" that we've been normally working with.

In fact, since the energy that we've been working with has always been conserved, it would seem to me that it would not be possible for standard energy to change into dark energy and vice versa.

The reason simply being that if it did then energy would have appeared to not be conserved because we have no way of directly detecting Dark Energy yet via experimental devices.

So the very label "Dark Energy" may be a bit misleading. It may be a whole different animal from the concept of "energy".

This is rather interesting. I never really thought of this before, but dark energy is not something that we can measure or detect directly. Yet if it was interchangeable with regular energy that would make regular energy appear to not be conserved.

The reason simply being that if regular energy became dark energy it would appear to disappear in normal experiments, yet that never happens because energy is always conserved.


Owl have to write some letters to some physicists now and inquire about this. laugh

Does anyone know if dark energy and regular energy are interchangeable?

That's a really interesting question John!

You're a really deep thinker! bigsmile

Thanks! waving

Ha a deep thinker! I wish that would be true!

I only came to that conclusion because I have seen so many different definitions for energy. I have even seen disagreements about it and at the end both parties stays baffled asking "What the hell is energy?"

So yes what you have discovered is probably way out of my spectrum of understanding of energy as I truly know little about it, but it is always educational to see you post about it, because now I am on google typing in the question "What is dark energy?".

You see how beneficial it is to read up on scientists and philosophers. I actually learn something here and it is the reason why I always return back to this god forsaken dating site to read more about opinions on various topics! lol

Yet your question you ask is interesting. If dark energy is interchangeable with other energies? Hmmm I surely don't know, but maybe you will find out eventually.

Very good question indeed you have going!

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 04/29/09 06:34 PM

I actually SUPPORT the idea of a 'Law of Attraction' in a mystical magickal sense as I have learned it. In fact, I have supported it in the past in this way.

But there's no way I'm going to get behind Jeanniebean's hardline approach to turn it into something that demands that anyone who isn't using it is responsible for everything that happens to them.

I don't see anything positive in that negative approach at all.

That just creates unnecessary negativity.

And for what purpose? huh

I'm using this quote because it's shorter, but I'm responding to all of what you said, James. I agree with you on this completely. I believe the Law of Attraction to be the explanation behind magic. But, I do not believe it is the only power/force working in our lives. The Law of Attraction is powerful energy and, with some time and effort, can be used to make some powerful changes in one's life for the better.

I believe it is in effect all the time as well. Not to the extent that it causes everything that happens in one's life. But, there are a lot of people using it everyday in a very negative way. I see negative people who are stuck in a cycle of negative thinking and they draw more of what they don't want. We all know the people who go around complaining about not having what they want or always having bad luck. Interestingly, they never seem to break out of this and their situation never improves. On the opposite side there are people who are generally very optimistic and they draw good things to themselves.

But, bottom line is that I do believe that there are other "forces" in effect that cause things to happen to us. Mother Nature, God, cycles, etc. Much of life is just hard. We wouldn't grow and evolve as human beings if it weren't.

And, all that is just my opinion.

Well, I can get behind this 100%. :thumbsup:


Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/29/09 06:40 PM
I think I already figured out the answer on my own.

Regular Energy and Dark Energy would indeed be precisely the same concept. And one could indeed turn be converted into the other.

The reason we don't notice this showing up as a violation of energy conservation is simply because there is no way for them to interchange in large enough amounts on a local scale to be detectable.

So I didn't need to write anyone any letters after all.

Darn it! ohwell

And here I thought I was onto something really cool for a second. laugh

I'm getting old. My brain is starting to malfunction.

I need to go back to reading fairytales again and just accept that I'm in my second childhood. bigsmile

My days as a scientist are over. :cry:

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 04/29/09 06:49 PM

I think I already figured out the answer on my own.

Regular Energy and Dark Energy would indeed be precisely the same concept. And one could indeed turn be converted into the other.

The reason we don't notice this showing up as a violation of energy conservation is simply because there is no way for them to interchange in large enough amounts on a local scale to be detectable.

So I didn't need to write anyone any letters after all.

Darn it! ohwell

And here I thought I was onto something really cool for a second. laugh

I'm getting old. My brain is starting to malfunction.

I need to go back to reading fairytales again and just accept that I'm in my second childhood. bigsmile

My days as a scientist are over. :cry:

I doubt it. I think as long as you keep asking questions you are still a scientist.

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 06:51 PM
Abra you must not have read the post I quoted, when I said not talking about in any physical sense I was referring to the wishy washy energy as everything new age speak that is being tossed around in this and other posts.

Being a 3rd year physics student I would hope I knew that energy was very much physical.

Anything that is measurable has some quantity of energy also conversely if something has energy it can be measured and will be conserved, I am intimately familiar with that facet of reality, some folks on this board do not seem to appreciate that, I know you and I are not among them.

So a bit of a wasted rant I am afraid.

Never the less, well done! drinker

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 06:56 PM
Edited by smiless on Wed 04/29/09 06:57 PM

I think I already figured out the answer on my own.

Regular Energy and Dark Energy would indeed be precisely the same concept. And one could indeed turn be converted into the other.

The reason we don't notice this showing up as a violation of energy conservation is simply because there is no way for them to interchange in large enough amounts on a local scale to be detectable.

So I didn't need to write anyone any letters after all.

Darn it! ohwell

And here I thought I was onto something really cool for a second. laugh

I'm getting old. My brain is starting to malfunction.

I need to go back to reading fairytales again and just accept that I'm in my second childhood. bigsmile

My days as a scientist are over. :cry:

What are you talking about at least you figured it out! I am at a total lost here with those kind of subjects. Truly pathetic on my part. grumble

Yet fairy tale stories or storytelling is my speciality. At least I would like to think solaugh Some talent that is rightgrumble

Your knowledge on mathematics and science is very high. Don't be afraid to share it with others. Trust me not everyone is studying this stuff. A few here and there maybe on these threads like Jeremy or Michael, but that pretty much tops it.

I will even settle for lesson 1laugh

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