Community > Posts By > Bushidobillyclub
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Sun 04/14/13 04:41 PM
its a mohawk,,, school is for learning not for fashion statements,,,, if its in the papers and the policies,, there is the choice to find another educational path It is a Typical excuse for ostracizing anyone different. |
basic wormholes found?
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Tue 03/12/13 04:30 PM
This is what the intersection between the two lines of magnetic force look like. It really doesn't have anything to do with wormholes. ![]() It appears to me that someone at has leaped to a conclusion that the NASA reports don't justify. different opinions... but since there really is no such thing as a wormhole, then this is as close as it gets, whatever name you wanna put on it... So in what way are they like the idea of worm holes as presented in the movie star gate of which was mentioned in the intro? It appears that the only reason they are called portals by the nasa group is the shape and how the geometry effects solar weather patterns. Perhaps someone who knows more about it may elaborate further. |
do you have an open mind
Hydrogen as a fuel is an excellent idea, however trying to produce hydrogen on demand is tricky.
If however instead of using hydrogen for combustion you can also use it to create current for use in electrical motors. Fuel cell. Honestly what has been presented sounds like word soup. Cant make heads or tales, he seems to be saying that hydrogen would be created, but then talks about expanding steam, then goes on to talk about electrochemical energy conversion such as used in fuel cells. Dono, sounds like someone having a go at playing at science without any of the long hard work to actually learn the basics. |
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Fri 03/01/13 05:56 AM
The problem with extending life is that you'll just be old longer. Who'd want that? The process would be what would need to be reversed. ie, if they succeed you would literally be "young" for as long as the method continued to work. |
do you have an open mind
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Fri 03/01/13 05:53 AM
If water will be substituted whats the waste product? The water fuel cell is a purported free energy device invented by American Stanley Allen Meyer (August 24, 1940 – March 21, 1998). He claimed that an automobile retrofitted with the device could use water as fuel instead of gasoline. The fuel cell purportedly split water into its component elements, hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen was then burned to generate energy, a process that reconstituted the water molecules. According to Meyer, the device required less energy to perform electrolysis than the minimum energy requirement predicted or measured by conventional science.[1] If the device worked as specified, it would violate both the first and second laws of thermodynamics,[1][2] allowing operation as a perpetual motion machine.[2] Meyer's claims about his "Water Fuel Cell" and the car that it powered were found to be fraudulent by an Ohio court in 1996.[1][3] Thats the problem, the claim is that it has no waste, that it is more than 100% efficient.
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Thu 02/28/13 10:23 AM
Lets assume that computer code really is in equations.
First what? Math? Because Math exists in computer code, and it would be trivial to say that Math exists inside of an equation . . . . Trivial, and stupid. Second, so we have computer code in an equation that proves nothing? If actual code vs math . . . all it means is literally someone wrote it there. It has no use or meaning in the equation, and cannot come out of an equation because of that. Third: Superstring "theory" is internally inconsistent and so proves NOTHING about reality. Nothing is proven by this "discovery". Sounds like a sound byte to get attention from those who are scientifically illiterate. |
As diverse are people are I wonder why we always feel it necessary to generalize what is best for all of a given group?
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Thu 02/28/13 09:40 AM
The devil is in the details. Some details may take 20 years themselves, and often as you answer questions you find new questions which need answers.
I certainly wouldn't hold my breath, but I do believe it is just a matter of time. I don't want to live forever. Sorry, butI just don't see how we can really put a stop to natural physical decline. Well then you should take some time and learn about the science involved.
Chemistry Nobel Prize
Amazing discovery that will lead to amazing new technologies.
Female Supremacy...
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Wed 02/27/13 06:42 AM
I read nothing on this topic that says man hating. Someone merely asked a question; nothing to do with man hating. Neither is white supremacy. German supremacy. Naaaa. . . . . ![]() Here is what she wrote. "Are there any fans of misandry and the idea of female supremacy around here?" None of the women agreed with the ideal of female supremacy so therefore there was no man hating. If all the ladies agreed with it; then there would be man hating. Now, do you understand what I was saying? ![]() The topic is quite large, I linked a youtube channel that deals with the topic, and hate and discrimination are indeed a common trait. I agree I did not see anyone saying anything hateful in this thread. Might want to take some time and think about your word usage and how it might be understood before using the rolling eyes emoticon. The thread is about a topic. A topic is a subject of discussion or conversation which is what the thread is about. You are splitting hairs. ![]() ![]() ![]() This is a serious topic, and the idea of misandry is not often discussed, I have made no claims about anyone's beliefs in this thread. So if for some odd reason you felt it was needed to point out that you do not share, or others in the thread do not share the belief that women are superior and that hating men is justified then good! |
My thoughts are that individuals are just too diverse to generalize by gender.
now this is awsome
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Wed 02/27/13 06:26 AM
It shows how many of us value honesty most especially in the face of adversity.
If only we could harness this, and make it work to change the culture of dishonesty that has risen up in the media, politics, business and government. "What I actually feel like is, 'what has the world come to when a person who returns something that doesn't belong to him and all this happens?' It is because we all know how far we have fallen into a culture of half truths, sound bytes, and outright lies where he who plays the game best wins, not he who plays fairly.
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Wed 02/27/13 06:19 AM
I could not be more anti truther, as in 911 and all that crap about an inside job. My standards of evidence are very high. My understanding of science is functional, and professional. My attitude towards those that ignore such rigorous standards is mostly dismissive. I agree with Charlie's principles in regards to freedom and liberty. I understand how easy it is to demonize someone for what they have done and then ignore anything good in their message. i don't demonize charlie for what he's done, i demonize him for embracing it and letting it ruin his life... Demons are not human, and when we dehumanize someone it then becomes easy to disregard them as a human and all that entails. Perhaps you can disagree, even rather strongly, with some of his choices without judging him as a whole. Something my mother taught me that will be with me forever is that poeple are more than one thing. She said, "Jeremy, your father is an *******, but he is not just an *******", then she urged me to go see him and said, "he also loves you, and is a good man in many ways". I try to apply this to everyone, most especially those I disagree with. wowwwwww....but yet you follow me from forum to forum trying to demonize me by calling me a "Troll" and telling your minions not to post to me just because we disagree .... but anyway now that you told that touching story about what your Mother suggested about your Father..let's see what you learn from dear old mom by giving me an apology... ok place your bets here people will Bushidobillyclub give an apology ..or can we say hypocrite? ... My minions? Lol, you are also delusional as well. Hey, but you know what!? You can be a troll, you can be wrong, and you can still be other things as well. Maybe, perhaps even often, you think about others more than your own narrow views, that would also make you considerate, even if only briefly. I can disagree with Charlie Sheen on his behavior, and agree with him on his principles (that is if he really holds them and it is not lip service) Just like I can agree with you on the (lack of) existence of god, and disagree with you on your arguments on why a lack of belief is appropriate. Also why I can disagree with you on what the definition of words such as "Gnostic , or theist, or know, or believe", yet still arrive at the same conclusion. It is because I do not judge you as a whole based on a single thing I disagree with you on. In fact your a troll in part because you seem unable or unwilling to do the same. However if tomorrow you stopped being so obnoxious and took the time to really consider what others mean instead of trying to pidgin hole everything said (also took the time to read what is presented and acknowledge when you are factually wrong) . . . well then Id stop calling you a troll, and might spend more time responding to you. Thanks, |
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Fri 02/22/13 11:54 AM
It just seems like those making jokes about this as shown in the OP are acting as if guns will prevent all rapes. So to me, this thread was really just about the baggage that goes along with the two groups fighting it out about gun control, and woman's rights, and memes/troupes regarding the characterization of those who are strongly associated with one side or the other. |
I could not be more anti truther, as in 911 and all that crap about an inside job. My standards of evidence are very high. My understanding of science is functional, and professional. My attitude towards those that ignore such rigorous standards is mostly dismissive. I agree with Charlie's principles in regards to freedom and liberty. I understand how easy it is to demonize someone for what they have done and then ignore anything good in their message. i don't demonize charlie for what he's done, i demonize him for embracing it and letting it ruin his life... Demons are not human, and when we dehumanize someone it then becomes easy to disregard them as a human and all that entails. Perhaps you can disagree, even rather strongly, with some of his choices without judging him as a whole. Something my mother taught me that will be with me forever is that poeple are more than one thing. She said, "Jeremy, your father is an *******, but he is not just an *******", then she urged me to go see him and said, "he also loves you, and is a good man in many ways". I try to apply this to everyone, most especially those I disagree with. |
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Fri 02/22/13 10:45 AM
I do have some questions for those who think guns will prevent all rapes Earlier in the thread you were a bit upset that someone was arguing against a position you do not hold.
I am now curious who has said that, "guns will prevent all rapes"? I believe the unstated sentiment (that I share and is put forth by the likes of the NRA) is that having a gun offers options one would not have for a lack of one, and those options can prevent all kinds of violent assaults of which rape is one. |
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Fri 02/22/13 08:29 AM
I could not be more anti truther, as in 911 and all that crap about an inside job.
My standards of evidence are very high. My understanding of science is functional, and professional. My attitude towards those that ignore such rigorous standards is mostly dismissive. I agree with Charlie's principles in regards to freedom and liberty. I understand how easy it is to demonize someone for what they have done and then ignore anything good in their message. |
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Fri 02/22/13 08:25 AM
Each person should have the freedom to decide for themselves how best to protect themselves, after all they are the only person responsible for doing so, and thus should not need to consult others on how best to do so. That in no way limits that persons liability in whatever ways they choose to defend themselves.
Me? All violent attacks are considered equally, I do not advise anyone wanting to develop defensive strategies to necessarily develop a different strategy for every kind of attack. The tools and the strategies are not mutually exclusive, but also do not perfectly overlap either. |
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Mon 02/18/13 01:17 PM
Very disturbing.
Having objective criteria for secure classifications seems to be unpopular. |
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Mon 02/18/13 07:59 AM
bombing Libya WAS a UN Decision,,,,,, Since when do we do what the UN tells us?
Since when does someone asking you to do something absolve you of the responsibility and consequence of action? bombing Libya WAS a UN Decision No it wasn't...A "no fly zone" is NOT permission to bomb cities. As far as I'm concerned, the NATO countries are guilty of an unlawful war of aggression and crimes against humanity! (So what else is new?) it wasnt just a no fly zone it was a security resolution which included protecting the people,,,, These security resolutions have no more weight of law without congressional approval than any other military action. No treaties were being fulfilled, and the US was in no danger that would justify an executive override to the war powers act. |