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Topic: You Get What you Are.....More on Law of Attraction
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Tue 04/28/09 09:56 AM
Looking up the definition for SOLIPSISMgrumble

laugh drinker

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Tue 04/28/09 09:58 AM
Almost looks like Abra and Jeannie have a relationship going on in here. Like they have been married for 20 yearslaugh laugh

pass the mashed potatoes pleasegrumble

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:02 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 04/28/09 10:03 AM
I can see where you are not understanding the law of attraction James.

You think I am saying that you can use your will to reach out and control other people's reality or a large group. YOU CANNOT DO THIS.

Read at least, the post on the proper use of the will.

You are responsible for your reality and your experiences and you think I am saying that you should take responsibility for EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE.


So until you actually make an effort to read and educate yourself about what I am talking about it is useless for me to respond to your silly arguments. You do not know what you are talking about.

That is why they call it "The Secret." Because some people just cannot grasp it or see it or believe it or understand it. Or even bring themselves to the point where they will even attempt to.

I am attempting to put the power into your hands and you don't want it.

So be it. So it is.


earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:03 AM
Certainly If I tell myself I CAN shoot the basketball and make it, I am more likey more steady handed, but there is wind involved. LOTS OF WIND. I dont control the wind. I dont control the hot guy I attracted who wants to beat me at the game.. (hey this is MY fantasy).. I dont control the grain of the ground I am standing on... I just say too many variables to just put that much faith in only my ability to ATTRACT. The God theory? same difference, if "God is in control, its still relying apon something other than yourself to gain. Hard work will get me rich... MAYBE.. Im good with that.

Yes confidence is important, but Id prefer to not put so much confidence into an individual as imperfect as I, a sure way to LOSE a more steady handed confidence, believing we are the center of the universe.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:05 AM

Almost looks like Abra and Jeannie have a relationship going on in here. Like they have been married for 20 yearslaugh laugh

pass the mashed potatoes pleasegrumble

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:06 AM

Certainly If I tell myself I CAN shoot the basketball and make it, I am more likey more steady handed, but there is wind involved. LOTS OF WIND. I dont control the wind. I dont control the hot guy I attracted who wants to beat me at the game.. (hey this is MY fantasy).. I dont control the grain of the ground I am standing on... I just say too many variables to just put that much faith in only my ability to ATTRACT. The God theory? same difference, if "God is in control, its still relying apon something other than yourself to gain. Hard work will get me rich... MAYBE.. Im good with that.

Yes confidence is important, but Id prefer to not put so much confidence into an individual as imperfect as I, a sure way to LOSE a more steady handed confidence, believing we are the center of the universe.
bigsmile That's very wise of youbigsmile

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:07 AM
I appreciate that.. thanks. U know I thought u were a woman all night last night because of your display pic. I finally looked. lol

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:10 AM

Certainly If I tell myself I CAN shoot the basketball and make it, I am more likey more steady handed, but there is wind involved. LOTS OF WIND. I dont control the wind. I dont control the hot guy I attracted who wants to beat me at the game.. (hey this is MY fantasy).. I dont control the grain of the ground I am standing on... I just say too many variables to just put that much faith in only my ability to ATTRACT. The God theory? same difference, if "God is in control, its still relying apon something other than yourself to gain. Hard work will get me rich... MAYBE.. Im good with that.

Yes confidence is important, but Id prefer to not put so much confidence into an individual as imperfect as I, a sure way to LOSE a more steady handed confidence, believing we are the center of the universe.

If you believe that hard work will get you rich then you will have to work hard to get rich.

Yet some people get rich without working hard at all. They do so because they believe they can, and they just do it.

If you take two people trying to accomplish something, and one believes he can and is willing to take the necessary action to accomplish it, and the other has doubts and yet still takes the necessary action (tries) to accomplish it, the one who believed and visualize he could, will succeed while the one who did not believe will not succeed.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:14 AM

I appreciate that.. thanks. U know I thought u were a woman all night last night because of your display pic. I finally looked. lol
:tongue: I thought that too until I checked:tongue:

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:15 AM
Yeahhhh... noone here ever believed in themselves or anything... none of us in our years ever put faith, value, interest, or understanding into trying to achieve.. CHILDREN do this naturally.. and the world doesnt look like dollar signs to me YET.Actually.. no land of lollipops either. U rich yet? If I didnt believe I was aboe this Id feel insulted.. but I just am enlaugh tertained now by where this is going.

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:19 AM
So how do you believe?

You intend.

When you intend to accomplish a thing or have a thing, you do not allow for failure, and you do not consider giving up or stopping until you have achieved the thing you want.

I want a glass of iced tea. I intend to have one. I don't just sit there wishing for it and expect it to come to me, then whine because the law of attraction is not working for me.

I get up and go into the kitchen and look for the tea and a glass. Lets say there is no tea made. I make it. There is no tea bags, I go get some tea bags. There is no ice. I go get some ice.

I do not give up until I get what I want. That is intention.

Waiting for someone to bring it, make it etc. is wishful thinking.

Someone might bring it to you and that is great. But if they don't, you do not accept failure. Your intention does not accept failure.

When you give up, you fail. When you give up, you change your intention or you did not have intention to begin with.

Confidence is intention. You know what you intend to do or have and you are confident because you do not accept the possibility of failure.

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:24 AM

Yeahhhh... noone here ever believed in themselves or anything... none of us in our years ever put faith, value, interest, or understanding into trying to achieve.. CHILDREN do this naturally.. and the world doesnt look like dollar signs to me YET.Actually.. no land of lollipops either. U rich yet? If I didnt believe I was aboe this Id feel insulted.. but I just am enlaugh tertained now by where this is going.

I am not sure if you are talking to me.

I am not implying that no one here ever believed in themselves or any such thing. If you have everything you want and if you believe in yourself completely, then you do not need any of this information.

Yes Children do it naturally. They go for what they want without hesitation.

I'm not rich yet but intend to be. I'm still working on mastering the technique and working on changing my beliefs about money. I have increased my income a lot. I don't have a job, I work for myself.

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:25 AM
by the way the L.A. Lakers won if anyone cares..laugh

and who wants US dollars anyway? I am all for the Euro dollar nowlaugh

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:27 AM
It is not that we don't fail at things.

We learn from our failures.
But when you give up, that is the only true failure.

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:28 AM
Never give up!! So truedrinker

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:28 AM

by the way the L.A. Lakers won if anyone cares..laugh

and who wants US dollars anyway? I am all for the Euro dollar nowlaugh

Damn, that is a miracle. They must be practicing the creative techniques.... or someone drugged the other team. laugh laugh

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:31 AM
in⋅ten⋅sion   /ɪnˈtɛnʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [in-ten-shuhn] Show IPA
–noun 1. intensification; increase in degree.
2. intensity; high degree.
3. relative intensity; degree.
4. exertion of the mind; determination.
5. Logic. (of a term) the set of attributes belonging to all and only those things to which the given term is correctly applied; connotation; comprehension. Compare extension (def. 12).

ACTION... its not only intention.

You seem to just be trying to confuse, and dodge a higher power. You dont answer important questions that would help others understand how you support your belief, I dont even think YOU know what your talking about frankly.

Where are all these people you seem to be thinking you need to "spread the word" to? Are they homeless? mentally ill? Who are these lazy people with no problem solving ability? I thrive happily without all this garbage, so do most. You describe others as tring to will without work, but then you say it requires effort, but no work, but you just attracccttt...

The story HAS changed 1000 times. NOT MANY get you, and if they do, its all contrdictory, so who cares? Much ado about NOTHING. Its like you just like to hear yourself talk. I admire your willingness to maybe want to help another, but this stuff just sounds downrigtht dangerous. NO THANK YOU!!!

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:41 AM
Oh and of course none of us have acceptance if things dont go our way. My effort was inattempt to help u understand your reading something rediculous, but I totally now see your bent. Im putting my "intensions" energy, belief, effort, willingness work, and faith, in something else. I prefer to not leave it in attraction

at⋅trac⋅tion   /əˈtrækʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uh-trak-shuhn] Show IPA
–noun 1. the act, power, or property of attracting.
2. attractive quality; magnetic charm; fascination; allurement; enticement: the subtle attraction of her strange personality.
3. a person or thing that draws, attracts, allures, or entices: The main attraction was the after-dinner speaker.
4. a characteristic or quality that provides pleasure; attractive feature: The chief attractions of the evening were the good drinks and witty conversation.
5. Physics. the electric or magnetic force that acts between oppositely charged bodies, tending to draw them together.
6. an entertainment offered to the public.

Who said this was a non subject? Genius.


MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:44 AM
surprised wowbiggrin

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 10:46 AM
Why so much anger?

Every single individual on this Earth has a different belief system that works for them individuality. If it is a religion, or spiritual lifestyle, or a philosophy that people agree on, or a common goal at the end.

If the laws of attraction works for jeannie then so be it. She sees it to be rewarding and helpful and shares her approach on the philosophy.

What your method is maybe utterly ridiculous for another and the list goes on.

In the end what matters is you can feel good with what you believe in each day.

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