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Topic: You can't enter if you aren't...
yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/22/09 01:57 PM
it would be like me saying all men do this or that when that isn't true...no one knows all of any catagory

race, politics, gender, religion, sexual preference, financial status etc

Lynann's photo
Wed 04/22/09 01:57 PM
Edited by Lynann on Wed 04/22/09 01:58 PM

Why does it always have to be "either you are with me or you are against me". Is that only a Christian philosophy or is a human flaw?

Why do Christians take the pointing out of the imbalance of power they have been allowed in this country as an attack on them personally?

Can't they step back for a moment and see that people are not telling them they cannot be Christian, people are telling them to stop publically stepping on toes in the name of that said religion.

Christians are not the morality of this country, though they have been led to believe they were, Christians are not the guard to the cookie jar of decadent behavior, they participate in it themselves, Christians are not the rock of decency that holds this country to a certain standard but believe they are, being christian does not make you a better citizen in this country, etc....

Me saying that is not one iota of an attack on a Christian at any level and if you saw it that way, you would be part of the problem here.

Excellent Dragoness!!!

Dragoness's photo
Wed 04/22/09 02:01 PM

Why does it always have to be "either you are with me or you are against me". Is that only a Christian philosophy or is a human flaw?

Why do Christians take the pointing out of the imbalance of power they have been allowed in this country as an attack on them personally?

Can't they step back for a moment and see that people are not telling them they cannot be Christian, people are telling them to stop publically stepping on toes in the name of that said religion.

Christians are not the morality of this country, though they have been led to believe they were, Christians are not the guard to the cookie jar of decadent behavior, they participate in it themselves, Christians are not the rock of decency that holds this country to a certain standard but believe they are, being christian does not make you a better citizen in this country, etc....

Me saying that is not one iota of an attack on a Christian at any level and if you saw it that way, you would be part of the problem here.

Excellent Dragoness!!!


DaveyB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:10 PM

But now you are generalizing about religions being good or bad, we are specifically talking about christianity because it Is the most vocal.

See now this is the same type of mistake the Fanta keeps making when he refers to GLBT as it if were one cohesive group. There are Christian sects that have no problem. If you were reading my posts you may recall I mentioned one church here that was very vocally against prop 8. The US sect Episcopal church is very gay friendly.

I can't remember the last time I heard another religion so vocal on one specific topic. I agree there are many that think about gay marriage as you do, I am grateful for that, but you do realize you are in the minority on that right?

You hear it because they are the most vocal not because they have such overwhelming numbers. Granted the majority have their issues particular where marriage is concerned but it is not nearly as omnipresent as you seem to think.

DaveyB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:16 PM

I think it's painfully obvious there are certain members here who hate Chrisitans more than they hate anything else on this earth.It's not like we can't read between the lines here people. slaphead

I've seen only one person with a true hatred toward Christians in generally. I have a problem with much of the hypocracy of some sects and religious leaders. But not the faith its self.

Also flip flopping on your beliefs just because it may make you look like racist only worsens your cause.I respect people alot more when they can give a constant answer they trully belive in instead of yaking a bunch of filler to please the masses.

Not sure if you're directing this at me or the couple others here who are calling the BS from both sides of the table. Or if you're seeing something I haven't really seen. I'd appreciate clarification.

DaveyB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:18 PM

Why does it always have to be "either you are with me or you are against me". Is that only a Christian philosophy or is a human flaw?

Why do Christians take the pointing out of the imbalance of power they have been allowed in this country as an attack on them personally?

Can't they step back for a moment and see that people are not telling them they cannot be Christian, people are telling them to stop publically stepping on toes in the name of that said religion.

Christians are not the morality of this country, though they have been led to believe they were, Christians are not the guard to the cookie jar of decadent behavior, they participate in it themselves, Christians are not the rock of decency that holds this country to a certain standard but believe they are, being christian does not make you a better citizen in this country, etc....

Me saying that is not one iota of an attack on a Christian at any level and if you saw it that way, you would be part of the problem here.

And why do you keep saying this as if it were every Christian on the planet?

Lynann's photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:37 PM
I often use the phrase "so called Christians" when referring to that judgmental group of people who often loudly proclaim their religious positions and who seek to impose their religous standards on all the rest of it.

I think, in terms of the posts here, when "Christians" is used most adults reading these posts understands the group to whom the poster is referring. It would simple take to long to name individuals or organizations in each post unless that post is specifically geared towards say...Jerry Falwell or some other specific entity. To whine and say "And why do you keep saying this as if it were every Christian on the planet?" is childish, simplistic and basically an attempt to redirect the conversation.

no photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:37 PM

But now you are generalizing about religions being good or bad, we are specifically talking about christianity because it Is the most vocal.

See now this is the same type of mistake the Fanta keeps making when he refers to GLBT as it if were one cohesive group. There are Christian sects that have no problem. If you were reading my posts you may recall I mentioned one church here that was very vocally against prop 8. The US sect Episcopal church is very gay friendly.

I know that, I said christianity because it was what me an Rose were talking about. I already know that not all groups with in christianity are against gays. Quit picking on me Davey! drinks

I can't remember the last time I heard another religion so vocal on one specific topic. I agree there are many that think about gay marriage as you do, I am grateful for that, but you do realize you are in the minority on that right?

You hear it because they are the most vocal not because they have such overwhelming numbers. Granted the majority have their issues particular where marriage is concerned but it is not nearly as omnipresent as you seem to think.

I would love to believe that Davey, but actually when I watch religious tv and the news and the groups on the internet soliciting for members in huge numbers it is overwhelming to me. The church seems to want the public to believe they are in huge numbers, i tend to think they are right... who knows, I don't.

davidben1's photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:51 PM

davidben...i have called myself that for clarification purposes...and that is what i am. i have no problem calling myself that

boo...can you explain what you meant about this??? i'm not sure i understood you

'If you don't believe' makes those places christian organizations?

one would not call oneself something is had a problem with would it???

why else would one call oneself something, except to calrify itself???

all you have told me was already know, as such is redily deducted by the very us of a "label" to begin with???

so what have you told me???

no one said one should have a problem calling yourself anything you wish???

a question was posted, in regards to what create the 'they' you keep referencing other's are speaking with???

the question being simply a possible reason why this "they" is created within human reasoning and perception???

to this point, you have made neither mention nor response???


how do you not just defend yourself using such label, when there was none needed at all???

your repsonse is as nothingness since it was already clear for the entire universe to already know what you wrote???

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:11 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 04/22/09 04:14 PM
Due to popular demand I feel a need to address something!

The GLBT is an organization with members. They even have a historical web-site.

When one, such as myself, talks about them they are not talking about every gay, lesbian, Bi-homosexual, or Transgender.
They, me included are talking about an organization.

IMO, an unethical organization whose methods for advancing the rights of G, L, B,& Ts has no boundaries or restraints.
They will do anything no matter how reckless their methods are, or who, or what they hurt or destroy along the way.

If, as a G, L, B, or T, you feel as though a debate about there lack of ethics is off limits or refers to all G, B, L, and T's then you are sadly mistaken.
I am sure that not all G, B, L, and T's approve of such unethical and reckless methods they employ and as such would never think of joining or supporting such methods!

If you are not a member then the debate about them should not concern your sensitivities.

If you are a member I might suggest you rethink your membership and quit them, or become an active, non-complacent member and work to correct their Unethical and reckless methods.

If you are a local group I might suggest you invent a new name and drop the association with the GLBT!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:15 PM

Due to popular demand I feel a need to address something!

The GLBT is an organization with members. They even have a historical web-site.

When one, such as myself, talks about them they are not talking about every gay, lesbian, Bi-homosexual, or Transgender.
They, me included are talking about an organization.

IMO, an unethical organization whose methods for advancing the rights of G, L, B,& Ts has no boundaries or restraints.
They will do anything no matter how reckless their methods are, or who, or what they hurt or destroy along the way.

If, as a G, L, B, or T, you feel as though a debate about there lack of ethics is off limits or refers to all G, B, L, and T's then you are sadly mistaken.
I am sure that not all G, B, L, and T's approve of such unethical and reckless methods they employ and as such would never think of joining or supporting such methods!

If you are not a member then the debate about them should not concern your sensitivities.

If you are a member I might suggest you rethink your membership and quit them, or become an active, non-complacent member and work to correct their Unethical and reckless methods.

If you are a local group I might suggest you invent a new name and drop the association with the GLBT!

drinker drinker drinker drinker

Dragoness's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:19 PM

Due to popular demand I feel a need to address something!

The GLBT is an organization with members. They even have a historical web-site.

When one, such as myself, talks about them they are not talking about every gay, lesbian, Bi-homosexual, or Transgender.
They, me included are talking about an organization.

IMO, an unethical organization whose methods for advancing the rights of G, L, B,& Ts has no boundaries or restraints.
They will do anything no matter how reckless their methods are, or who, or what they hurt or destroy along the way.

If, as a G, L, B, or T, you feel as though a debate about there lack of ethics is off limits or refers to all G, B, L, and T's then you are sadly mistaken.
I am sure that not all G, B, L, and T's approve of such unethical and reckless methods they employ and as such would never think of joining or supporting such methods!

If you are not a member then the debate about them should not concern your sensitivities.

If you are a member I might suggest you rethink your membership and quit them, or become an active, non-complacent member and work to correct their Unethical and reckless methods.

If you are a local group I might suggest you invent a new name and drop the association with the GLBT!

When fighting oppression and discrimination, how can any form of battle be unethical?

This is dangerous ground because it makes the legimate battle less valid.

To say a few people in this world can be unethical is about as far as this statement can go without far reaching further oppression of the oppressed.

To deny rights to a person because of their race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, etc... is oppression.
It is a vital and unforgivable action committed in this country throughout it's history and to this day.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:23 PM

Due to popular demand I feel a need to address something!

The GLBT is an organization with members. They even have a historical web-site.

When one, such as myself, talks about them they are not talking about every gay, lesbian, Bi-homosexual, or Transgender.
They, me included are talking about an organization.

IMO, an unethical organization whose methods for advancing the rights of G, L, B,& Ts has no boundaries or restraints.
They will do anything no matter how reckless their methods are, or who, or what they hurt or destroy along the way.

If, as a G, L, B, or T, you feel as though a debate about there lack of ethics is off limits or refers to all G, B, L, and T's then you are sadly mistaken.
I am sure that not all G, B, L, and T's approve of such unethical and reckless methods they employ and as such would never think of joining or supporting such methods!

If you are not a member then the debate about them should not concern your sensitivities.

If you are a member I might suggest you rethink your membership and quit them, or become an active, non-complacent member and work to correct their Unethical and reckless methods.

If you are a local group I might suggest you invent a new name and drop the association with the GLBT!

When fighting oppression and discrimination, how can any form of battle be unethical?

This is dangerous ground because it makes the legimate battle less valid.

To say a few people in this world can be unethical is about as far as this statement can go without far reaching further oppression of the oppressed.

To deny rights to a person because of their race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, etc... is oppression.
It is a vital and unforgivable action committed in this country throughout it's history and to this day.

Two wrongs can never make a right!

If you agree with their unethical, reckless, and controversial style then how can you justify your remarks against Bush or Cheney?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:30 PM
Being Bi-sexual is a choice.

Being transsexual is also a choice.

Until science and fact can prove otherwise,
Being gay is a choice!

Being of a different race is not a choice.

How about the comparisons between the struggles of people because of race, and being gay cease.

There is no comparison!

Dragoness's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:33 PM

Due to popular demand I feel a need to address something!

The GLBT is an organization with members. They even have a historical web-site.

When one, such as myself, talks about them they are not talking about every gay, lesbian, Bi-homosexual, or Transgender.
They, me included are talking about an organization.

IMO, an unethical organization whose methods for advancing the rights of G, L, B,& Ts has no boundaries or restraints.
They will do anything no matter how reckless their methods are, or who, or what they hurt or destroy along the way.

If, as a G, L, B, or T, you feel as though a debate about there lack of ethics is off limits or refers to all G, B, L, and T's then you are sadly mistaken.
I am sure that not all G, B, L, and T's approve of such unethical and reckless methods they employ and as such would never think of joining or supporting such methods!

If you are not a member then the debate about them should not concern your sensitivities.

If you are a member I might suggest you rethink your membership and quit them, or become an active, non-complacent member and work to correct their Unethical and reckless methods.

If you are a local group I might suggest you invent a new name and drop the association with the GLBT!

When fighting oppression and discrimination, how can any form of battle be unethical?

This is dangerous ground because it makes the legimate battle less valid.

To say a few people in this world can be unethical is about as far as this statement can go without far reaching further oppression of the oppressed.

To deny rights to a person because of their race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, etc... is oppression.
It is a vital and unforgivable action committed in this country throughout it's history and to this day.

Two wrongs can never make a right!

If you agree with their unethical, reckless, and controversial style then how can you justify your remarks against Bush or Cheney?

You mean the great dictators of "ethics"?noway

I am not sure what analogy you are using here.

Bush and Cheney denied Iraqis their rights by invading their country? True but not comparable here.

What is the greatest thing you hear from prejudice people about the people they discriminate against and oppress when given the chance?

It is their own fault and they are lying and they are not playing fair. It is a method to discount the real battle.

Ethics in this situation have to be highly examined. If you were fighting for your right to marry who you wanted to marry, to what degree would you go? It is your right, right? Ethically what would be out of the realm of ethical with this sort of battle?

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:35 PM

Due to popular demand I feel a need to address something!

The GLBT is an organization with members. They even have a historical web-site.

When one, such as myself, talks about them they are not talking about every gay, lesbian, Bi-homosexual, or Transgender.
They, me included are talking about an organization.

IMO, an unethical organization whose methods for advancing the rights of G, L, B,& Ts has no boundaries or restraints.
They will do anything no matter how reckless their methods are, or who, or what they hurt or destroy along the way.

If, as a G, L, B, or T, you feel as though a debate about there lack of ethics is off limits or refers to all G, B, L, and T's then you are sadly mistaken.
I am sure that not all G, B, L, and T's approve of such unethical and reckless methods they employ and as such would never think of joining or supporting such methods!

If you are not a member then the debate about them should not concern your sensitivities.

If you are a member I might suggest you rethink your membership and quit them, or become an active, non-complacent member and work to correct their Unethical and reckless methods.

If you are a local group I might suggest you invent a new name and drop the association with the GLBT!

When fighting oppression and discrimination, how can any form of battle be unethical?

This is dangerous ground because it makes the legimate battle less valid.

To say a few people in this world can be unethical is about as far as this statement can go without far reaching further oppression of the oppressed.

To deny rights to a person because of their race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, etc... is oppression.
It is a vital and unforgivable action committed in this country throughout it's history and to this day.

Two wrongs can never make a right!

If you agree with their unethical, reckless, and controversial style then how can you justify your remarks against Bush or Cheney?

well said...drinks

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:38 PM
maybe I am the only one that sees the hypocrisy???? ohwell

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:40 PM

Being Bi-sexual is a choice.

Being transsexual is also a choice.

Until science and fact can prove otherwise,
Being gay is a choice!

Being of a different race is not a choice.

How about the comparisons between the struggles of people because of race, and being gay cease.

There is no comparison!

While i completely agree that acting on desires, etc. is a choice.

There is scientific evidence that straight and gay people are physiologically different.

For instance, Gay men give off different pheromones than straight men. This is true for women as well.

They have also discovered different brain wave patterns in transexuals, gay people and straight people.

Not sure if you knew that or not. But i found these discoveries to be quite interesting...

Sorry i know this was offtopic .

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:41 PM

maybe I am the only one that sees the hypocrisy???? ohwell

Whose hipocracy? Sorry i showed up kinda late.....

InvictusV's photo
Wed 04/22/09 04:45 PM
let's have a referendum vote in every state, and put this all to an end one way or the other. I keep reading what is right and what is wrong, but the numbers don't add up. 30% support gay marriage. That means 70% doesn't. Have the vote.

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