Topic: Secession....view points please...
yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/18/09 11:22 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Sat 04/18/09 11:41 PM
There's a yellow rose of Texas
That I am going to see
No other soldier knows her
No soldier, only me.
She cried so when I left her
It like to broke my heart
And if I ever find her
We never more will part.

She's the sweetest rose of color
This soldier ever knew
Her eyes are bright as diamonds
They sparkle like the dew.
You may talk about your dearest May
And sing of Rosa Lee
But the Yellow Rose of Texas
Beats the belles of Tennessee.

Oh, my heart is feeling weary
And my head is hanging low
I'm goin' back to Georgy
To find my Uncle Joe.
You may talk about your Beauregard
And sing of Bobby Lee
But the Gallant Hood of Texas
He raised Hell in Tennessee.

DaveyB's photo
Sat 04/18/09 11:27 PM

A few might commit treason, but they would not be a factor. They would be aressted and disciplined first by their units and by the US Army!
History shows there would be no problem.

There is nothing in our history to compare it what's happening. People, including service men, are becoming more and more disgruntled with the fed gov trampling the constitution. It's showing in our armed services even now.

Oh yes there is!
The civil war. Only on a far larger scale!

How many Fed troops were willing to commit treason during the Civil War?
Entire units, not a few individuals?

Already responded to this but I'll do it again. We are talking far larger numbers now than we were back then. Add to that our rights were not being trampled into the ground like they are now. While I'll admit some similarities it just doesn't really address they way people feel now. You need to listen to some interviews with service men. Their attitudes are far different than they were even just 10 or 20 years ago let along going all the way back to the civil war. And I'll make note that all that didn't stop the civil war from happening did it?

Fanta46's photo
Sat 04/18/09 11:30 PM

A few might commit treason, but they would not be a factor. They would be aressted and disciplined first by their units and by the US Army!
History shows there would be no problem.

There is nothing in our history to compare it what's happening. People, including service men, are becoming more and more disgruntled with the fed gov trampling the constitution. It's showing in our armed services even now.

Oh yes there is!
The civil war. Only on a far larger scale!

How many Fed troops were willing to commit treason during the Civil War?
Entire units, not a few individuals?

Already responded to this but I'll do it again. We are talking far larger numbers now than we were back then. Add to that our rights were not being trampled into the ground like they are now. While I'll admit some similarities it just doesn't really address they way people feel now. You need to listen to some interviews with service men. Their attitudes are far different than they were even just 10 or 20 years ago let along going all the way back to the civil war. And I'll make note that all that didn't stop the civil war from happening did it?

11 States tried to secede from the Union during the 1860's, including Texas.
There is only a few posters from one state suggesting it today!


no photo
Sat 04/18/09 11:30 PM

I have been to your great country smiles.
2 and a half years!

Obviously you did not read the article I linked.

Obviously you did not get the memo of the German economy's retreat on the world stage.
Just a few years ago they had the worlds third largest economy. Now they are ranked 5th!

Yes I am quiet aware of German's retreat on the world stage a big dissappointment for the Prime Minister and perhaps even Obama's expectations.

I think it might be a wise call for Germany. We shall see in the end.

I must also add for a country so small that 5th place is really great compared to the countries before it that have much larger land masses and population then itself, except for Japan of course.

So in the end with its problems, I am sure they will get out of the recession by 2010.

Yet no one can predict the future and I hope that every country will see better times.

I personally as of all my family and neighbors in Germany have not experienced any hardships thus far. So we are lucky.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 04/18/09 11:32 PM

I have been to your great country smiles.
2 and a half years!

Obviously you did not read the article I linked.

Obviously you did not get the memo of the German economy's retreat on the world stage.
Just a few years ago they had the worlds third largest economy. Now they are ranked 5th!

Yes I am quiet aware of German's retreat on the world stage a big dissappointment for the Prime Minister and perhaps even Obama's expectations.

I think it might be a wise call for Germany. We shall see in the end.

I must also add for a country so small that 5th place is really great compared to the countries before it that have much larger land masses and population then itself, except for Japan of course.

So in the end with its problems, I am sure they will get out of the recession by 2010.

Yet no one can predict the future and I hope that every country will see better times.

I personally as of all my family and neighbors in Germany have not experienced any hardships thus far. So we are lucky.

I hope so too! As well as the US!

I enjoyed my time in Germany!drinker

Fanta46's photo
Sat 04/18/09 11:36 PM
Im proud of my part in helping to reunite the two halves of Germany!

I think they are now, united, comparable in land area to that of Texas!

I'll check!

DaveyB's photo
Sat 04/18/09 11:43 PM
Edited by DaveyB on Sat 04/18/09 11:44 PM

A few might commit treason, but they would not be a factor. They would be aressted and disciplined first by their units and by the US Army!
History shows there would be no problem.

There is nothing in our history to compare it what's happening. People, including service men, are becoming more and more disgruntled with the fed gov trampling the constitution. It's showing in our armed services even now.

Oh yes there is!
The civil war. Only on a far larger scale!

How many Fed troops were willing to commit treason during the Civil War?
Entire units, not a few individuals?

Already responded to this but I'll do it again. We are talking far larger numbers now than we were back then. Add to that our rights were not being trampled into the ground like they are now. While I'll admit some similarities it just doesn't really address they way people feel now. You need to listen to some interviews with service men. Their attitudes are far different than they were even just 10 or 20 years ago let along going all the way back to the civil war. And I'll make note that all that didn't stop the civil war from happening did it?

11 States tried to secede from the Union during the 1860's, including Texas.
There is only a few posters from one state suggesting it today!


Come on now how many times do I have to say "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN TOMORROW"! Ignoring the crucial parts of my argument won't make you any more right. And despite your claims here there is a LOT of talk about it, support is not there YET but there's plenty of talk and questions. There are entire organizations pushing the issue. They don't have the strength or the numbers to do anything TODAY but IF things continue those numbers will increase. I'm just hoping it's after I'm dead and gone. All I'm saying is that is the direction we are heading and if people continue with arguments like yours turning a blind eye to the facts in front of them, then it's where we will end up. As to 11 states, that may be a pittance in the end. I think we're looking at at least the entire south west once it gets going. It may start with Tx but it won't stop there.

no photo
Sat 04/18/09 11:51 PM
Yes Germany is in great shape in such a short period time after the war, but the European Unification had given it some hardship and still is.

Many of the Germans were against it for at the time Germany was doing so well on its own. When they did become a member of the Europian Union the country primarily had to lift the weaker economic european countries by lending lots of money. It also had the additional burden of reconstructing East Germany. Although it is in alot better shape now, it still has its highest unemployment rate in that area. It just seems like East Germans don't want to work and love the welfare system the country provides. A big problem Germany is still tackling today.

I think Germany is almost the size of California. A small country it is that somehow can compete with the bigger economical countries.

I was at the Berlin Wall chopping some of its concrete down at the time. I have a tiny chunk of its wall in a jar today. Although happy that Germany reunited, I am not so happy that East Germans (not all) want to work. A problem still until this day where the highest unemployment is in East Germany.

Some Germans want that the two sides to reconstruct the wall again!

Some Germans want Bavaria to be its own independent country.

Just like some Texans want their own countrylaugh

I am sure that many countries around the world do this. It is human nature for some I figure.drinker

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 12:27 AM

A few might commit treason, but they would not be a factor. They would be aressted and disciplined first by their units and by the US Army!
History shows there would be no problem.

There is nothing in our history to compare it what's happening. People, including service men, are becoming more and more disgruntled with the fed gov trampling the constitution. It's showing in our armed services even now.

Oh yes there is!
The civil war. Only on a far larger scale!

How many Fed troops were willing to commit treason during the Civil War?
Entire units, not a few individuals?

Already responded to this but I'll do it again. We are talking far larger numbers now than we were back then. Add to that our rights were not being trampled into the ground like they are now. While I'll admit some similarities it just doesn't really address they way people feel now. You need to listen to some interviews with service men. Their attitudes are far different than they were even just 10 or 20 years ago let along going all the way back to the civil war. And I'll make note that all that didn't stop the civil war from happening did it?

11 States tried to secede from the Union during the 1860's, including Texas.
There is only a few posters from one state suggesting it today!


Come on now how many times do I have to say "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN TOMORROW"! Ignoring the crucial parts of my argument won't make you any more right. And despite your claims here there is a LOT of talk about it, support is not there YET but there's plenty of talk and questions. There are entire organizations pushing the issue. They don't have the strength or the numbers to do anything TODAY but IF things continue those numbers will increase. I'm just hoping it's after I'm dead and gone. All I'm saying is that is the direction we are heading and if people continue with arguments like yours turning a blind eye to the facts in front of them, then it's where we will end up. As to 11 states, that may be a pittance in the end. I think we're looking at at least the entire south west once it gets going. It may start with Tx but it won't stop there.

There is a big difference in states reaffirming sovereignty and a minority of Texans getting hyped up over a right wing fringe elements call for secession!

You seem to forget that Gov Perry did not call for secession and that 63% of the country supports President Obama.
After all unless you make 250,000 or you will pay less Fed Income tax!
I believe 68% of Americans say they are satisfied with the amount of Fed income taxes deducted from their pay checks.

All this hoopla and talk of grand conspiracies is coming from a very small, yet loud, minority!

DaveyB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 12:40 AM

Come on now how many times do I have to say "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN TOMORROW"! Ignoring the crucial parts of my argument won't make you any more right. And despite your claims here there is a LOT of talk about it, support is not there YET but there's plenty of talk and questions. There are entire organizations pushing the issue. They don't have the strength or the numbers to do anything TODAY but IF things continue those numbers will increase. I'm just hoping it's after I'm dead and gone. All I'm saying is that is the direction we are heading and if people continue with arguments like yours turning a blind eye to the facts in front of them, then it's where we will end up. As to 11 states, that may be a pittance in the end. I think we're looking at at least the entire south west once it gets going. It may start with Tx but it won't stop there.

There is a big difference in states reaffirming sovereignty and a minority of Texans getting hyped up over a right wing fringe elements call for secession!

Quite true, but there are still organizations out there that are seeing that as a potential ramification and even if it does not legally change anything it can in their minds and that's all that matters.

You seem to forget that Gov Perry did not call for secession and that 63% of the country supports President Obama.

Actually it was you who seemed to have forgotten that. Like Gov Perry I'm saying that's what will happen if things continue. I'm really getting tired of repeating this but "NOT TOMORROW"

After all unless you make 250,000 or you will pay less Fed Income tax!
I believe 68% of Americans say they are satisfied with the amount of Fed income taxes deducted from their pay checks.

That's what he's saying now, but other taxes for persons making less than 250k have already gone up, something also said he would not do. Mind you I don't believe Obama or anyone else can get us out of Bush's mess without raising everyone's taxes. So I'm not blaming him on that that's our entire congress doing that for us. But those aren't the issues at hand I've been talking about. Changing the subject still does not make you right.

The issue is our disappearing freedoms and rights particularly in terms of privacy.

All this hoopla and talk of grand conspiracies is coming from a very small, yet loud, minority!

A growing minority. remember NOT TOMORROW

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 01:23 AM
A growing minority?
No! A shrinking minority. Just loud!

Not ever!

We'll just have to agree to disagree about this while we both wait and watch to see how the reality plays out.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 01:25 AM

There's a yellow rose of Texas
That I am going to see
No other soldier knows her
No soldier, only me.
She cried so when I left her
It like to broke my heart
And if I ever find her
We never more will part.

She's the sweetest rose of color
This soldier ever knew
Her eyes are bright as diamonds
They sparkle like the dew.
You may talk about your dearest May
And sing of Rosa Lee
But the Yellow Rose of Texas
Beats the belles of Tennessee.

Oh, my heart is feeling weary
And my head is hanging low
I'm goin' back to Georgy
To find my Uncle Joe.
You may talk about your Beauregard
And sing of Bobby Lee
But the Gallant Hood of Texas
He raised Hell in Tennessee.

Sing it girl!

nogames39's photo
Sun 04/19/09 01:25 AM
There is no tax cut.

With his right hand, Obama is going to lower the taxes, leaving more money in the pockets of the people.

Watch this however:

With his left hand, Obama is already printing money, watering down both, the money people had, and the additional money people are going to find not going to the fed.

The result?

At the very best, the result is zero. But, nothing is ever goes to plan, and I guarantee, that the people are going to find themselves with more notes, that worth a lot less than before, and therefore with less money.

It is only a trick of misdirection. Obama is scamming you.

DaveyB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:08 AM

A growing minority?
No! A shrinking minority. Just loud!

Not ever!

We'll just have to agree to disagree about this while we both wait and watch to see how the reality plays out.

I think you're right about agreeing to disagree. The problem for me is sitting back and watching is bad thing. Not seeing what's coming is why I'm losing hope that we will avoid it. Attempted secession and the possible destruction of our country can still be avoided but that possibility is dwindling as we sit on our hands and wait.

krupa's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:18 AM
Not saying that seccession will or will not happen....I do know this from first to day..real life has been in the wind around here long before Rick Perry made his statements.

"A shrinking minority"??????? Not sure where you got that tidbit of info. Apparently it has been a while since you have been here. It is part of daily conversations in this area....and not just among the young and idealistic ones...but, among the older generations of more experienced and pragmatic Texans as well.

It has nothing to do with disloyalty to the United States. It is more centered on not wanting to go down with a sinking ship (fiscally speaking).

enderra's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:21 AM
Edited by enderra on Sun 04/19/09 03:31 AM

I think it might be a good idea for Texas to leave us in peace. For one thing we would get better public school textbooks that don't have to alter science so as not to offend all those crazy creation lovers.

Text book selection is not made on a federal basis it's made state by state and county by county, so wtf are you talking about?

Texas has the largest market so most states are forced to buy books that adhere to that dumbass market.

I might be the single largest market, but the market it place in whole is infinitely larger than that one state, so unless you got something to back up that I'm calling this total BS. If anything has more control it would have to be the bible belt and frankly I wouldn't even buy that.

I just tried to post three links from, they did not work but if you care you may to know the truth of the matter, put in simply Texas/ textbooks you will find a treasure of articles about the math and science errors in Texan textbooks. You will also find articles about how even SOME teachers in Texas are upset about how the conservative religious right has been and is still involved on making decisions on what and what does not go into you textbooks.

I don't know about you, but I remember our forefathers stating that their should be a clear separation between church and state. This is a violation of their wishes in that government money goes to these textbook company to supply public schools.

willing2's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:37 AM

I think it might be a good idea for Texas to leave us in peace. For one thing we would get better public school textbooks that don't have to alter science so as not to offend all those crazy creation lovers.

Text book selection is not made on a federal basis it's made state by state and county by county, so wtf are you talking about?

Texas has the largest market so most states are forced to buy books that adhere to that dumbass market.

I might be the single largest market, but the market it place in whole is infinitely larger than that one state, so unless you got something to back up that I'm calling this total BS. If anything has more control it would have to be the bible belt and frankly I wouldn't even buy that.

I just tried to post three links from, they did not work but if you care you may to know the truth of the matter, put in simply Texas/ textbooks you will find a treasure of articles about the math and science errors in Texan textbooks. You will also find articles about how even SOME teachers in Texas are upset about how the conservative religious right has been and is still involved on making decisions on what and what does not go into you textbooks.

I don't know about you, but I remember our forefathers stating that their should be a clear separation between church and state. This is a violation of their wishes in that government money goes to these textbook company to supply public schools.

Not to mention, a good percentage of kids in the schools in the Southern parts of Texas are Illegals and they can't be taught in English. They even refuse to learn English. Some parents have threatened to sue the school for wanting them to learn it.

Winx's photo
Sun 04/19/09 09:32 AM

adj4u's photo
Sun 04/19/09 09:52 AM
it would be nice if some one would actually read the legislation


excerpt from tex hcr50


WHEREAS, A number of proposals from previous administrations
and some now pending from the present administration and from
congress may further violate the Constitution of the United States;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas
hereby claim sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise
enumerated and granted to the federal government by the
Constitution of the United States; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That this serve as notice and demand to the federal
government, as our agent, to cease and desist, effective
immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these
constitutionally delegated powers; and, be it further


the bill does not advocate succession from the united states it claims the sovereignty as protected by the 10th amendment of the constitution

to the federal government, as our agent (kind of shows succession is not the desired outcome)

and there are about 26 other states with similar legislation in the works

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 09:55 AM

Not saying that seccession will or will not happen....I do know this from first to day..real life has been in the wind around here long before Rick Perry made his statements.

"A shrinking minority"??????? Not sure where you got that tidbit of info. Apparently it has been a while since you have been here. It is part of daily conversations in this area....and not just among the young and idealistic ones...but, among the older generations of more experienced and pragmatic Texans as well.

It has nothing to do with disloyalty to the United States. It is more centered on not wanting to go down with a sinking ship (fiscally speaking).

If Texas seceded from the Union they're economy would fail!
They are dependent upon Fed aid more than 47 other states!
Not to mention the Federal gov is the largest employer in the state!

I posted an article earlier in which Gov Perry states he didnt call for secession and the Texas State congress is putting together a bill denouncing what he did say as irresponsible and dangerous.

Eexciting a minority "fringe" right wing movement to holler for something that cant happen!