Community > Posts By > nogames39

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/29/09 07:28 PM

hmmmm Cantonese? Mandarin? or Hakka?

half of China can't understand the other half

That's the question. I want to study it too. It never hurts to know the language of the business.

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/29/09 08:32 AM



Mandated care is the easiest way to kill.

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/29/09 08:31 AM

His children are his problem, and his women. I don't want to castrate anyone.

I'm sure they are societies problem. I would think at least some of them are on welfare

They are on welfare, because fascists insist that welfare must exist. Not because kids are born. Don't mix these two.

If you're a fascist, and you desire to have a power over other people, then the most efficient way to control is to first make you "care" mandatory, and second to start killings because someone abuses your mandatory care system.

This strategy has been followed time and time again. The brightest example was Cambodia. Pot realized that mandated "care" was the best weapon he could possibly have, and look at how successful he was!

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/29/09 08:25 AM

Chimpanzee that mauled Connecticut woman had the so-called anti-depressant drug Zanax in its system. This is the same class of drugs taken by many young shooters on campuses. Authorities cannot say that the drug is related to these rampages. Of course not. they do not want to be sued by Big Pharma.

article posted below:


Chimp That Mauled Connecticut Woman had Xanax in System

By John Christoffersen
May 18, 2009

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A chimpanzee that mauled a Connecticut woman had the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in its system, according to toxicology tests, but investigators haven't determined whether the drug played a role in the attack, a prosecutor said Wednesday.

Authorities are still weighing whether to file criminal charges against the chimpanzee's owner, Sandra Herold, said Stamford State's Attorney David Cohen.

The 200-pound (91-kilogram) chimp named Travis attacked Stamford resident Charla Nash on Feb. 16. She lost her hands, nose, lips and eyelids in the attack. Doctors at Ohio's Cleveland Clinic say she is blind and faces two years of surgical procedures.

Nash's family has sued Herold for $50 million. The suit alleges, among other things, that she had given Travis medication that further upset the animal.

"I think it provides tremendous support for the plaintiff's case,'' said Paul Slager, a catastrophic injury attorney in Stamford. "I think it's understood by everyone that Xanax is medication intended to be used by people, not animals.''

He added: "I suspect that experts will agree it's difficult to predict how an animal like a chimpanzee would respond to taking a medication like Xanax.''

Herold has made conflicting public statements about whether she gave Travis Xanax the day of the attack.

Herold's attorney, Robert Golger, declined to comment Wednesday, saying he hadn't seen the toxicology results, which were first reported by The Hour of Norwalk.

A telephone message left for an attorney for Nash's family wasn't immediately returned.

Herold's attorneys have said there was no way to predict Travis would attack Nash.

On the day of the attack, Herold called Nash to her home to help lure the animal back into her house.

Herold has speculated that the chimp was trying to protect her and attacked Nash because she had changed her hairstyle, was driving a different car and was holding a stuffed toy in front of her face to get Travis' attention.

The attack lasted about 12 minutes, and ended when police fatally shot Travis as he attempted to open a police cruiser's door.

Herold owned the 14-year-old chimp nearly all its life, dressed the animal and fed it human foods. When he was younger, Travis starred in TV commercials for Old Navy and Coca-Cola, made an appearance on the "Maury Povich Show'' and took part in a television pilot.

Police Capt. Richard Conklin said a necropsy determined the chimpanzee died from multiple gun shot wounds. It also showed two substantial knife wounds to the back, confirming the owner's account that she stabbed her beloved pet with a butcher knife in an effort to rescue her friend, he said.

He said police will meet with experts in the coming weeks to try to determine if the level of Xanax found would affect the chimpanzee's behavior.

"It doesn't look like a large amount,'' of Xanax, Conklin said.

Humans who are aggressive or unstable can get worse under the influence of Xanax, said Dr. Emil Coccaro, chief of psychiatry at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

"They just have more frequent and severe outbursts,'' Coccaro said. He said he did not know how Xanax might affect a chimpanzee.
Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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nogames39's photo
Fri 05/29/09 08:20 AM
What this means is that as soon as communist healthcare is instituted, everything possible must be done to first find ways of abusing it.

Secondly, the know-how needs to be distributed, and actively used.

Such an abuse would prompt communists to look closely into people's cases, to spot and disallow potential abusers. This is good, because the harsher they are on spotting the abusers, the less benefit versus effort they can deliver, and so on one hand they will be running out of supporters who will be more and more disappointed with such a bureaucratic treatment, and on the other hand, there will be more and more reason to call collectivists out and paint them as hard left, not far from fascists, for their deep inquiries.

Working like this against the communists is easy and fun, plus, it is immediately compensated by a material gain. Nature itself gives us this great weapon against the collectivists, - the natural weakness of their construct against exploit, and we should use this weapon. Contrast to this a theoretical opposition, - how well did that go? Not very well. Zombies are unable to follow an argument. We can not find a single case, where anti-collectivists would have won, by arguing.

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/29/09 08:10 AM
Funny sign.

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/29/09 08:08 AM

i think there will be a time when the money for all these programs to help people with medical care.......just runs out.

social security???? omg, when im older.....I would place money that it wont even exist.

it is not cost effective to save every single person that we can. to do everything.........for people with a gazillion comorbidites. but yet we do it.

there is a time to live.
and there is a time to die.

Yes. Fortunately, their communist system is dying. What we can do today is to help it die, by overloading it.

Most important is to understand, that to hold a conservative line in practice, is to support communism. I suspected that of conservatives, and now that they turned fascist, I know it for sure.

Why? Because by limiting the expenses of communists, we balance them, and make it possible for their ultimate self-destruction to arrive later than earlier. We act no different than a hostage doctor. We cure our tyrant. Instead, we should overload it with abuse, and show anyone who cares how to use the system in his own favor, so that the decease of communism progresses very fast.

There is yet another positive effect of accelerating collectivist destruction.

If we wait for several generations to be born under a collectivist plague, these generations not being fully capable people themselves, will make the return to normal life after the fall of communist completely impossible. Case in point: Russia. They really wanted to return, but they could not, and they are in limbo ever since. With such a great number of deficient (damaged by collectivism) citizens, normal life is anything but possible.

Therefore, if we are to hold any hope, that US would have a chance of recovery, collectivists must be destroyed as soon as possible. The degree of possible recovery will depend heavily on how quickly they reach their destruction.

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/29/09 07:53 AM

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 10:03 PM
Edited by nogames39 on Thu 05/28/09 10:08 PM

I never went to prison either hon. I did however spend a few weeks in a nasty ass jail. And 5 years probation, and 8,000 dollars in lawyers and court fees and restitution. And the rest of my life being not good enough to live my best life.

I want nothing from you. I never have. But in my opinion...and it is my opinion...those that have, can sure help those that don't. I lived by that rule for years. I still give what I need to those that need it worse than me.

All I am saying is that something needs to be done. It is because of our broken system that the insurance rates for everyone is too high. We and I mean everyone without health coverage is responsible for the prices of healthcare. I know that. I am not proud of that. I just want to be able to get care before it is too late if it isn't already. You know? If the government or anyone could find a way to make insurance affordable for those that can't even come close to having it now, would come up with a solution,,,it would make a world of difference to all, you included.


None of my business if you did go to prison. My best friend did. I still like him.

"..those that have, can sure help those that don't." - this is a good principle, except, one thing. Those that don't have, never ever get too busy trying to get anything, so that they can pay back to those who does have.

I do have experience with those who "don't have". They give me excuses. Example:

Dude, why don't you simply get a better job or work harder?

"Work sucks. Too hard. Stupid job. Hate fncking work there".

Yeah. Apparently, you think I just love to go and work at my place?

They tell me: "Yah, but your job is way easy. All you need to do is to tell somebody to do something or push few buttons."

True, but this wasn't free for me either. Don't forget to add full high school, private teachers, top of the class grades, military university for 6 years. All that sweating while you were doing dope and neighboring girls, dude. Do you think it was all pleasure to work that hard, when all your friends are partying and having a ball? You think I never wanted to just have fun? Just do what feels right? We get what we work for.

He says: "Sure, man, but now I don't have money to go take the school again and feed my family at the same time."

That's true. This is because you did not take your first chance. No offense, but you didn't have to drop out of the school. And remember, I don't have any second chances either! I can't go back and take my school sweetheart to a drug party where I could have done her. That time is gone, and what is missing is missing forever, for both of us. You think I wouldn't like to go back and just live "off the road and my Camaro", instead of studying books till I am green in my face? But I just can't.
So, why don't you stick with what you prepared for yourself, and I suffer with what I have missed?

He says: "That's just ain't fair".

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 09:46 PM
His children are his problem, and his women. I don't want to castrate anyone.

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 07:05 PM
He declined the wrongs done by the Bush administration, got the credit.
Then simply continued the same wrongs (Patriot Act), as if nothing happened.

Secondly, Bush administration actually pretended they are going to have the evidence. They never got the evidence.

Obama simply states he isn't about to need any evidence, he is simply going to rot people alive because HE decided they may be dangerous.

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 06:35 PM

ummmmm well, I kinda am

bigsmile Thanks, quiet. LOL

I am not, on the other hand. I am ready to sign a waiver refuzing any help from any public sources, in exchange for being released to be obligated to pay in to those.

If communists were not lying about their argument that "one day I will need help", then they would gladly release me with a waiver.

The fact that they don't, proves that they do lie about "that one day".

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 06:26 PM

As I said, I am not going to release individuals who endanger the American people. Al Qaeda terrorists and their affiliates are at war with the United States, and those that we capture - like other prisoners of war - must be prevented from attacking us again.

This is what he says. She never said he literally says anything else.
She said, this means he can hold anyone, for any reason.
She is correct. This is exactly what Obama is trying to convey.

Because, he already said in a previous paragraph, that there will be no evidence to detain these people:

But even when this process is complete, there may be a number of people who cannot be prosecuted for past crimes, but who nonetheless pose a threat to the security of the United States.

If there is evidence, why can't they be prosecuted? Because, there isn't any evidence.

So, adding first quote and the second one, we get that Obama will determine anyone to be a terrorist at will, without any evidence, and hold them.

As to the "10 years" reference, that was her guess, and she openly says that, because Obama did not even call any maximum time limit. I, for instance, worry that Obama may have "indefinitely" in his mind. But she just quotes Obama saying the longest time he ever referred to, in a separate speech, 10 years, and she notes that too, before applying it to this speech.

There is no twisting. Everything she plays, is either directly Obama words, or the obvious meaning (such as with the evidence), or her ideas, and she clearly states that, when it is the case.

What I can not believe is you equate a professional who wins her bread by honest work, to a political whore, a bureaucrat, who never worked once in his sad life, and you give him, not her, the benefit of a doubt.

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 05:54 PM
Excuse me, what is she twisting? I did not find any twisting.

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 05:51 PM
Edited by nogames39 on Thu 05/28/09 05:53 PM

I have not even touched your personality. It's beside the point.

You want my money for your own use. I haven't been to prison. I can tell that jobs are easy to find, and most do pay insurance.

I just can not see the "other" part of "people used to help each other". All I see is those people wanting something from me. I don't want anything from anyone.

Everyone who say this, is simply scamming for benefits. Never ever they offer anything to help me. But they always say "each other".

Nobody here is scamming for benefits.

Every one of us may need help one day. All it takes is an illness, old age, car accident, or a natural disaster. A person's life can change in a blink of an eye.

Propaganda and scare tactics.

Tell me, can I sign a waiver, and be left alone? I know I can't. Why?

Because, if you could allow me to be free, then you would not be communist. You can not allow anyone any waivers.

I must pay for someone healthcare, because one day.....bla bla bla..
I must pay for social security, because one day......

I am ready to sign a waiver, that I refuse any help. Now.
I can't do it.

Because if you allow that to happen, then the only people who would remain in the communist paradise, will be the ones never intending to pay back to anyone anyway.

And this is the whole truth about communism. It s not about any insurance against that "one day".

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 05:47 PM
I do not think you read what he says AT ALL. What you are telling me is what he wants you to hear. Yeah. I get that too. I watched the video, and I read the speech transcript.

I even posted an excerpt from the transcript. And then I have showed how what he is doing is un-american, despite all the smoke and mirrors that he is saying.

Al Qaeda? Are these people going to have the service book with them, stamped "Al Qaeda"? I am guessing not. Therefore:

Obama can grab you tomorrow, and SAY that you are a member of Al Qaeda, and then put you away for 10 years, without ever needing ANY proof or evidence. That is the entire point.

Of course, he is saying that he only going to grab Al Qaeda members. How are you going to check that? In reality, he is going to grab their wives and sons, or even any political opponents he may have.

And as far as soldiers, I guess I have to chew it up. By these same logic arguments that we are using, then Al Qaeda can grab ANY of our SOLDIERS, for the simple fact that they are trained to be dangerous.

I know, they are doing it anyway. Yep. Obama didn't change that. He simply made what they doing LEGAL. Because, that is exactly what we do.

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 02:25 PM

and rightly so

al qaeda has declared war on the united states

and doing so makes those they train enemy combatants subject to become pows

Ok, but that would mean you're OK with Americans being held for ever without charges, because they are trained enough to be a danger.

I think this is a slippery slope, and it really lowers our moral ground. We are America. We should be better than others.

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:11 PM
I have not even touched your personality. It's beside the point.

You want my money for your own use. I haven't been to prison. I can tell that jobs are easy to find, and most do pay insurance.

I just can not see the "other" part of "people used to help each other". All I see is those people wanting something from me. I don't want anything from anyone.

Everyone who say this, is simply scamming for benefits. Never ever they offer anything to help me. But they always say "each other".

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 12:56 PM
The law is always arranged like this. The purpose? To be able to rule the way one likes.

The law is one big scam. Supposedly, it is there to insure that everyone lives by the same code. Nope. You will never see that in practice.

The law is purposefully made either complicated or directly contradicting it's own parts, so that in each particular case, it could be ruled either way, depending on the bribe offered.

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/28/09 11:32 AM

There are more jobs out there that don't offer health insurance then there are jobs that do!!

Make more money? Easier said then done. Let's be real here.

Count yourself as a lucky one.

How dare you attack her for having a job and calling her story b.s.
She works hard and she is taking care of herself the best that she can.

Where is her help to me? How dare you to suggest that only I need to help others, but other do not need to help me?

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