Topic: Secession....view points please...
nogames39's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:21 PM
It is true.

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:23 PM
What would a newly secede Texas look like? Would it be anarchy as has been suggested? How would there be rule of law?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:24 PM
maybe to begin with...the governor becomes president until the next election????

Dragoness's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:27 PM
Parsing the Lies: “Read What I Said!” “I Was Just Looking For a Little Attention!” And Other Magic Words

The Internet has pioneered many approaches to unblushing dishonesty that are appearing in the offline world more and more frequently. The most common of these crop up when someone posts a statement that’s both indefensible and uncomfortably revealing, then ducks out of taking responsibility for it. In this case, Texas Governor Rick Perry, plainly hung-over from all that right-wing partying on Wednesday, struggles to maintain his credentials as a sane person without displeasing all those right wing extremists he charmed on Tax Day. In response to reporter Elise Hu’s straightforward question, “Do you really want to secede from the Union,” Perry responded:

“This is interesting that this has really kind of bubbled up, to uh...”

(Here, Perry’s feigning baffled astonishment that anyone would make a big deal out of a state governor invoking secession in response to legislation he disliked.)

” I refer people back to my statement…”

(“Read what I said!” This is frequently an effort to buy time used by someone struggling to figure out how to explain statements like:

“When we came into the union in 1845 one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that... We got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, who knows what might come out of that…”

Without acknowledging what they actually mean.)

“and I gotta a charge out of it."

Ah yes, the old “I was just looking for a little attention” ploy, dear to the heart of Internet trolls everywhere and originally popularized offline by Ann Coulter.

“I was kinda thinking…"

(He wasn’t actually thinking, which would make him one of those intellectual elitists. He was doing something sort of like thinking.)

“…that, maybe the same people who hadn't been reading the constitution right were reading that article and they got the wrong impression about what I said.”

(See, only ignorant people unfamiliar with the constitution would consider Perry’s veiled threat of secession a bad thing.)

“Clearly, I stated that we have a great union. And Texas is part of a great union. I see no reason for that to change. I think that may not be the exact quote, but that is, in essence what I said.”

This is the “magic word” ploy. “Magic words” are invoked just before a statement. They “magically” take all that’s bad out of what follows, as in “I’m not a racist but,” magically rendering non-racist the statement “black people are plainly inherently violent and prone to criminality.” In this case, Perry invoked the magic words, “We got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it,” followed by “But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, who knows what might come out of that…”

And of course, Perry concludes his ducking and weaving with that old standby, “Isn’t the First Amendment great!” That is, he responds to requests that he explain his statements as if they were attempts to deny him the right to make such statements:

"This is America, baby! First Amendment. We like it too, as well as the 2nd, the 10th and the rest of them out there… Wasn’t it a great display of our constitutional rights that we live in a country where we can say, you know what I think we oughta secede, or I think we oughta do that. This is a great country we live in."

Yes, actually, it is a great country we live in, Governor Perry.

Why, then, are you pandering to those who want to secede from it?!-I-Was-Just-Looking-For-a-Little-Attention!-And-Other-Magic-Words.html

davidben1's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:32 PM
one can say anything it like, but all words return something to self, and if all the possible's, the mind always tell in advance before speaking, have not been totally embraced, than there is not yet total embracing of all of realities potential, which lead to self being ravaged by reality, without being the one to say GO, which is but self giving up the "upper hand", of self deciding what happens to itself in all cases IN ADVANCE???

when speaking about things of dire consequence, that effect many things and people's, without first accepting all possible's in advance, only lead to surprises, and not the kind self like, and of course the mind always say later, i told ya so, lol???


yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:35 PM

Dragoness's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:45 PM

Here is another interesting link about secession. I do not like the racial bias type content but it is interesting if you can get over that slime.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 08:00 PM
dragoness....I thought you didn't like biased sites and always comment on those using FOX or other sites

davidben1's photo
Sun 04/19/09 08:30 PM


HELL NO!!!???

there is no such thing as crime at THOUGHT LEVEL???


just a matter of taking CONTROL of what happen to self in all cases, simply by paying full attention to self, trusting oneself, very much good power's in the self arsenal, needed for the skilled navigator of treacherous water's, which become more choppy and confusing as the days progress, as we march into much delusion and illusion and collusion???

ask all the tea party dancers what they are fighting for, and if one make itself as a helpless victim, this make for blame, which make the state the enemy???

which make oneself an enemy of the state, which does not utilize all the power or leverage anything holds, but gives it away freely, by taking the blame route???

anything as an enemy to the state, bring the state down upon it's shoudlers???

no problem if one is ready for such is all that is being said???

if one perceive the state as federal the enemy, then to bring one's enemy to one's own door, is not HAVING THE ADVANTAGE AT ALL???

the one that go to it's enemy, is the one that win most???

this one hold most the POWER available???

it will not matter if the state first made statements creating the view of the people as the suspects, or what anything think the federal government has done wrong, there is not winning perceiving something as an enemy???

one must look to make it's enemy it's friend???

turn an adversary into a friend, finding common interests???

the federal government needs the people MORE than them people need the government???

self must realize, the state is acting in 'self defense', of the people itself???

if one wish to control a dog that can eat you, does one rial the dog so it act in self defense???

so is it when dealing with such matters, as of speaking of revolt, and lock and load, as if one does not realize, we are living in a fear frenzied state, than it does not see most reality, nor heed all words as equal to self, so define much thru simple arrogance and but self pride, which as all history show, the one who use this the MOST, LOSE AT ANYTHING???

such things shall have greater implication as the days progress, and it would be simply follish for anything to happen to anything or anybody, like one being investigated or the like, as what good can or could self do in this situation???

keep yourself free, and speak wisely, to keep one's voice for change???

who shall hear the cries of convict, an extremist???

who shall hear the voice of a radical???

all voices everywhere have already effectively cut off national believing or sympathy for such, which truely is totally unpatriotic, but just the same, it is the present reality, so the people have to embrace one another, and help each other, to have a common voice, if there is to be any good change and not a worse change unto more than what is now, and that worse dear friend, could easily be triggered by about anything at this point???

the principles of the past remain the same, but the wisdom must be more advanced???

the last time the USA was in such birth pains, was during the sixties, and vietnam, and many were investigated, and deemed as commies, and turn coats???

so, to not hear the present data, already been released time and again, from al mediums, that disent is as treason, possible terrorism, and use such to make oneself wiser, would be but follish???

freedom to speak without consequence is a mirage???

what founded and created freedom in this country was willing to die for ALL, not for some???

to fight for SOME in this period of history, would be thinking yesterday's are today, and there is an amass of difference???

to think the current dynamic's of things, are only as based on the past alone, without calculating in the current present, and to try to fight something as with this idea, would be to fight a war today using a musketloader???

such things will only destroy itself in quick double triple time???

just my thoughts on such matter's...

damn, sorry for the rant, but such things are really quite serious...

peace to all

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 08:32 PM
davidben....thoughtcrimes is the site where the above article was taken from. that is what I was asking about

Dragoness's photo
Sun 04/19/09 08:39 PM

dragoness....I thought you didn't like biased sites and always comment on those using FOX or other sites

Just like I said on other threads, I read all points of view on subjects. I always feel slimed after being to the hate sites but I want a rounded view so I have to go through every curve.

I found alot more sites but they were mostly talking about the civil war.

I did find an interesting point of view though.

If a state secedes, the US government is going into that new other country and taking anything they consider US property out of the place or under the place. That will be interesting for the residents of this new country who are no longer US citizens, huh?

Also the US will probably reclaim it back once all the fighting is over so it would be for not after all that anyway.

All sites say there can be NO peaceful secession of a state so that is a concensus.

davidben1's photo
Sun 04/19/09 08:52 PM

davidben....thoughtcrimes is the site where the above article was taken from. that is what I was asking about


yea, all the sites have lots of good data???

the only choice, when there is much disinformation, it to believe it all, and the one that does this, is never outdone or unprepared or not know the most there is to know???

it is a untrue notion that one need to only find TRUE DATA???

if one allow all data into the mind, as good data, the self will actually later, not right then, and not in an instant, but later and slowing absorb it all, and be able to tie it all together???

the greatest resistence of the mind, to growing itself which is all learing unto great wisdom, is thinking one must connect all the dots in an instant???

the wise one in today's world, simply take in all data and outsmart all evil???

simply free words into the universe relating to the entire thread, which actually relate to each essence of each life here???

great thread and tons of great insights...


peace to peace to peace

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 04/19/09 09:18 PM
Did I hear/read right? 29 states have issued statements of secession?

If that is the case, it's a majority. Be interesting to see how the bully government stands up when it turns around and finds its troops have fled and its supply lines are broken.

Winx's photo
Sun 04/19/09 09:27 PM

Did I hear/read right? 29 states have issued statements of secession?

If that is the case, it's a majority. Be interesting to see how the bully government stands up when it turns around and finds its troops have fled and its supply lines are broken.

Someone on the thread said it included Missouri. That's my state.
Here's what it's about in Missouri:

It's sponsored by a Republican:

HR 212 Declares Missouri's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment and urges the United States Congress to reject the passage of the federal Freedom of Choice Act which prohibits regulations on abortion.

Next Hearing: Hearing not scheduled
Calendar: Bill currently not on a calendar

Bill Summaries for HR212
Bill Text for HR212

Dragoness's photo
Sun 04/19/09 09:33 PM

Did I hear/read right? 29 states have issued statements of secession?

If that is the case, it's a majority. Be interesting to see how the bully government stands up when it turns around and finds its troops have fled and its supply lines are broken.

Its not true. So no worries on that score.

no photo
Sun 04/19/09 11:36 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Sun 04/19/09 11:38 PM
no, no states are considering secession. They are by proclamation reasserting their states rights and sovereignty
as delineated in the Constitution under the belief that the Federal Government in Washington has beed systematically
usurping the states rights and prerogatives

Dragoness's photo
Mon 04/20/09 12:00 AM

no, no states are considering secession. They are by proclamation reasserting their states rights and sovereignty
as delineated in the Constitution under the belief that the Federal Government in Washington has beed systematically
usurping the states rights and prerogatives

I wrote to my representative on this and we are not doing this here either at least not in legislature.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/20/09 12:03 AM
I sort of suspect if a state does do this...they won't put it through legislation

davidben1's photo
Mon 04/20/09 12:04 AM
how can it be missed, that any state, that question washington, and at least seek to counter balance federal power, is good for the people???

if politician's are doing such, this takes the focus of grand power off of trying to control the people TOO MUCH, in a most good way???

this totally helps in keeping the balance of power, which indeed, is threatened by corporate domination across the board, as corporations and banks spell money, so indeed great clout and leverage, and any shakeup of washington at this point, only more ensure nothing take over with one-sided power, or one party power, as if this happens, ever, freedom is gone???

without TWO PARTIES, there is dictatorship???

so no matter what people think of the opposite party, to embrace them BOTH, AS EQUAL, only focus all things toward more good???

the people disolve and embrace all people of both parties, and there is more power of the people for true representation, as the parties niether one can eliminate each other, which KEEP FREEDOM FOR THE PEOPLE???

if power remove one party, by collusion, by quieting and controlling all the voices of the other "power party", then power has become as ONE POWER, which again is dictatorship, formed into many definitions then, the many different names of such all already know and can be debated at that point to eternity, as they are but definitions, which do not speak nor show what true reality would be???

if there be ONE PARTY, then it is one way or the high way, so indeed, to prevent this, with all embracing of all power, both sides as equal, can actually do more good than might be redily seen???


Dragoness's photo
Mon 04/20/09 12:30 AM

how can it be missed, that any state, that question washington, and at least seek to counter balance federal power, is good for the people???

if politician's are doing such, this takes the focus of grand power off of trying to control the people TOO MUCH, in a most good way???

this totally helps in keeping the balance of power, which indeed, is threatened by corporate domination across the board, as corporations and banks spell money, so indeed great clout and leverage, and any shakeup of washington at this point, only more ensure nothing take over with one-sided power, or one party power, as if this happens, ever, freedom is gone???

without TWO PARTIES, there is dictatorship???

so no matter what people think of the opposite party, to embrace them BOTH, AS EQUAL, only focus all things toward more good???

the people disolve and embrace all people of both parties, and there is more power of the people for true representation, as the parties niether one can eliminate each other, which KEEP FREEDOM FOR THE PEOPLE???

if power remove one party, by collusion, by quieting and controlling all the voices of the other "power party", then power has become as ONE POWER, which again is dictatorship, formed into many definitions then, the many different names of such all already know and can be debated at that point to eternity, as they are but definitions, which do not speak nor show what true reality would be???

if there be ONE PARTY, then it is one way or the high way, so indeed, to prevent this, with all embracing of all power, both sides as equal, can actually do more good than might be redily seen???


I agree that government shake ups can be good. To threaten what you will not carry through with or cannot carry through with is not effective for shaking up things though.

In order for balance all quarters must be represented. Representative government was created for this purpose.