Topic: Secession....view points please...
Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 04/19/09 09:55 AM

There is no tax cut.

With his right hand, Obama is going to lower the taxes, leaving more money in the pockets of the people.

Watch this however:

With his left hand, Obama is already printing money, watering down both, the money people had, and the additional money people are going to find not going to the fed.

The result?

At the very best, the result is zero. But, nothing is ever goes to plan, and I guarantee, that the people are going to find themselves with more notes, that worth a lot less than before, and therefore with less money.

It is only a trick of misdirection. Obama is scamming you.

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

adj4u's photo
Sun 04/19/09 09:59 AM

it would be nice if some one would actually read the legislation


excerpt from tex hcr50


WHEREAS, A number of proposals from previous administrations
and some now pending from the present administration and from
congress may further violate the Constitution of the United States;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas
hereby claim sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise
enumerated and granted to the federal government by the
Constitution of the United States; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That this serve as notice and demand to the federal
government, as our agent, to cease and desist, effective
immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these
constitutionally delegated powers; and, be it further


the bill does not advocate succession from the united states it claims the sovereignty as protected by the 10th amendment of the constitution

to the federal government, as our agent (kind of shows succession is not the desired outcome)

and there are about 26 other states with similar legislation in the works

no photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:00 AM
I mentioned this before but everybody ignored it

there is nothing in the Texas Constitution that allows for seccession. its an urban legend

however there is a provision in the treaty of annexation that allows Texas to split into five seperate states if it chooses. That would create 10 Texas Senators and about fifty extra Texas Representatives. a very powerful voting bloc

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:00 AM
Its kinda like when you hear Pot Smokers claiming that a majority of Americans smoke Marijuana.
It's wrong, but since all their friends do, they are surrounded by those who do. This leads to a false perception that makes them believe they are in a majority!

If you are surrounded by right wing extremists, Ron Paul supporters, or just plain ole' rednecks, it is easy to confuse and convince your self that you are a majority when actually you aren't!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:01 AM
What's the old saying?
Birds of a feather flock together?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:05 AM

I mentioned this before but everybody ignored it

there is nothing in the Texas Constitution that allows for seccession. its an urban legend

however there is a provision in the treaty of annexation that allows Texas to split into five seperate states if it chooses. That would create 10 Texas Senators and about fifty extra Texas Representatives. a very powerful voting bloc

I listened AND researched it and put up 3 links

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:05 AM

I mentioned this before but everybody ignored it

there is nothing in the Texas Constitution that allows for seccession. its an urban legend

however there is a provision in the treaty of annexation that allows Texas to split into five seperate states if it chooses. That would create 10 Texas Senators and about fifty extra Texas Representatives. a very powerful voting bloc

The Republic of Texas when annexed by The US included land that today makes up major parts of New Mexico and Colorado, and smaller parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming.

It was divided years ago!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:06 AM

I mentioned this before but everybody ignored it

there is nothing in the Texas Constitution that allows for seccession. its an urban legend

however there is a provision in the treaty of annexation that allows Texas to split into five seperate states if it chooses. That would create 10 Texas Senators and about fifty extra Texas Representatives. a very powerful voting bloc

I listened AND researched it and put up 3 links

And very good links they were!drinker bigsmile

no photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:08 AM

nogames39's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:11 AM
I think, despite all the found red tape bull****, that a state as great as Texas should be able to go independent and free, if it so desires.

Most of the us economy comes from Texas, anyway. If Texas separates, and/or also splits in five/ten parts, I say it is their business.

But, I'd definitely with them good luck at the least, and try to move there at the most.

It is none of the union business to tell Texas, what to do.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:12 AM

I think it might be a good idea for Texas to leave us in peace. For one thing we would get better public school textbooks that don't have to alter science so as not to offend all those crazy creation lovers.

Text book selection is not made on a federal basis it's made state by state and county by county, so wtf are you talking about?

Texas has the largest market so most states are forced to buy books that adhere to that dumbass market.

I might be the single largest market, but the market it place in whole is infinitely larger than that one state, so unless you got something to back up that I'm calling this total BS. If anything has more control it would have to be the bible belt and frankly I wouldn't even buy that.

I just tried to post three links from, they did not work but if you care you may to know the truth of the matter, put in simply Texas/ textbooks you will find a treasure of articles about the math and science errors in Texan textbooks. You will also find articles about how even SOME teachers in Texas are upset about how the conservative religious right has been and is still involved on making decisions on what and what does not go into you textbooks.

I don't know about you, but I remember our forefathers stating that their should be a clear separation between church and state. This is a violation of their wishes in that government money goes to these textbook company to supply public schools.

first...i have been throught the texas schools system and now my son has. so if you have something better than i'd take a look at it. not to mention.....they are VERY strict around here about keeping religion out of schools.

second...remember that texas isn't the head of the Bible Belt

but again...I don't see how Texas effects your states school books. are you uncapable of deciding your own text books?

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:19 AM

There are other maps which mark the Texas Southern border farther North than that!

Mexico did not recognize the Texas Independence and neither side officially signed a treaty!

Due to that fact and the fact that Mexico threatened war if the US annexed Texas. The US turned down annexation a couple times. When Congress finally passed the measure it barely passed by a vote of 27-25. It also lead to a full scale war between the US and Mexico which we easily won and occupied Mexico City. We removed our troops only after Mexico agreed to the border as it is today. Calif etc!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:23 AM

I think, despite all the found red tape bull****, that a state as great as Texas should be able to go independent and free, if it so desires.

Most of the us economy comes from Texas, anyway. If Texas separates, and/or also splits in five/ten parts, I say it is their business.

But, I'd definitely with them good luck at the least, and try to move there at the most.

It is none of the union business to tell Texas, what to do.

If Texas seceded from the Union they're economy would fail!
They are dependent upon Fed aid more than 47 other states!
Not to mention the Federal gov is the largest employer in the state!

I posted an article earlier in which Gov Perry states he didnt call for secession and the Texas State congress is putting together a bill denouncing what he did say as irresponsible and dangerous.

Eexciting a minority "fringe" right wing movement to holler for something that cant happen!

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:26 AM
Texas at the times extended to a great majority of the land

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:31 AM
BTW is nothing but real info. so please post actual facts about the text books

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:32 AM

Has anyone besides me wondered why Bush chose Texas as a debarkation point for troops going to Iraq?

Does anyone but me realize how much Fed Tax money was funneled to the economy of Texas as a result of this?

Does anyone except me realize what would happen to the Texas economy if the US closed all the military posts in Texas?

Does anyone except me realize what would happen to the Texas economy if the US were to close all the NASA facilities in Texas?

Does anyone except me realize how ridiculous the talk of Texas seceding from the Union really is?

DaveyB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:39 AM
Edited by DaveyB on Sun 04/19/09 10:46 AM

I just tried to post three links from, they did not work but if you care you may to know the truth of the matter, put in simply Texas/ textbooks you will find a treasure of articles about the math and science errors in Texan textbooks. You will also find articles about how even SOME teachers in Texas are upset about how the conservative religious right has been and is still involved on making decisions on what and what does not go into you textbooks.

Telling someone to run a search engine scan and saying your proof in there is just absurd. I can find "proof" of anything I want in the 1000's of links it'll come up with. You couldn't post a link ALL links are postable, if they don't work then the info was pulled and probably way out of date? But I'll make a guess that maybe this one is one that you are talking about While there's some suggestion in there that some people think there is a religious element it is in no way a reliable source for such information. It's just bloging. What's more it says this in the context that the separation is being improved.

And as for all this effecting your state. In my kids textbooks all through school there was not one religious reference nor did I see anything compromised to protect religious beliefs. And yes I looked in every textbook they had all through school. So there are plenty of textbooks out there, plenty of choices. If the schools in your state have such things in them then it is the fault of your own state.

I don't know about you, but I remember our forefathers stating that their should be a clear separation between church and state. This is a violation of their wishes in that government money goes to these textbook company to supply public schools.

Not finding any one here who disagrees with you that it shouldn't happen. You just aren't showing anything that proves that it is in texas. Nor are you proving it has anything to do with the textbooks in your state.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:44 AM

I just tried to post three links from, they did not work but if you care you may to know the truth of the matter, put in simply Texas/ textbooks you will find a treasure of articles about the math and science errors in Texan textbooks. You will also find articles about how even SOME teachers in Texas are upset about how the conservative religious right has been and is still involved on making decisions on what and what does not go into you textbooks.

Telling someone to run a search engine scan and saying your proof in there is just absurd. I can find "proof" of anything I want in the 1000's of links it'll come up with. You couldn't post a link ALL links are postable, if they don't work then the info was pulled and probably way out of date? But I'll make a guess that maybe this one is one that you are talking about While there's some suggestion in there that some people think there is a religious element it is in no way a reliable source for such information. It's just bloging. What's more it says this in the context that the separation is being improved.

And as for all this effecting your state. In my kids textbooks all through school there was not one religious reference nor did I see anything compromised to protect religious beliefs. And yes I looked in every textbook they had all through school. So there are plenty of textbooks out there, plenty of choices. If the schools in your state have such things in them then it is the fault of your own state.

I don't know about you, but I remember our forefathers stating that their should be a clear separation between church and state. This is a violation of their wishes in that government money goes to these textbook company to supply public schools.

Not finding any one here who disagrees with you on that.

At my School the professors choose the Text books!

nogames39's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:45 AM
Edited by nogames39 on Sun 04/19/09 10:47 AM

Has anyone besides me wondered why Bush chose Texas as a debarkation point for troops going to Iraq?

Does anyone but me realize how much Fed Tax money was funneled to the economy of Texas as a result of this?

Does anyone except me realize what would happen to the Texas economy if the US closed all the military posts in Texas?

Does anyone except me realize what would happen to the Texas economy if the US were to close all the NASA facilities in Texas?

Does anyone except me realize how ridiculous the talk of Texas seceding from the Union really is?

So, then, all the better for the union, if such an un-thankful "parasite" state as Texas, leaves. Why are you so afraid of Texas leaving you alone, Fanta?

I'll tell you a little secret, Fanta:

If Texas leaves, then the government of the remaining USA will pay ANY money that Texas requests, to be able to continue it's NASA, and Military operations. Because, these can only be done in Texas.

Texas does not rely on the union. This is where you are sorely mistaken. The union relies on Texas, as it is incapable of doing what Texas does.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:51 AM
here...the state choses the text books for the k-12. and they are VERY strict about what goes in them because of law suits and bad publicity. my aunt taught in Venus, TX and now in Mansfield, TX....they have strict enderra's argument doesn't hold water as far as I am concerned