Topic: Secession....view points please...
yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:51 PM

I have an idea (not saying it is a good one though because I don't know the yackety yak behind it lol) but instead of federal taxes....why can't each state pay state taxes to use on their own state. they can cut a check to their own reps in congress and a portion of the states taxes go to pay the pres and VP

Not saying the idea isn't without merit, but it'd be quite a bit more complicated than that. As I think was mentioned there are quite a few services provided by the feds. Trying to do those services on a state level would be costly because of the overhead needed. Over all it probably would cost more money for individual services even if they were out sourced to the feds but each state would then end up with the option to participate in a given program, create it's own or just do without. Interesting idea, just not sure how feasible it is.

no no no....the states cut the checks for the federal services. i'm not saying get rid of the feds....just let the people have more direct say for their own states. and the federal government is still there and does their jobs....just not handles as much money

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:52 PM
davey...ty for responding to me at least

DaveyB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 04:04 PM

I have an idea (not saying it is a good one though because I don't know the yackety yak behind it lol) but instead of federal taxes....why can't each state pay state taxes to use on their own state. they can cut a check to their own reps in congress and a portion of the states taxes go to pay the pres and VP

Not saying the idea isn't without merit, but it'd be quite a bit more complicated than that. As I think was mentioned there are quite a few services provided by the feds. Trying to do those services on a state level would be costly because of the overhead needed. Over all it probably would cost more money for individual services even if they were out sourced to the feds but each state would then end up with the option to participate in a given program, create it's own or just do without. Interesting idea, just not sure how feasible it is.

no no no....the states cut the checks for the federal services. i'm not saying get rid of the feds....just let the people have more direct say for their own states. and the federal government is still there and does their jobs....just not handles as much money

Ok I understood that to a degree, and agree that it could be possible. It would still be a little more costly due to the needed management structure. But offsetting savings could be found in the idea that states might have a choice on some services and possibly the option of providing the service themselves if they didn't like the federal program... of course that would up the cost of the program for the rest of the states but IMO the concept is sound and could have some benefits.

DaveyB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 04:05 PM

davey...ty for responding to me at least

You're welcome, sorry it took me so long to go back and read it.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 04:11 PM
lol hey...i didn't say it was a perfect idea...but hey i tried

DaveyB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 04:14 PM

lol hey...i didn't say it was a perfect idea...but hey i tried

Hun, I'm sayin' I like the concept.laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 04:17 PM's better than my original all the money to me lol

davidben1's photo
Sun 04/19/09 04:31 PM
adding to the total self knowing, by adding the "perceptions" of other's as good feedback, is as one saying the sky is blue, and another saying it is pink???

the one that only seek to prove itseld as lone truth, immediately set about the discourse of all the reasons of self of why it is blue???

the one that seen pink, likewise the same???

the first one that hear the words of the other as accurate, not disupting the blue sky, or the pink sky, become the wiser, now seeing a total of four eye's, instead of two, and as such, the progression up the ladder of wisdom is climbed, the insight climbing directly proportionate to the amount of data self will hear thru a "positive", as anything taken or heard thru a "negative", simply means, NOTHING IS BEING RECIEVED???

at first, the thrill of the kill indicate "defend self knowing" as king, but this way create a tower of ignorance to grow, as nothing is being added to the "rolodex" of self, or the brain???

to do such with the "right and left" as political parties, is simply to allow self to aquire more knowing, which how cna this be not good???

some would say, i am of "no party", this being only able to be said, seeing BOTH as in opposition to self views, but the one that is of BOTH PARTIES, OF ALL PARTIES, likewise gather all the data of all things, such allowing the data each hold into the brain???

the greatest adding of all wisdom, be adding what seems as opposite of the brain or self perception???

as of course, this is like accpeting both night and day as equal, as both serving a great purpose, and not just loving the day more, or the night more???

such principles follow the universe itself, which help to guide into all wisdom, which be the only thing that allow itself to see thru the great haze of so much information overload???

things seeming as opposite perception of self, actually be the only road to freedom, which is simply seeing more, so able to accomplish more, so able to love more free, free from the constant use of energy it take to "defend" against self perception???

just "one eye" of one reality, as what else is each thing but this, so all eye's added provide what self really has no basis of reality to know in advance, as the natural inclination from birth, thru self preservation envoked method, it only to believe self, or what agree with self???

ok, me shut up, lol...

great thread man...

great insights...


DaveyB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 04:49 PM's better than my original all the money to me lol

That concept may be a wee bit flawed

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:37 PM

:smile: It is illegal for any state to secede and last time it was tried a LOT of people died.:smile: It was called the Civil War:smile:

Naw man...Texas never gave up the right to legal secession...all the other states least that is what they teach in Texas History classes.

Regardless of it's supposed legality, I'd be willing to bet the U.S. government would not let it do so without a big war. The second anyone managed to get enough support for it to even begin to be a reality homeland security would be there to put an end to whoever had the guts to openly admit allegiance with such an idea. You would be labeled terrorists and disappear.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:38 PM
thomas....that could be a vast majority of texas and some in other states as well

SharpShooter10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:41 PM

Ironically...we could join OPEC...

as far as wouldn't be a good thing...but, it is no secret that Texas has more guns per capita than any population on earth..(last time I checked it was 5 guns per citizen) we got red necks, so our militia would be no joke...but, I would hate the concept of aiming at an American.

Honestly, when our governer is discussing it means public opinion is boiling to the surface.

Don't worry about a flag scatter....I am pretty sure we would just fly Texas flag themed g-strings from the flag poles and our antennas.
Hasn't Alaska entertained this idea as well?

Love Texas, prettiest women in the Nationdrinker

willing2's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:46 PM

Ironically...we could join OPEC...

as far as wouldn't be a good thing...but, it is no secret that Texas has more guns per capita than any population on earth..(last time I checked it was 5 guns per citizen) we got red necks, so our militia would be no joke...but, I would hate the concept of aiming at an American.

Honestly, when our governer is discussing it means public opinion is boiling to the surface.

Don't worry about a flag scatter....I am pretty sure we would just fly Texas flag themed g-strings from the flag poles and our antennas.
Hasn't Alaska entertained this idea as well?

Love Texas, prettiest women in the Nationdrinker

about 25 States have done the steps towards that, if deemed necessary.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:48 PM

Ironically...we could join OPEC...

as far as wouldn't be a good thing...but, it is no secret that Texas has more guns per capita than any population on earth..(last time I checked it was 5 guns per citizen) we got red necks, so our militia would be no joke...but, I would hate the concept of aiming at an American.

Honestly, when our governer is discussing it means public opinion is boiling to the surface.

Don't worry about a flag scatter....I am pretty sure we would just fly Texas flag themed g-strings from the flag poles and our antennas.
Hasn't Alaska entertained this idea as well?

Love Texas, prettiest women in the Nationdrinker

about 25 States have done the steps towards that, if deemed necessary.
better than socialism

nogames39's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:50 PM
All that Texas is doing now, is feeding the fatties in Washington, and dying for them on the battlefields.

DaveyB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:57 PM

All that Texas is doing now, is feeding the fatties in Washington, and dying for them on the battlefields.

Guess that make Tx pretty much the same as the rest of the country

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 04/19/09 06:58 PM

thomas....that could be a vast majority of texas and some in other states as well

It would present a dilemma, if all of the state were to simultaneously stand up when confronted, but history and human nature being what they are, I would say this extremely unlikely. The vast majority only support the idea in theory and of the remainder they wouldn't be willing to fight for the cause. In the end only leaders and the vast minority willing to be martyrs would face any sort of prosecution. Look at how much work went into declaring independence from England. They would stand a much better chance if the could get a half dozen other sates to secede with them.

My personal feelings are that something needs to shake up the U.S. government. It has become too big and no longer serves the best interest of it's citizens.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:13 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Sun 04/19/09 07:13 PM
I am not in agreeance on any state having secession. I think it would be all out war of the people. (be damned the government)It would be the people against the people. The people would divide and come to blows and kill each other off. It would be a blood bath.
Just because a few people of a state want something does not mean all of the people would stand still and let it happen. Not anymore at least. Much like in the days when the civil war broke out. It would be much the same now. There would be sides taken and tempers would flair and a mighty unrest would come.
To hell with hell with government this and would be neighbor against neighbor saying "to hell with you, do it this way or else".

I know if my state of Oklahoma was to put it to a vote and it passed...I would be one to stand against it. I would be fighting mad at those that forced it on me. This is my state from birth and will be til death. It's already got me to thinking about guns. I hate guns...but to protect my life from others taking it quote a lovely lady.."lock'n load baby".huh


yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:14 PM

thomas....that could be a vast majority of texas and some in other states as well

It would present a dilemma, if all of the state were to simultaneously stand up when confronted, but history and human nature being what they are, I would say this extremely unlikely. The vast majority only support the idea in theory and of the remainder they wouldn't be willing to fight for the cause. In the end only leaders and the vast minority willing to be martyrs would face any sort of prosecution. Look at how much work went into declaring independence from England. They would stand a much better chance if the could get a half dozen other sates to secede with them.

My personal feelings are that something needs to shake up the U.S. government. It has become too big and no longer serves the best interest of it's citizens.

i agree with you there

Dragoness's photo
Sun 04/19/09 07:18 PM

Ironically...we could join OPEC...

as far as wouldn't be a good thing...but, it is no secret that Texas has more guns per capita than any population on earth..(last time I checked it was 5 guns per citizen) we got red necks, so our militia would be no joke...but, I would hate the concept of aiming at an American.

Honestly, when our governer is discussing it means public opinion is boiling to the surface.

Don't worry about a flag scatter....I am pretty sure we would just fly Texas flag themed g-strings from the flag poles and our antennas.
Hasn't Alaska entertained this idea as well?

Love Texas, prettiest women in the Nationdrinker

about 25 States have done the steps towards that, if deemed necessary.

Not true. I keep telling you to stop spreading this lie. It is not true.

If you think your state may be involved, write to your representative and you will find it is not in the legislature at all.

It is not true.

There is a grass roots type movement but it is not mainstream and it will not make it too mainstream because people do not want to lose their US citizenship for one and live in anarchy after that.