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Topic: Gay Marriage should be legal!
Giocamo's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:43 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

fairycatcher31's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:48 AM

two guys kissing makes me want to puke,and i have no problem with my sexuality which is one of the lamest excuses towards my argument ive ever heard and meant to put me on the defensive...now im not saying thet gay people are bad im say they are morally wrong ...
now this deal about sin and god made sin whether he did or not he also made CHOICE,everyone makes excuses for themselves BS excuses none the less
...now about this phrase friends with benefits sounds to me like im a slut but friends with benefits sounds better ..lame ass excuses ...
gee i suppose if god had created two men in the beginning mankind would have just consisted of TWO DUDES POKING EACH OTHER IN THE BUTT..WTF...

All these arguements are not revolved around God! I believe in God, I was baptised in a church! I know he loves the sinner and not the sin! But I also know I love my girlfriend! It isn't all about giving us the right to marry in Gods church! Its about having the same rights as you! You are right we all have our freedom of speech. But you disgust me! You keep talking about not wanting your kids to see two dudes kissing, what about two women! Or are you like 95% of the male population and think "heck ya lets watch two women make out, thats hot"
There is way more to the argument then wether or not it is in Gods eyes!!

TelephoneMan's photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:06 AM
I think its worth commenting...

... about how many (self-proclaimed) "Christians" on this board are addicted to argumentative behavior, and at every slight political reason, chime in as if they speak with the mouth of God.

Thus inviting people to bad mouth them... and then wondering why they don't find "Christian Rights" here... ummm... sort of like Gay people wanting "Gay Rights." (???)

What is it in their mental make-up that causes them to invite this bashing of their faith? (or belief system)

What is it in the mental make-up that causes people to bash that same faith? (or belief system)

It amazes me to find people arguing so bitterly about such a wide variety of stuff.

I really think it isn't "in the name of God" these types argue on and on endlessly, but it is in the very bitterness of their soul that they have allowed the world to enter in and convert them to be such argumentative types.

There are a million more productive things to do with one's life the to extinguish life's precious time here on this web site heaped nearly irretrievably in some kind of completely vain argument.

I think I can observe this for all people....

... arguing feeds the flesh.

And for a faith that is taught to deny the flesh, this might be worth consideration. Then maybe one would not be wondering why (ahem) <quote-unquote> "Christians" are being bad mouthed in every corner of this web site.

Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. There is no new thing under the sun.

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:09 AM
Brilliant post T-man!flowerforyou

SVImager's photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:17 AM
Edited by SVImager on Wed 12/10/08 08:17 AM

... arguing feeds the flesh.

And for a faith that is taught to deny the flesh, this might be worth consideration. Then maybe one would not be wondering why (ahem) <quote-unquote> "Christians" are being bad mouthed in every corner of this web site.

Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. There is no new thing under the sun.

Wow... very Good Points.

Winx's photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:35 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

Rush = creep.

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:37 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

I find it scary when anyone takes anything Rush says seriously.

Winx's photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:38 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

I find it scary when anyone takes anything Rush says seriously.


SVImager's photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:44 AM

If God created Man...and Man created sin...would not God have then created Sin? After all he created the means as to which sin cam to be.

I know exactly what you are saying.

Before I became a Christian, I asked the most sinful Christian guy I know... my father-in-law.

My question was:
If God created Garden of Eden, He created man and He created the Tree of Knowledge and slap it down in the Middle of the Garden and told Adam, "Don't touch this or eat from this".

Come on.. if you are to live for eternity and you random touch everything, eventually you will bump it, touch it, and eat it. And God is timeless, so he knows the future... Why even set man up and place the Tree right in the middle or anywhere in the Garden. We were doomed to fail.

The answer I got was: God didn't make you touch it... he allowed you to touch it... Man was given the gift of FREE WILL to choose to do it or not. You have the Choice to Sin or NOT. The Choice to hit someone back or not, after He hits you. No other creatures or Animals have that Free Will or choice.

Just like the Christian laws and/or Ten Commandments... You will FAIL in following God's laws... no Man and no Christian can follow all of God's laws... we all lack. The purpose of the laws are not there for you to 100% follow (it is impossible)... its purpose is to show you that you lack God and you need God's Grace and Salvation.

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:44 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

I find it scary when anyone takes anything Rush says seriously.

So do I.

But those people who quote him do it because they want to say something, anything.

SVImager's photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:53 AM

Everybody Sins, even the TV evangelists and Pastors...
You have Free Will to do Sins.
The Bible is just warning you not to do it... that is all.
The path of Sin leads to Pain.
Sin = Pain.
Which is ok... because if there is enough Pain... a change will occur... or you will seek God for his Grace and Salvation.

Lynann's photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:57 AM
Another reason why it matters.

Please...don't tell me it's okay to fire someone just because they are gay?

Utah lesbians and gays who join a national movement and skip work today by "calling in gay" are risking their jobs.

Besides missing a shift in a slumping economy during the holiday season, employees can be fired in the Beehive State simply for being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).

Equality Utah, as part of its Common Ground Initiative, is hoping the Legislature changes that in 2009 by making it illegal -- in a bill sponsored by Rep. Christine Johnson, D-Salt Lake City -- to dismiss workers because of their sexual orientation.

"There certainly is that risk" of being fired for calling in gay to work, said Mike Thompson, executive director of Equality Utah. "Consideration for employment or promotion in the workplace … should be based on performance and not on a person's sexual orientation or gender identity."

Melva Sine, president of the Utah Restaurant Association, said she is familiar with today's "Day Without a Gay" work stoppage, but her industry isn't expecting a significant problem with absenteeism.

"Those who do have jobs feel fortunate," Sine said, adding that she does not think an employee would be at risk for termination for coming out as gay. "A good employee is an asset, and it doesn't matter what other types of affiliations they have."

Today's "Day Without a Gay" -- scheduled to coincide with International Human Rights Day and modeled after similar protests by Latino immigrants -- is the brainchild of

Sean Hetherington, a West Hollywood comedian and personal trainer, and his boyfriend, Aaron Hartzler.

The couple learned that a few gay-rights activists were calling for a daylong strike to protest California voters' passage last month of Proposition 8, which reversed a state Supreme Court decision allowing gay marriage. They decided it would be better if people performed community service instead of staying home.

But not all gay-rights activists are signing on.

"It's extra-challenging for people to think about taking off work as a form of protest, given that we are talking about people who may not be out [as gay] at work, and given the current economic situation and job market," Jules Graves, 38, coordinator of the Colorado Queer Straight Alliance, told The Associated Press. "There is really not any assurance employers would appreciate it for what it is."

For Utahns willing to skip work today, four groups in Salt Lake City, Logan and Park City are offering volunteer opportunities. At the Utah Pride Center, they can tie white, "marriage equality ribbons," assemble "safer-sex kits" to help prevent HIV/AIDS or share a personal story of discrimination that could be used to bolster Equality Utah's Common Ground Initiative.

LIFE, a Utah State University gay-straight student club, plans a silent protest in Logan, Join the Impact Park City will hold a food drive, and Salt Lake City's Atticus Circle encourages gay and transgender people to write a letter, asking a straight friend, neighbor or colleague to take a public stand for gay rights.

"There will be some people who will take this to that length" of missing work, said Valerie Larabee, executive director of the Utah Pride Center. But others, she added, can show their support by doing community service after work, attending Salt Lake City's International Human Rights Day festivities or participating in Sunday's LGBT Town Hall meeting.


The Associated Press contributed to this story.

Giocamo's photo
Wed 12/10/08 08:59 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

I find it scary when anyone takes anything Rush says seriously.

you don't look scared...lol

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:11 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

I find it scary when anyone takes anything Rush says seriously.

you don't look scared...lol

scared scared scared scared scared

Giocamo's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:40 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

I find it scary when anyone takes anything Rush says seriously.

you don't look scared...lol

scared scared scared scared scared

gulp !!...now you do !!!...lol

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:41 AM
Edited by Lindyy on Wed 12/10/08 09:50 AM


Consider this: By actively participating, even if only vocally, in the denying full equality to any person, you are denying them the opportunity to follow a path that might bring that person TO GOD?

Oh, dear God have mercy.......excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses..........

All I HAVE DONE IN THIS THREAD IS POST WHAT IS FOUND IN THE BIBLE.......if one does not like what I post............



All I see in your posts is that you are denying others the freedom you claim for yourself.
Freedom is freedom, equally for everyone.


You are attempting to deny me the freedom of speech to express MY OPINIONS........

I do NOT have to conform to anyone's belief....I do not have to pacify anyone nor can anyone on here intimidate me into doing so....



Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:43 AM

I think its worth commenting...

... about how many (self-proclaimed) "Christians" on this board are addicted to argumentative behavior, and at every slight political reason, chime in as if they speak with the mouth of God.

Thus inviting people to bad mouth them... and then wondering why they don't find "Christian Rights" here... ummm... sort of like Gay people wanting "Gay Rights." (???)

What is it in their mental make-up that causes them to invite this bashing of their faith? (or belief system)

What is it in the mental make-up that causes people to bash that same faith? (or belief system)

It amazes me to find people arguing so bitterly about such a wide variety of stuff.

I really think it isn't "in the name of God" these types argue on and on endlessly, but it is in the very bitterness of their soul that they have allowed the world to enter in and convert them to be such argumentative types.

There are a million more productive things to do with one's life the to extinguish life's precious time here on this web site heaped nearly irretrievably in some kind of completely vain argument.

I think I can observe this for all people....

... arguing feeds the flesh.

And for a faith that is taught to deny the flesh, this might be worth consideration. Then maybe one would not be wondering why (ahem) <quote-unquote> "Christians" are being bad mouthed in every corner of this web site.

Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. There is no new thing under the sun.




Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:44 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

Rush = creep.

Colmes, Carville ==== creeps.....

Lynann's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:46 AM
Commenting on a thread or on posts of others without reading first is disrespectful...of yourself and your fellow posters in my opinion.

I read the posts that proceed mine and I would hope others do as well.

Otherwise aren't you just posting for yourself?

Seriously, I was under the impression that forums are a place to share and exchange information and opinions?

Maybe I was wrong...

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:48 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

I find it scary when anyone takes anything Rush says seriously.




:heart: :heart:

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