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Topic: Gay Marriage should be legal!
Foliel's photo
Tue 12/09/08 09:37 PM
Edited by Foliel on Tue 12/09/08 09:50 PM
My last thought n this whole post is this....

If God created Man...and Man created sin...would not God have then created Sin? After all he created the means as to which sin cam to be.

No one has the right to judge anyone else's life if it doesn't actually affect you.

The way I see it, and i don't believe in god so no reading between the lines, IF there is a God I will be held accountable for my sins by him and no one else. If god is the type of God I think he is, if I were to believe in God that is, I am sure that I would be forgiven for all my sins.

I do not feel that loving someone with all your heart and soul is a sin and I am positive that IF I find that God is real when I die, HE will be forgiving and understanding. After all the only one who could possible know everything is God himself.

Mind you this is all for the idea that God MIGHT be real. Who knows maybe every religion out there is real and their gods are real, we do no have the right to judge them nor do they have the right to judge us.

Until the day that people accept others as they are and leave the judging up to whatever deity they follow....we will always be divided and never whole.

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 12:21 AM

Google and find out just what the US Supreme court is obligated to review....It only takes cases where it is felt that the lower courts erred in its findings......

It is the highest court in the USA and cannot be interpreting every single case that has entered any level of the judicial system......the case MUST have MERIT to be heard before the US Supreme court................

Thank-you for the lesson. While you were using your search engine did you happen to search for any cases regarding marriarge discrimination that have been submitted for Supreme Court Review? OR how about ANY case submitted in which Homosexuals are claiming discrimination of the law?

They are more difficult to find, but they are there and there has been refusal to call them up.

Also, this is not 'just any old case'. It is a case specifically appealing to constitutional law and while it is neglected millions are being discrimated against.

By the way, have you wondered what cases the Supreme court has decided to hear, INSTEAD?

How about the 20 year old Exxon Valdez incident in Alaska - not the major battle, but the disagreement on punitive damages.

I'm sure after 20 years this had greater ranking than determining the constitutionality of a case in which millions continue to be discriminated against because Federal law 'allows' it.

Of the 8 or so cases per year the SC reviews, how many do REALLY think are more important. How would you know, unless you knew the cases they CHOSE to review AND over which cases they took precident?

Leaning new things is great and I commend you; but what good is the knowledge if you don't use it to complete the research?

Stay the course and compare what you have learned with reality.


First, I am a legal secretary...........read between the lines...........

AND I HAVE COMPLETE FAITH IN OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM, and trust the decisions made by our US Supreme Court.......THEY OBVIOUSLY KNOW MORE THAN YOU....

YOU SHOW ME a case where gays/lesbians have had their constitutional rights violated......this should be interesting.......

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 12:26 AM

My last thought n this whole post is this....

If God created Man...and Man created sin...would not God have then created Sin? After all he created the means as to which sin cam to be.

No one has the right to judge anyone else's life if it doesn't actually affect you.

The way I see it, and i don't believe in god so no reading between the lines, IF there is a God I will be held accountable for my sins by him and no one else. If god is the type of God I think he is, if I were to believe in God that is, I am sure that I would be forgiven for all my sins.

I do not feel that loving someone with all your heart and soul is a sin and I am positive that IF I find that God is real when I die, HE will be forgiving and understanding. After all the only one who could possible know everything is God himself.

Mind you this is all for the idea that God MIGHT be real. Who knows maybe every religion out there is real and their gods are real, we do no have the right to judge them nor do they have the right to judge us.

Until the day that people accept others as they are and leave the judging up to whatever deity they follow....we will always be divided and never whole.

Great postflowerforyou

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 12:28 AM
Edited by Lindyy on Wed 12/10/08 12:39 AM


Consider this: By actively participating, even if only vocally, in the denying full equality to any person, you are denying them the opportunity to follow a path that might bring that person TO GOD?

Oh, dear God have mercy.......excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses..........

All I HAVE DONE IN THIS THREAD IS POST WHAT IS FOUND IN THE BIBLE.......if one does not like what I post............


AND ONCE AGAIN, if you do not like what God says about homosexual sin, any type of sexual sin....TAKE IT UP WITH HIM........it is NOT my problem, I did not create God's instructions, thoughts...............I am at peace with God and strive to live according to His Will..........


no photo
Wed 12/10/08 12:36 AM


Consider this: By actively participating, even if only vocally, in the denying full equality to any person, you are denying them the opportunity to follow a path that might bring that person TO GOD?

Oh, dear God have mercy.......excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses..........

All I HAVE DONE IN THIS THREAD IS POST WHAT IS FOUND IN THE BIBLE.......if one does not like what I post............



All I see in your posts is that you are denying others the freedom you claim for yourself.
Freedom is freedom, equally for everyone.

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 01:25 AM
"My choice is what i choose to do;
and if I'm causin no harm,
it shouldn't bother you.
Your choice is who you choose to be;
and if your causin to harm, then your alright with me."

-Ben Harper

Although he was addressing an "extra-curricular" activity in his case here, I think the sentiment can be applied in many situations.

TelephoneMan's photo
Wed 12/10/08 03:19 AM
Well, I don't know about marriage and all that... whatever floats your boat, I guess.

I do know this... if 100% of the population on Earth were gay and lesbian, the species of the organism would die off in one generation.

Seems kind of socially suicidal in a certain light...

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 12/10/08 04:08 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Wed 12/10/08 04:23 AM
I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/10/08 04:58 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

so you disagree with it so now your trying to get the thred taken down?
Why even bring that up?
you seem to have an agenda.

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/10/08 04:59 AM

Well, I don't know about marriage and all that... whatever floats your boat, I guess.

I do know this... if 100% of the population on Earth were gay and lesbian, the species of the organism would die off in one generation.

Seems kind of socially suicidal in a certain light...

agreed, but that of course can not happen, evolution will not let it.

Mo007's photo
Wed 12/10/08 05:30 AM
are you implying that the only purpose for love is reproduction? and what about those who don't believe in God or even your God for that matter? why should they be forced to abide by rules they don't care much for? if you believe in those rules, good for you, don't marry a guy but i don't think it's our right to mandate people's personal choices of whom they wanna love and share their lives with. it goes against the very principles this country was built on. freedom of the individual in case you're wondering...

Mo007's photo
Wed 12/10/08 05:35 AM
why does it surprise you that this thread hasn't been taken down. it's a legitimate issue to discuss. it's a problem millions of Americans passionately care about because it affects their very lives. discussion is healthy.

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:25 AM
sounds a little bit like a hypocrite if one was to ask me ,if some gay people dont agree with the laws set down by god then why ask to be married in the eyes of god..the ole want their cake and eat it too..lame ass excuses or rephrasing in order to obtain one wants BS i say BS...first of all if people want to be gay i believe it is morally wrong and i dont want it paraded in front of my kids..or myself
two guys kissing makes me want to puke,and i have no problem with my sexuality which is one of the lamest excuses towards my argument ive ever heard and meant to put me on the defensive...now im not saying thet gay people are bad im say they are morally wrong ...
now this deal about sin and god made sin whether he did or not he also made CHOICE,everyone makes excuses for themselves BS excuses none the less
...now about this phrase friends with benefits sounds to me like im a slut but friends with benefits sounds better ..lame ass excuses ...
gee i suppose if god had created two men in the beginning mankind would have just consisted of TWO DUDES POKING EACH OTHER IN THE BUTT..WTF...now you can delete this post
so go ahead put this comment down just remmember before u do ..i have choices too..and i dont run with the flock and i dont give a fuk..
..all i hear is excuses i dont believe in god therefore i dont have to have morals as far as sex is concerned BS lame excuses

hellkitten54's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:49 AM
It just all boils down to minding your own damn business. I've said this before in this thread but all you hypocritical bible thumpers, if you just keep your nose out of peoples business then the world could possibly be a better place. It's not YOUR world we live in. Get a freakin clue.


I am not directing this to anyone in particular, just generally speaking MY opinion.

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:05 AM
like i said ..dont like my answers ..I DONT CARE...AND IF IT WERE A MATTER OF MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS THAT WHY WOULD SOMEONE POST THIS THREAD THAT INVITES MY OPINION..public forum not everyone that agrees with me forum ..get that clue..o there are no disclaimers if you feel that this is directed at you than you might be right..i hide behind nothing...

hellkitten54's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:07 AM

like i said ..dont like my answers ..I DONT CARE...AND IF IT WERE A MATTER OF MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS THAT WHY WOULD SOMEONE POST THIS THREAD THAT INVITES MY OPINION..public forum not everyone that agrees with me forum ..get that clue..o there are no disclaimers if you feel that this is directed at you than you might be right..i hide behind nothing...

I am not talking about this THREAD. I'm talking about everyday life! You can spout all the hate you want, but in reality what someone does in their own time is NOT your business. Comprende!

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:16 AM
first of all not hate ...OPINIONS..thats all,and what i say is my business not someone who spews their hate and then tries to cover by saying now this is my disclaimer ..not so hard to see who you were talking about..
and since your statement at first didnt say every day life then the comment was about this thread in the beginning..
as far as what someone does in their every day life lets just say i really dont give a shyt or care about them,i just dont want to see two dudes kissing in front of my kids and if they cant understand that than PHUCK 'EM,
so they dont believe in GOD's teachings ...but they want to be married before him...NOW THATS HYPOCRITICAL..i mean why bother if it werent for all the DRAMA whats the point ...the attention

hellkitten54's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:26 AM
I actually wasn't talking to you when I made that comment. And in reality I don't want ANYONE to be making out in front of my son. Hetero or gay! But how do you know if someone doesn't believe in god? Do you ask them? So it's really not right to judge people before you talk with them. I have a gay cousin that goes to church every week. He believes and loves people regardless of how they are.

SVImager's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:35 AM

Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked.

That is the WAY GOD wills it.
You will always be an Alien to this World.

The problem right now is the World trying to embrace it, but as they do they will CHANGE it and Warp it.

It is a Personal Relationship with God... NOT LAW others into Christianity. There is a difference... one is conditioning of the Heart... the other is in appearance only for show and shallow, a ritual.

Whenever there is Power and Money involved, MAN will corrupt it... the Christian Right movement has been corrupted and it is EVIL. It has turned away kind hearted, bleeding Hearts away from GOD.

SVImager's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:42 AM

Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked.

Because Christians LACK RESPECT and TOLERANCE of others.
They think they are GOD's Gift to the World.

I am here to B!t3* slap the sense back into them and knock them off their high horse.

Did you know that Divorce rate is high, but it is higher among Christians than non-christians.

My point is Christianity is a lot MORE than what is presented by the Republican Party and what they do has NO substance and it is a fake. Someone should take their Jesus endorsement away from them. They have no right to use God like that.

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