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Topic: Gay Marriage should be legal!
Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:49 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

I find it scary when anyone takes anything Rush says seriously.

So do I.

But those people who quote him do it because they want to say something, anything.

Pray tell HOW would YOU KNOW?????? Do you talk to these people?

I say the same about COLMES AND CARVILLE...


fairycatcher31's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:49 AM

Commenting on a thread or on posts of others without reading first is disrespectful...of yourself and your fellow posters in my opinion.

I read the posts that proceed mine and I would hope others do as well.

Otherwise aren't you just posting for yourself?

Seriously, I was under the impression that forums are a place to share and exchange information and opinions?

Maybe I was wrong...

maybe I was wrong too!! No one never said you couldn't voice your opinion!! Freedom of Speech baby!!!

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:53 AM

Commenting on a thread or on posts of others without reading first is disrespectful...of yourself and your fellow posters in my opinion.

I read the posts that proceed mine and I would hope others do as well.

Otherwise aren't you just posting for yourself?

Seriously, I was under the impression that forums are a place to share and exchange information and opinions?

Maybe I was wrong...

maybe I was wrong too!! No one never said you couldn't voice your opinion!! Freedom of Speech baby!!!

Finally someone who "gets it" freedom of speech for everyone not just the non christians and non conservative and non republicans.....

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:54 AM
Edited by Lindyy on Wed 12/10/08 09:55 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

Oh so very true!!!!!:banana:

They even prove it on this thread:laughing: :laughing:

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:55 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

Rush = creep.

Colmes, Carville ==== creeps.....

Dont forget to ad Sean Hannity 2 that list my dear

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:58 AM

two guys kissing makes me want to puke,and i have no problem with my sexuality which is one of the lamest excuses towards my argument ive ever heard and meant to put me on the defensive...now im not saying thet gay people are bad im say they are morally wrong ...
now this deal about sin and god made sin whether he did or not he also made CHOICE,everyone makes excuses for themselves BS excuses none the less
...now about this phrase friends with benefits sounds to me like im a slut but friends with benefits sounds better ..lame ass excuses ...
gee i suppose if god had created two men in the beginning mankind would have just consisted of TWO DUDES POKING EACH OTHER IN THE BUTT..WTF...

All these arguements are not revolved around God! I believe in God, I was baptised in a church! I know he loves the sinner and not the sin! But I also know I love my girlfriend! It isn't all about giving us the right to marry in Gods church! Its about having the same rights as you! You are right we all have our freedom of speech. But you disgust me! You keep talking about not wanting your kids to see two dudes kissing, what about two women! Or are you like 95% of the male population and think "heck ya lets watch two women make out, thats hot"
There is way more to the argument then wether or not it is in Gods eyes!!

I find it disgusting for anyone to "flame" their sexual preferences in public, straight, gay, lesbian, prostitutes, both male and female.....a little moral behavior is greatly needed.......

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:59 AM

Well, I don't know about marriage and all that... whatever floats your boat, I guess.

I do know this... if 100% of the population on Earth were gay and lesbian, the species of the organism would die off in one generation.

Seems kind of socially suicidal in a certain light...

EXCELLENT POINT.............

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:59 AM
The point to matter is, We are all resigned to the same fate, we are all going to die, someday. All they are trying to do is enjoy the time that we have in there own personal way, all that is wanted is there own brand of fulfillment, there own joy and happiness, and ANYONE who fills they have the Right/Obligation to take that away from anyone is nothing short of a TRAITOR to EVERYTHING this country stands for, PERIOD!!

Giocamo's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:00 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

I find it scary when anyone takes anything Rush says seriously.

So do I.

But those people who quote him do it because they want to say something, anything.

and...because it's funny !...laugh ...see...I'm hysterical...

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:04 AM

are you implying that the only purpose for love is reproduction? and what about those who don't believe in God or even your God for that matter? why should they be forced to abide by rules they don't care much for? if you believe in those rules, good for you, don't marry a guy but i don't think it's our right to mandate people's personal choices of whom they wanna love and share their lives with. it goes against the very principles this country was built on. freedom of the individual in case you're wondering...

The whole purpose of male and female is to reproduce....even flowers, animals, vegetables, fruit trees, fish, trees on and on ALL have male and female sexes................was anyone in here ever in a biology class?

BTW, I have yet to see male dogs 'breeding' with each other.....I can say that because I was very involved with the showing and breeding of English Springer Spaniels and involved in national dog clubs and national dog shows.....NOPE, seems dogs have more common sense............


Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:05 AM

sounds a little bit like a hypocrite if one was to ask me ,if some gay people dont agree with the laws set down by god then why ask to be married in the eyes of god..the ole want their cake and eat it too..lame ass excuses or rephrasing in order to obtain one wants BS i say BS...first of all if people want to be gay i believe it is morally wrong and i dont want it paraded in front of my kids..or myself
two guys kissing makes me want to puke,and i have no problem with my sexuality which is one of the lamest excuses towards my argument ive ever heard and meant to put me on the defensive...now im not saying thet gay people are bad im say they are morally wrong ...
now this deal about sin and god made sin whether he did or not he also made CHOICE,everyone makes excuses for themselves BS excuses none the less
...now about this phrase friends with benefits sounds to me like im a slut but friends with benefits sounds better ..lame ass excuses ...
gee i suppose if god had created two men in the beginning mankind would have just consisted of TWO DUDES POKING EACH OTHER IN THE BUTT..WTF...now you can delete this post
so go ahead put this comment down just remmember before u do ..i have choices too..and i dont run with the flock and i dont give a fuk..
..all i hear is excuses i dont believe in god therefore i dont have to have morals as far as sex is concerned BS lame excuses

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:10 AM

like i said ..dont like my answers ..I DONT CARE...AND IF IT WERE A MATTER OF MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS THAT WHY WOULD SOMEONE POST THIS THREAD THAT INVITES MY OPINION..public forum not everyone that agrees with me forum ..get that clue..o there are no disclaimers if you feel that this is directed at you than you might be right..i hide behind nothing...

YOUR POST IS 100%++++ CORRECT.......

Just look at what they say to me.....they do not like what I post and try to mute my voice....it will never happen....and they claim everyone should respect each other's opinions....well what they mean is respect THEIR opinion and the rest are to shut their mouths.


BrandonJItaliano's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:10 AM
Take a look at Bonobo(Pygmy Chimpanzees) society and tell me in suicide? Homosexuality DOESNT only exist in the human race!

Why is it Sex is so reviled in this country yet violence is accepted? Maybe is was caused by the hypocrites who founded this country! They were slave owners who wanted to be free!

I absoultly think woman are abosoultly gorgeous beings, but my view isnt the only way and as far as christians are concerned, your own God taught that LOVE was the answer,

Remember Love is Greater than your own faith in your Lord God Almighty, he even said so!

He gave you 3 things, faith, hope and Love, and the GREATEST of these is_______!

Fill in the blank why dont you

RKISIT's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:12 AM
this thread has become a fallacy to many sophist in here...enjoy:smile:

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:14 AM

Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked.

That is the WAY GOD wills it.
You will always be an Alien to this World.

The problem right now is the World trying to embrace it, but as they do they will CHANGE it and Warp it.

It is a Personal Relationship with God... NOT LAW others into Christianity. There is a difference... one is conditioning of the Heart... the other is in appearance only for show and shallow, a ritual.

Whenever there is Power and Money involved, MAN will corrupt it... the Christian Right movement has been corrupted and it is EVIL. It has turned away kind hearted, bleeding Hearts away from GOD.

THAT IS SUCH A FALSEHOOD......noway noway noway noway

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:16 AM

Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked.

Because Christians LACK RESPECT and TOLERANCE of others.
They think they are GOD's Gift to the World.

I am here to B!t3* slap the sense back into them and knock them off their high horse.

Did you know that Divorce rate is high, but it is higher among Christians than non-christians.

My point is Christianity is a lot MORE than what is presented by the Republican Party and what they do has NO substance and it is a fake. Someone should take their Jesus endorsement away from them. They have no right to use God like that.

OH YES WE DO!! Jesus has to us to go forth and spead the Gospel........


Winx's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:17 AM

are you implying that the only purpose for love is reproduction? and what about those who don't believe in God or even your God for that matter? why should they be forced to abide by rules they don't care much for? if you believe in those rules, good for you, don't marry a guy but i don't think it's our right to mandate people's personal choices of whom they wanna love and share their lives with. it goes against the very principles this country was built on. freedom of the individual in case you're wondering...

The whole purpose of male and female is to reproduce....even flowers, animals, vegetables, fruit trees, fish, trees on and on ALL have male and female sexes................was anyone in here ever in a biology class?

BTW, I have yet to see male dogs 'breeding' with each other.....I can say that because I was very involved with the showing and breeding of English Springer Spaniels and involved in national dog clubs and national dog shows.....NOPE, seems dogs have more common sense............


Animals are doing it.


Even plants do it.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:21 AM
Take a look at this


Our closest living reletive(We do share 99.2% of our molecular DNA Structure with them) has it as the basis to its whole society!

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:21 AM

Just like the Christian laws and/or Ten Commandments... You will FAIL in following God's laws... no Man and no Christian can follow all of God's laws... we all lack. The purpose of the laws are not there for you to 100% follow (it is impossible)... its purpose is to show you that you lack God and you need God's Grace and Salvation.

NO KIDDING....John 3:16...for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have life eternal.....

Jesus was sent here so sinners (I included) have the opportunity to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and be forgiven for their sins........"FOR all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God".....thus through repentance and acceptance of Jesus and HIS teachings....we are cleansed of our sin.......nothing hard about that to understand.


Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:26 AM

I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country????

I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ??????

kind of along those same lines...Rush says..." how do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...answer: they call you a racist...lol

Rush = creep.

Colmes, Carville ==== creeps.....

Dont forget to ad Sean Hannity 2 that list my dear

NOW I KNOW you were NOT talking to me......Sean Hannity is my HERO of conservatism.....I was mentioning the left wing liberals Colmes and Carville..

As it is well known Sean Hannity is a true conservative and a GREAT AMERICAN my friend!!!

I do not know of any left wing liberal democrat who puts on the "Freedom Concerts" every summer like Sean does and all the profit is donated to worthwile charities........




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