Topic: If you think intelligent design should be taught in schools. | |
So to all those deniers out there regarding evolution what is your theory on why every accredited university in the whole WORLD teaches evolution as science and as the unifying theory of biology? Because universities are secular. Did you even need to ask? Are you unaware of this? That it is a prerequisit to being hired that you buy into the evolutionary theory as the origin of the species - and if you even attempt to lecture otherwise - you will be dismissed. Check out Ben Steins video, and tell me otherwise. pfft Ben Stein is a hack, I saw expelled and it's a propaganda film full of half truths and flat out lies. Did you watch the film? Like I said. You are not interexted in investigating anything contrary to your world view, so what qualifies you to have such a strong opinion against that which contradicts your idea of "facts" and the truth? yes, I did watch the film and as a jew I was offended to the extreme. As every jew should have been.Ben Stein did an injustice to his own people as far as i'm concerned. The core of what is ethically rotten about this movie. Darwinism did not lead to Nazism in Germany. Nor does Darwinism inherently contain the seeds of Nazism. There were many nations, such as Brazil, where Darwinism led to no political ideology. There were some such as Britain which embraced Darwinism but saw a considerable number of their population killed trying to eliminate Nazism. There were other nations, such as the Soviet Union, where Darwinism was seen as so dangerous and subversive to state sponsored dreams of social engineering that those who espoused it were killed or exiled and a complete biological fairy tale, Lysenkoism, put into classrooms and agricultural policy ultimately leading to the deaths of millions from starvation. And there were some nations where Darwinism was greeted with glee because it seemed so compatible with the prevailing ideology of the day. In particular the United States at the turn of the 20th century where robber-baron capitalists like the Carnegies, Mellons, Sumners, Stanfords and yes, even Jack London, could not stop rattling on about how the "survival of the fittest" justified crushing unions, exploiting immigrant labor or being left unregulated to amass huge fortunes while administering monopolies. Ben Stein apparently understands none of this. He flags Darwin but does not bother to go and stare at the busts of Adam Smith, Herbert Spencer, Ernst Haeckel, Thomas Malthus so much beloved by American proponents of survival of the fittest. Worse yet, while frowning at Darwin’s statute in a manly fashion, Stein makes no mention of the key factors driving Nazi ideology — racism, homophobia and hatred of the mentally ill and disabled. To lay blame for the Holocaust upon Charles Darwin is to engage in a form of Holocaust denial that should forever make Ben Stein the subject of scorn not because of his nudnik concern that evolution somehow undermines morality but because in this contemptible movie he is willing to subvert the key reason why the Holocaust took place — racism — to serve his own ideological end. I agree - that it is wrong to lay blame on the Holocaust on Darwin. But it is also wrong to try and defend the position that Hitler was not a strict adherent to Darwinian philosophy. This is historical fact. |
Edited by
Thu 12/11/08 09:44 AM
Here is a better argument against using non reproducing machines as an example, but add reproduction and then evolution works. _________________________ Darwinian Philosophy . . . please explain what you mean when you say that. Do you mean to say the idea of natural selection makes people racist? Because people make philosophical statements, not science. If you want to take the idea of natural selection and make a statement for Hitler using that to rationalize the holocaust that is intellectual bankrupt in regards to the truth of evolution. How someone uses fact to push agenda is there own issue, not the facts. |
Eljay said:
I agree - that it is wrong to lay blame on the Holocaust on Darwin. But it is also wrong to try and defend the position that Hitler was not a strict adherent to Darwinian philosophy. This is historical fact.
Adolf Hitler was a Catholic. Have you read Mein Kampf? I have sir. |
Eljay said: I agree - that it is wrong to lay blame on the Holocaust on Darwin. But it is also wrong to try and defend the position that Hitler was not a strict adherent to Darwinian philosophy. This is historical fact.
Adolf Hitler was a Catholic. Have you read Mein Kampf? I have sir. He might have been born one - but he was anything but by the time he was the furer. He was heavily involved in the occult and new age philosophy. He put many priests into prison camps. Read Eric Bonhoffer to see how much of a Catholic Hitler was. |
People often make the claim that Adolph Hitler adhered to Atheism, Humanism or some ancient Nordic pagan mythology. None of these fanciful and wrong ideas hold. Although one of Hitler's henchmen, Alfred Rosenberg, did undertake a campaign of Nordic mythological propaganda, Hitler and most of his henchmen did not believe in it .
Many American books, television documentaries, and Sunday sermons that preach of Hitler's "evil" have eliminated Hitler's god for their Christian audiences, but one only has to read from his own writings to appreciate that Hitler's God equals the same God of the Christian Bible. Hitler held many hysterical beliefs which not only include, God and Providence but also Fate and ideological politics. He spoke, unashamedly, about God, fanaticism, idealism, dogma, and the power of propaganda. Hitler held strong faith in all his convictions. He justified his fight for the German people and against Jews by using Godly and Biblical reasoning. Indeed, one of his most revealing statements makes this quite clear: "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." Adolph Hitler |
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Edited by
Thu 12/11/08 10:03 AM
Cute mirror, but you gotta reduce that size. Oy Vey!
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Cute mirror, but you gotta reduce that size. Oy Vey! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The King! Hes freaky.
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The King! Hes freaky. ![]() ![]() |
People often make the claim that Adolph Hitler adhered to Atheism, Humanism or some ancient Nordic pagan mythology. None of these fanciful and wrong ideas hold. Although one of Hitler's henchmen, Alfred Rosenberg, did undertake a campaign of Nordic mythological propaganda, Hitler and most of his henchmen did not believe in it . Many American books, television documentaries, and Sunday sermons that preach of Hitler's "evil" have eliminated Hitler's god for their Christian audiences, but one only has to read from his own writings to appreciate that Hitler's God equals the same God of the Christian Bible. Hitler held many hysterical beliefs which not only include, God and Providence but also Fate and ideological politics. He spoke, unashamedly, about God, fanaticism, idealism, dogma, and the power of propaganda. Hitler held strong faith in all his convictions. He justified his fight for the German people and against Jews by using Godly and Biblical reasoning. Indeed, one of his most revealing statements makes this quite clear: "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." Adolph Hitler I can only conclude from your post that you think Hitler was a Christian. Clearly - you have no idea what a Christian is. |
No, Im only asserting he was a Catholic. Knock out the blame game crap. Its counter-productive.
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No, Im only asserting he was a Catholic. Knock out the blame game crap. Its counter-productive. ![]() Interesting. If I claimed to be a vegetarian, but I had a steak for dinner every night, would you tell people I was a vegetarian? When someone claims a particular ideology, but lives and acts counter to that ideology, should that person still be associated with that ideology? Should actions and statements which go against the principles of an ideology still be associated with that ideology, just because the person who took the actions or made the statements claimed to belong to that ideology? I think the answers are obvious, but I would like to see you opinion on the subject. |
Edited by
Thu 12/11/08 10:52 AM
What you are attempting to do right now is referred to as "leading the witness". I have seen this take place in court many times.
You will need to do better than that. I cant really see honestly how Adolph Hitler was not acting directly in accordance with a Christian ideology. |
No, Im only asserting he was a Catholic. Knock out the blame game crap. Its counter-productive. ![]() One is "born" into Catholicism. Baptised as an infant is what adds to the number. It is a misnomer to represent Hitler as a Catholic. He stood for everything a Catholic is not. Get angry all you want - but I will continue to expose your posts for what they are - half truth's and disingenuous. Isn't that what we're all headed for - truth. Don't be upset at ME when YOU fall short. |
Eljay, that quote was taken directly from Mein Kampf which was dictated by Adolph Hitler himself. I have read the English translation.
Eljay, that quote was taken directly from Mein Kampf which was dictated by Adolph Hitler himself. I have read the English translation. I'm aware of that. So what was the point behind your bringing it up? |
I brought it up because I was under the impression that you were attempting to convince us all that Hitler was not a Christian/Catholic. You have a history of "re-writing" historical evidence on these forums. Im always on the look out for that and will correct it as necessary. You are always high on the radar screen but there are a few culprits, lets put it that way.
What you are attempting to do right now is referred to as "leading the witness". I have seen this take place in court many times. You will need to do better than that. I cant really see honestly how Adolph Hitler was not acting directly in accordance with a Christian ideology. Okay, that is what I expected you to say. Thanks for being honest. |
I brought it up because I was under the impression that you were attempting to convince us all that Hitler was not a Christian/Catholic. You have a history of "re-writing" historical evidence on these forums. Im always on the look out for that and will correct it as necessary. You are always high on the radar screen but there are a few culprits, lets put it that way. And I clarified that for you. When given the choice - he was not. He might have considered himself a Catholic in his book - but he was no more one than Buddah was. He was never a Christian. You are what you do - not what you claim. |