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Topic: Pro Life?....
Winx's photo
Sat 10/18/08 09:58 PM

How can live pretty nice? I don't see that here.

I do know that the welfare checks are not enough to live on.

By Hud housing, do you mean the projects? MO gives less for food stamps than IL I know.

My Cousin hasn't worked in 3years. She has a 2year old daughter. She lives in a hud house which isn't the projects. She lives in a nice neighbourhood, 2 bedroom house. She gets enough welfare to keep herself and her daughter dressed nicely aswell as drive a nice car. She recieves money to pay her utilities and what it doesn't cover she is able to sale part of her food stamps to pay for. She is pregnant again.

Some people really know how to work the system.

This is totally off topic. Sorry.

Wow! It's not like that here.noway Most don't have cars and everything that your cousin has. Wow.

no photo
Sat 10/18/08 09:58 PM

Now this is the topic of the day, who is pro life, and who isn't and why.

i'm only pro life when it comes to abortions but when it comes to the death penalty,i say kill'em!

You and everyone else that thinks abortion is terrible. Though in all honesty incest and rape cases account for less than 10% of abortions...either way I don't want my tax dollars paying for a kid that would have been better off not born in the first place...call me callous but that is the way I feel. Millions of dollars of taxes go through to pay for Foodstamp programs (Link here in Illinois, but could have a different name where you live) on top of that I work at 7-11 and guess what? That's right, about 86% of Foodstamp purchases in the store I'm at are made by single mothers between 21-29 with five kids...irresponsible, yes. Should I have to take care of them as well? Me thinks not.

I find it difficult to believe that they have 5 kids at such a young age. Almost 9 out of 10 people having 5 kids each?noway

The area I work, yes...I even did the equation to come up with the 86% because I was interested on how many it would be. Do keep in mind it only involved people with Foodstamps, not every customer that came in. This is probably correct for a lot of areas where crime is high and the population tends to be majorly minorities as based on population data and statistics. As well as the age being based off their personal appearance as to how young they appeared to me, but yes I see a lot of single women or women funding the household themselves with 4 or more kids on a daily basis.
You think the would shop at Save o Lot and not 7/11..Seems there stamps would go farther..

Winx's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:01 PM

Now this is the topic of the day, who is pro life, and who isn't and why.

i'm only pro life when it comes to abortions but when it comes to the death penalty,i say kill'em!

You and everyone else that thinks abortion is terrible. Though in all honesty incest and rape cases account for less than 10% of abortions...either way I don't want my tax dollars paying for a kid that would have been better off not born in the first place...call me callous but that is the way I feel. Millions of dollars of taxes go through to pay for Foodstamp programs (Link here in Illinois, but could have a different name where you live) on top of that I work at 7-11 and guess what? That's right, about 86% of Foodstamp purchases in the store I'm at are made by single mothers between 21-29 with five kids...irresponsible, yes. Should I have to take care of them as well? Me thinks not.

I find it difficult to believe that they have 5 kids at such a young age. Almost 9 out of 10 people having 5 kids each?noway

The area I work, yes...I even did the equation to come up with the 86% because I was interested on how many it would be. Do keep in mind it only involved people with Foodstamps, not every customer that came in. This is probably correct for a lot of areas where crime is high and the population tends to be majorly minorities as based on population data and statistics. As well as the age being based off their personal appearance as to how young they appeared to me, but yes I see a lot of single women or women funding the household themselves with 4 or more kids on a daily basis.

Wow! Unbelievable.

There's a lot of kids in that neighborhood. It almost makes a whole school.laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:12 PM
Edited by FearandLoathing on Sat 10/18/08 10:13 PM
They have a total of I believe 5 high schools in Joliet alone, 2 or 3 of them are in that area and over-populated with students. A lot has to do with how easy foodstamps are to get, you only really have to make less then 20 grand in a household to be eligible and the application process is easy enough. I think if a drug test was required there would be a lot less people on the program, as well as save money to develop roads and school related activities keeping the kids that are already in the area off the streets. All coming back to abortion, if some of these women even had the choice of an abortion I think at least a few would have taken the opportunity. Which would save money on multiple fronts as well as lower crime rate (more money on after school programs, more money to develop a nicer area, more money to put kids in school with parents that have too little money). The problem is people only hear "abortion" which equates to killing a kid in most mind's and not many understand the financial burden the economy would suffer with too many abandon children on the streets.

Angel_Wingz21's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:24 PM
i am pro-life. i believe that life begins at conception and i'm not gonna force it down someone elses throat. Everyone has an oppion and i respect that.

blackxbird's photo
Sat 10/18/08 11:44 PM
Pro-choice, without a doubt. Can't say any more or I will get angry and cause a sh1tstorm.


Jtevans's photo
Sat 10/18/08 11:46 PM

Now this is the topic of the day, who is pro life, and who isn't and why.

i'm only pro life when it comes to abortions but when it comes to the death penalty,i say kill'em!
easy to say untill you are put in the position to HAVE to make that decision...

what decision?

"oh i spread my legs and got pregnant so lets kill the result of my irresponsibility and go on living my life"

that decision?

izzie's photo
Sun 10/19/08 12:08 AM

Now this is the topic of the day, who is pro life, and who isn't and why.

i'm only pro life when it comes to abortions but when it comes to the death penalty,i say kill'em!
easy to say untill you are put in the position to HAVE to make that decision...

what decision?

"oh i spread my legs and got pregnant so lets kill the result of my irresponsibility and go on living my life"

that decision?
how bout the decision where you were raped and are already raising children on your own because the "white picket fence" life that you had crumbled around your ears and you are doing everything you can to support the children you already have!

that decision!

izzie's photo
Sun 10/19/08 12:13 AM
i realize im quoting myself.. but i thought id re enter my prospective....

this topic is extremely personal to me..
i have had an abortion.
say what you will... i had "enough" children already that i was raising on my own (their father walked out after 7 years and has not taken responsibility since), i was raped.. there was no way that i could aford the time off of work that it would have taken me to have the baby with my income being the only thing supporting my family... and there was no way that i thought i could support another mouth at that point, and adoption would have been a choice, but again the time off of work would have been to much at that point..
i think about that decision nearly every day...
the guilt eats me up inside.. and though i do not beleve i made the "wrong" decision.. i do beleve that some times there is no "right choice".

and i hope that anyone who would judge others for the decisions that they make, would never have to spend the time to walk a mile in their shoes.

belssings flowerforyou brokenheart :cry: :heart:

blackxbird's photo
Sun 10/19/08 12:36 AM

Now this is the topic of the day, who is pro life, and who isn't and why.

i'm only pro life when it comes to abortions but when it comes to the death penalty,i say kill'em!
easy to say untill you are put in the position to HAVE to make that decision...

what decision?

"oh i spread my legs and got pregnant so lets kill the result of my irresponsibility and go on living my life"

that decision?

First, you are a guy, so your opinion to me is a moot point because you will never be faced with a decision where one of the options is abortion. A man could have sex with dozens of women and never face the "consequences" of his actions.

Second, to pretend that the only reason women have abortions is because they are "irresponsible," and that the decision to have an abortion is a light and trivial matter, is ignorant and offensive. There are so many situations that could cause for an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy.

Third, women will continue to have abortions, whether it is legal or not. Criminalizing abortion will only cause more injury and death as women seek dangerous alternative methods of ending their pregnancies.

no photo
Sun 10/19/08 12:38 AM
I almost don't like to join in this topic because of the hurt that people go through. I raised my daughter by myself and the hardships were all there, no one helped me, and I was too stubborn to go to the gov't for help. But I did it. So I'm poor monetarily but boy am I rich in love, happiness, and fullfillment. It wasn't easy but I realize that the abortion would have been my daughter. So good luck in the choices you make and good luck in convincing yourself of what it is you actually did. I can't judge anyone, this is just one man's example.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 10/19/08 12:55 AM

I find it incredible that the same people who terrorized me and my children, one of which was a profoundly disabled adopted child, for being a fire saftey inspector at buildings that also housed women's clinics but would not spend so much as an hour being a Respite worker or a penny beyond the sameful public dole to support the children they try to force on the world.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:23 AM

They take the cut off notices to social services & get emergency funds. If that doesn't work they go to a church.

My mom worked at the company that gave out the heat grants and such for St. Louis. Social services referred the clients to them. You can only go once in the winter and once in the summer. And they don't cover the whole amount.

I don't know about other states but in Kentucky people can live pretty nice w/out working. If you have children you can recieve welfare checks, hud housing, food stamps and they will even give you money for your utilities.

I don't know where you live in Kentucky but when I worked all over Kentucky with the Commision For Handicapped Children there was NO WAY that Welfare and Food Stamps would even come close to covering the cost of houseing. HUD houseing had waiting lists of 5 to 8 YEARS long if there even was houseing and the utility assistance was a one shot deal that was not enough to break even on one month's utility bill. Even with additional food from comodity programs, the church, and various charities we chronicly saw children who's health was compromised from absence of shelter and malnutrition. Part of the reason that the Ft. Knox Golden Field Day athletic program for disabled children provided uniforms each year was many of the kids who participated depended on them for warmth in the winter.

no photo
Sun 10/19/08 07:20 AM
Star, that's a real shame. apparently the assistance is not reaching those it is intended for. We are getting off topic & I have sent you a longer mail.

no photo
Sun 10/19/08 07:22 AM

Now this is the topic of the day, who is pro life, and who isn't and why.

i'm only pro life when it comes to abortions but when it comes to the death penalty,i say kill'em!
easy to say untill you are put in the position to HAVE to make that decision...

what decision?

"oh i spread my legs and got pregnant so lets kill the result of my irresponsibility and go on living my life"

that decision?


missy51970's photo
Sun 10/19/08 07:29 AM

i realize im quoting myself.. but i thought id re enter my prospective....

this topic is extremely personal to me..
i have had an abortion.
say what you will... i had "enough" children already that i was raising on my own (their father walked out after 7 years and has not taken responsibility since), i was raped.. there was no way that i could aford the time off of work that it would have taken me to have the baby with my income being the only thing supporting my family... and there was no way that i thought i could support another mouth at that point, and adoption would have been a choice, but again the time off of work would have been to much at that point..
i think about that decision nearly every day...
the guilt eats me up inside.. and though i do not beleve i made the "wrong" decision.. i do beleve that some times there is no "right choice".

and i hope that anyone who would judge others for the decisions that they make, would never have to spend the time to walk a mile in their shoes.

belssings flowerforyou brokenheart :cry: :heart:


Bravo to you for coming out and telling the truth on such a touchy subject..

Lets just say that those with out a uterus HAVE NO IDEA how hard the decision you made was.. They can NOT possibly fathom the agony you went thru in making that decision...so dont let em get to you

All I have to say to you , is you did what was right for YOU !!! HUGE HUGS FOR YA DARLIN!!!!

Giocamo's photo
Sun 10/19/08 08:58 AM
it amazes me how Liberals ALWAYS use rape...to promote and make right abortion...seeing that 98% of abortions are done because the mother decided she didn't want to keet the child...it's a travesty that in this day and age...with alllllllllllllll the forms of birth control...that we still have 1.4 million " accidents "...a year...please...it's very simple...if you don't want to get pregnant...but...find that your urges are just too overpowering...then please...USE PROTECTION !!...and please don't give me the accident bull !!...use two forms then...make it three...do I hear four ?...come on already...it may be legal...but...IT'S WRONG !!!

Winx's photo
Sun 10/19/08 09:05 AM
Edited by Winx on Sun 10/19/08 09:32 AM

it amazes me how Liberals ALWAYS use rape...to promote and make right abortion...seeing that 98% of abortions are done because the mother decided she didn't want to keet the child...it's a travesty that in this day and age...with alllllllllllllll the forms of birth control...that we still have 1.4 million " accidents "...a year...please...it's very simple...if you don't want to get pregnant...but...find that your urges are just too overpowering...then please...USE PROTECTION !!...and please don't give me the accident bull !!...use two forms then...make it three...do I hear four ?...come on already...it may be legal...but...IT'S WRONG !!!

Do you have proof about that 98%? From an unbiased source?

blackxbird's photo
Sun 10/19/08 09:24 AM

it amazes me how Liberals ALWAYS use rape...to promote and make right abortion...seeing that 98% of abortions are done because the mother decided she didn't want to keet the child...it's a travesty that in this day and age...with alllllllllllllll the forms of birth control...that we still have 1.4 million " accidents "...a year...please...it's very simple...if you don't want to get pregnant...but...find that your urges are just too overpowering...then please...USE PROTECTION !!...and please don't give me the accident bull !!...use two forms then...make it three...do I hear four ?...come on already...it may be legal...but...IT'S WRONG !!!

Funny, don't think I mentioned rape. Do you have a source for that statistic, or did you just make it up?

I stand by statements made in my previous post.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:25 AM

it amazes me how Liberals ALWAYS use rape...to promote and make right abortion...seeing that 98% of abortions are done because the mother decided she didn't want to keet the child...it's a travesty that in this day and age...with alllllllllllllll the forms of birth control...that we still have 1.4 million " accidents "...a year...please...it's very simple...if you don't want to get pregnant...but...find that your urges are just too overpowering...then please...USE PROTECTION !!...and please don't give me the accident bull !!...use two forms then...make it three...do I hear four ?...come on already...it may be legal...but...IT'S WRONG !!!

Funny, don't think I mentioned rape. Do you have a source for that statistic, or did you just make it up?

I stand by statements made in my previous post.

Rape accounts for less than 10% of pregnancies a year (I actually think that is how many are reported as a lot of victims don't always report rape). I find it funny when men tell women what to do with their body, I don't see why the option can't be there if a woman decides to take that course...and honestly, I am probably not in the best to have a stance as I highly doubt I will ever get pregnant (well, unless there are great strides in medical technology coming). Choice is choice, it is the fundemental reason this country is what it is...take it away and we are nothing more than a prison population.

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