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Topic: Pro Life?....
Lily0923's photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:43 AM


Bravo to you for coming out and telling the truth on such a touchy subject..

Lets just say that those with out a uterus HAVE NO IDEA how hard the decision you made was.. They can NOT possibly fathom the agony you went thru in making that decision...so dont let em get to you

All I have to say to you , is you did what was right for YOU !!! HUGE HUGS FOR YA DARLIN!!!!

I am pro-life for me, but pro-choice for everyone else, I have a different story.

I wanted my whole life to be a mother, I got married I was married for four years and we decided it was time to start trying. I lost 2 children the third stayed with me, at 28 weeks of pregnancy I had blood clots in my lungs three of them, they did everything they could, I am also diabetic and have had weak kidneys in the past, with all the meds they pumped into me, I slipped into a coma at 30 weeks.

My daughter was taken C-section while I was in a coma, my ex husband was my power of attny. Before the C-section he signed papers to have my tubes tied cut and burned so that I would never have to go through it again. (not his choice, my choice but whatever) My daughter was born two months premature and was on a ventilator and in an incubator for weeks, her tiny little body couldn't survive on it's own. I went through a series of blood transfustions and my health was destroyed for about 2 years after, my kidneys shut down from the meds. (I'm fine today)

I went through that, and would do it again in a heartbeat to have my angel on earth, the love of my life, the reason I breath....but would I subject someone else to that? NO that's not for me to decide. I was given the option to abort for my own health and at the time they thought my life, I refused I put my faith in the Goddess to get me through what she took me to. I didn't chose wrong FOR ME.

I respect women's rights ALL women, if I agree with them personally or not. Who am I to judge someone for making a decision about HER life? I would be a pretty sh*tty person to judge.

For all of you anti-choicers out there.... It is sad that you don't have any compassion in your hearts for people.

and as Missy said if you don't have a uterous....IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

Lily0923's photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:44 AM

it amazes me how Liberals ALWAYS use rape...to promote and make right abortion...seeing that 98% of abortions are done because the mother decided she didn't want to keet the child...it's a travesty that in this day and age...with alllllllllllllll the forms of birth control...that we still have 1.4 million " accidents "...a year...please...it's very simple...if you don't want to get pregnant...but...find that your urges are just too overpowering...then please...USE PROTECTION !!...and please don't give me the accident bull !!...use two forms then...make it three...do I hear four ?...come on already...it may be legal...but...IT'S WRONG !!!

Funny, don't think I mentioned rape. Do you have a source for that statistic, or did you just make it up?

I stand by statements made in my previous post.

She made it up, those are not the correct statistics....

tngxl65's photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:57 AM

and as Missy said if you don't have a uterous....IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

I just want to provide a different perspective on this one line (I appreciate your experience and agree with much of what you said).

If I believed that abortion was wrong... believed it was murder, I would be morally obligated to oppose it, whether I was a man or a woman, whether I have a uterus or not.

Lily0923's photo
Sun 10/19/08 11:08 AM

and as Missy said if you don't have a uterous....IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

I just want to provide a different perspective on this one line (I appreciate your experience and agree with much of what you said).

If I believed that abortion was wrong... believed it was murder, I would be morally obligated to oppose it, whether I was a man or a woman, whether I have a uterus or not.

No offense, and I don't mean to argue, but since I don't have testicles I won't tell you what to do with them....Same goes for my uterous... It's none of your business.

When a man gets a uterous, he can then have a say in what is appropriate and what is not.

When I get testicles, besides the ones on my chest, I'll then put myself in and tell others what is appropriate, and what is not appropriate to do with them...

tngxl65's photo
Sun 10/19/08 11:22 AM

and as Missy said if you don't have a uterous....IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

I just want to provide a different perspective on this one line (I appreciate your experience and agree with much of what you said).

If I believed that abortion was wrong... believed it was murder, I would be morally obligated to oppose it, whether I was a man or a woman, whether I have a uterus or not.

No offense, and I don't mean to argue, but since I don't have testicles I won't tell you what to do with them....Same goes for my uterous... It's none of your business.

When a man gets a uterous, he can then have a say in what is appropriate and what is not.

When I get testicles, besides the ones on my chest, I'll then put myself in and tell others what is appropriate, and what is not appropriate to do with them...

We're not arguing, we're discussing, especially since I do agree it's not my business. But I understand why those opposing believe otherwise.

no photo
Sun 10/19/08 12:29 PM


Bravo to you for coming out and telling the truth on such a touchy subject..

Lets just say that those with out a uterus HAVE NO IDEA how hard the decision you made was.. They can NOT possibly fathom the agony you went thru in making that decision...so dont let em get to you

All I have to say to you , is you did what was right for YOU !!! HUGE HUGS FOR YA DARLIN!!!!

I am pro-life for me, but pro-choice for everyone else, I have a different story.

I wanted my whole life to be a mother, I got married I was married for four years and we decided it was time to start trying. I lost 2 children the third stayed with me, at 28 weeks of pregnancy I had blood clots in my lungs three of them, they did everything they could, I am also diabetic and have had weak kidneys in the past, with all the meds they pumped into me, I slipped into a coma at 30 weeks.

My daughter was taken C-section while I was in a coma, my ex husband was my power of attny. Before the C-section he signed papers to have my tubes tied cut and burned so that I would never have to go through it again. (not his choice, my choice but whatever) My daughter was born two months premature and was on a ventilator and in an incubator for weeks, her tiny little body couldn't survive on it's own. I went through a series of blood transfustions and my health was destroyed for about 2 years after, my kidneys shut down from the meds. (I'm fine today)

I went through that, and would do it again in a heartbeat to have my angel on earth, the love of my life, the reason I breath....but would I subject someone else to that? NO that's not for me to decide. I was given the option to abort for my own health and at the time they thought my life, I refused I put my faith in the Goddess to get me through what she took me to. I didn't chose wrong FOR ME.

I respect women's rights ALL women, if I agree with them personally or not. Who am I to judge someone for making a decision about HER life? I would be a pretty sh*tty person to judge.

For all of you anti-choicers out there.... It is sad that you don't have any compassion in your hearts for people.

and as Missy said if you don't have a uterous....IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

I'm sorry about what has happened to you, and I hope all is better, but you are only looking at one point of view. Now imagine a girl, raped by her uncle, pregnant. Doesnt matter if she has a hard time having kids, she's not going to want that kid. And what if the doctors tell you that having this kid would be like having a vegetable? and so on...

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:14 PM


Bravo to you for coming out and telling the truth on such a touchy subject..

Lets just say that those with out a uterus HAVE NO IDEA how hard the decision you made was.. They can NOT possibly fathom the agony you went thru in making that decision...so dont let em get to you

All I have to say to you , is you did what was right for YOU !!! HUGE HUGS FOR YA DARLIN!!!!

I am pro-life for me, but pro-choice for everyone else, I have a different story.

I wanted my whole life to be a mother, I got married I was married for four years and we decided it was time to start trying. I lost 2 children the third stayed with me, at 28 weeks of pregnancy I had blood clots in my lungs three of them, they did everything they could, I am also diabetic and have had weak kidneys in the past, with all the meds they pumped into me, I slipped into a coma at 30 weeks.

My daughter was taken C-section while I was in a coma, my ex husband was my power of attny. Before the C-section he signed papers to have my tubes tied cut and burned so that I would never have to go through it again. (not his choice, my choice but whatever) My daughter was born two months premature and was on a ventilator and in an incubator for weeks, her tiny little body couldn't survive on it's own. I went through a series of blood transfustions and my health was destroyed for about 2 years after, my kidneys shut down from the meds. (I'm fine today)

I went through that, and would do it again in a heartbeat to have my angel on earth, the love of my life, the reason I breath....but would I subject someone else to that? NO that's not for me to decide. I was given the option to abort for my own health and at the time they thought my life, I refused I put my faith in the Goddess to get me through what she took me to. I didn't chose wrong FOR ME.

I respect women's rights ALL women, if I agree with them personally or not. Who am I to judge someone for making a decision about HER life? I would be a pretty sh*tty person to judge.

For all of you anti-choicers out there.... It is sad that you don't have any compassion in your hearts for people.

and as Missy said if you don't have a uterous....IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

I'm sorry about what has happened to you, and I hope all is better, but you are only looking at one point of view. Now imagine a girl, raped by her uncle, pregnant. Doesnt matter if she has a hard time having kids, she's not going to want that kid. And what if the doctors tell you that having this kid would be like having a vegetable? and so on...

In all honesty that happens very, very rarely.

breathless1's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:16 PM
I am undeniably 100% Pro CHOICE on this matter.

However, I would like to state I think it is extremely sexist, controlling, selfish, manipulative and completely moronic for any woman to say that it should be only the woman's choice to make whether or not to abort because she *possesses* the almighty uterus.

I have three children *I* fathered. Suffice it to say my children would not be a part of this world without MY *contribution*. I believe I have every right, just as much as my partner's, to have a say in such an important decision about another life we made TOGETHER.

Certainly, most women who make the decision to have a child against the man's wishes, she typically expects, often demands, his support then, right? Men don't have much of a say in that matter - we must do as we are told by the court system if our morals and own standards don't support *her* decision.

Quite the double-standard if you ask me. But, what do I know? I'm just a simple man without a uterus. ohwell

blackxbird's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:16 PM


Bravo to you for coming out and telling the truth on such a touchy subject..

Lets just say that those with out a uterus HAVE NO IDEA how hard the decision you made was.. They can NOT possibly fathom the agony you went thru in making that decision...so dont let em get to you

All I have to say to you , is you did what was right for YOU !!! HUGE HUGS FOR YA DARLIN!!!!

I am pro-life for me, but pro-choice for everyone else, I have a different story.

I wanted my whole life to be a mother, I got married I was married for four years and we decided it was time to start trying. I lost 2 children the third stayed with me, at 28 weeks of pregnancy I had blood clots in my lungs three of them, they did everything they could, I am also diabetic and have had weak kidneys in the past, with all the meds they pumped into me, I slipped into a coma at 30 weeks.

My daughter was taken C-section while I was in a coma, my ex husband was my power of attny. Before the C-section he signed papers to have my tubes tied cut and burned so that I would never have to go through it again. (not his choice, my choice but whatever) My daughter was born two months premature and was on a ventilator and in an incubator for weeks, her tiny little body couldn't survive on it's own. I went through a series of blood transfustions and my health was destroyed for about 2 years after, my kidneys shut down from the meds. (I'm fine today)

I went through that, and would do it again in a heartbeat to have my angel on earth, the love of my life, the reason I breath....but would I subject someone else to that? NO that's not for me to decide. I was given the option to abort for my own health and at the time they thought my life, I refused I put my faith in the Goddess to get me through what she took me to. I didn't chose wrong FOR ME.

I respect women's rights ALL women, if I agree with them personally or not. Who am I to judge someone for making a decision about HER life? I would be a pretty sh*tty person to judge.

For all of you anti-choicers out there.... It is sad that you don't have any compassion in your hearts for people.

and as Missy said if you don't have a uterous....IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

I'm sorry about what has happened to you, and I hope all is better, but you are only looking at one point of view. Now imagine a girl, raped by her uncle, pregnant. Doesnt matter if she has a hard time having kids, she's not going to want that kid. And what if the doctors tell you that having this kid would be like having a vegetable? and so on...

In all honesty that happens very, very rarely.

So? Does that devalue the experience, pain, and struggles of those it does happen to?

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:20 PM


Bravo to you for coming out and telling the truth on such a touchy subject..

Lets just say that those with out a uterus HAVE NO IDEA how hard the decision you made was.. They can NOT possibly fathom the agony you went thru in making that decision...so dont let em get to you

All I have to say to you , is you did what was right for YOU !!! HUGE HUGS FOR YA DARLIN!!!!

I am pro-life for me, but pro-choice for everyone else, I have a different story.

I wanted my whole life to be a mother, I got married I was married for four years and we decided it was time to start trying. I lost 2 children the third stayed with me, at 28 weeks of pregnancy I had blood clots in my lungs three of them, they did everything they could, I am also diabetic and have had weak kidneys in the past, with all the meds they pumped into me, I slipped into a coma at 30 weeks.

My daughter was taken C-section while I was in a coma, my ex husband was my power of attny. Before the C-section he signed papers to have my tubes tied cut and burned so that I would never have to go through it again. (not his choice, my choice but whatever) My daughter was born two months premature and was on a ventilator and in an incubator for weeks, her tiny little body couldn't survive on it's own. I went through a series of blood transfustions and my health was destroyed for about 2 years after, my kidneys shut down from the meds. (I'm fine today)

I went through that, and would do it again in a heartbeat to have my angel on earth, the love of my life, the reason I breath....but would I subject someone else to that? NO that's not for me to decide. I was given the option to abort for my own health and at the time they thought my life, I refused I put my faith in the Goddess to get me through what she took me to. I didn't chose wrong FOR ME.

I respect women's rights ALL women, if I agree with them personally or not. Who am I to judge someone for making a decision about HER life? I would be a pretty sh*tty person to judge.

For all of you anti-choicers out there.... It is sad that you don't have any compassion in your hearts for people.

and as Missy said if you don't have a uterous....IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

I'm sorry about what has happened to you, and I hope all is better, but you are only looking at one point of view. Now imagine a girl, raped by her uncle, pregnant. Doesnt matter if she has a hard time having kids, she's not going to want that kid. And what if the doctors tell you that having this kid would be like having a vegetable? and so on...

In all honesty that happens very, very rarely.

So? Does that devalue the experience, pain, and struggles of those it does happen to?

No it doesn't, but it does devalue the majority factor of the statement. Especially in a country ruled by majority vote. A reason like that would be flimsy at best to hold up to a vote in congress, I'm all for freedom of choice...but I'm not congress or the president.

MicheleNC's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:25 PM
9 pages of responses...don't have the energy to read them all.

I am Pro-Choice! This means every woman has the CHOICE as to what will happen to her body.

And added note, I am also pro-birth control!

Just my 2 cents...

Goofball73's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:41 PM
If I ever get pregnant, then I won't have an abortion...cause I will become filthy rich from it.laugh laugh laugh laugh

missy51970's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:48 PM

and as Missy said if you don't have a uterous....IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

I just want to provide a different perspective on this one line (I appreciate your experience and agree with much of what you said).

If I believed that abortion was wrong... believed it was murder, I would be morally obligated to oppose it, whether I was a man or a woman, whether I have a uterus or not.

No offense, and I don't mean to argue, but since I don't have testicles I won't tell you what to do with them....Same goes for my uterous... It's none of your business.

When a man gets a uterous, he can then have a say in what is appropriate and what is not.

When I get testicles, besides the ones on my chest, I'll then put myself in and tell others what is appropriate, and what is not appropriate to do with them...

Hmm whod a thunk it Lily.. but thats EXACTLY what I would have said!!

Goofball73's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:55 PM
Well, let me just say this. I said it a few pages back, but just wanted to put it back out their again.

IMO....if the male is involved with the female, meaning that he is going to be a part of her life and the babies life, then I feel he should be able to weigh in on the decision. I realize that a woman's body is a woman's body. But the baby was created by both people, and he has as much right to deciding what should or shouldn't happen. He might not carry the baby for nine months. He might not have to go through all the emotional and physical changes that the woman will. But he was part of creating the life, and if he will be their for her, then he does have a say. I just feel he does. I know it is a thin line, but that is his baby too. Now, if he just walks away and doesn't want anything to do with the woman of baby, then okay...she has all the say.

missy51970's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:59 PM

Well, let me just say this. I said it a few pages back, but just wanted to put it back out their again.

IMO....if the male is involved with the female, meaning that he is going to be a part of her life and the babies life, then I feel he should be able to weigh in on the decision. I realize that a woman's body is a woman's body. But the baby was created by both people, and he has as much right to deciding what should or shouldn't happen. He might not carry the baby for nine months. He might not have to go through all the emotional and physical changes that the woman will. But he was part of creating the life, and if he will be their for her, then he does have a say. I just feel he does. I know it is a thin line, but that is his baby too. Now, if he just walks away and doesn't want anything to do with the woman of baby, then okay...she has all the say.

I somewhat agree Goof.. but ultimately its the decision of the woman... the man can say what he wants about it... but it just isnt his decision.. period

Goofball73's photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:01 PM

Well, let me just say this. I said it a few pages back, but just wanted to put it back out their again.

IMO....if the male is involved with the female, meaning that he is going to be a part of her life and the babies life, then I feel he should be able to weigh in on the decision. I realize that a woman's body is a woman's body. But the baby was created by both people, and he has as much right to deciding what should or shouldn't happen. He might not carry the baby for nine months. He might not have to go through all the emotional and physical changes that the woman will. But he was part of creating the life, and if he will be their for her, then he does have a say. I just feel he does. I know it is a thin line, but that is his baby too. Now, if he just walks away and doesn't want anything to do with the woman of baby, then okay...she has all the say.

I somewhat agree Goof.. but ultimately its the decision of the woman... the man can say what he wants about it... but it just isnt his decision.. period

Hmmmmm. Well, it's okay if you only "somewhat" agree with me. You are still a cuttie in my book. But, if you agreed with me, then.....:wink: laugh laugh laugh

missy51970's photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:02 PM

Well, let me just say this. I said it a few pages back, but just wanted to put it back out their again.

IMO....if the male is involved with the female, meaning that he is going to be a part of her life and the babies life, then I feel he should be able to weigh in on the decision. I realize that a woman's body is a woman's body. But the baby was created by both people, and he has as much right to deciding what should or shouldn't happen. He might not carry the baby for nine months. He might not have to go through all the emotional and physical changes that the woman will. But he was part of creating the life, and if he will be their for her, then he does have a say. I just feel he does. I know it is a thin line, but that is his baby too. Now, if he just walks away and doesn't want anything to do with the woman of baby, then okay...she has all the say.

I somewhat agree Goof.. but ultimately its the decision of the woman... the man can say what he wants about it... but it just isnt his decision.. period

Hmmmmm. Well, it's okay if you only "somewhat" agree with me. You are still a cuttie in my book. But, if you agreed with me, then.....:wink: laugh laugh laugh

HAHAHA.. thanks

Lily0923's photo
Sun 10/19/08 03:18 PM

I'm sorry about what has happened to you, and I hope all is better, but you are only looking at one point of view. Now imagine a girl, raped by her uncle, pregnant. Doesnt matter if she has a hard time having kids, she's not going to want that kid. And what if the doctors tell you that having this kid would be like having a vegetable? and so on...

NO, you're not looking at it, I said and will say AGAIN, I am anti-choice for ME and pro-choice for EVERYONE else in the world.

Please read what people say and not put your own definitions in it....Thank you very much.

Lily0923's photo
Sun 10/19/08 03:25 PM

Well, let me just say this. I said it a few pages back, but just wanted to put it back out their again.

IMO....if the male is involved with the female, meaning that he is going to be a part of her life and the babies life, then I feel he should be able to weigh in on the decision. I realize that a woman's body is a woman's body. But the baby was created by both people, and he has as much right to deciding what should or shouldn't happen. He might not carry the baby for nine months. He might not have to go through all the emotional and physical changes that the woman will. But he was part of creating the life, and if he will be their for her, then he does have a say. I just feel he does. I know it is a thin line, but that is his baby too. Now, if he just walks away and doesn't want anything to do with the woman of baby, then okay...she has all the say.

I love you man, but I will say, if you don't have a uterous, you don't get to say what happens to it in any reguard.

I don't have testicles, I won't wave my opinions around about what should or shouldn't happen to them....

I do not own a pigmy goat, I will not get involved to the laws involving pigmy goats...

I do not make widgets, I will not get involved in the laws that govern making widgets.

Does this make any sense?????

Giocamo's photo
Sun 10/19/08 03:37 PM
I Googled Rape / Abortion and this is the first bit of info that came up...I said 2% were attributed to rape...I was wrong as you can see...

Reasons for abortions
In 2000, cases of rape or incest accounted for 1% of abortions.[9] Another study, in 1998, revealed that women reported the following reasons for choosing an abortion:[10]
25.5% Want to postpone childbearing
21.3% Cannot afford a baby
14.1% Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy
12.2% Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy
10.8% Having a child will disrupt education or job
7.9% Want no (more) children
3.3% Risk to fetal health
2.8% Risk to maternal health
2.1% Other

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