Topic: Does God love sinners?
arkdanimal's photo
Sat 10/11/08 12:41 PM
Edited by arkdanimal on Sat 10/11/08 12:42 PM

Yes God loves everyone, even fool hearted arguementative jerrks!

I know you must be talking about yourself. Right? laugh
does't thou often make a statement, then ask if it was correct with a question?

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 10/11/08 12:41 PM

I would not want to force anything on anyone.. There are those who will find their way to peace with God's help...regarding ALL their questions.

I'n not into 'religion" but I am into a repented life & found MANY good people along the way. Even with questions, backslidings, & thoughts of defeat, God always managed to lead me down the right path.

I'll tell you this... It's not enough to be a "good" person. I think many are finding that out.

Wat about those ppl who feel they have found their peace without god?

And also....why is it not enough to be just a good person?

well Pink, the christian will point out what "standard" you are using as to the word good. In other words - who are you or others comparing yourself to as to what you consider "GOOD". If the comparison is between you and others you consider good [meaning if that's your standard] then it's a faulty comparison, it's like to models or makes of cars comparing themselves with each other,[if that were possible], it's pointless, at any time this comparative person could be put into a situation where their normal goodness would be put to the test and they find themselves doing things they would otherwise not do in there normal circumstances. So christians use an all perfect god to compare all else to - if you fall short of this perfectness then you are not considered "good" and therefore need god's grace through christ atonement to be able to be in the eternal presence of this god some day.

To me there is no difference between religious goodness, and non-religious goodness.

Basically, it will always fall back to not believing in god. Imo,If god discriminates against ppl for not following him, then he hasnt earned the right to be called god.

IF there is a god, to me, his love would be UNCONDITIONAL, and if he sees u have always been a good person and done ur best, then he will still love u even if u dont believe in him. Thats why its called UNCONDITIONAL love, and thats why he gave us freewill and the ability to seek answers for ourselves.

Well so what do you think this means when the scriptures say that our righteousness is as filthy rags? Can it be that in God there is even a better way?

That's what I am referring to.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 10/11/08 12:43 PM

Actually Jehovah is just another name for God.....but nonetheless is "God"

So does this mean all 'gods' are the same god?

and if so, does this mean ALL the diff relgious historical writings have been written wrongly? possibly adapted, to suit the religion?

There are many names used in reference to God of the Bible. These names give reference to God, who He is & His divine nature & charactor.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 10/11/08 12:48 PM

So this is just the personal perspective of one of the willingly unsaved.....

Sure God loves sinners....(I am only going by my references of what I was taught)

Jesus (God's proxy in the physical world) hung out with fishermen (a foul mouthed hard working lot), a tax collector (What? you would trust one!), and a hooker (no need to expound on that)....

Those were his running buddies. Unless I misread that book (several hundred times) Jesus apparently didnt have a problem with less than idealic people....Not my place to put them problem is with the pious righteous...(I guess that started with the Pharasee's...thier type continues to this day)

Well actually Jesus has compassion on those who, thru no fault of their own, were mistreated & exploited by those who were suppose to be showing these folks the way.

How does anyone suppose Jesus would feel about those who KNOW the truth yet rebell against them even knowing the consequences?

Therein lies the difference between then & now. There's a big difference between ignorance & down right rebellion.

arkdanimal's photo
Sat 10/11/08 12:51 PM
Christ just knocks and knocks and knocks, all we have to do is open our hearts, let him in, and try to carry his message. God will do the rest!

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 10/11/08 12:54 PM

Greed was the basis for lucifer wanting to be God. It is the very basis for all of evil. When people act on it it causes things like wars, failing economy's, distrust, etc..So like I say, Greed breeds bad deeds!

And wat does that have to do with god loving a sinner? which he clearly does.

So, greed is about wanting more...not being happy with wat u have. Could we then not call god greedy, for wanting more ppl to follow him?

Is there anything to prove, that if we dont follow god, we r following the devil?

Imo, the church is the greediest of all.....adapting the bible to wat THEY wanted ppl to believe, cheating ppl of the truth in order to have their loyalty.

Yeh, greed isnt good.
You'll have to realize that the "church" is christ's follower's. Not some big organized club/religion that only claims to follow his teachings. There are probably very few actual christians in the world today. But that is OK, we are saved by grace, not by works!

So if there is only a few ACTUAL christians, how come the church make so much money out of ppl who r christians who make regular donations to the church? r u saying these ppl r being ripped off?

Do u think Jesus would be impressed by the wealth of the church?

Do u think he would be impressed by the way they have changed the bible to suit themselves?

I think not.

The church is worth billions, does that not go against everything that Jesus was trying to convey considering we have third world countries who have no money at all?

So what is your point? Many who do believe & follow the ways of God will give to the causes that are promoted by the church. BTW, the churches do alot of good with that money...all over the world. Why anyone would have a problem with that is a mystery to me. ????

BTW... Wealth is not something that Jesus is against. There is a difference between the godless use of money as opposed to God adding to us when we seek Him first. Even tho money is the root of all evil God also knows what we have need of. Those many churches use that money to help give food & medical needs around the world.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 12:54 PM
Well that would be fine for those that choose to accept Christ. So what is wrong with finding a different spiritual path or perhaps none at all? Why would that condemn a person to hell automatically? Is it possible that you may end up in hell for sowing the seeds of discourse among brethren?

arkdanimal's photo
Sat 10/11/08 12:58 PM

Well that would be fine for those that choose to accept Christ. So what is wrong with finding a different spiritual path or perhaps none at all? Why would that condemn a person to hell automatically? Is it possible that you may end up in hell for sowing the seeds of discourse among brethren?
Krimsa, I love you, that is my choice, you and I are completely free to believe whatever we like, that is just one more evidence against evolution. To date, no other being on this planet has shown behavior that is of pure choice!

Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:02 PM
Matthew 7

7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Jesus says that most people will go to hell. He seems to be OK with that. I am not so worried about it in that case. laugh

Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:05 PM

Well that would be fine for those that choose to accept Christ. So what is wrong with finding a different spiritual path or perhaps none at all? Why would that condemn a person to hell automatically? Is it possible that you may end up in hell for sowing the seeds of discourse among brethren?
Krimsa, I love you, that is my choice, you and I are completely free to believe whatever we like, that is just one more evidence against evolution. To date, no other being on this planet has shown behavior that is of pure choice!

Yeah sharp Ive seen some of your "evidence against evolution" This coming from a man who explains the immaculate conception as being possible because Mary was in fact a hermaphroditic organism much like an earthworm. Go have another brewsky. happy

arkdanimal's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:06 PM

Matthew 7

7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Jesus says that most people will go to hell. He seems to be OK with that. I am not so worried about it in that case. laugh
nope, He said "wide is the gate that leadeth to destruction" not to hell, but I guess if you want to look at it that way, you are free to do that!

Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:08 PM
Yes that would be my interpretation. Hell or destruction are both pretty caustic. But thats just me. :tongue:

arkdanimal's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:09 PM

Yes that would be my interpretation. Hell or destruction are both pretty caustic. But thats just me. :tongue:
you don't wanna go to either of them, I hope!

Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:48 PM

Yes that would be my interpretation. Hell or destruction are both pretty caustic. But thats just me. :tongue:
you don't wanna go to either of them, I hope!

I dont believe in hell. What are you joking? Pfft.

tribo's photo
Sat 10/11/08 02:26 PM

BTW... Wealth is not something that Jesus is against. There is a difference between the godless use of money as opposed to God adding to us when we seek Him first. Even though money is the root of all evil God also knows what we have need of. Those many churches use that money to help give food & medical needs around the world.


money is not THE ROOT of all evil thats a mistranslation!

the IGNT: 0 riza <4491> gar <1063> {FOR A ROOT} pantwn <3956> twn <3588> {OF ALL} kakwn <2556> {EVILS} estin <2076> (5748) {IS} h <3588> {THE} filarguria <5365> {LOVE OF MONEY;} hv

YLT: 10 for a root of all the evils is the love of money,

both state that money is "A" root of evil, the love of money to be exact.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 02:30 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 10/11/08 02:31 PM
Tribo, I guess all the Republicans are destined for hell. That seems to be their platform anyway. laugh

Basically those that have, should have more, and those that have not, should not only have less but not have what they already have. :tongue:

tribo's photo
Sat 10/11/08 02:32 PM
there platform has been on fire for the last 8 years my lady, but to me the dem's are no better, what we need is another kennedy type personality but it might even be to late for that.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 02:38 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 10/11/08 02:40 PM

there platform has been on fire for the last 8 years my lady, but to me the dem's are no better, what we need is another kennedy type personality but it might even be to late for that.

Yeah Democrats spend a lot of money. I will admit to that. Obama might be the ticket. I think he's young and vibrant and will at least be different. He's got my vote. I really want to be out of Iraq and I dont see that happening with McCain. Even if Obama gets in there, it wont be an overnight process. We will need to leave a presence there to avoid an uprising and power vacuum as all these factions rush to take over as soon as we are not there. It wont be like Vietnam where we just said screw it and airlifted everyone out in a few days. That was basically because there was no longer anything invested there and that Tet offensive kicked our ass.

tribo's photo
Sat 10/11/08 03:05 PM

there platform has been on fire for the last 8 years my lady, but to me the dem's are no better, what we need is another kennedy type personality but it might even be to late for that.

Yeah Democrats spend a lot of money. I will admit to that. Obama might be the ticket. I think he's young and vibrant and will at least be different. He's got my vote. I really want to be out of Iraq and I dont see that happening with McCain. Even if Obama gets in there, it wont be an overnight process. We will need to leave a presence there to avoid an uprising and power vacuum as all these factions rush to take over as soon as we are not there. It wont be like Vietnam where we just said screw it and airlifted everyone out in a few days. That was basically because there was no longer anything invested there and that Tet offensive kicked our ass.

i agree - the only time we should be going to war at all in my opninion is if someone is attacking us directly or areas we are in with our allies by thier want and permission. we've has since the mid 70's to wean ourselves off off oil and everytime we went back to our usual ways, we don't learn from our mistakes and now were back to a seroius depression over all this and more.
What ever happens as a country - we desrve it! to bad it's the kids that will pay for it and not us directly, trillions of dollars of debt?? thats just evil!!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 03:11 PM
Saudi Arabia wanted to take it over in Nov of 06 instead Bush called for 20 to 30 thousand more troops in mid Dec.. Our news hardly mentioned it