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Topic: problem
TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 09/14/08 06:06 AM

Well wasn't it a huge misinterpretation of the word "alma" to begin with? I think my point was that this was but one reason the Jews did not and could not endorse Jesus as Messiah.

well it depends upon what are the biases of the people interpreting.
if the individual interpreting is trying to deny the divinity of my Lord, well I guess you are right.

Hey I already told you that I feel this is irrelevant to this thread. I am not a Christian, nor a Catholic so I could not care less. All Im saying is I feel the Hebrews made a point here. I cant really blame them.

then I'm glad for them.
My only point is that this point about the jews rejecting the Holy Virgin is minor compared to the important reason why they rejected my Lord.
Again it's a reason mainly used by fundies to rest importance to the blessed virgin.
A friendly reminder my dear friend you were the one who made me a question about the virgin.
Initially we were talking about serpents and trees.flowerforyou flowerforyou

Isnt that what I just said? There are many reasons why Jesus was rejected as being the true Messiah by the Jews. My point was that it is clearly understandable. If you want to argue that continuously because it infringes on your belief system in some respect, leave me out of it. I have told you that to me, it is of no consequence one way or another.

you are right. Plus I need to sleep. I worked all night long. And this circle argument is taking time from my rest. Have a good day.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 09/14/08 06:12 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 09/14/08 06:15 AM

They had a many of course but thats not really insignificant. I would hardly call it nit pickery.

As every other intelligent person who is against christianity.

Assertions such as all christians are delusional or foolish are fifth grade statements which I don't pay attention.

Yours are very intelligent and the seem well researched, that is why I take the time to dialogue with you.

However, my point is very simple the fact that the Jews could not understand a Mesiah born from woman (we already know how they regarded women generally) does not mean that my Lord is not who He is.

It's interesting how in this point fundies and non-christians think very alike.

I am not "against" Christianity. I simply do not adhere to this particular belief system. However, as noted previously, my own spirituality is irrelevant to this discussion. In other words, it shall remain a non-issue.

The Hebrews had MANY problems as it related to Jesus and his lack of personal qualification for the position of Messiah. They kept very detailed records and accounted for all. I feel its only responsible and reasonable for an educated, intelligent person to understand the position they were taking and the grievances they had with these numerous mistranslations.

You are free to disagree however out of respect for the thread, you should probably create a new topic so as to not interrupt this one.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 09/14/08 08:32 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 09/14/08 08:41 AM
And Eljay. A little more information for your consideration:

‘Enki and Ninhursag’ is perhaps one of the most difficult Mesopotamian myth for Judeo-Christian Westerners to understand, because it stands as the opposite of the myth of Adam and Eve in Paradise found in the Old Testament Bible. Indeed, ‘ the literature created by the Sumerians left its deep imprint on the Hebrews, and one of the thrilling aspects of reconstructing and translating Sumerian belles-lettres consists in tracing resemblances and parallels between Sumerian and Biblical motifs.

To be sure, Sumerians could not have influenced the Hebrews directly, for they had ceased to exist long before the Hebrew people came into existence. But there is little doubt that the Sumerians deeply influenced the Canaanites, who preceded the Hebrews in the land later known as Palestine. Some comparisons with the Bible paradise story:

1) the idea of a divine paradise, the garden of gods, is of Sumerian origin, and it was Dilmun, the land of immortals situated in southwestern Persia. It is the same Dilmun that, later, the Babylonians, the Semitic people who conquered the Sumerians, located their home of the immortals. There is a good indication that the Biblical paradise, which is described as a garden planted eastward in Eden, from whose waters flow the four world rivers including the Tigris and the Euphrates, may have been originally identical with Dilmun;

2) the watering of Dilmun by Enki and the Sun god Utu with fresh water brought up from the earth is suggestive of the Biblical ‘ But there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground’ (Genesis 2:6);

3) the birth of goddesses without pain or travail illuminates the background of the curse against Eve that it shall be her lot to conceive and bear children in sorrow;

4) Enki’s greed to eat the eight sacred plants which gave birth to the Vegetal World resonates the eating of the Forbidden Fruit by Adam and Eve, and 5) most remarkably, this myth provides an explanation for one of the most puzzling motifs in the Biblical paradise story - the famous passage describing the fashioning of Eve, the mother of all living, from the rib of Adam. Why a rib instead of another organ to fashion the woman whose name Eve means according to the Bible, ‘she who makes live’?

If we look at the Sumerian myth, we see that when Enki gets ill, cursed by Ninhursag, one of his body parts that starts dying is the rib. The Sumerian word for rib is ‘ti’ . To heal each of Enki’s dying body parts, Ninhursag gives birth to eight goddesses. The goddess created for the healing of Enki’s rib is called ‘Nin-ti’, ‘the lady of the rib’. But the Sumerian word ‘ti’ also means ‘to make live’. The name ‘Nin-ti’ may therefore mean ‘the lady who makes live’ as well as ‘the lady of the rib’. Thus, a very ancient literary pun was carried over and perpetuated in the Bible, but without its original meaning, because the Hebrew word for ‘rib’ and that for ‘who makes live’ have nothing in common. Moreover, it is Ninhursag who gives her life essence to heal Enki, who is then reborn from her.

splendidlife's photo
Sun 09/14/08 08:53 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Sun 09/14/08 09:46 AM
Double Post

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 09:03 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 09/14/08 09:04 AM
God is Spirit.
Not logic.

Depends on your logic.

I believe that the truth is very logical and very simple.
We just haven't gotten to the point of understanding it yet.

When we do, we will slap ourselves in the forehead and shout,
"Of Course! that makes perfect sense! How did we miss that? Its so simple!" slaphead

splendidlife's photo
Sun 09/14/08 09:45 AM

Splendidlife...God is Spirit.
Not logic.

And Because God is Spirit, the things of the spirit are not going to make logical sense.

To be born again makes no logical sense....cause it happens in the spirit...and is of the Spirit.

And when we are born again, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us, and leads us and guides us into all truth..and Yes..when we are born again, we recognize and KNOW God's Voice....and flee from the voice of a stranger( someone twisting God's Word, for instance).

The very foundations of our physical realm are based on fundamentally logical laws of nature. It would stand to reason that any force creating all of this would encompass or at least be connected to complete logic. Why else would ALL be created in such precise disposition?

If we have been created with the natural drive and capacity to seek greater knowledge of our place/purpose in this Universe... one would gather that it was done so by design.

The veil of the Holy Spirit will shelter and comfort to a degree. But, if one has any inkling at all that we have come to remember our source, one can not help but further question.

We were created with the capacity...

Therefore, ours IS to question why.

Does there appear to be any greater "twisting of God's Words" in this logic than in Christian Interpretation?

Eljay's photo
Sun 09/14/08 11:47 AM

However, Abra - spider is not discussing his "belief" about it - he is discussing what he researched to "understand what is being said".

If you knew anything about logic - this would be obvious to you.

But his understandings are his beliefs.

And you talk about knowing something about 'logic'? huh

No they're not. He knows but the book says, and what is implied. He choses not to believe it. However - unlike your logic - he does not form an opinion, then run off to find scriptures to support it. I've read his posts.

davidben1's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:13 PM
there once was a wicked step parent the mind, that speak to it's child the heart as a wicked step parent, speaking only half of any truth, as observations of the mind, that are wisdom but not yet completed, as knowledge of the mind, and the true child the heart now see to always answer back the half truths of the mind, that decieved by telling only of fragmnents of truth, to be put together as the whole circle of wisdom by the unassuming heart...........

indeed the mind whisper as to give 1, for the heart to give 1, for 1 + 1 doth equal two, and now together, there is no more two, and the mind and heart are as one, and one flesh is no longer of flesh, and 1 is not the lonliest number as the great liar of half truth the mind whispered, but the greatest number that walk thru the valley, and the doubt and indecision of two, as the seemed everlasting choices of good and evil, good and better, weak and strong, hate and love, greed and giving, the two options in every step, is forever abolished, and the walk is as one, and all divide from within that led to misery, for lack of sight of all as good, is as death to the wicked stepmother, and crawling upon the ground of partial logic as a catterpiller is now come to be of wings of flight, as wings of sight fly thru the realms of dimensions of all things that give layers of sight, even as the eagle the heart had always screamed from deep within, the knowing all things were as possible ......

to fly free of the mind the wicked step mother, cinderella now free, after the clock strike midnight, and she is no longer turned back by the fear of the taskmaster the mind, that say she will be as ground into powder for rebellion and disobedience or unkindness.........

and as the carriage of truth is not abandoned any longer, for the once heard tales of fear, that hid the doorway to the garden of greater knowing, and each door is walked thru, each one leading thru the maze, that leave the mind breathless, never knowing now, as all things have become as possible, and hearing is acute, and all words tell the stroy, and are as immense, and eternal truth is in all things seen......

indeed, as the stairway to heaven is climbed, spoken by the plant that prophecied, each step in the stairs is as two, the bottom of the step as good, the back of the step as bad, there comes now no steps and no stairs, and jacobs ladder has died, and crumbled, and there is no fatigue from climbing, as climbing has become as walking on solid ground, and sight there are no steps that make a stairs without the bottom and the back makes the heart of mankind one by one leap into wisdom, and wisdom is eternity, and knowing cause the heart to embrace both two's of all things, the stairs, of the half-truths of the mind and whole wisdom of the heart, and there is relish of what once made the heart faint, with misery of self defeat, and the stairs are no longer as black and white, and are turned to gray, and the good and bad interpretations of the mind have come to death, and the steps are walked each one with confidence, with sure and stable feet, and the stairs are now as level, and moving as electric stairs, that go as fast as one wish, and the purpose of the steps of the stairs seen with the heart to see itself has been allowed all along to determine the pace, and the excitement make the heart race, and greater vision quicken the pace, and and zext of zeal of learning, the way out of the maze the mind clearly seen no longer thru the glass darkly, inspire to infinitiy, and the pace come to be as expidential, and the tower of all babel of the mind, that came to reach the heavens, now as all things understood, is torn down, brick by brick, man by man, women by women, and the root of all things exposed and laid bare, and the sight is dazzeling, and the eyes give way to the great peace and joy of true learning, and the sight of things beyond the realm of mortal is sweet, and satisfaction of the lips is never ending, and the taste of the once poison apple the mind of knowledge is breathed and sucked in like the wind, with knowing, and what the poison apple created is good, and there is no sting of death, and futility is as passed away in all things, and death has given up it's sting, and peace come forth with wisdom and create a new heavens of wisdom and new earth of peace, and the sight of it is blissful........peace

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