Topic: problem
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Fri 09/12/08 11:51 PM

and i brought that point up to him MS, and he still kept saying physical death.

No Tribo, you didn't. The verse in question, Genesis 2:17, says that if man eats the fruit of the tree, he will start dying that day.

"mooth mooth" (dying die) always has a cause. Eating the fruit for instance. But what was it about eating the fruit that caused Adam to start dying? The fact that eating the forbidden fruit was a sin and sin results in seperation from God. Adam would die spiritually the moment he ate the fruit, I'm not arguing against that point. I'm arguing that Genesis 2:17 doesn't say that, it only IMPLIES that. What Genesis 2:17 says is that if Adam at the fruit, he would start dying from that day and eventually die.

Now if someone says "The meaning of Genesis 2:17 is that eating the fruit would result in spiritual death", I would have to agree and disagree. Prima facia, Genesis 2:17 is completely concerned with physical death as a result of eating the forbidden fruit. Only by looking at other parts of the Bible can anyone say that Genesis 2:17 concerns spiritual death.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/13/08 12:32 AM
The fruit of the tree is not a fruit that you eat. the tree of knowledge of good and evil was Satan, the tree of life, Christ. Eve did not eat an apple or some other fruit, she partook of Satan, ie, had sex with him, so did Adam, either, Satan being supernatural appeared to him as a woman or it could have been a homosexual act. anyway, its not an apple as is so commonly taught, and wrongly. Cain was the seed of Satan, Abel the seed of Adam, fraternal twins if you will. That is why God rejected Cains offering. God said if you partake then in that day you will die, they did, as the bible says, a day to the lord is as a thousand years to man.

anyhow, this was fun, got another hurricane brewing so i'll be in and out as weather allows, this ought to stir the pot a little

:angel: waving

no photo
Sat 09/13/08 01:23 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Sat 09/13/08 01:36 AM
Sharpshooter.....Nowhere in scripture does it say ANY of this stuff you just wrote here, about satan being intimate with adam and eve.

Maybe you were just kidding..but if you were not.....

well then,

the "interpretation " of scripture that you just gave here ,

is a prime example of what is known as just man's interpretation (which is nothing more than just man's opinion).....


the Holy Spirit given interpretation of scripture...which is the only right way to interpret scripture.....

otherwise, man can make scripture say any old thing man wants scripture to say.

Sharpshooter, Incorrect Answers like you just presented here, are a result of not being led of the Holy Spirit, and not rightly dividing and studying the Word of God .

Eljay's photo
Sat 09/13/08 01:44 AM

They weren't even trying. :tongue:

Actually their trial was correct, the problem was the people who read it didn't get it the way it was suppose to come across.

By the "not trying" comment actually what I meant by that was the writers of this story, Moses or whoever else might have aided him, were stealing snippets of other creation myths that pre-dated Genesis. Plagiarism in fact. They were very close. The snake was representative of Paganism and the much older belief system that was already in place and that Christianity would be in direct opposition with. The concept of a monotheistic deity such as Yahweh or Jehovah had been brought forth by the various invading tribes. The Hebrews were but one. So, in a sense, this story in the bible depicting the Tree of Knowledge (arguably one of the most critical) was a direct attempt at discrediting the much older religion of the day.

I'm curious - what document are you refering to that predates Genesis - I'd like to check this out.

Well I always assumed that you felt that nothing pre-dated Genesis Eljay. You felt that ALL radiocarbon dating was inaccurate and it was all a bunch of agenda driven scientists making this up? Am I wrong or do you legitimately have an interest now? Aren't you afraid that by merely looking at some of this archeological evidence you will be presumed to endorse it by your church or whoever else? If you want me to show it to you, I will. You can take it or leave it of course. I dont know where you stand on that exactly.

I'm just curious about documentation that predates Genesis - not archeological evidence that has been dated before that time. I know what is going on there. For instance - we know the Koran is an ancient document, the writings of Confuscious - etc. I'm curious about what the oldest document is that discusses some of the ancient mythologies (Zeus, Diane, Athena, etc)
and their relation to the dating of Genesis.

Well here is one very strange one I found the other morning.

Date Genesis was completed

1513 BCE

Date of the height of the Minoan culture and Snake Goddess representation in Crete

1600 BCE


I can keep going however. Did you want me to show you the actual earlier myths that The Tree of Knowledge story stole snippets from? The similarities? I mentioned another on this thread if you scroll up a little. Before I started speaking with TLW back and forth.

So what you are saying - is that there is a document of the Minoans discussing the snake godess. What is the name of the book/document?

Eljay's photo
Sat 09/13/08 01:58 AM

Spider wrote:

What makes me more qualified?

Well, the fact that I want to understand what the scripture says, not look for holes. The fact that I research the originals and look at the meanings of the words, in order to understand the meaning the author wanted to convey.

But that's just self-delusion.

You claim that you want to understand the meaning that the author wanted to convey. So all you end up doing is overlooking any potential problems or inconsistencies and just try to support the story because you'd like to believe for some strange reason.

That's not being 'more qualified', that's simply being biased toward supporting the stories.

This is in fact precisely what all the translaters and transcribers of the Bible throughout history were attempting to do. After all, who's going to even bother transcribing the stories if they don't believe they hold truths?

So you just search around to find the transcribtions that you can best fit into you bias of wanting the story to be true.

So in that sense you're only 'more qualified' for being biased to what to support the stories.

This actually 'disqualifies' you from have a sincere objective view.

My only question for you would be why?

Why are you so determined to believe that there are demonic serpents who coerce otherwise innocent people into doing things that are against the will of God?

Why are you so determined to believe that all of mankind is responsible for having fallen short of the Glory of their creator and that they all deserve to die if not 'saved' by grace?

Why are you so determined to believe that God had to send his only begotten Son to be brutally crucified on your behalf so that you could be forgive you willfill and sinful disobedience of God.

Why are you so determined to believe a story that has mankind at such odds with his creator?

Why is that so attractive to you?

I can honestly say that if the story is true then I am totally depressed and ashamed of the human condition.

Even to beg for forgiveness is a shameful act that can only serve to confess that we are indeed guilty of willfully turning against God.

I personally don't believe that I ever willfully turned against my creator and therefore to confess that I'm guilty of doing that would be a lie.

Rather than bending over backwards trying to make an incoherent and inconsistent story appear to possibly hold some truth if we stretch for really absurd solutions, I would perfer to just look at those absurdities and inconsistencies and rejoice in the fact that the story most likely isn't true.

Who could not celebrate with the utmost joy upon having discovered that we never fell from grace from our creator, and he never had to send his son to be nailed to a pole to pay for our willful and rebellious disobedience?

Surely that would be the greatest news you could ever possibly here?

Surely you would not be disappointed to discover that we are not guilty of all the terrible things the Bible claims that we are guilty for.

If you would be disappointed to discover that the Bible is not true then I can only say that I feel extremely sorry for you. Why you would be disappointed to discover that we are not guilty of all those things would be totally beyond me.

I maintain that the Bible cannot possibly be true. I have given a myriad of reasons on these forums why this must be the case. I'll share one of those reason right now for anyone who might be interested in hearing it.

We know today that mankind was not always around. We know that there were times in prehistory when primitive beasts and plants lived when there were no humans around.

We know that those animals and plants died, and suffered from natural disasters.

Therefore it is impossible for mankind to be responsible for having brought death and imperfection into the world.

We can't be guilty of what the Bible claims. It simply isn't possible. Death and destruction existed long before mankind ever came onto the scene.

What's left to do?

We can either rejoice in the truth that the story is false and that we are not guilty of all the nonsense the Bible blames us for.

Or we can ignore what the real world is telling us in favor of supporting a grossly inconsistent myth that claims that we are terrible sinners who have rejected God to the point where God had to send his only begotten Son to be nailed to a pole so that he could somehow forgive only the ones who accept this slaughter to save their souls.

Why anyone would even want to believe in this picture is totally beyond me.

I'll just never understand why anyone would even want to believe it if they have a choice to not believe it.

The history of the universe itself is telling us that the story can't be true!

Break out the champagne! drinker

We're not guilty!

However, Abra - spider is not discussing his "belief" about it - he is discussing what he researched to "understand what is being said".

If you knew anything about logic - this would be obvious to you.

Eljay's photo
Sat 09/13/08 02:01 AM

Spider wrote:

What makes me more qualified?

Well, the fact that I want to understand what the scripture says, not look for holes. The fact that I research the originals and look at the meanings of the words, in order to understand the meaning the author wanted to convey.

But that's just self-delusion.

You claim that you want to understand the meaning that the author wanted to convey. So all you end up doing is overlooking any potential problems or inconsistencies and just try to support the story because you'd like to believe for some strange reason.

That's not being 'more qualified', that's simply being biased toward supporting the stories.

This is in fact precisely what all the translaters and transcribers of the Bible throughout history were attempting to do. After all, who's going to even bother transcribing the stories if they don't believe they hold truths?

So you just search around to find the transcribtions that you can best fit into you bias of wanting the story to be true.

So in that sense you're only 'more qualified' for being biased to what to support the stories.

This actually 'disqualifies' you from have a sincere objective view.

That's not how I took what he said. I took it to mean the exact opposite. That instead of trying to prove it false by poking holes in it, or blindly accepting it as true based on the word of some third party, he wanted to gain a full understanding what the origianl author was trying to communicate. In other words, a true and accurate "translation" instead of an "interpretation."

"But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong." - Dennis Miller :smile:

You're attributing that quote to Dennis Miller???

I heard that quote before he got out of grade school.

Eljay's photo
Sat 09/13/08 02:05 AM

God cannot look upon sin...sin and God don't mix...and disobedience is sin.

If god created ALL...
God created sin.

If a polar opposite of this "perfect" and absolute good exists, one would gather that the one who created it COULD in fact look upon it. It would seem it would have to serve some purpose in natural balance.

Besides, how could disobedience, according to one particular doctrine, make it so Universally?

Actually - God did not "create" sin, because sin is the absense of Good, and truth. In effect - it only exists as a negative or falling short of the expected. Which is perfection. The same can be said of black (the absense of color - or light)
Cold (the steady decline of heat.) These are only concepts that measure the absense of what is being measured.

Eljay's photo
Sat 09/13/08 02:19 AM

Explain exactly what you know? When did you convert to Christianity? What are your personal qualifications for the position ? What makes you better equipped to interpret the scripture than any other person that reads it? I did not perceive her statement to be humorous whatsoever. I have had the same problem in fact.

What makes me more qualified?

Well, the fact that I want to understand what the scripture says, not look for holes. The fact that I research the originals and look at the meanings of the words, in order to understand the meaning the author wanted to convey.

If JB was serious, then what you two are saying is that the translators interpretation trumps the authors intentions, which is absolutely ridiculous. I don't honestly believe that either of you think that. There is no way that a rational and sane human being could believe that the translation is always 100% accurate and when it differs from the original text, then the translation MUST be right.

I am damn serious. I expect the English translation to be accurate. If it is not accurate then people should stop going around claiming it is the perfect and accurate word of God almighty. I expect the English version to say what it means and mean what it says, just like Feralcat does.

Is that too much to ask? People can't be expected to seek out the original scripts and try to learn another language and try to figure out what every little word means or why is was or was not used in the English translation. That is ridiculous.

Either the English translation is accurate and says what it means and means what it says or it is flawed and mistranslated. You can't have it both ways.


AGREED!! emphatically!! and here's the kicker!!! - "IF" the book was meant for ""everyone"" for """all times""" then an all wise god would have known that and done such to make it that way. but "HERE" we have a book(s) written at diff. times and thrown together in a haphazard way in 3 different languages [Aramaic and Hebrew and Greek] and then later translated [after the facts] a myriad of times in to [DOZEN"S] of other and more modern languages, and were now expected to believe on faith that this is ">>>""THE""<<<" [original] >>>>>word of god<<<<<. and the modern translator's keep changing the meaning it seems like, every generation to suit their needs as to making sure that what is read can be defended ad infinitum by those claiming to "UDERSTAND" what was originally meant. the claimed "TEXTUS RECEPTUS" is NOT the received text but written down after the facts who knows how long after it was originally said to be "spoken" so FAITH" is all one can have to put faith in what is read and take for pure unadultratred infallible TRUTH!

since it was not written in a way where it could be perfectly understood for all times - this is just more proof for it being meant for those in the world as it existed then - not now.

ooopppsss! wrote this before i read the rest of the post - sorry.

In a way - you are right. For this reason, Jesus came to earth, chose 12, and walked amoung them for three years - teaching them EXACTLY what the true meaning behind the words were. We have the account of what was most important of those teachings - it is called the New Testament. Despite having walked with these 12 (one of whom didn't get it - but it was meant to be that he would nt) Jesus said that he still had many more things to teach them - and thus, we have the eye witness accounts, as well as inspired correspondences to the churches planted throughout the "known world" that the disciples were able to reach. The authors of the New Testament commented on the very text we are examining - which is why we can validate the idea that there was a spiritual death, and not just a physical one, which as we can see through hindsight - was a fact.

So - You are right Tribo in considering the text describes a "spiritual death" in that the loss of eternal life, and spiritual unity with God was severed. Spider is right - in that the day they ate of the fruit - their physical death began. Albiet, a "slow" one - in terms of how we percieve time - but for all intents and purposes, for a life that was meant to be lived eternally in the Garden of Eden, 900 years might as well have been a "day"

Eljay's photo
Sat 09/13/08 02:31 AM

There is a theory that Mary (mom of Jesus) was in fact raped and this is part of the reason her and Joseph might have concocted this story to begin with. Mary was terrified that if anyone found out, she might very well be stoned to death which they did to women in this time period. If they were sexually assaulted generally it was considered their fault in some respect. Its only one theory however and I have never researched it so I dont know how much supportive evidence there is for it. Carry on. offtopic

I don't think that Mary and Joseph concocted any such story. Who would believe them?

Surely even if Mary had been told by angels that she was going to have a divine birth she wouldn't be telling people. They would then stone her to death for blaspheme!

Clearly Mary and Joseph would have had to publicly pretend that Joseph was the father! To claim anything else would have had her stoned to death.

But you are right about that. Prior to Jesus' teachings at the well, people were still stoning sinners to death. And I'm sure they continued to stone them to death after Jesus taught his views. After all, word didn't get around very fast back then as there was no radio or TV. And not everyone would have agreed with Jesus or believed him.

In fact, the Jews never did accept Jesus.

So why aren't Jews still stoning sinners to death today?

That's an interesting question.

Why did they quit obeying God if they don't believe that Jesus spoke for God?

Clearly the God of the Old Testament wants us to stone sinners to death. Jesus was the only one who suggested to no longer to that. So those who don't accept that Jesus was God should still be stoning sinners to death shouldn't they?

Well - sort of. They did recognize back then, that Jesus was a great teacher, and considered him a Rabbi on the level of Shammai and Hillel, which is why they conspired to kill him. It would be fairly logical to think that a large number of the Jewish people, as well as the members of the Sanhedren themselves would have begun to take jesus' teachings to heart, thus effectng the way a number of the Law's of Moses were interpreted.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/13/08 03:09 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 09/13/08 04:04 AM

They weren't even trying. :tongue:

Actually their trial was correct, the problem was the people who read it didn't get it the way it was suppose to come across.

By the "not trying" comment actually what I meant by that was the writers of this story, Moses or whoever else might have aided him, were stealing snippets of other creation myths that pre-dated Genesis. Plagiarism in fact. They were very close. The snake was representative of Paganism and the much older belief system that was already in place and that Christianity would be in direct opposition with. The concept of a monotheistic deity such as Yahweh or Jehovah had been brought forth by the various invading tribes. The Hebrews were but one. So, in a sense, this story in the bible depicting the Tree of Knowledge (arguably one of the most critical) was a direct attempt at discrediting the much older religion of the day.

I'm curious - what document are you refering to that predates Genesis - I'd like to check this out.

Well I always assumed that you felt that nothing pre-dated Genesis Eljay. You felt that ALL radiocarbon dating was inaccurate and it was all a bunch of agenda driven scientists making this up? Am I wrong or do you legitimately have an interest now? Aren't you afraid that by merely looking at some of this archeological evidence you will be presumed to endorse it by your church or whoever else? If you want me to show it to you, I will. You can take it or leave it of course. I dont know where you stand on that exactly.

I'm just curious about documentation that predates Genesis - not archeological evidence that has been dated before that time. I know what is going on there. For instance - we know the Koran is an ancient document, the writings of Confuscious - etc. I'm curious about what the oldest document is that discusses some of the ancient mythologies (Zeus, Diane, Athena, etc)
and their relation to the dating of Genesis.

Well here is one very strange one I found the other morning.

Date Genesis was completed

1513 BCE

Date of the height of the Minoan culture and Snake Goddess representation in Crete

1600 BCE


I can keep going however. Did you want me to show you the actual earlier myths that The Tree of Knowledge story stole snippets from? The similarities? I mentioned another on this thread if you scroll up a little. Before I started speaking with TLW back and forth.

So what you are saying - is that there is a document of the Minoans discussing the snake godess. What is the name of the book/document?

No, I never said that. I said that a snake is the vehicle of temptation in the story of The Tree of Knowledge in Genesis. The snake just also happens to be widely associated with the Goddess throughout history. I have actually demonstrated this information on a couple different threads if you would like to look. Not this one specifically because it would not be directly reflective of the topic. By this date, I am showing you that the height of Minoan culture and the worship of the Snake Goddess was a mere 87 years in difference. Thats a a little bit unnerving.

Minoan Culture

Conspicuous in their absence are the usual signs of a male-dominated society common to the Eastern Mediterranean in the second millennium BCE: no walled citadels, no fortifications, no temples to the gods, no large public sculpture, no clear evidence of a hierarchically structured society ruled by kings and priests, no boastful inscriptions.

Possibly when the Minoan script Linear A is deciphered a different view on the Minoan civilization will emerge, but until then the visual evidence alone describes an attractive, easy-going society centered on large labyrinthine palace-like buildings which seem to have served primarily, judging from the huge storage areas, as collection and distribution centers for a well-organized system of local agricultural production, and as the residence of local leaders and, possibly, artists and craftspeople. Who the leaders were is unknown, but circumstantial evidence indicates that women played a dominant role in Minoan religion and perhaps also in Minoan society.

One of the prime pieces of evidence in support of the view that women dominated Minoan culture is the "Snake Goddess." The grounds for this view were laid by Arthur Evans himself. It is clear from the model of Minoan religion constructed by Evans that he was influenced by the theories put forward by James Frazer in The Golden Bough (first published in 1890) that prehistoric religion centered on a dominant goddess of fertility whose young male consort's annual death and rebirth symbolized the decay and regrowth of vegetation.

Evans certainly supported prevailing views about the existence in the prehistoric period of a Mother Goddess (identifying as such several Neolithic clay figures found at Knossos) and so, when the "Snake Goddess" came to light in 1903, he not only identified her as a "goddess" but also claimed that she was worshiped by the Minoans as an aspect of the Mother Goddess. Evans thereby provided the basis for the argument that Minoans lived in a matrilineal, or even a matriarchal, society.

Crete experienced a series of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The volcanic island Thera (Santorini), at about 70 km distance, erupted. The volcanic eruption and fallout was quite possibly larger than the Tambora eruption of 1815, the largest historical eruption on record. The eruption has been identified by ash fallout in eastern Crete, Egypt, and cores from the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean seas.Much written work was lost as it concerns this culture. They were also invaded by Around 1450 BC, the palaces were again disturbed. Some time later, around 1420 BC, the island was conquered by the Mycenaeans, who adapted Minoan script for their own proto-Greek language. After this, most Cretan cities and palaces went into decline; Knossos remained until 1200 BC.

In fact on this thread specifically I actually mentioned yet another legend from a people who pred-dated the writers of Genesis and some apparent "liberties" might have been taken with this story. This is an inversion of the more ancient Sumerian tale in which the goddess Ninhursag allows eight forbidden plants to grow in the garden of creation. Enki eats from them and is stricken. Ninhursag relents: "To the goddess Ninti I have given birth for you". Ninti means both 'female ruler of life' and 'female ruler of the rib'. Hmmm. What do you know, ribs also! happy

"Queen of the Mountain". The Sumerian earth and mother-goddess, and a goddess of fertility who created all vegetation. She is the consort of the supreme god Enki (and is as such identified with Damgalnunna). Ninhursag is one of the oldest members of the Sumerian pantheon and has prestigious titles such as 'mother of the gods' and 'mother of all children'. She is also called Nintu, "lady of bearth", and Ki, the earth. She was the tutelary deity of the Sumerian rulers, who styled themselves "children of Ninhursag".

A temple of Ninhursag was excavated near Tell Harriri (the ancient Mari) in Syria, near the Iraquian border.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/13/08 04:15 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 09/13/08 04:34 AM
Also Eljay, I forgot to add before I could not edit again that linguists are in fact still attempting to decipher some of the written evidence that was recovered from this lost Minoan civilization. Here is a little about that and in fact I was unaware of this myself so Im glad you had me look. I just always thought they had nothing due to take over and natural disaster but that would not be entirely true because we have vast archeological finds from this island. :tongue:

The Linear A script appeared in the Middle Minoan period (1700 - 1550 BC). It was a syllable one, used a limited number of symbols and therefore are easier to study. The script, found on seals, instruments, tablets on the islands of Crete, Phera and Melos, includes from 77 to 100 symbols, each of them denoting a syllable. The language of them is still unknown, but it is for sure non-Indo-European, and can be referred to as one of the "Mediterranean" languages. This language did not make any distinction between long and short vowels, voiced and voiceless consonants, l and r. It would also appear that it was definitely non Indo-European in origion. Languages which used the script: Hellenic (Mycenaean Greek), non-Indo-European (Eteocretan). Linear A has roughly 90 symbols, thus most likely a syllabary much like Linear B. However, Linear A has resisted all attempts at decipherment because its underlying language is still unknown and probably will remain obscure since it doesn't seem to relate to any other surviving language in Europe or Western Asia.

Sumerian Language

While the cuneiform writing system was created and used at first only by the Sumerians, it did not take long before neighboring groups adopted it for their own use. By about 2500 BCE, the Akkadian, a Semitic-speaking people that dwelled north of the Sumerians, starting using cuneiform to write their own language. However, it was the ascendency of the Akkadian dynasty in 2300 BCE that positioned Akkadian over Sumerian as the primary language of Mesopotamia. While Sumerian did enjoy a quick revival, it eventually became a dead language used only in literary contexts, whereas Akkadian would continue to be spoken for the next two millenium and evolved into later (more famous) forms known as Babylonian and Assyrian.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:34 AM

the Blessed and ever Virgin.
was a chosen woman who knew how to say YES to God's will.

Hmm. Interesting that you should mention that specifically. Wasn't that one of the reasons that the Hebrews did not see it fit to get on board with this concept and accept Jesus as the true Messiah? The overabundance of mistranslations?

wrong dear.
the hebrews didn't accept my Lord Jesus Christ as the Mesiah because they misinterpreted the prophets.
The Hebrews were waiting a Mesiah Warrior King who was going to set them free from the oppression of Rome.
Rebuild the kingdom of Jerusalem.
And what they got a man who asked to give the other cheak.
To walk an extra mile with whom makes you walk one.
That is the reason why the Hebrews didn't accept my Lord as the Messiah.
Not your assertion.

Okay then. If you dont like that one. I have an entire litany of reasons why the Jews dont back Jesus as Messiah. The "virgin" birth misinterpretation is only the first though one of my favorites. I can keep going. I dont really see the point though. What are we arguing about here? :tongue:

Jews do not accept Jesus as the messiah because:

1) Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.

2) Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.

3) Biblical verses "referring" to Jesus are mistranslations.

4) Jewish belief is based on national revelation.

Prior to your post I already gave you the reasons 1, 2, and 4 dear. In different words, but the same ideas.
I knew all that, and yes you are right those are the reasons why they did not accept my Lord as the Mesiah.

Your assertion about the Holy Virgin is still an error. The attacks on the Mommy from Heaven (as I personally call her), are attacks from the fundies to the Catholic Church which started about 200 years ago, and not from the Hebrews 2000 years ago.flowerforyou :wink:

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:46 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 09/13/08 05:50 AM
Fair enough. Peace. I didnt really want the debate to go in that direction anyway. I am only telling you the assertions made by the Hebrews as but one of the reasons they do not find Jesus qualified for the designation of Messiah. Let me go into a little more detail on where the error is actually discerned.

It is the word "alma" specifically that was picked up on by these Christian scholars at some point and mistranslated to mean "virgin". Alma had always meant "young female" of which Mary was. Presumably she was very young, a teenager in fact. So that would have been an accurate description of her. I think this is where the Jews take issue. They feel like that's pretty haphazard and you are really taking liberties here and throwing meanings around. Can you blame them? They were sticklers for the details and wanted some attention paid to this text as it related to the coming of their Messiah. Of course as we know, that is but ONE mistranslation made much later. Its just that it happens to be one of the more humorous observations.

Its not very important to me as I do not follow the Christian nor the Catholic faith. It simply an observation.

no photo
Sat 09/13/08 07:13 AM

Sharpshooter.....Nowhere in scripture does it say ANY of this stuff you just wrote here, about satan being intimate with adam and eve.

Maybe you were just kidding..but if you were not.....

well then,

the "interpretation " of scripture that you just gave here ,

is a prime example of what is known as just man's interpretation (which is nothing more than just man's opinion).....


the Holy Spirit given interpretation of scripture...which is the only right way to interpret scripture.....

otherwise, man can make scripture say any old thing man wants scripture to say.

Sharpshooter, Incorrect Answers like you just presented here, are a result of not being led of the Holy Spirit, and not rightly dividing and studying the Word of God .

There is a guy at work who believes the same thing. I thought he was a nice guy until I learned this. I can't speak for SharpShooter, but the guy at work believes that white people are the descendants of Adam and Eve while the other races are the descendants of Satan and Eve. What's truly scary is that there is absolutely no supporting material in the Bible to support this theory, but some people believe it whole heartedly.

SkyHook5652's photo
Sat 09/13/08 08:07 AM

...the guy at work believes that white people are the descendants of Adam and Eve while the other races are the descendants of Satan and Eve
Now THAT is TRULY scary!scared

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 09/13/08 08:10 AM

However, Abra - spider is not discussing his "belief" about it - he is discussing what he researched to "understand what is being said".

If you knew anything about logic - this would be obvious to you.

But his understandings are his beliefs.

And you talk about knowing something about 'logic'? huh

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/13/08 08:14 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 09/13/08 08:27 AM
Wouldn't that make them like "snake people"? I dont understand the conceptualization nor theory at all. Not to mention that very often at least throughout Medieval history (not saying all of course) a common theme for the depiction of the serpent in the Garden was that of female. So was it a lesbian encounter that transpired here? How could an impregnation result from that particular union? Hmm. spock

Adam, Eve, and the (female) Serpent at the entrance to Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Medieval Christian art often depicted the Edenic Serpent as a woman, thus both emphasizing the Serpent's seductiveness as well as its relationship to Eve. (This connection might be due do the influence of Lilith, as well.) Several early Church Fathers, including Clement of Alexandria and Eusebius of Caesarea, interpreted the Hebrew "Heva" as not only the name of Eve, but in its aspirated form as "female serpent."

no photo
Sat 09/13/08 08:26 AM

Wouldn't that make them like "snake people"? I dont understand the conceptualization nor theory at all. Not to mention that very often at least throughout Medieval history (not saying all of course) a common theme for the depiction of the serpent in the Garden was that of female. So was it a lesbian encounter that transpired here? How could an impregnation result form that particular union? Hmm. spock

I suspect that Native Americans are descended from evolved earth humans and are not related to "Adam and Eve" (Ademic stock) at all. They are the "true human beings" who came from the earth and probably have very little, if any, alien or reptilian DNA. This may also be true of Africans and Mongolians. The Adam and Eve descendants are the descendants of a so-called "superior race" of beings brought here by "the gods" or galaxy aliens. Even these descendants are split between two different beings, one being the descendants of Cane and the other the descendants of Able who were fathered by two different beings. (Adam and the Nage snake man)

That's just my personal theory.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 09/13/08 08:30 AM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 09/13/08 08:34 AM

genisis states that A&E were not to eat the fuit of the tree, later eve says to the serpent that she/ they were commanded not to eat or "touch" the fruit [or tree?]

so which is correct? what god says first or what eve says secondly?

Ge 1:29 And God said, Behold I have given to you every seed-bearing herb sowing seed which is upon all the earth, and every tree which has in itself the fruit of seed that is sown, to you it shall be for food.
Ge 3:2 (3:3) And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden,
Ge 3:3 (3:4) but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God said, Ye shall not eat of it, >>>>>neither shall ye touch it<<<<<<, lest ye die.

secondly: they ate and did not die? hmmm? why not?

They were forbidden to eat from the tree of knowledge and not the tree of life. So the only tree off limits was the tree of “The knowledge of Good and Evil”

Also they did die eventually as God said they would. Adam and Eve were emortal in the presence of God before they sinned.

tribo's photo
Sat 09/13/08 08:37 AM

and i brought that point up to him MS, and he still kept saying physical death.

No Tribo, you didn't. The verse in question, Genesis 2:17, says that if man eats the fruit of the tree, he will start dying that day.

"mooth mooth" (dying die) always has a cause. Eating the fruit for instance. But what was it about eating the fruit that caused Adam to start dying? The fact that eating the forbidden fruit was a sin and sin results in seperation from God. Adam would die spiritually the moment he ate the fruit, I'm not arguing against that point. I'm arguing that Genesis 2:17 doesn't say that, it only IMPLIES that. What Genesis 2:17 says is that if Adam at the fruit, he would start dying from that day and eventually die.

Now if someone says "The meaning of Genesis 2:17 is that eating the fruit would result in spiritual death", I would have to agree and disagree. Prima facia, Genesis 2:17 is completely concerned with physical death as a result of eating the forbidden fruit. Only by looking at other parts of the Bible can anyone say that Genesis 2:17 concerns spiritual death.


I also think there is a good argument for the case of "spiritual death" - for it can be seen all through scripture that sin separates one from God, and that it was intended that they have eternal lif - but no longer do. (Thus the guarding of the tree of life.)


that's the point i'm trying to make eljay - we have discussed this before , it has nothing to do with a physical death -

meaning the DAY they died "spiritually"!!

don't tell me i did not point this out - you just didn't read it spider!

i had already talked precisely on this point!

plus the fact you had ample opportunity to bring this up as part of what was meant af the 24 hr. death and you did not! only now after the fact! the whole reason i brought this subject up was to show that "THAT DAY" they died a death of their innocense or what you call spiritual death, of couse i already understood that a physical death would follow in its course. this was never meant to be a discourse of whether they lost there ability to live forever.