Topic: Sin....?.
no photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:38 AM


Like I have always said. Yahweh does not want someone to come to him that does not want to from the heart.

I believe your notion of what i believe has not come fully to you.

The salt is an anagram that signifies what pain is.

What disobedience whether to Yahweh or to nature you can bring on yourself. Shalom..Miles

People can live happily with no religion around them . AS for emotional and physical pain , it is science that help ease it and not religion at all .

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:55 AM

You will not only serve him in life, but you will serve him in heaven for eternity.

You have sold your soul.

All because you disobeyed your master and left him, but found your way back to him to once again become his servant.

Oh, here we go again.....
you're not his slave when you became born again, you become his child; he adopts you into the family. Sure, christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to.
Anyone who tells you something else hasn't understood God's concept of grace yet...

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 03:12 AM

Jesus would say to me, "You are a very wise man Abra"


no photo
Wed 07/23/08 09:01 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 07/23/08 09:03 AM

You will not only serve him in life, but you will serve him in heaven for eternity.

You have sold your soul.

All because you disobeyed your master and left him, but found your way back to him to once again become his servant.

Oh, here we go again.....
you're not his slave when you became born again, you become his child; he adopts you into the family. Sure, christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to.
Anyone who tells you something else hasn't understood God's concept of grace yet...

"...christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to."

Yes, that is just like they say about the new one world government they call the "New World Order." It is a system of slavery of mankind that goes into slavery WILLINGLY.

You think yourself "his child" and yet he is depicted as a god who makes rules like, "The wages of sin is death."

Sin is disobedience of god's laws. You disobey, you pay with your life. That is how the galaxy aliens treat their slaves and keep them in order. THAT IS NOT HOW a father treats his children.


tribo's photo
Wed 07/23/08 09:03 AM

You will not only serve him in life, but you will serve him in heaven for eternity.

You have sold your soul.

All because you disobeyed your master and left him, but found your way back to him to once again become his servant.

Oh, here we go again.....
you're not his slave when you became born again, you become his child; he adopts you into the family. Sure, christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to.
Anyone who tells you something else hasn't understood God's concept of grace yet...

Yes, that is just like they say about the new one world government they call the "New World Order." It is a system of slavery of mankind that goes into slavery WILLINGLY.

You think yourself "his child" and yet he is depicted as a god who makes rules like, "The wages of sin is death."

Sin is disobedience of god's laws. You disobey, you pay with your life. That is how the galaxy aliens treat their slaves and keep them in order. THAT IS NOT HOW a father treats his children.


so true

davidben1's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:22 PM
the fear of selling ones soul is very real, and inspire the fear to chase religion, whether it be biblical or other......

the biblical accounts of selling the soul, if they were each one written, could be decoded if read WITHOUT FEAR.......

what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?

a question, not a proclamtion of truth, but it is "assumed" by a fearful "perception" it means damnation to hell

indeed the wages of sin or going against ones OWN heart bring emotional death, or seperation from love, but indeed is there not MORE to the story.............

the answer to the soul question......the keys to the universe, the knowledge of what heaven and hell is in it's completeness.......

was it not spoken that jesus went to hell, and THEN was given the keys to the universe.......he had completed his journey, that was all............

did not jesus sell his soul, as it was spoken he said "father, father, why hast thou forsaken me".........

he felt as if his own soul he had denied, or these words could not be spoken, for is it not apparent he KNEW that what he had ALLOWED to be done to him would make himself set up as a god, which would decieve billions in times to come........

but indeed, he only had his heart to say what it would purpose in the end, which was FREEDOM FOR ALL.......

he NEVER prolaimed himself to be god, but rather PEOPLE did.......

every words spoken by him was meant to shatter this notion, but all COULD NOT be spoken then, as the time for full enlightenment was not ready.............

has this perspective been investigated......

wa not peter told in advance he would sell his soul, which is to deny what the truth be, by being told he would deny the truth 3 times before the **** crowed.........

each human sell their soul, as NOTHING that value their own soul the greatest can value another soul MORE.........

so then it becomes apparent to whom these words are written, any that believe the words of the heart that say one has sold their soul, and have the courage to admit it, not to deny it.....

who hath an ear to hear, who hath eye to see, what fear say do not heed, and keep imprisoned slaves of fear that wish to go free...........peace

splendidlife's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:13 PM
We see that this fearful perception speaks part of the the truth, and come to say "yes... I HAVE sold my soul and it's brought me here... So be it." We sit still in this infinite space, wondering... Incapable of predicting a single thing. Not knowing a single thing. Such unfamiliar territory makes the heart race.

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 11:28 PM

You will not only serve him in life, but you will serve him in heaven for eternity.

You have sold your soul.

All because you disobeyed your master and left him, but found your way back to him to once again become his servant.

Oh, here we go again.....
you're not his slave when you became born again, you become his child; he adopts you into the family. Sure, christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to.
Anyone who tells you something else hasn't understood God's concept of grace yet...

"...christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to."

Yes, that is just like they say about the new one world government they call the "New World Order." It is a system of slavery of mankind that goes into slavery WILLINGLY.

You think yourself "his child" and yet he is depicted as a god who makes rules like, "The wages of sin is death."

Sin is disobedience of god's laws. You disobey, you pay with your life. That is how the galaxy aliens treat their slaves and keep them in order. THAT IS NOT HOW a father treats his children.


I'm not trying to convince you...and I see that I'm wasting my time and energy trying to explain what christianity is......apparently you already know from any other source than actually having any real life experience.
And now we're also talking about aliens? So it's easier to believe in ALIENS, than a God who wants to have an intimate relationship with his creation....
yeah, i'm wasting my time...

tribo's photo
Thu 07/24/08 07:47 AM
It's easier to believe neither, or nothing, than to believe in myth's.

God,s and saviors throughout history show one thing common to all - their actions are just like mans! I cannot and will not believe in an all powerfull and all knowing being that acts like mankind. Come up with a being that acts not like man does and you may have a chance with me, otherwise - no.

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 08:29 AM

God,s and saviors throughout history show one thing common to all - their actions are just like mans! I cannot and will not believe in an all powerfull and all knowing being that acts like mankind. Come up with a being that acts not like man does and you may have a chance with me, otherwise - no.

Ha! you should know better; with all your knowledge and wisdom and ramblings about religion....
Humans were made in the image of God. So if anyone is acting like the other, it would be mankind acting like God...Not the other way around. And one of His traits is free will. The difference being that God chooses to do good and we choose to do evil (most of the time).

It's easier to believe neither, or nothing, than to believe in myth's.

believing that something isn't is a belief in itself. at best, it's just believing in a different myth. we're in the same boat.

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 08:34 AM
Edited by paul40 on Thu 07/24/08 08:34 AM

believing that something isn't is a belief in itself. at best, it's just believing in a different myth. we're in the same boat.

Welcome to the world of guessing and taking chances.....laugh .

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 08:35 AM
I'm not trying to convince you either; you're old enough to make up your own mind...

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 08:38 AM

believing that something isn't is a belief in itself. at best, it's just believing in a different myth. we're in the same boat.

Welcome to the world of guessing and taking chances.....laugh .

at least my beliefs are usually backed up by what I experience

tribo's photo
Thu 07/24/08 09:02 AM
Edited by tribo on Thu 07/24/08 09:03 AM
as far as beliefs go your correct, any beliefs are subject to change depending on what one may experience.

I'm fully aware that your god supposedly bestowed upon you his traits and free will. All i'm saying is that if he has the same emotional makeup as his creation, then i want no part of him/it.

what all gods in history show me is as i stated, they are lustful beings. Meaning - that they war with each other and contend with each other and treat there creations like s**T. They are contemptible, jealous, demand worship, temperamental, angry, never satisfied, and even kill one another off over selfish reasons - just like man also does. Since i can see no difference except the power for them to create and be eternal, i truly believe they are not god's at all but mans imaginations, used to control the masses.

they all have many things in common - why is that do you think??

your god was not the first to set up sacrifices to himself by far- most all have done so in the past.

your god is not first to become a savior or to put forth laws or to destroy his own people, the only thing that makes your god special is your belief in him.

and i leave you to your beliefs, may they console you and make you happy.

i will continue to believe as i do till something makes more sense, that has a core logic to it or about it.

so far nothing does or has.

Eljay's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:12 AM

the stoning of a child or young man is found in Leviticus along with the law set forth to stone any who cursed gods name.

chapter 24 the exact verses in question would be - 10 thru 14

but read the whole chapter to see audience relevance and why.

an Israelites son had blasphemed the name of your god and cursed, though it says not over what or why. all because of some unspoken striving between him and another Israelite.

the Children were the children of Israel, not necessarily young kids, though it very well could have been it just does not say.

usually the children of Israel refer to all the people as of the children of god - but still this instance does not say for sure one way or the other the AGE of the woman's son.

NOW- whatc is amazing me is that you here that don't like what james post do not know where he is speaking of or from and you have to ask?????

explain to me why that is?

why should i or james know where such things are said and you do not?

I didn't make any claim to not know where these things were - why would you think that? Perhaps your perception is off, eh? You "read into my post" that I didn't know where it was.

Are you getting my point here?

hi Eljay, i'm getting the point your making now. but this is what i was responding to:


When you start claiming what the bible says -

""could you give a reference so we can [[investigate]] these "assertions" for ourselves"". Or would you like us to clump you into the group of those televangelists you so detest.

you must admit it sounds like you are saying you'll have to find and read of what abrs's stating in order to understand or refute it if it's wrong?

otherwise if you knew where it was at, why not just say "if your talking about leviticus 24 10- blah blah blah, what is "really being stated there is" blah -----????????????????????????

do you see now why i commented as such?????

Yes - but you were responding "for" Abra. Had you been the one who posted what Abra said, my response would not have been the same. I posted in that manner to Abra because he constantly claims to understand scripture - makes irrational claims of logic - and cites no references or clear premises. He states an argument that he feels is valid, then hunts down a pseudo-reference to support it - then says "There, that's the proof". This is what every Cultic leader does. Also - Abra never supports his arguments against Christianity with facts. He states over and over that there is contradiction after contradiction in the scriptures, yet has never once sited one when asked to.

So - though I appreciate your attempt to post for Abra - you do nothing to support his argument by claiming to know from whence he speaks. We all have an idea of what he's refering to - except him.

Eljay's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:12 AM

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. -- Proverbs 3:5-6

Yeh I saw this post in another thread. Is that spamming? :wink:

yawn huh

Only if you email it to everyone.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:19 AM
Shalom Tribo and Good Morning..

I see where you are coming from. But then look at it from the other side of the fence also.

You are now the creator.

Have set your physical creation on earth because the spiritual rebelled even though they knew you personally. Could come to you. Yet 1/3 of them have risen against you. You gave them freewill.

Now you say I will recreate the earth that my Angels have destroyed in thier rebellion.

Then you say I will make man in our image speaking to your son.

You do and give him breath as he needs this to survive in the physical world..

he is innocent not knowing like a new born child what is good or bad for him.

he is living by experience and by what his father/creator tells him is good for him.

We know his fall but fastfoward a few thousand years to a people who have out of thier own refusal to listen to thier creator/father have been in captivity for 430 years.

The Egyptians and their dieties is all they know.

Thier true father has just let them be. To learn what slavery and being under someones thumb feels like.

You miracusly bring them out of this slavery but they can not understand because they have only know slavery and being fed and taken care of by men who held thier lives in thier hands.

2 million of them you lead across the Desert teaching them as you go for 40 years.

A select few keep telling the people we are going to die we must go back.

You give them laws more extensive than you did Adam. They need now to know everything in writing what is good and what is bad.

They are not like children being pure. They doubt know matter what they see. They want what they have always known.

They small group yearns for what they call home.

In these laws you had to spell out so they would come to another knowledge that they had forgotten over time.

yet thier are still trouble makers rileing up the people to turn back. Saying we are all going to die out here.

What do you do? The people who are comming back to thier heritage are being influenced just as the 1/3 of the Angels were. But these are physical being not spiritual.

You being the creator who made them in the 1st place can give them life or death at your just thinking it.

Do you let a few hundred or even a few thousand do as Satan did with the Angels and let the turn back under these foolish mens notion?

Who you know will die in the desert if they do?

Or do you make examples out of them for thier own good to get rid of the rebellion?

Saving almost 2 million people from starving to death if you let them go when they do not understand since all they have known is Egyptian rule.

Is showing them what punishment can be for acts against rules of nature and thier creator who you, thier original creator do know what is best for the whole.

You created all the other religions also but you had made a promice to Abraham his children would be like the sand of the sea.

You keep your promices.

But they must know what is right and to reject the wrong for not only thier benefit but for our also as you can see this generation also.

What are you really doing?

You do not want to sit around and tell everyone what to do for eternity.

The Angels did not go through being a physical being with hurts and pains.

So you let this physical creation learn from thier mistakes.

Some though create such turmoil or could as you know that you must make them an example to thier brethern what the spiritual Rebbellion will bring on if you continue in this.

The ultimate DEATH.

But this physical you know has never been spiritual so you know they will have another chance. That when they wake up crying as the last thing they remember is being stoned. As this is very merciful as one stone in the head and thats it.

But when at the time of regeneration of all your creation those who you have had stoned will wake up and be sorry for being so irrational. You as thier creator/father forgive them and say come on in my son.

This is repeated throughout the scriptures Tribo.

Then Yahweh's son comes on the scene as Yahweh has once again let the people basically learn on thier own. But now instead of the Egyptians holding them down.

The very priests that were made to administer these laws for thier own good for the whole had become corrupted.

They had rebelled as Satan and the Spiritual had so many years ago.

Making the people thier Kingdom and using Yahweh's words against them adding to them and taking away.

they had become a spiritual Creator in thier own minds.

Yahshua comes along and says I come in My Fathers Name Yahweh. The Priests hold thier ears you can not say that name it is 2 Holy.

They know when he said this what his name meant.. Yahweh saves.

Everybody knew this person who was performing miracles and making the priests look foolish whenever they tried to say he was a fake.

He did not claim anything new.

he did though tell the priests and the people You make Yahweh's commands and his mercy towards you of no affect when you listen to commandments of men.

Commandments that are against you. Commandments that give them the rule over you.

Commandments that take you back to the time of Egypt where they are the authority with you under thier thumb.

He says now I have come in my fathers name to save you from commandments of men.

I will suffer pain and humility and physical death that so many of you have. I will do this because I love you and your father loves you.

When this is done the Physical temple will be torn in 2.

They will not have you under thier thumb anymore.

I will send you my spirit the same as the one that is in my son to beable to overcome these men as my son has.

Thus the Temple without hands is born. Not answering to anyone but thier father Yahweh who is spirit.

They talk to him now constantly in spirit and know body even knows what they are doing.

They are in thier closet surrounded by his presence as Yahshua said.

He tells them he will come back. That even more eviler ,men will rise to power.

They will betray your trust.

They will claim they are my servants and once again add to my word.

making them as though they are of the Spirit world. Even doing miracles.

That you can not learn my word as I have told you and promiced you that I would teach you.

They will claim they are special and they know what is best for you.

they do this for greed and Power. Wanting a Kingdom just as satan did From before I created you.

But you my children be faithfull. Be strong. and My words will show who they are. You will know and thier master who they have claimed as rebelling who is Satan/Helel who he has made them Angels of Light who really come as wolves to put you into slavery.

You hold on to my words and believe them no matter what they do and they will hate you.

They will Hate you like they hated my son. For telling them the truth of What I have said.

The Prophets and the Law are given to you not only for your own good as a whole but as a mystery of what to expect so that these things do not come upon you suddenly.

They will try to put you back into slavery. But this time the whole world will be thier slaves claiming I will not save you.

They will even claim I am a fairy tale.

You will see signs as my spirit leads you and know I am He who was and Is from the Beginning and i will stop this.. when the learning of the world has come to a frutile state.

Learn that your new slavery my children will be you will be the tail and not the head.

This is what they want you to be so they can control you.

But you lift up your head and I will give you the words to speak and stay faithful and you will shortly have a crown of life.

Yahshua our Rightousness then does come.

He takes his 1st love the 144000 to prepare for to be royalty. The great crowd who realizes what is happening are so spirit filled now they willingly give thier live because they now know what is true. They will not let the decievers have rule over them..

So what in the end happens Tribo..

Yahweh has called out a people for his names sake.

what is this?

the adoptions of sons being dead but now come back to life.

To rules over everything justly and peacefully and lovingly for eternity.

We all along have been in a learning state.

Preparing even as we do every friday for sabbath of rest to come.

We are not only preparing for the sabbath to come but we are preparing for that Last Great day.

That last great day has been forshadowed as a baby since the promice to Abraham.

On the 8th day we are circumsized into the day we will never die..

This is a great father Tribo..

One whos Mercy endures forever. he is not a tyrant.

Walk in another mans shoes before you condemn him..

Blessings of Shalom and Knowledge to you Tribo...Shalom..Miles

Eljay's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:29 AM

According the Bible it's ok to stone your unruly childrend to death.

In fact, it would be a sin not to because sin is disobedience to God. And God said that you are to stone your unruly children to death. So to not do it is to disobey God.

Same goes for stoning your sinning neighbors to death. To not do it is to sin because God said to do it, and therefore to refrain from doing it is to disobey God.

In fact, anyone who claimn to worship the biblical God would need to murder all heathens, their familes, friends, and entire villages from whence they came.

Evidently we are all sinners because we aren't obeying God's directives. We have choosen our own moral values of compassion which we place on a higher level than God's directives.

And keep in mind that Jesus himself said that he did not come to change God's laws. So if you want to guit sinning you better start flinging stones at sinners and heathens.

Otherwise you're flatly refusing to do the will of God.


When you start claiming what the bible says - could you give a reference so we can investigate these "assetions" for ourselves. Or would you like us to clump you into the group of those televangelists you so detest.

Because you're starting to sound like one of them.

Truly with all due respect to you personnally,

WHY ELJAY?!?!?!?

... why should Abra 'quote' from the book?

We've been down this road so many times before.

Abra has, in the past, referred to already quoted passages by others, only to find you, or some other person whom has a strong belief in the bible, 'defend' blindly, and to no end, any form of questioning, or disagreeing with the book.

There is no point in asking Abra to post a quote from a book he rejects.

There is no debate, nor intelligent exchange to be had.

You and others will defend the book to death without ever addressing the contradictions and incongruities pointed out.

... and Abra and others (IMO) will keep rejecting it as a fraud and abject 'man made invention', which, in their perspective, is the source of a huge amount of 'evil' in human history.

You can legitimately keep claiming that it is YOUR BELIEF that the bible is the word of YOUR god, and that it is what YOU BELIEVE to be true for yourself!!!

This, said in those exact words, would be a true and accurate statement, which no one, including myself and Abra (I trust), would disagree with.

That belief of yours, would unlikely ever be TRUE FOR OURSELVES, but we would not disagree that it might be true for you Eljay, without ever being based on fact, evidence or proof.

Thus, the fault lies in falsely claiming that it is a FACT, that the bible IS the word of god, and THEREFORE is the ONLY TRUTH. A belief will never be THE TRUTH IN FACT!!! A belief will always be based on 'something' which is NOT SUPPORTED BY FACT, evidence or proof, and something which is made to represent for someone, what is ‘made’ to be true, that one CAN’T SUBSTANTIATE by fact, evidence or proof.

Very different and distinct from THE TRUTH.

As I see it, the only purpose of arguing (not debating) bible quotes between someone whom believes in the bible and someone whom doesn't, is to lure people into a proselytizing 'pissing contest'. Doing an empty show for the gallery, hoping to convert a few souls, and primarily giving the apologetic soldiers a feeling of good conscience for having fought the delusional battle of ‘DEFENDING THEIR GOD’.

There never is a genuine and honest connection between the two 'debaters'. Those whom agree with the apologetic soldiers, will keep agreeing with the apologetic soldiers, and those whom don't, won't.

Why is that???

It is my conviction that insisting on arguing faith and beliefs from a perspective of fact, evidence and proof, is an out-of-integrity premise.

Faith is based on NO FACT, NO EVIDENCE AND NO PROOF!!! And a man written book, whatever man’s claim that this book is presumably sacred according to them, changes nothing about the factual definition of faith (no fact, no evidence, no proof).

I have beliefs, and I fully assume the responsibility that people might, or might not subscribe and share those beliefs or convictions of mine. They are not for sale, nor are they to be 'promoted' like a vulgar commercial product. That's the end of that debate to me.

To keep denying this simple reality makes the whole religious exchange ‘out of integrity’, and leads to the inevitable stalemates and dead-end correlates, which out-of-integrity premises produce.

‘OUT-INTEGRITY’: not whole, not complete, not integrated, therefore NOT TRUE!!!

I repeat that I am not making this observation about you personally Eljay. I am making this observation about the underlying tone of the debates on these threads, with the intent of finding a way through the 'head/dead-lock'!!!

Regards to you Eljay.

p.s.: Answer to host.
What I believe to be true for myself, is based upon a profound respect for the legacy of ethical and moral principles and wisdom from the ages, and from a multitude of sources. It includes some christian (Christ like) principles, but certainly is not limited to that alone. THAT, WOULD BE A SIN TO ME!)


Despite how it may appear to you - I am not engaging Abra in a debate, I am asking him for references to his "facts". He claims there are contradictions a plenty in the scriptures. I have not stated whether I am in agreement or disagreement with him, because I don't know WHAT he see's as all of these "contradictions". I don't find that Abra's personal opinions of what God should or shouldn't have done in the OT as relative to the argument of contradiction. Actually - they are more in support of what the bible says is the nature of God. Because he feels that these attributes do not apply to a God he wishes to believe in - do not supply proof that A) This God does or doesn't exist - or B) That the scriptures are in contradiction to itself. But without even having a clue as to where he thinks the scriptures are contradictory, what else can I do but ask?

I state that Evolution is a myth. That it has been shown time after time that there is no support for this theory as a fact. It is filled with contradictions. Isn't this clear to everyone? Only an idiot would take the word of all these scientists who support this myth in order to perpetuate their grants and salaries.

I don't think I could get very far with this statement and not be hammered with "where are your facts to support this".

So - while I am not in disagreement with your argument on faith. I actually support it, I still believe that when one posts in a manner that establishes their statements to be "accepted facts" - that when they are called upon to support it, they should have to do that. Else it should be seen for what it is. Not "fact" but perception. And assuming anyone should blindly accept perception as truth, is just the opinion of a fool.

tribo's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:30 AM

the stoning of a child or young man is found in Leviticus along with the law set forth to stone any who cursed gods name.

chapter 24 the exact verses in question would be - 10 thru 14

but read the whole chapter to see audience relevance and why.

an Israelites son had blasphemed the name of your god and cursed, though it says not over what or why. all because of some unspoken striving between him and another Israelite.

the Children were the children of Israel, not necessarily young kids, though it very well could have been it just does not say.

usually the children of Israel refer to all the people as of the children of god - but still this instance does not say for sure one way or the other the AGE of the woman's son.

NOW- whatc is amazing me is that you here that don't like what james post do not know where he is speaking of or from and you have to ask?????

explain to me why that is?

why should i or james know where such things are said and you do not?

I didn't make any claim to not know where these things were - why would you think that? Perhaps your perception is off, eh? You "read into my post" that I didn't know where it was.

Are you getting my point here?

hi Eljay, i'm getting the point your making now. but this is what i was responding to:


When you start claiming what the bible says -

""could you give a reference so we can [[investigate]] these "assertions" for ourselves"". Or would you like us to clump you into the group of those televangelists you so detest.

you must admit it sounds like you are saying you'll have to find and read of what abrs's stating in order to understand or refute it if it's wrong?

otherwise if you knew where it was at, why not just say "if your talking about leviticus 24 10- blah blah blah, what is "really being stated there is" blah -----????????????????????????

do you see now why i commented as such?????

Yes - but you were responding "for" Abra. Had you been the one who posted what Abra said, my response would not have been the same. I posted in that manner to Abra because he constantly claims to understand scripture - makes irrational claims of logic - and cites no references or clear premises. He states an argument that he feels is valid, then hunts down a pseudo-reference to support it - then says "There, that's the proof". This is what every Cultic leader does. Also - Abra never supports his arguments against Christianity with facts. He states over and over that there is contradiction after contradiction in the scriptures, yet has never once sited one when asked to.

So - though I appreciate your attempt to post for Abra - you do nothing to support his argument by claiming to know from whence he speaks. We all have an idea of what he's refering to - except him.

OOOPPPSSS!!! i must have gotten lost as to who was posting what Eljay, i apologize, i did not mean to speak for abra or answer for him.

I thought i was answering a question or statement by DanG.

your correct about abra, but thats him - hahaha

Eljay's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:31 AM

Religion is the cause of the majority of war

Religion is the cause of ALL wars. Can you think of a war that was not waged over some religious dogma?