Topic: Sin....?.
tribo's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:39 AM
Miles i must commend you on giving a very accurate summary of your beliefs, well done.

but it convinces me not of anything i understand as of now.

but i wanted you to know your time was not completely wasted my friend.

blessings and shalom.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:43 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Thu 07/24/08 10:45 AM
Thanks Tribo..

Anytime though i am doing anything is in his word is not wasted. His word is eternal.. What can be better than that.. And Tribo my job you might say for a better word is not to tto convince anyone. Mine is to say,speak and do his word.. The rest Yahweh does.. Shalom..Miles

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:54 AM
Oh another thing i wanted to just tell you that to me is awesome because people are learning who we are and what we believe by people who can not stand us.

Thier have been several ministers who after finding us on the web or someone asking question to them about us.. have written books to try and disprove us and tell the people how dangerous we are and should not listen to anything we say. I only know of a few thousand of us. but they are making us known more than we can.. I find it ironic really. Yahweh works in mysteriouus ways.. Take Care Tribo Blessings..Miles

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 12:31 PM

Religion is the cause of the majority of war

Religion is the cause of ALL wars. Can you think of a war that was not waged over some religious dogma?

If you think that religion is the CAUSE of all wars or even the majority of war you do not understand how the world works.

Greed is the cause of wars. Religion and fear and terrorism is the fuel that keeps the fires of war going. Greed is the cause.

The people behind the wars sell weapons to both sides, and steal the real wealth which is property and gold etc.


no photo
Thu 07/24/08 12:33 PM

Religion is the cause of the majority of war

Religion is the cause of ALL wars. Can you think of a war that was not waged over some religious dogma?

If you think that religion is the CAUSE of all wars or even the majority of war you do not understand how the world works.

Greed is the cause of wars. Religion and fear and terrorism is the fuel that keeps the fires of war going. Greed is the cause.

The people behind the wars sell weapons to both sides, and steal the real wealth which is property and gold etc.


If only we can stop those handful of multi billion dollar bankers from controlling our world!!

tribo's photo
Thu 07/24/08 12:38 PM

Oh another thing i wanted to just tell you that to me is awesome because people are learning who we are and what we believe by people who can not stand us.


laugh i understand miles again shALOM

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 12:40 PM

You will not only serve him in life, but you will serve him in heaven for eternity.

You have sold your soul.

All because you disobeyed your master and left him, but found your way back to him to once again become his servant.

Oh, here we go again.....
you're not his slave when you became born again, you become his child; he adopts you into the family. Sure, christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to.
Anyone who tells you something else hasn't understood God's concept of grace yet...

"...christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to."

Yes, that is just like they say about the new one world government they call the "New World Order." It is a system of slavery of mankind that goes into slavery WILLINGLY.

You think yourself "his child" and yet he is depicted as a god who makes rules like, "The wages of sin is death."

Sin is disobedience of god's laws. You disobey, you pay with your life. That is how the galaxy aliens treat their slaves and keep them in order. THAT IS NOT HOW a father treats his children.


I'm not trying to convince you...and I see that I'm wasting my time and energy trying to explain what christianity is......apparently you already know from any other source than actually having any real life experience.
And now we're also talking about aliens? So it's easier to believe in ALIENS, than a God who wants to have an intimate relationship with his creation....
yeah, i'm wasting my time...

I guess you are wasting your time and energy. I know what Christianity is.

It is a religion that teaches followers that God created man and that mankind are all sinners, and since the "wages of sin is death" (God's law) all of mankind is (or was) on "death row" ~until someone volunteered to pay the price for their sins. That someone was claimed to be the son of God, a man called Jesus the Christ, who was born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, taught that people should love one another. He was then crucified and his sacrifice gave pardon to all the sinners on death row. BUT in order to get your pardon, you have to profess that you accept the sacrifice, and that you believe in Jesus as your personal savior and be born again.

Is that about right? So you see, I do understand what Christianity is. Did I leave anything out? Anyone?


no photo
Thu 07/24/08 12:45 PM
yes you did the other 1000 pages that goes with that book!

laugh laugh laugh

If only how you described it was the only thing needed written in the Bible. It would be a much easier book to understand and read.

but again Mediterrenean Mythologies are half as interesting as Norse Mythology. Who doesn't like Odin and Thor! (of course I state this as a personal opinion).

tribo's photo
Thu 07/24/08 12:48 PM
only about 2000 wasted pages of the book and billions of pages of theologicsl dogmas of the various christian cults followed around the world - out side of that only john 3:16 is necessary to conclude the conversion by witnesses.:tongue:

davidben1's photo
Thu 07/24/08 01:16 PM

if the same spirit that was in jesus, be in any, will they not do and act as him.........

jesus was persecuted only by the religious, so any that are persecuted by religion then are indeed as him, having the same spirit of love..........

"professed lost" people by "believers" did not crucify jesus, but rather the learned scholars of biblical text that deemed themself as purified and others as lost did.......

who that believes oneself is saved by grace or mercy will proclaim the "right" to wear a crown, or that streets of gold are for themself, or even that eternal life is there inheritence..........

did not the spirit of jesus REJECT the crown of ruling the earth when it was offered to him, and WHO was said to come to tempt him with it, lol.....

did not the spirit in him also REJECT eternal life, and chose rather to die on a cross, lol.......

who that wish to rule can EVER be fit to rule, as this be a thirst for POWER...........

who that have the same spirit as jesus does not see he went to hell before he went to heaven, even as jefferson starship proclaims..........

the professed lost are those whom are granted the truth, and NONE that claim themself to be saved..........

there is something fishy in the air, and it ain't salt from the sea of love that led zepplin sang about, but rather the leaven of the scribes and pharisees, that even jesus warned to be aware of, lol...........

indeed it seems religion has served a GREAT purpose, to teach the lost how to defend themselves from wolves in sheeps clothing, and to recognize love, as jesus knew the same scriptures they knew, and turned scriptures against those that sought vengence of hell on others......

seems these wished for hell on others, as a PROOF for themself, that persecution was without merit, and as a final solution to cease persectuion......

who that is of the same spirit of jesus MOST wish to cry persecution from the "lost", lol.......

rather, the scribes and pharisees shall weep and cry, as their own professions damn themself, as these do not wish for peoples to go FREE, as if they do, then they are found guilty, but guilty of what, FEAR.....

why be this such a crime, as all fear being wrong, and it is not so bad, lol....

unless it mean one hang on the same gallows the mouth as proclaimed for all but oneself...........

what is up and what is down.......

there clearly seems to be a great deception.......

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 01:53 PM

Religion is the cause of the majority of war

Religion is the cause of ALL wars. Can you think of a war that was not waged over some religious dogma?

If you think that religion is the CAUSE of all wars or even the majority of war you do not understand how the world works.

Greed is the cause of wars. Religion and fear and terrorism is the fuel that keeps the fires of war going. Greed is the cause.

The people behind the wars sell weapons to both sides, and steal the real wealth which is property and gold etc.


Now they are after oil ,oil and more oil too .

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 01:53 PM
Edited by sam53 on Thu 07/24/08 01:53 PM
Double Post .

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 07/24/08 02:25 PM
They need and want a all forces base to control and watch over thier Sam.

We have not left germany and we do not want to leave Iraq. War is money to the rich.. Blessings..Miles

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 05:57 PM

Religion is the cause of the majority of war

Religion is the cause of ALL wars. Can you think of a war that was not waged over some religious dogma?

If you think that religion is the CAUSE of all wars or even the majority of war you do not understand how the world works.

Greed is the cause of wars. Religion and fear and terrorism is the fuel that keeps the fires of war going. Greed is the cause.

The people behind the wars sell weapons to both sides, and steal the real wealth which is property and gold etc.


finally..we do agree on SOMETHING :smile:

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:12 PM
Edited by dangurtner on Thu 07/24/08 06:13 PM

...I know what Christianity is.

It is a religion that teaches followers that God created man and that mankind are all sinners, and since the "wages of sin is death" (God's law) all of mankind is (or was) on "death row" ~until someone volunteered to pay the price for their sins. That someone was claimed to be the son of God, a man called Jesus the Christ, who was born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, taught that people should love one another. He was then crucified and his sacrifice gave pardon to all the sinners on death row. BUT in order to get your pardon, you have to profess that you accept the sacrifice, and that you believe in Jesus as your personal savior and be born again.

Is that about right? So you see, I do understand what Christianity is. Did I leave anything out? Anyone?


Yup, you missed the part about it being personal. Knowing God on a personal and intimate level. Without that, all the other STUFF is meaningless.
God would rather have you enjoying a bbq chicken sandwich with sauce all over your hands and face and Him being on your mind while you're enjoying it, than any other religious activity...
It seems that all you're interested in (or lack of interest thereof) is words in a book. It's about the author, not the book, not "the rules".
More than following all the rules and regulations, He wants you to know Him. That's what Jesus REALLY came to do: Make it possible for you to know God on a personal and intimate level....

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:28 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 07/24/08 06:32 PM

...I know what Christianity is.

It is a religion that teaches followers that God created man and that mankind are all sinners, and since the "wages of sin is death" (God's law) all of mankind is (or was) on "death row" ~until someone volunteered to pay the price for their sins. That someone was claimed to be the son of God, a man called Jesus the Christ, who was born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, taught that people should love one another. He was then crucified and his sacrifice gave pardon to all the sinners on death row. BUT in order to get your pardon, you have to profess that you accept the sacrifice, and that you believe in Jesus as your personal savior and be born again.

Is that about right? So you see, I do understand what Christianity is. Did I leave anything out? Anyone?


Yup, you missed the part about it being personal. Knowing God on a personal and intimate level. Without that, all the other STUFF is meaningless.
God would rather have you enjoying a bbq chicken sandwich with sauce all over your hands and face and Him being on your mind while you're enjoying it, than any other religious activity...
It seems that all you're interested in (or lack of interest thereof) is words in a book. It's about the author, not the book, not "the rules".
More than following all the rules and regulations, He wants you to know Him. That's what Jesus REALLY came to do: Make it possible for you to know God on a personal and intimate level....

Well I don't know about that. I have never actually seen god in person and the Bible even states that no one has ever seen god, so anything personal between a person and god is probably all in their mind. Like having an invisible friend.

Belief in Jesus alone can create the illusion of inner and outer personal relationship with him and with any other number of spiritual masters.

I know this for a fact because I had personal inner and outer experiences with Rabazar Tarz, a fictional spiritual master created by Paul Twitchell, founder of Eckankar, the religion of light and sound. As it turns out, he was a creation of my own mind and belief.

Belief is a powerful force in the implicate order of the holographic matrix we call reality. It can create for you what you perceive to be real experiences with fictional characters of myth.

That is your personal experience with God.

While I am sure that the visions you have are very spiritually enlightening and wondrous. I believe that we create our experiences in life and that includes our spiritual ones.

P.S. the author of the Bible was not god. Men wrote the Bible.


no photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:32 PM
Invisible and intimate friend ?.
I am going to look for one now .
Well......I found none .

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:32 PM
Edited by sam53 on Thu 07/24/08 06:32 PM
Double Post .

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:34 PM
I for some reason cannot find any spiritual dwellings or encounters and I tried everything and yes really did try with all sincerity, yet oddly today two things happened that was very unusual in my everyday surroundings. As I walk pass the living room towards the kitchen my television turned off. What was ironic is that I never turned it on. It was funny because I said, you don't need to turn it off because of me. Turn it back on although no one is there. Also in my office I have a television and it also turned off a few hours later. Although it was on the whole time it decided to turn off without me turning it off with the remote control.

It is truly a weird experience, but if that is what everyone talks about then yes I would love to have such a spirit in my pressence all the time. It would be more beneficial to actually see him or her or it??

but again then this could just mean I am delusional and my imagination has gone wild again as I am very imaginative as a person anyway.

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:39 PM

I for some reason cannot find any spiritual dwellings or encounters and I tried everything and yes really did try with all sincerity, yet oddly today two things happened that was very unusual in my everyday surroundings. As I walk pass the living room towards the kitchen my television turned off. What was ironic is that I never turned it on. It was funny because I said, you don't need to turn it off because of me. Turn it back on although no one is there. Also in my office I have a television and it also turned off a few hours later. Although it was on the whole time it decided to turn off without me turning it off with the remote control.

It is truly a weird experience, but if that is what everyone talks about then yes I would love to have such a spirit in my pressence all the time. It would be more beneficial to actually see him or her or it??

but again then this could just mean I am delusional and my imagination has gone wild again as I am very imaginative as a person anyway.

I find that drawing a line between reality and delusion difficult sometimes because all of reality is basically a dream like perception anyway. All of the things you see that you think are real, are perceptions of the mind. Maybe even manifestations of the mind.

I have found one thing I can call "real" though.

Individuals. People. Conscious beings expressing themselves in your reality. Their body is a holographic projection, but behind that, you can feel a real spiritual being there that could be recognized spiritually if you learn to feel their energy.