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Topic: Sin....?.
tribo's photo
Mon 07/21/08 03:40 PM
Edited by tribo on Mon 07/21/08 03:44 PM
the stoning of a child or young man is found in Leviticus along with the law set forth to stone any who cursed gods name.

chapter 24 the exact verses in question would be - 10 thru 14

but read the whole chapter to see audience relevance and why.

an Israelites son had blasphemed the name of your god and cursed, though it says not over what or why. all because of some unspoken striving between him and another Israelite.

the Children were the children of Israel, not necessarily young kids, though it very well could have been it just does not say.

usually the children of Israel refer to all the people as of the children of god - but still this instance does not say for sure one way or the other the AGE of the woman's son.

NOW- whatc is amazing me is that you here that don't like what james post do not know where he is speaking of or from and you have to ask?????

explain to me why that is?

why should i or james know where such things are said and you do not?

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 07/21/08 04:08 PM

When you start claiming what the bible says - could you give a reference so we can investigate these "assetions" for ourselves. Or would you like us to clump you into the group of those televangelists you so detest.

Because you're starting to sound like one of them.

Also what makes you think I detest televangelists?

Some of them are more entertaining than Jay Leno.

You can clump my posts wherever you so desire
I'm not here to change anyone's mind
I'm just here to post my thoughts

Read them
enjoy them
dispise them
send them to your friends
send them to your enemies
ignore them completely
or savor them with lust
print them out and decorate with them
use them to house-train new puppies

There just there for all to enjoy or use however they see fit.

Kinda like the moon,...

only brighter. laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 07/21/08 04:28 PM
This is the bottom line for me for all....people want to live as they want to live...and right or wrong by who standards....they "think" by their own.....and this is what makes the world such a screwed up place. I guess I am old fashioned in this sense....I treat others and I would want to be treated.......I go out of my way to not break man's laws as well as biblical law. And according to everyone it is a sin or right or wrong by who's standards.......It is living judges all over the place.

no photo
Mon 07/21/08 04:40 PM
Religions are dying every day .They did not make sense and they are not going to make sense in the future .The biggest threats to their lies are science and technology .

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 07/21/08 04:55 PM

the stoning of a child or young man is found in Leviticus along with the law set forth to stone any who cursed gods name.

chapter 24 the exact verses in question would be - 10 thru 14

but read the whole chapter to see audience relevance and why.

an Israelites son had blasphemed the name of your god and cursed, though it says not over what or why. all because of some unspoken striving between him and another Israelite.

the Children were the children of Israel, not necessarily young kids, though it very well could have been it just does not say.

usually the children of Israel refer to all the people as of the children of god - but still this instance does not say for sure one way or the other the AGE of the woman's son.

NOW- whatc is amazing me is that you here that don't like what james post do not know where he is speaking of or from and you have to ask?????

explain to me why that is?

why should i or james know where such things are said and you do not?

Because if your going to debate scripture you best put it up there.

10 Now the son of an Israelite mother and an Egyptian father went out among the Israelites, and a fight broke out in the camp between him and an Israelite. 11 The son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the Name with a curse; so they brought him to Moses. (His mother's name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri the Danite.) 12 They put him in custody until the will of the LORD should be made clear to them.

13 Then the LORD said to Moses: 14 "Take the blasphemer outside the camp. All those who heard him are to lay their hands on his head, and the entire assembly is to stone him. 15 Say to the Israelites: 'If anyone curses his God, he will be held responsible; 16 anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death.

17 " 'If anyone takes the life of a human being, he must be put to death. 18 Anyone who takes the life of someone's animal must make restitution—life for life. 19 If anyone injures his neighbor, whatever he has done must be done to him: 20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured. 21 Whoever kills an animal must make restitution, but whoever kills a man must be put to death. 22 You are to have the same law for the alien and the native-born. I am the LORD your God.' "

Bottom line is in the old testament days.....When God was in the face of certain people (Moses) and others and the people didn't listen they paid the price......right or wrong in your eyes will not or does not change that fact.

Now also remember that when Christ died for our sins it took the mosiac (Old testament law) and it no longer applied.

tribo's photo
Mon 07/21/08 05:27 PM

Because if your going to debate scripture you best put it up there.


what i stated is why did eljay and others here not know where this was said!!

why should i have to be the one to post this info?

you love to copy and post pages of scripture, yet when it comes to what james stated - you don't know where it is?

c'mon deb, get serious. I doubt you knew where it was till i posted it.

don't get all holier than thou on me about it!

if anything you should be the one's posting the word - not I !!

I'll make sure i don't make this mistake agian, you can hunt for it next time.:angry:

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 07/21/08 05:38 PM


Because if your going to debate scripture you best put it up there.


what i stated is why did eljay and others here not know where this was said!!

why should i have to be the one to post this info?

you love to copy and post pages of scripture, yet when it comes to what james stated - you don't know where it is?

c'mon deb, get serious. I doubt you knew where it was till i posted it.

don't get all holier than thou on me about it!

if anything you should be the one's posting the word - not I !!

I'll make sure i don't make this mistake agian, you can hunt for it next time.:angry:

Thats why if I debate scripture I put it out their......when they referred to stoning the children......that was confusing....Now the son of an Israelite mother and an Egyptian father. Then I thought about it for a bit....and had a light bulb moment...because it doesn't say children in the sense they used it. Well actually not true tribo I just had to think in laymans terms of how and what they were trying to say. Also if your going to debate scripture then yes it is your resposibility to put out what your debating....I don't like to guess or try and think of what your saying....if it's out there then I can tell you my take on it.

If it is something I bring up then I by golly back it up with scripture...but most of the time I put it in a way that all will understand it.....not make it a puzzle..And holier then thou.....a lil judging there I would say.......again tribo if you want to keep the peace then take your own advise....I was just stating that if your going to talk about then put it all out there so that all can understand.

tribo's photo
Mon 07/21/08 06:00 PM


Because if your going to debate scripture you best put it up there.


what i stated is why did eljay and others here not know where this was said!!

why should i have to be the one to post this info?

you love to copy and post pages of scripture, yet when it comes to what james stated - you don't know where it is?

c'mon deb, get serious. I doubt you knew where it was till i posted it.

don't get all holier than thou on me about it!

if anything you should be the one's posting the word - not I !!

I'll make sure i don't make this mistake agian, you can hunt for it next time.:angry:

Thats why if I debate scripture I put it out their......when they referred to stoning the children......that was confusing....Now the son of an Israelite mother and an Egyptian father. Then I thought about it for a bit....and had a light bulb moment...because it doesn't say children in the sense they used it. Well actually not true tribo I just had to think in laymans terms of how and what they were trying to say. Also if your going to debate scripture then yes it is your resposibility to put out what your debating....I don't like to guess or try and think of what your saying....if it's out there then I can tell you my take on it.

If it is something I bring up then I by golly back it up with scripture...but most of the time I put it in a way that all will understand it.....not make it a puzzle..And holier then thou.....a lil judging there I would say.......again tribo if you want to keep the peace then take your own advise....I was just stating that if your going to talk about then put it all out there so that all can understand.


Because if your going to debate scripture "you best" put it up there


that to me is an order deb!!

if you want to keep the peace then rephrase your statements so they do not sound like threats.

very easy to say -> Because if your going to debate scripture in my opinion, or i think; or i feel; , it would make it simpler, easier, take less time to look at it and comment back to you on this matter that your talking of here gigglesnort, hee hee, etc.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:08 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Mon 07/21/08 07:09 PM


Because if your going to debate scripture you best put it up there.


what i stated is why did eljay and others here not know where this was said!!

why should i have to be the one to post this info?

you love to copy and post pages of scripture, yet when it comes to what james stated - you don't know where it is?

c'mon deb, get serious. I doubt you knew where it was till i posted it.

don't get all holier than thou on me about it!

if anything you should be the one's posting the word - not I !!

I'll make sure i don't make this mistake agian, you can hunt for it next time.:angry:

Thats why if I debate scripture I put it out their......when they referred to stoning the children......that was confusing....Now the son of an Israelite mother and an Egyptian father. Then I thought about it for a bit....and had a light bulb moment...because it doesn't say children in the sense they used it. Well actually not true tribo I just had to think in laymans terms of how and what they were trying to say. Also if your going to debate scripture then yes it is your resposibility to put out what your debating....I don't like to guess or try and think of what your saying....if it's out there then I can tell you my take on it.

If it is something I bring up then I by golly back it up with scripture...but most of the time I put it in a way that all will understand it.....not make it a puzzle..And holier then thou.....a lil judging there I would say.......again tribo if you want to keep the peace then take your own advise....I was just stating that if your going to talk about then put it all out there so that all can understand.


Because if your going to debate scripture "you best" put it up there


that to me is an order deb!!

if you want to keep the peace then rephrase your statements so they do not sound like threats.

very easy to say -> Because if your going to debate scripture in my opinion, or i think; or i feel; , it would make it simpler, easier, take less time to look at it and comment back to you on this matter that your talking of here gigglesnort, hee hee, etc.

A threat would be to say do it or I will hurt ya....I am jsut saying if people want to debate scripture then put it up there as it is written, not their way or paraphraising it.. I always have a bible right here....not a problem for me...when it is my subject I put it there....is that to much to ask for someone doing the same...especially when they are re-writing it.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:18 PM
I don't see any use in debating scripture. As far as I'm concerned it's so obvious that it can't possibly be the word of an all-wise, all-powerful, all-loving, all-perfect, unchanging creator that anyone who can't see that on their own probably isn't going to be able to see it anyway.

Especially when they continually make excuses for contradiction after contradiction after contradiction after contradiction,... forever.

It's ridiculous. Clearly they want to believe it at all cost.

So let them believe it.

Just let them also know that I'm not buying into it. And I'll be glad to point out why to anyone who is interested in why it can't possible be the word of an all-wise, all-powerful, all-perfect God. :wink:

Those who want to believe it in the face of all the self-inconsitencies and contradictions that are in it probably desperately need to believe in something anyway, so why take away their security blanket?

People don't seem to have the ablity to believe in God without using ancient myths as a crutch.

I have no problem believing in God in spite of the fact that I believe all ancient myths are just that, manmade myths.

Now who really has more 'faith' in God?

Those who need to worship ancient stories?

Or those who can believe in God directly without any need to have other people define God for them?

tribo's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:43 PM


Because if your going to debate scripture "you best" put it up there


that to me is an order deb!!

if you want to keep the peace then rephrase your statements so they do not sound like threats.

very easy to say -> Because if your going to debate scripture in my opinion, or i think; or i feel; , it would make it simpler, easier, take less time to look at it and comment back to you on this matter that your talking of here gigglesnort, hee hee, etc.

A threat would be to say do it or I will hurt ya....I am jsut saying if people want to debate scripture then put it up there as it is written, not their way or paraphraising it.. I always have a bible right here....not a problem for me...when it is my subject I put it there....is that to much to ask for someone doing the same...especially when they are re-writing it.
Edited by feralcatlady on Mon 07/21/08 07:09 PM


well i cant say you insinuated physical harm - but - "you best" put it up there
does have a close ring to it - don't you agree? you best or you better - insinuates there is a penalty to be paid for not doing so, or a threat of something happening if you do not do as one orders you to - correct?

as to whether it's to much to ask of others to have the bible and or scripture ready to copy and paste or by other means, let's look at that.

I don't own a bible haven't for 20+ yrs. i do, when i have found it necessary to borrow my sisters - (a born again, spirit filled, lover of jesus and his book.)and also her strongs concordence, just to try and answer back what people say. but unlike you or others it is not here beside me. Nor do i want it beside me.

if you find me taking something out of context, then i will look into it - except for futurist garble - hahaha - but do not expect others to be like you on this, we have other books or writings or beliefs or holdings that have little or nothing to do with yours. That would be like you making a statement about are ways being screwed up because you briefly read something about what was mentioned on here and misquoted it to us and we getting mad at you because you just were off the wall with your statements. and one of us stating back to you - well - you'll never understand till your ready to accept the Holigraphic matrix, you can't understand it from where your at deb, we will pray for you that some day you will recieve the holi matrix to live inside you and then you will understand all we talk about. But until then we wil ask the matrix to change your mind and accept this one and only truth, may the peace of the creative source be with you.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

c'mon deb, lighten up, you dog hatin cat lover you. :tongue:

spreid's photo
Mon 07/21/08 11:46 PM
The bible is not God's word. The bible is the interpretation of what men believe to be god's word. I will accept the possibility that there might be an infallible god even though it seems very unlikely. I can not accept the possibility of any man or group of men being able to fully understand gods desires and wishes. I think a lot of what is defined as sin in the bible was written to further the agenda of the writers and is not gods law.


forsaken_knight's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:00 AM
frustrated as far as im concerned the only realy sin people got to worry about its lieing to one's self aka lieing to your heart ect. but for me haha id say my sin is turning down sex cause dam if i dont regret it later. lol frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated aww the hell with it smokin

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:26 AM
I really would like for someone anyone to show where Yahshua said the OT Laws are not applipicable today..Done away.. This is a made up belief that has become tradition. The truth is in the sermon on the Mount he proclaimed it would be here as long as earth was here. Unless we live on Venus then the law is still inforce. It was always spiritual. Yahsua said himself he did not bring anything new. He just explained and showed the law of the Elite were holding down the people. The handwriting that is against us. Is not Yahweh's law it is the commentary that Rabbi's made to go futher than the law making them the only ones who could interpret it,

This is the same thing we have today.. Commentary's that tell you what the word says/

If you believe them then you deny the Holy Spirit is caplable of teaching you.

For the prophet said every man will not teach his nieghbor Know Yahweh.. For they all will//

How through that spirit you claim you have..

The cloven tongue of fire is Yahweh's word. Consuming all that will go against the spirit of truth/

Get rid of all your pagan customs or at least do not put it as if it is ordained by Yahweh/

For all those customs are between the porch and the alter looking at the rising sun.
Turning thier backs on Yahweh

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 07:31 AM

The bible is not God's word. The bible is the interpretation of what men believe to be god's word. I will accept the possibility that there might be an infallible god even though it seems very unlikely. I can not accept the possibility of any man or group of men being able to fully understand gods desires and wishes. I think a lot of what is defined as sin in the bible was written to further the agenda of the writers and is not gods law.


Religion is man's work and his pure imagination .
If God exists , it will be impossible to man to comprehend his existence .

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 07:31 AM
Edited by paul40 on Tue 07/22/08 07:31 AM
Double Post .

tribo's photo
Tue 07/22/08 07:51 AM
Edited by tribo on Tue 07/22/08 07:52 AM

I really would like for someone anyone to show where Yahshua said the OT Laws are not applicable today..Done away.. This is a made up belief that has become tradition. The truth is in the sermon on the Mount he proclaimed it would be here as long as earth was here. Unless we live on Venus then the law is still in force. It was always spiritual. Yahsua said himself he did not bring anything new. He just explained and showed the law of the Elite were holding down the people. The handwriting that is against us. Is not Yahweh's law it is the commentary that Rabbi's made to go further than the law making them the only ones who could interpret it,

This is the same thing we have today.. Commentary's that tell you what the word says/

If you believe them then you deny the Holy Spirit is capable of teaching you.

For the prophet said every man will not teach his neighbor Know Yahweh.. For they all will//

How through that spirit you claim you have..

The cloven tongue of fire is Yahweh's word. Consuming all that will go against the spirit of truth/

Get rid of all your pagan customs or at least do not put it as if it is ordained by Yahweh/

For all those customs are between the porch and the alter looking at the rising sun.
Turning their backs on Yahweh

the Christians believe they are no longer under the law because of Christ stating that he was the fulfillment of the law miles, in other-words he was the supreme sacrifice and with him sacrificial things ended, now his atonement covers their sins, the law was given to show mankind they could not keep the law, Jesus strenghthened it to the Pharisees by telling them that even if they "thought" about braking the laws it was the same as breaking them, meaning no one could keep the law. his intentions were to make them realize that his sacrifice would cover all their sins if they would accept his free offer of grace which he provided by his sacrifice and death and Resurrection. That is why they believe the laws do not pertain to them anymore as to sacrificial systems of the old testament for now they can sin and have it forgiven by what Christ has done for them on the cross. They still must follow the laws but out of love and personal relationship with him through Christ who god looks at instead of the sinner, he only See's Christ and his atonement for mankind and not the individual only Christ bride. and when they commit a sin Jesus stands before god and pleads their case as "father, they are in me" and god says case dismissed. that's their take on it anyway as i was once taught.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 07/22/08 08:51 AM
This is the same thing we have today.. Commentary's that tell you what the word says/

If you believe them then you deny the Holy Spirit is caplable of teaching you.


The same is true for these yo-yo's who come onto the Internet claiming that only they have the correct understanding of the scriptures and they will "correct" everyone eles's misguided notions becasue they are "Full of Spirit".

Yeah right.

It think they're full of something else that begins with an "S" but only has four letters and doesn't spell "Spirit".

It is an oxymoron to tell other people that only the Holy Spirit can guide them whilst simultaneously claiming that they have the only correct interpretation of scripture. That's not only the epitome of arrogance and ego, but it's also blaspheme!

Eljay's photo
Tue 07/22/08 08:53 AM

the stoning of a child or young man is found in Leviticus along with the law set forth to stone any who cursed gods name.

chapter 24 the exact verses in question would be - 10 thru 14

but read the whole chapter to see audience relevance and why.

an Israelites son had blasphemed the name of your god and cursed, though it says not over what or why. all because of some unspoken striving between him and another Israelite.

the Children were the children of Israel, not necessarily young kids, though it very well could have been it just does not say.

usually the children of Israel refer to all the people as of the children of god - but still this instance does not say for sure one way or the other the AGE of the woman's son.

NOW- whatc is amazing me is that you here that don't like what james post do not know where he is speaking of or from and you have to ask?????

explain to me why that is?

why should i or james know where such things are said and you do not?

I didn't make any claim to not know where these things were - why would you think that? Perhaps your perception is off, eh? You "read into my post" that I didn't know where it was.

Are you getting my point here?

Eljay's photo
Tue 07/22/08 08:56 AM

The bible is not God's word. The bible is the interpretation of what men believe to be god's word. I will accept the possibility that there might be an infallible god even though it seems very unlikely. I can not accept the possibility of any man or group of men being able to fully understand gods desires and wishes. I think a lot of what is defined as sin in the bible was written to further the agenda of the writers and is not gods law.


I assume that you also think that God is incapable of communicating with man as well.

What exactly do you think God is capable of?

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